1 | #!/usr/bin/python
2 | #
3 | # Werner Lustermann
4 | # ETH Zurich
5 | #
6 |
7 | from ROOT import TH1F, TFile, TObjArray
8 | import numpy as np
9 |
10 |
11 | class histogramList( object ):
12 | """ maintain a list of ROOT histograms """
13 |
14 | def __init__( self, name ):
15 | """ set the name and create empty lists """
16 | self.name = name # name of the list
17 | self.list = [] # list of the histograms
18 | self.dict = {} # dictionary of histograms
19 | self.hList = TObjArray() # list of histograms for ROOT
20 |
21 | self.book()
22 |
23 | def __call__(self, tag, value):
24 | """ fill value in the correct histo """
25 |
26 | self.dict[tag].Fill(value)
27 |
28 | def __del__(self):
29 | for h in self.list:
30 | h.Delete()
31 |
32 | def add( self, tag, h ):
33 | self.list.append( h )
34 | self.dict[tag] = h
35 | self.hList.Add( h )
36 |
37 | def h1d( self, name, title, Nbin, first, last, xtitle, ytitle ):
38 |
39 | h = TH1F( name, title, Nbin, first, last );
40 | h.GetXaxis().SetTitle( xtitle );
41 | h.GetYaxis().SetTitle( ytitle );
42 |
43 | # print 'self.add( ',name, ',', h, ' )'
44 | self.add( name, h )
45 |
46 | def book( self ):
47 | """ booking of histograms
48 |
49 | to be overwritten by the user with hist own definitions
50 | """
51 | # print 'histogramList::book'
52 | pass
53 |
54 |
55 | class hist( object ):
56 | """
57 | Use numpy histogram function for histogram filling
58 | Allows multiple calls for a single histogram
59 | Create ROOT histo
60 | """
61 | def __init__( self, name, title, nbins, first, last,
62 | xtitle = 'x', ytitle = 'y' ):
63 |
64 | self.nbins = nbins
65 | self.first = first
66 | self.last = last
67 | self.name = name
68 | self.title = title
69 | self.xtitle = xtitle
70 | self.ytitle = ytitle
71 | self.y = np.zeros( self.nbins ) # initialize all bins to ZERO
72 |
73 | self.rh = 0
74 |
75 | def fill( self, x ):
76 | h, b = np.histogram( x, self.nbins, (self.first,self.last) )
77 | self.b = b
78 | self.y += h
79 |
80 | def __call__(self, x):
81 | self.fill(x)
82 |
83 |
84 | def zero( self ):
85 | self.y[:] = 0.
86 |
87 | def mkroot( self ):
88 |
89 | if self.rh == 0:
90 | self.rh = TH1F( self.name, self.title, self.nbins,
91 | self.first, self.last )
92 | self.rh.GetXaxis().SetTitle( self.xtitle );
93 | self.rh.GetYaxis().SetTitle( self.ytitle );
94 |
95 | for i in range( self.nbins ):
96 | self.rh.SetBinContent( i+1, self.y[i] )
97 |
98 |
99 | class hist_array( object ):
100 | """ array of 1d histograms data
101 |
102 | y : np.array( nhist, nbins ), each row is representing a 1d histogram
103 |
104 | all histograms have identical binning
105 | histogramming of data vectors is done using np.histogram
106 |
107 | creating of ROOT histograms is optional
108 | """
109 | def __init__( self, nhist, nbins, first, last, name = 'name',
110 | title = 'title', xtitle = 'x', ytitle = 'y', root = True):
111 | """ store histogram info and initialize data array
112 | nhist : number of histograms
113 | nbins : number of bins in a histogram
114 | first : first bin
115 | last : last bin
116 | name : name of the histogram
117 | title : title of the histogram
118 | xtitle : label for the x axe
119 | ytitle : label for the y axe
120 |
121 | y : np.array( nhist, nbins ), each row is representing a 1d histogram
122 | """
123 | self.nhist = nhist
124 | self.nbins = nbins
125 | self.first = first
126 | self.last = last
127 | self.name = name
128 | self.title = title
129 | self.xtitle = xtitle
130 | self.ytitle = ytitle
131 |
132 | t = np.zeros( self.nhist * self.nbins ) # initialize array ZERO
133 | self.y = t.reshape( nhist, nbins ) # shape array of histograms
134 |
135 | # creating of ROOT histograms
136 | if root == True:
137 | self.bookRootHistos()
138 | else:
139 | self.list = 0
140 |
141 | def __del__(self):
142 | """ delete the ROOT histogram objects """
143 |
144 | for h in self.list:
145 | h.Delete()
146 |
147 | def fill( self, hist, x ):
148 | """ compute histogram for new data and add them to existing histogram
149 |
150 | hist : index of the histogram { 0:nhist }
151 | x : data vector
152 | """
153 |
154 | h, b = np.histogram( x, self.nbins, ( self.first, self.last ),
155 | new = True )
156 | self.y[ hist ] += h
157 |
158 | def fillall( self, x ):
159 | """ compute all histograms for now data array and add them to existing histograms
160 |
161 | x : np.array( nhist, nbins ), data array in the shape of the histogram array
162 | """
163 | for hist in range( self.nhist ):
164 | self.fill( hist, x[hist, :] )
165 |
166 | def zero( self ):
167 | """ set histogram array to ZERO
168 | """
169 | self.y.flat[:] = 0.
170 |
171 | def bookRootHistos( self ):
172 | """ book ROOT histograms equivalent to the histogram array
173 |
174 | self:
175 | list : list containing the ROOT histogram objects
176 | hList : ROOT TObjArray containing all histograms
177 | """
178 | self.list = [ x for x in range( self.nhist ) ]
179 | self.hList = TObjArray()
180 |
181 | for hist in range( self.nhist ):
182 |
183 | hname = self.name + ' ' + str( hist )
184 | htitle = self.title + ' ' + str( hist )
185 | self.list[hist] = TH1F( hname, htitle,
186 | self.nbins, self.first, self.last )
187 |
188 | self.list[hist].GetXaxis().SetTitle( self.xtitle )
189 | self.list[hist].GetYaxis().SetTitle( self.ytitle )
190 | self.hList.Add( self.list[hist] )
191 |
192 | def SetBinContent( self ):
193 | """ set the ROOT contents
194 | """
195 | if self.list == 0:
196 | print 'no root histograms booked'
197 | else:
198 | for hist in range( self.nhist ):
199 | for i in range( self.nbins ):
200 | self.list[hist].SetBinContent( i+1, self.y[hist, i] )
201 |
202 |
203 | def SaveHistograms( histogramLists, fname = 'histo.root', opt = 'RECREATE' ):
204 | """
205 | Saves all histograms in all given histogram lists to a root file
206 | Each histogram list is saved to a separate directory
207 | """
208 | rf = TFile( fname, opt)
209 |
210 | for list in histogramLists:
211 | rf.mkdir( list.name )
212 | rf.cd( list.name )
213 | list.hList.Write()
214 |
215 | rf.Close()