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10 | \begin{document}
11 |
12 | \title{Title}
13 | \author[1]{O. Blanch}
14 | \affil[1]{IFAE, Barcelona, Spain}
15 | \author[2]{H. Kornmayer}
16 | \affil[2]{Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik, M\"unchen, Germany}
17 | \author[3]{J.C. Gonzalez}
18 | \affil[3]{Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain}
19 |
20 | \correspondence{H. Kornmayer (h.kornmayer@web.de)}
21 |
22 | \firstpage{1}
23 | \pubyear{2001}
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25 | % \titleheight{11cm} % uncomment and adjust in case your title block
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28 | \maketitle
29 |
30 | \begin{abstract}
31 | For the understanding of a large Cherenkov telescope a detailed
32 | simulation of air showers and of the detector response are
33 | unavoidable. Such a simulation must take into account the development
34 | of air showers in the atmosphere, the reflectivity of the mirrors,
35 | the response of photo detectors
36 | and the influence of both the light of night sky and the light of
37 | bright stars.
38 | A detailed study will be presented.
39 | \end{abstract}
40 |
41 | \section{Introduction}
42 |
43 | In this year the construction of the the $17~\mathrm{m}$ diameter
44 | Che\-ren\-kov telescope called MAGIC will be finished. The aim of this
45 | detector is the observation of $\gamma$-ray sources in the
46 | enery region above $\approx 10~\mathrm{TeV}$.
47 | The size of the telesope mirros will be around $250~\mathrm{m^2}$.
48 | The air showers induced by cosmic ray particles (hadrons and gammas)
49 | will be detected with a "classical" camera consisting of 577
50 | photomultiplier tubes (PMT). The analog signals of these PMTs will
51 | be recorded by a FADC system running with a frequency of
52 | $f = 333~\mathrm{MHz}$.
53 | The readout of the FADCs by a dedicated trigger system containing
54 | different trigger levels.
55 |
56 | The goal of the trigger system is to reject the hadronic cosmic ray
57 | background from the gamma rays, for which a lower threshold is aimed.
58 | For a better understanding of the MAGIC telescope and its different
59 | systems (trigger, FADC) a detailed Monte Carlo (MC) study is
60 | unavoidable. Such an study has to take into account the simulation
61 | of air showers, the effect of absorption in the atmosphere, the
62 | behaviour of the PMTs and the response of the trigger and FADC
63 | system.
64 | For a big telescope like MAGIC there is an additional source of
65 | noise, which is the light of the night sky. As a rude assumption
66 | there will be around 50 stars with magnitude $m \le 9$ in the
67 | field of view of the camera. So one other game of this
68 | study is to invent methods to become rid of the light from
69 | stars.
70 |
71 | Here we present the first results of such an investigation.
72 |
73 | \section{Generation of MC data samples}
74 |
75 | The simulation of the MAGIC telescope is seperated in a
76 | subsequent chain of smaller simulation parts. First the
77 | air showers are simulated with the
78 | CORSIKA program \citep{hk95}.
79 | In the next step we simulate the reflection of the
80 | Cherenkov photons on the mirror dish.
81 | Then the behaviour of the PMTs is simulated and the
82 | response of the trigger and FADC system is generated.
83 | In the followin subsections you find a more precise
84 | description of all the programs.
85 |
86 | \subsection{Air shower simulation}
87 |
88 | The simulation of gammas and of hadrons is done with
89 | the CORSIKA program, version ????.
90 | For the simulation of hadronic
91 | showers we use the VENUS model. We simulate showers
92 | for different zenith angles
93 | ($\Theta = 0^\circ, 5^\circ, 10^\circ, 15^\circ,
94 | 20^\circ, 25^\circ $).
95 | Gammas where simulated like a point source
96 | whereas the hadrons are simulated isotropic around
97 | the given zenith angle. We found that hadronic showers
98 | have also for big impact parameters $I$ a non-zero
99 | probability to trigger the telescope. Therefore we
100 | simulate hadrons with $I < 400~\mathrm{m}$ and gammas
101 | with $I < 200~\mathrm{m}$.
102 | The number of generated showers can be found in table
103 | \ref{tab_showers}.
104 | %
105 | %
106 | %
107 | \begin{table}[b]
108 | \begin{center}
109 | \begin{tabular}{|c||r|r||}
110 | \hline
111 | zenith angle & gammas & protons \\
112 | \hline \hline
113 | $\Theta = 0^\circ$ & & \\
114 | $\Theta = 5^\circ$ & & \\
115 | $\Theta = 10^\circ$ & & \\
116 | $\Theta = 15^\circ$ & & $\approx 5 \cdot 10^6$ \\
117 | $\Theta = 20^\circ$ & & \\
118 | $\Theta = 25^\circ$ & & \\
119 | \hline
120 | \end{tabular}
121 | \end{center}
122 | \caption {Number of generated showers}
123 | \label{tab_showers}
124 | \end{table}
125 | %
126 | %
127 | %
128 | For each simulated shower all
129 | Cherenkov photons hitting the groud at observation level
130 | close to the telesope position are stored.
131 |
132 | \subsection{mirror simulation}
133 |
134 | The output of the air shower simualition is used
135 | as the input to the mirror simulation. But before
136 | simulating the mirror themself, one has to take the
137 | absorption in the atmosphere into account. For each
138 | Cherenkov photon the height of production and
139 | the wavelength is known. Taking the Rayleigh and
140 | Mie scattering into account one is able to calculate
141 | the effect of absorption in the atmosphere.
142 | The next step in the simulation is the reflection of
143 | the Cherenkov photons on the mirrors. Therefore one
144 | has to define in that step the pointing of the
145 | telescope. Each photon hitting one of the mirrors will
146 | be tracked to the camera plane. Here we take an
147 | reflectivity of around 90\% into account.
148 | All Cherenkov photons reaching the camera plane will be
149 | stored.
150 |
151 | \subsection{camera simulation}
152 |
153 | The camera simulates the behaviour of the PMTs and the
154 | electronics of the trigger and FADC system. After the
155 | pixelisation we take the wavelength dependent quantum
156 | efficiency (QE) for each PMT into account.
157 | In figure \ref{fig_qe}
158 | the QE of a typical MAGIC PMT is shown.
159 | %
160 | %
161 | %
162 | \begin{figure}[hb]
163 | \vspace*{2.0mm} % just in case for shifting the figure slightly down
164 | \includegraphics[width=8.3cm]{qe_123.eps} % .eps for Latex,
165 | % pdfLatex allows .pdf, .jpg, .png and .tif
166 | \caption{quantum efficency of the PMT for pixel 123}
167 | \label{fig_qe}
168 | \end{figure}
169 | %
170 | %
171 | %
172 | For each photo electron (PE) leaving the photo cathod we
173 | generate a "standard" response function that we add to
174 | the analog signal of that PMT - seperatly for the
175 | trigger and the FADC system.
176 | At the present these response function are gaussians with
177 | a given width.
178 | The amplitude of the response function is randomized
179 | by using the function of figure \ref{fig_ampl}.
180 | By superimpose all photons of one pixel an by taking
181 | the arrival time into account we get the response
182 | of the trigger and FADC system for that pixel (see
183 | also figure \ref{fig_starlight}).
184 | This is done for all pixels in the camera.
185 |
186 | Then the simulation of the trigger electronic is applied.
187 | We look in the generated analog signal if the discriminator
188 | threshold is achieved. If yes we will create a digital output
189 | signal for that pixels. Then we decided if a first level trigger
190 | occurs by looking for next neighbour (NN)conditions at a given
191 | time. If a given NN condition (Multiplicity, Topology, ...)
192 | is fullfilled, a first level trigger is generated and the
193 | content of the FADC system is written to disk. An triggered
194 | event is generated.
195 | %
196 | %
197 | %
198 | \begin{figure}[t]
199 | \vspace*{2.0mm} % just in case for shifting the figure slightly down
200 | \includegraphics[width=8.3cm]{ampldist.eps} % .eps for Latex,
201 | % pdfLatex allows .pdf, .jpg, .png and .tif
202 | \caption{The distibution of amplitude of the standard response function.}
203 | \label{fig_ampl}
204 | \end{figure}
205 | %
206 | %
207 | %
208 |
209 |
210 | \section{Results}
211 |
212 | \subsection{Trigger studies}
213 |
214 | \subsubsection{Collection area}
215 |
216 | \subsubsection{Threshold of MAGIC telescope}
217 |
218 | \subsubsection{Expected rates}
219 |
220 | \section{Conclusion}
221 |
222 | \begin{acknowledgements}
223 | Acknow text.
224 | \end{acknowledgements}
225 |
226 | \appendix
227 |
228 | \section{Appendix section 1}
229 |
230 | Text in appendix.
231 |
232 | \begin{thebibliography}{99}
233 |
234 | \bibitem[Heck and Knapp(1995)]{hk95}
235 | Heck, D. and Knapp J., CORSIKA Manual, 1995.
236 |
237 | \bibitem[Abramovitz and Stegun(1964)]{as64}
238 | Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. A., Handbook of Mathematical Functions,
239 | U. S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington D. C., 1964.
240 |
241 | \bibitem[Aref(1983)]{a83}
242 | Aref, H., Integrable, chaotic, and turbulent vortex motion in
243 | two-dimensional flows, Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech., 15, 345--389, 1983.
244 |
245 | \end{thebibliography}
246 |
247 | \end{document}