source: trunk/DataCheck/ 12980

Last change on this file since 12980 was 12980, checked in by Daniela Dorner, 13 years ago
unified method to get dates to be processed
  • Property svn:executable set to *
File size: 14.7 KB
3# missing:
4# vferify of files
5# only treat file if it is there
7# mjd of 1970-01-01
8# needed in this script as for 1 day the mjd in the aux files are inconsistent
9# mjdref=40587
11# known:
12# 2011/11/22 MJDREF in DRIVE empty, Time > 55000
13# 2011/11/23 MJDREF in DRIVE not empty, Time > 55000
14# 2011/11/24 MJDREF in DRIVE not empty, Time > 15000
15# raw files
16# 2011/11/21 no MJDREF
17# 2011/11/22 MJDREF
18# further things:
20# trigger rate has as first value -1, but with using the median it should be fine
22# option
23doupdate="yes" # update all entries (needed when new fields have been added)
24doupdate="no" # fill only entries which are not yet existing (default)
26source `dirname $0`/
27printprocesslog "INFO starting $0 with option doupdate="$doupdate
30date >> $logfile
32function getfitsstatistics()
34 # $1 filename
35 # $2 colname
36 # $3 tstart
37 # $4 tstop
38 good=
39 min=
40 mean=
41 median=
42 max=
43 tmpfile=`dirname $0`/`basename $1`.tmp
44 echo "ftcopy $1'[col Time]' - | ftstat - | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o [0-9]+[.] | sed -e 's/[.]//g'" >> $logfile
45 timefromfile=`ftcopy $1'[col Time]' - 2>>$logfile | ftstat - 2>>$logfile | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o [0-9]+[.] | sed -e 's/[.]//g'`
46 if [ $timefromfile -gt 30000 ]
47 then
48 echo "ftcopy $1'[Time - 40587> '${3}' && Time - 40587< '${4}' ][col '${2}';Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col '${2}']' - | ftstat -" >> $logfile
49 #ftcopy $1'[Time - 40587> '${3}' && Time - 40587< '${4}' ][col '${2}';Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col '${2}']' - | ftstat -
50 ftcopy $1'[Time - 40587> '${3}' && Time - 40587< '${4}' ][col '${2}';Time]' - 2>>$logfile | ftcopy -'[col '${2}']' - 2>>$logfile | ftstat - 2>>$logfile > $tmpfile
51 else
52 echo "ftcopy $1'[Time> '${3}' && Time< '${4}' ][col '${2}';Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col '${2}']' - | ftstat -" >> $logfile
53 #ftcopy $1'[Time> '${3}' && Time< '${4}' ][col '${2}';Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col '${2}']' - | ftstat -
54 ftcopy $1'[Time> '${3}' && Time< '${4}' ][col '${2}';Time]' - 2>>$logfile | ftcopy -'[col '${2}']' - 2>>$logfile | ftstat - 2>>$logfile > $tmpfile
55 fi
56 good=`cat $tmpfile | grep 'good' | grep -E -o '[-]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
57 min=`cat $tmpfile | grep 'min' | grep -E -o '[-]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
58 mean=`cat $tmpfile | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o '[-]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
59 median=`cat $tmpfile | grep 'median' | grep -E -o '[-]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
60 max=`cat $tmpfile | grep 'max' | grep -E -o '[-]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
61 if [ "$good" = "" ]
62 then
63 printprocesslog "WARN couldn't get statistics from file $1 for run $date $file"
64 rm $tmpfile
65 finish
66 fi
67 #echo "good: "$good
68 #echo "min: "$min
69 #echo "max: "$max
70 #echo "mean: "$max
71 #echo "median: "$max
72 rm $tmpfile
75# setup to use ftools
76source $HEADAS/
78pwfile=`dirname $0`/.pw
79password=`cat $pwfile 2>/dev/null`
80if [ "$password" == "" ]
82 echo "please insert password in $pwfile"
83 printprocesslog "ERROR password for DB access in $pwfile missing"
84 finish
87# check if software is available
88if ! ls $factpath/fitsdump >/dev/null 2>&1
90 printprocesslog "ERROR "$factpath"/fitsdump is not available."
91 finish
95# get last 3 nights
96dates=( `date +%Y/%m/%d --date="-12hour"` `date +%Y/%m/%d --date="-36hour"` `date +%Y/%m/%d --date="-60hour"` )
97#dates=( `find $ziprawdata -mindepth 3 -type d | sort | sed "s/\${ziprawdata_for_sed}//g" | sed -e 's/^\///'` ) #all available dates in /loc_data/zipraw
98printprocesslog "INFO processing the following night(s): "${dates[@]}
99echo `date`": processing the following night(s): "${dates[@]} >> $logfile 2>&1
101# do filling of aux data
102for date in ${dates[@]}
104 auxdir=$auxdata/$date
105 runnumber=`echo $date | sed -e 's/\///g'`
107 # check if aux files are available from that night
108 if ! [ -d $auxdir ]
109 then
110 printprocesslog "INFO no data available in "$auxdir
111 continue
112 else
113 printprocesslog "INFO processing files in "$auxdir
114 fi
116 # get file numbers from DB
117 # but only for not-corrupted files
118 query="SELECT fRunID from RunInfo WHERE fNight="$runnumber" AND fFitsFileErrors=0 "
119 printprocesslog "DEBUG get filenumbers from DB: QUERY: "$query
120 filenumbers=( `sendquery $query` )
121 if [ ${#filenumbers} -eq 0 ]
122 then
123 printprocesslog "INFO No files found in the DB for night "$date
124 continue
125 fi
127 # get daily fits files
128 trackingfile=$auxdir/$runnumber.DRIVE_CONTROL_TRACKING_POSITION.fits
129 if ! [ -e $trackingfile ]
130 then
131 printprocesslog "WARN "$trackingfile" not found."
132 else
133 tracknumerrors=`fverify $trackingfile 2>/dev/null | grep -o '[0-9][ ]error(s)' | grep -E -o '[0-9]'`
134 if [ $tracknumerrors -gt 0 ]
135 then
136 printprocesslog "WARN for $trackingfile fverify returned "$tracknumerrors" error(s)."
137 fi
138 fi
140 triggerratefile=$auxdir/$runnumber.FTM_CONTROL_TRIGGER_RATES.fits
141 if ! [ -e $triggerratefile ]
142 then
143 printprocesslog "WARN "$triggerratefile" not found."
144 else
145 trignumerrors=`fverify $triggerratefile 2>/dev/null | grep -o '[0-9][ ]error(s)' | grep -E -o '[0-9]'`
146 if [ $trignumerrors -gt 0 ]
147 then
148 printprocesslog "WARN for $triggerratefile fverify returned "$trignumerrors" error(s)."
149 fi
150 fi
152 thresholdfile=$auxdir/$runnumber.FTM_CONTROL_STATIC_DATA.fits
153 if ! [ -e $thresholdfile ]
154 then
155 printprocesslog "WARN "$thresholdfile" not found."
156 else
157 treshnumerrors=`fverify $thresholdfile 2>/dev/null | grep -o '[0-9][ ]error(s)' | grep -E -o '[0-9]'`
158 if [ $treshnumerrors -gt 0 ]
159 then
160 printprocesslog "WARN for $thresholdfile fverify returned "$treshnumerrors" error(s)."
161 fi
162 fi
164 biasvoltagefile=$auxdir/$runnumber.BIAS_CONTROL_VOLTAGE.fits
165 if ! [ -e $biasvoltagefile ]
166 then
167 printprocesslog "WARN "$biasvoltagefile" not found."
168 else
169 biasnumerrors=`fverify $biasvoltagefile 2>/dev/null | grep -o '[0-9][ ]error(s)' | grep -E -o '[0-9]'`
170 if [ $biasnumerrors -gt 0 ]
171 then
172 printprocesslog "WARN for $biasvoltagefile fverify returned "$biasnumerrors" error(s)."
173 fi
174 fi
176 # fill auxiliary information for files
177 for filenum in ${filenumbers[@]}
178 do
179 printprocesslog "INFO processing file number "$runnumber"_"`printf %03d $filenum`
180 echo `date`": processing file number "$runnumber"_"`printf %03d $filenum` >> $logfile 2>&1
181 # get information from rawfile
182 rawfile=$ziprawdata/$date/$runnumber"_"`printf %03d $filenum`.fits.gz
183 if ! [ -e $rawfile ]
184 then
185 printprocesslog "ERROR: "$rawfile" not found."
186 continue
187 fi
188 #checkfitsfile=`fverify $rawfile 2>/dev/null | grep '0 error(s)'`
189 #if [ "$checkfitsfile" == "" ]
190 #then
191 # numfitserrors=1
192 # printprocesslog "WARN: "$rawfile" probably corrupted."
193 # continue
194 #fi
195 runtype=`$factpath/fitsdump -h -t Events $rawfile 2>/dev/null | grep RUNTYPE | grep -E -o "['][a-z-]+[']" | sed -e "s/'//g"`
196 mjdrefraw=`$factpath/fitsdump -h -t Events $rawfile 2>/dev/null | grep 'MJDREF' | grep -E -o '[0-9]{5}'`
197 tstarti=`$factpath/fitsdump -h -t Events $rawfile 2>/dev/null | grep 'TSTARTI' | grep -E -o '[0-9]{5}'`
198 tstartf=`$factpath/fitsdump -h -t Events $rawfile 2>/dev/null | grep 'TSTARTF' | grep -E -o '0[.][0-9]+'`
199 tstopi=`$factpath/fitsdump -h -t Events $rawfile 2>/dev/null | grep 'TSTOPI' | grep -E -o '[0-9]{5}'`
200 tstopf=`$factpath/fitsdump -h -t Events $rawfile 2>/dev/null | grep 'TSTOPF' | grep -E -o '0[.][0-9]+'`
201 if [ "$tstarti" == "" ] || [ "$tstopi" == "" ] || [ "$tstartf" == "" ] || [ "$tstopf" == "" ]
202 then
203 printprocesslog "WARN: "$rawfile": one of the following keywords is empty or 0: TSTARTI TSTARTF TSTOPI TSTOPF "
204 continue
205 fi
206 # assuming that at least TSTARTI and TSTOPI are consistent
207 #echo $rawfile
208 #echo $tstarti
209 #echo $tstopi
210 #echo $tstartf
211 #echo $tstopf
212 if [ $tstarti -gt 30000 ]
213 then
214 tstart=`echo " $tstarti + $tstartf - 40587 " | bc -l`
215 tstart2=`echo " $tstarti + $tstartf - 40587 - 0.00011574 " | bc -l` # 10 sec
216 #tstart2=`echo " $tstarti + $tstartf - 40587 - 0.000023148 " | bc -l` # 2 sec
217 tstop=`echo " $tstopi + $tstopf - 40587 " | bc -l`
218 else
219 tstart=`echo " $tstarti + $tstartf " | bc -l`
220 tstart2=`echo " $tstarti + $tstartf - 0.00011574 " | bc -l` # 10 sec
221 #tstart2=`echo " $tstarti + $tstartf - 0.000023148 " | bc -l` # 2 sec
222 tstop=`echo " $tstopi + $tstopf " | bc -l`
223 fi
224 #echo $tstart
225 #echo $tstop
226 #if [ $runnumber -eq 20111123 ]
227 #then
228 # # add mjdref for days were aux files were inconsistent
229 # tstart=`echo " $tstart + $mjdref " | bc -l`
230 # tstart2=`echo " $tstart2 + $mjdref " | bc -l`
231 # tstop=`echo " $tstop + $mjdref " | bc -l`
232 #fi
234 # build query to update runinfo in DB
235 query="UPDATE RunInfo SET "
237 # get information from tracking
238 if [ -e $trackingfile ] && [ $tracknumerrors -eq 0 ]
239 then
240 # RA
241 getfitsstatistics $trackingfile "Ra" $tstart $tstop
242 if [ "$min" == "$max" ] && [ $good -gt 0 ]
243 then
244 query=$query" fRightAscension="$mean
245 else
246 query=$query" fRightAscension=NULL"
247 if [ $good -gt 0 ]
248 then
249 printprocesslog "WARN for $rawfile RA changes within run (min: "$min", max: "$max")."
250 fi
251 fi
252 # Declination
253 getfitsstatistics $trackingfile "Dec" $tstart $tstop
254 if [ "$decmin" == "$decmax" ] && [ $good -gt 0 ]
255 then
256 query=$query", fDeclination="$mean
257 else
258 query=$query", fDeclination=NULL"
259 if [ $good -gt 0 ]
260 then
261 printprocesslog "WARN for $rawfile declination changes within run (min: "$min", max: "$max")."
262 fi
263 fi
264 # Zd
265 getfitsstatistics $trackingfile "Zd" $tstart $tstop
266 if [ $good -gt 0 ]
267 then
268 query=$query", fZenithDistanceMin="$min
269 query=$query", fZenithDistanceMean="$mean
270 query=$query", fZenithDistanceMax="$max
271 else
272 query=$query", fZenithDistanceMin=NULL"
273 query=$query", fZenithDistanceMean=NULL"
274 query=$query", fZenithDistanceMax=NULL"
275 fi
276 # Az
277 getfitsstatistics $trackingfile "Az" $tstart $tstop
278 if [ $good -gt 0 ]
279 then
280 query=$query", fAzimuthMin="$min
281 query=$query", fAzimuthMean="$mean
282 query=$query", fAzimuthMax="$max
283 else
284 query=$query", fAzimuthMin=NULL"
285 query=$query", fAzimuthMean=NULL"
286 query=$query", fAzimuthMax=NULL"
287 fi
288 else
289 query=$query" fRightAscension=NULL"
290 query=$query", fDeclination=NULL"
291 query=$query", fZenithDistanceMin=NULL"
292 query=$query", fZenithDistanceMean=NULL"
293 query=$query", fZenithDistanceMax=NULL"
294 query=$query", fAzimuthMin=NULL"
295 query=$query", fAzimuthMean=NULL"
296 query=$query", fAzimuthMax=NULL"
297 fi
299 # get information from trigger
300 if [ -e $triggerratefile ] && [ $trignumerrors -eq 0 ]
301 then
302 #echo " $triggerratefile TriggerRate $tstart $tstop"
303 getfitsstatistics $triggerratefile "TriggerRate" $tstart $tstop
304# if [ "$mjdreftrig" == "" ]
305# then
306# ratemin=`ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat - | grep 'min' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
307# ratemax=`ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat - | grep 'max' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
308# ratemean=`ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat - | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
309# ratemedian=`ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat - | grep 'median' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
310# else
311# ratemin=`ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat - | grep 'min' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
312# ratemax=`ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat - | grep 'max' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
313# ratemean=`ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat - | grep 'mean' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
314# ratemedian=`ftcopy $triggerratefile'[Time> '${tstart}' && Time< '${tstop}' && TriggerRate!=-1][col TriggerRate;Time]' - | ftcopy -'[col TriggerRate]' - | ftstat - | grep 'median' | grep -E -o '[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*'`
315# fi
316 if [ $good -gt 0 ]
317 then
318 query=$query", fTriggerRateMedian="$median
319 else
320 query=$query", fTriggerRateMedian=NULL"
321 fi
322 else
323 query=$query", fTriggerRateMedian=NULL"
324 fi
326 # get information from thresholds
327 if [ -e $thresholdfile ] && [ $treshnumerrors -eq 0 ]
328 then
329 getfitsstatistics $thresholdfile "PatchThresh" $tstart $tstop
330 if [ $good -eq 0 ]
331 then
332 getfitsstatistics $thresholdfile "PatchThresh" $tstart2 $tstop
333 fi
334 if [ $good -gt 0 ]
335 then
336 query=$query", fThresholdMedian="$median
337 else
338 query=$query", fThresholdMedian=NULL"
339 fi
340 else
341 query=$query", fThresholdMedian=NULL"
342 fi
344 # get information from bias: U
345 if [ -e $biasvoltagefile ] && [ $biasnumerrors -eq 0 ]
346 then
347 getfitsstatistics $biasvoltagefile "U" $tstart $tstop
348 if [ $good -eq 0 ]
349 then
350 getfitsstatistics $biasvoltagefile "U" $tstart2 $tstop
351 fi
352 if [ $good -gt 0 ]
353 then
354 query=$query", fBiasVoltageMedian="$median
355 else
356 query=$query", fBiasVoltageMedian=NULL"
357 fi
358 else
359 query=$query", fBiasVoltageMedian=NULL"
360 fi
362 # add where condition
363 query=$query" WHERE fNight="$runnumber" AND fRunID="$filenum
365 # send query to DB
366 sendquery >/dev/null
367 done
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