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37 | \title{Neuantrag auf Gew\"{a}hrung einer Sachbeihilfe\\Proposal for a new research project}
38 | \author{Prof.\ Dr.\ Karl\ Mannheim\\Prof.\ Dr.\ Dr.\ Wolfgang Rhode}
39 |
40 | \begin{document}
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42 | \maketitle
43 | \thispagestyle{empty}
44 | %\begin{figure}[ht]
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46 | \begin{center}
47 | \includegraphics*[width=0.496\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{DWARF.eps}
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56 | \section[1]{General Information (Allgemeine Angaben)}
57 |
58 | \subsection[1.1]{Applicants (Antragsteller)}
59 | \germanTeX
60 | \begin{tabular}{|p{0.44\textwidth}|p{0.22\textwidth}|p{0.22\textwidth}|}\hline
61 | {\bf Name}&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{\bf Akademischer Grad}\\
62 | {\sc Rhode, Wolfgang, Prof.~Dr.~Dr.}&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{Universit"atsprofessor (C3)}\\\hline\hline
63 | {\ }&{\bf Birthday}&{\bf Nationality}\\
64 | {\ }&Oct 17 1961&German\\\hline
65 | \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf Institut, Lehrstuhl}\\
66 | \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{Institut f"ur Physik}\\
67 | \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{Experimentelle Physik V (Astroteilchenphysik)}\\\hline
68 | {\bf Address at work }&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{\bf Home address}\\[0.5ex]
69 | {Universit"at Dortmund }&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{ }\\
70 | { }&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{Am Schilken 28 }\\
71 | {44221 Dortmund }&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{58285 Gevelsberg}\\
72 | {Germany }&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{Germany }\\[0.5ex]
73 | {\parbox[t]{1.5cm}{Phone:}+49\,(231)\,755-3550}&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{\parbox[t]{1.5cm}{Phone:}+49\,(173)\,284\,79\,10}\\
74 | {\parbox[t]{1.5cm}{Fax:}+49\,(231)\,755-4547}&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{~}\\\hline\hline
75 | \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{{\bf email}: wolfgang.rhode@udo.edu}\\\hline
76 |
77 | \multicolumn{3}{c}{~}\\[1ex]\hline
78 |
79 | {\bf Name}&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{\bf Akademischer Grad}\\
80 | {\sc Mannheim, Karl, Prof.~Dr.}&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{Universit"atsprofessor (C4)}\\\hline\hline
81 | {\ }&{\bf Birthday}&{\bf Nationality}\\
82 | {\ }&Jan 4 1963&German\\\hline
83 | \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf Institut, Lehrstuhl}\\
84 | \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{Institut f"ur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik}\\
85 | \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{Lehrstuhl f"ur Astronomie}\\\hline
86 | {\bf Address at work }&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{\bf Home address}\\[0.5ex]
87 | {Julius-Maximilians-Universit"at}&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{ }\\
88 | { }&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{Oswald-Kunzemann-Str. 12}\\
89 | {97074 W"urzburg }&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{97299 Zell am Main }\\
90 | {Germany }&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{Germany }\\[0.5ex]
91 | {\parbox[t]{1.5cm}{Phone:}+49\,(931)\,888-5031}&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{\parbox[t]{1.5cm}{Phone: +49\,(931)\,404\,81\,90} }\\
92 | {\parbox[t]{1.5cm}{Fax:}+49\,(931)\,888-4603}&\multicolumn{2}{l|}{~}\\\hline\hline
93 | \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{{\bf email}: mannheim@astro.uni-wuerzbueg.de}\\\hline
94 | \end{tabular}
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98 | \paragraph{1.2 Topic}~\\
99 | %\subsection[1.2]{Topic}
100 | Long-term VHE $\gamma$-ray monitoring of bright blazars with a dedicated Cherenkov telescope
101 |
102 | \paragraph{1.2 Thema}~\\
103 | %\subsection[1.2]{Thema}
104 | Langzeitbeobachtung von hellen VHE $\gamma$-Blazaren mit einem dedizierten Cherenkov Teleskop
105 |
106 | \paragraph{1.3 Discipline and field of work (Fachgebiet und Arbeitsrichtung)}~\\
107 | %\subsection[1.3]{Discipline and field of work (Fachgebiet und Arbeitsrichtung)}
108 | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Particle Astrophysics
109 |
110 | \paragraph{\bf 1.4 Scheduled duration in total (Voraussichtliche Gesamtdauer)}~\\
111 | %\subsection[1.4]{Scheduled duration in total (Voraussichtliche Gesamtdauer)}
112 | After successful completion of the three-year work plan developed in
113 | this proposal, we will ask for an extension of the project for another
114 | two years to carry out an observation program centered on the signatures
115 | of supermassive binary black holes.
116 |
117 | \paragraph{\bf 1.5 Application period (Antragszeitraum)}~\\
118 | %\subsection[1.5]{Application period (Antragszeitraum)}
119 | 3\,years. The work on the project will begin immediately after the
120 | funding.
121 |
122 | \newpage
123 | \paragraph{\bf 1.6 Summary}~\\
124 | %\subsection[1.6]{Summary}
125 | We propose to set up a robotic imaging air-Cherenkov telescope with low
126 | cost, but a high performance design for remote operation. The goal is
127 | the long-term monitoring observations of nearby, bright blazars at very
128 | high energies. We will (i) search for orbital modulation of the blazar
129 | emission due to supermassive black hole binaries, (ii) study the
130 | statistics of flares and their physical origin, and (iii) correlate the
131 | data with corresponding data from the neutrino observatory IceCube to
132 | search for evidence of hadronic emission processes. The observations
133 | will furthermore trigger follow-up observations of flares with higher
134 | sensitivity telescopes such as MAGIC, \mbox{VERITAS} and H.E.S.S. Joint
135 | observations with the Whipple monitoring telescope will start a future
136 | \mbox{24\,h-monitoring} of selected sources with a distributed network of
137 | robotic telescopes. The telescope design is based on a complete
138 | technological upgrade of one of the former telescopes of the HEGRA
139 | collaboration (CT3) still located at the Observatorio del Roque de los
140 | Muchachos on the Canary Island La Palma (Spain). After this upgrade,
141 | the telescope will be operated robotically, a much lower energy
142 | threshold below 350\,GeV will be achieved, and the observation time
143 | required for gaining the same signal as with CT3 will be reduced by a
144 | factor of six.
145 |
146 | \germanTeX
147 | \paragraph{\bf 1.6 Zusammenfassung}~\\
148 | %\subsection[1.6]{Zusammenfassung}
149 | Das Ziel unseres Vorhabens ist es, ein abbildendes
150 | Luft-Cherenkov-Teleskop mit geringen Kosten, aber hoher Leistung f"ur
151 | den ferngesteuerten Betrieb aufzubauen. Die Motivation ist die
152 | kontinuierliche Langzeitbeobachtung von hellen, nahen Blazaren bei sehr
153 | hohen Energien. Mit diesen Beobachtungen werden wir nach
154 | bahndynamischen Modulationen suchen, welche von Bin"arsystemen
155 | supermassiver schwarzer L"ocher in der emittierten Strahlung
156 | hervorgerufen werden. Au"serdem werden die gewonnenen Daten mit den
157 | entsprechenden Daten des Neutrinoteleskops IceCube korreliert, um nach
158 | Hinweisen f"ur hadroninduzierte Emissionsprozesse zu suchen. Die
159 | kontinuierliche "Uberwachung ausgew"ahlter Quellen wird zudem besser
160 | aufgel"oste Beobachtungen und Nachbeobachtungen von
161 | Strahlungsausbr"uchen durch Teleskope h"oherer Sensitivit"at, wie z.B.\
162 | MAGIC, VERITAS und H.E.S.S., erlauben. Die zeitversetzten, gemeinsamen
163 | Beobachtungen zusammen mit dem Whipple-Teleskop stellen den Beginn
164 | ununterbrochener Beobachtungen mit einem weltweiten Netzwerk
165 | robotischer Teleskope dar. Unser Teleskopdesign basiert auf einer
166 | technischen Runderneuerung eines Teleskops der fr"uheren
167 | HEGRA-Kollaboration (CT3), welches noch immer am Observatorio del Roque de
168 | los Muchachos auf der Kanarischen Insel La Palma (Spanien) steht. Nach
169 | dieser Aufr"ustung wird das Teleskop vollst"andig ferngesteuert
170 | betrieben werden, eine viel niedrigere Energieschwelle von unter
171 | 350\,GeV erreichen und die Beobachtungszeit, um ein gleichstarkes
172 | Signal wie mit CT3 zu erhalten, wird um einen Faktor sechs k"urzer
173 | sein.
174 | \originalTeX
175 | \newpage
176 |
177 | \section[2]{Science case, preliminary work by proposer\\(Stand der Forschung, eigene Vorarbeiten)}
178 |
179 | \subsection[2.1]{Science case (Stand der Forschung)}
180 |
181 | Since the termination of the HEGRA observations, the succeeding
182 | experiments MAGIC and H.E.S.S.\ have impressively extended the physical
183 | scope of gamma-ray astronomy detecting tens of formerly unknown gamma-ray
184 | sources and analyzing their energy spectra, morphology and
185 | temporal behavior. This became possible by lowering the energy
186 | threshold from 700\,GeV to less than 100\,GeV and increasing at the same
187 | time the sensitivity by a factor of five. A diversity of astrophysical
188 | source types such as pulsar wind nebulae, supernova remnants,
189 | micro-quasars, pulsars, radio galaxies, clusters of galaxies, Gamma-Ray
190 | Bursts and blazars have been studied with these telescopes.
191 |
192 | The main class of extragalactic, very high energy gamma-rays sources
193 | detected with imaging air-Cherenkov telescopes are blazars, i.e.\
194 | accreting supermassive black holes exhibiting a relativistic jet that
195 | is closely aligned with the line of sight. The non-thermal blazar
196 | spectrum covers up to 20 orders of magnitude in energy, from
197 | long-wavelength radio waves to multi-TeV gamma-rays. In addition,
198 | blazars are characterized by rapid variability, high degrees of
199 | polarization, and superluminal motion of knots in their
200 | high-resolution radio images. The observed behavior can readily be
201 | explained assuming relativistic bulk motion and in situ particle
202 | acceleration, e.g.\ at shock waves, leading to synchrotron
203 | (radio-to-x-ray) and self-Compton (gamma-ray) emission \citep{Blandford}.
204 | Additionally, inverse Compton scattering of external photons may play a
205 | role in producing the observed gamma-rays \citep{Dermer,Begelman}.
206 | Variability may hold the key to understanding the details of the
207 | emission processes and the source geometry. The development of
208 | time-dependent models is currently under investigation
209 | worldwide.
210 |
211 | Although particle acceleration inevitably affects electrons and protons
212 | (ions), the electrons are commonly believed to be responsible for
213 | producing the observed emission owing to their lower mass and thus much
214 | stronger energy losses (at the same energy). The relativistic protons,
215 | which could either originate from the accretion flow or from entrained
216 | ambient matter, will quickly dominate the momentum flow of the jet.
217 | This {\em baryon pollution} has been suggested to solve the energy
218 | transport problem in Gamma-Ray Bursts and is probably present in
219 | blazar jets as well, even if they originate as pair jets in a black
220 | hole ergosphere \citep{Meszaros}. Protons and ions accelerated in the
221 | jets of blazars can reach extremely high energies, before energy losses
222 | become important \citep{Mannheim:1993}. Escaping particles contribute
223 | to the observed flux of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays in a major way.
224 | Blazars and their unbeamed hosts, the radio galaxies, are thus the
225 | prime candidates for origin of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays
226 | \citep{Rachen}. This can be investigated with the IceCube and AUGER
227 | experiments. Recent results of the AUGER experiment show a significant
228 | anisotropy of the highest energy cosmic rays and point at either nearby
229 | AGN or sources with a similar spacial distribution as their origin
230 | \citep{AUGER-AGN}.
231 |
232 | In some flares, a large ratio of the gamma-ray to optical luminosity is
233 | observed. This is difficult to reconcile with the primary leptonic
234 | origin of the emission, since the accelerated electron pressure would
235 | largely exceed the magnetic field pressure. For shock acceleration to
236 | work efficiently, particles must be confined by the magnetic field for
237 | a time longer than the cooling time. The problem vanishes in the
238 | following model: Photo-hadronic interactions of accelerated protons and
239 | synchrotron photons induce electromagnetic cascades, which in turn
240 | produce secondary electrons causing high energy synchrotron
241 | gamma-radiation. This demands much stronger magnetic fields in line
242 | with magnetic confinement \citep{Mannheim:1995}. Short variability time
243 | scales can result from dynamical changes of the emission zone, running
244 | e.g.\ through an inhomogeneous environment.
245 |
246 | The contemporaneous spectral energy distributions for hadronic and
247 | leptonic models bear many similarities, but also marked differences,
248 | such as multiple bumps which are possible even in a one-zone hadronic
249 | model \citep{Mannheim:1999}. These properties allow conclusions
250 | about the accelerated particles. Noteworthy, even for nearby blazars
251 | the spectrum must be corrected for attenuation of the gamma-rays due to
252 | pair production in collisions with low-energy photons from the
253 | extragalactic background radiation field \citep{Kneiske}.
254 | Ultimately, the hadronic origin of the emission must be probed with
255 | correlated gamma-ray and neutrino observations, since the pion decay
256 | initiating the cascades involves a fixed ratio of electron-positron
257 | pairs, gamma-rays, and neutrinos. A dedicated monitoring campaign
258 | jointly with IceCube has the best chance for success. Pilot studies
259 | done with MAGIC and IceCube indicate that the investigation of neutrino
260 | event triggered gamma-ray observations are statistically
261 | inconclusive \citep{Leier:2006}.
262 |
263 | The variability time scale of blazars ranges from minutes to months,
264 | generally showing the largest amplitudes and the shortest time scales
265 | at the highest energies. Recently, a doubling time scale of two minutes
266 | has been observed in a flare of Mrk\,501 with the MAGIC telescope
267 | \citep{Albert:501}. A giant flare of PKS\,2155-304 discovered by
268 | H.E.S.S.\ \citep{Aharonian:2007pks} has shown similarly short doubling
269 | time scales and a flux of up to 16 times the flux of the Crab Nebula.
270 | Indications for TeV flares without evidence for an accompanying x-ray
271 | flare, coined orphan flares, have been observed, questioning the
272 | synchrotron-self-Compton mechanism being responsible for the
273 | gamma-rays. Model ramifications involving several emission components,
274 | external seed photons, or hadronically induced emission may solve the
275 | problem \citep{Blazejowski}. Certainly, the database for
276 | contemporaneous multi-wavelength observations is still far from proving
277 | the synchrotron-self-Compton model.
278 |
279 | Generally, observations of flares are prompted by optical or x-ray
280 | alerts, leading to a strong selection bias. The variability presumably
281 | reflects the non-steady feeding of the jets and the changing interplay
282 | between particle acceleration and cooling. In this situation,
283 | perturbations of the electron density or the bulk plasma velocity are
284 | traveling down the jet. The variability could also reflect the changing
285 | conditions of the external medium to which the jet flow adapts during
286 | its passage through it. In fact, a clumpy, highly inhomogeneous
287 | external medium is typical for active galactic nuclei, as indicated by
288 | their clumpy emission line regions, if visible against the
289 | Doppler-enhanced blazar emission. Often the jets bend with a large
290 | angle indicating shocks resulting from reflections off intervening
291 | high-density clouds. Changes in the direction of the jet flow lead to
292 | large flux variations due to differential Doppler boosting.
293 |
294 | Helical trajectories, as seen in high-resolution radio maps resulting
295 | from the orbital modulation of the jet base in supermassive black hole
296 | binaries, would lead to periodic variability on time scales of months
297 | to years \citep{Rieger:2007}. Binaries are expected to be the most
298 | common outcome of the repeated mergers of galaxies which have
299 | originally built up the blazar host galaxy. Each progenitor galaxy
300 | brings its own supermassive black hole as expected from the
301 | Magorrian-Kormendy relations. It is subject to stellar dynamical
302 | evolution in the core of the merger galaxy, of which only one pair of
303 | black holes is expected to survive near the center of gravity.
304 | Supermassive black hole binaries close to coalescence are thus expected
305 | to be generic in blazars. Angular momentum transport by collective
306 | stellar dynamical processes is efficient to bring them to distances
307 | close to where the emission of gravitational waves begins to dominate
308 | their further evolution until coalescence. Their expected gravitational
309 | wave luminosity is spectacularly high, even long before final
310 | coalescence and the frequencies are favorable for the detectors under
311 | consideration (LISA). The detection of gravitational waves relies on exact
312 | templates to filter out the signals and the templates can be computed
313 | from astrophysical constraints on the orbits and masses of the black
314 | holes. TeV gamma-rays, showing the shortest variability time scales,
315 | probe deepest into the jet and are thus the most sensitive probe of the
316 | orbital modulation at the jet base. Relativistic aberration is helpful
317 | in bringing down the observed periods to below the time scale of years.
318 | A tentative hint for a 23-day periodicity of the TeV emission from
319 | Mrk\,501 during a phase of high activity in 1997 was reported by
320 | HEGRA \citep{Kranich}, and was later confirmed including x-ray and
321 | Telescope Array data \citep{Osone}. The observations can be explained in
322 | a supermassive black hole binary scenario \citep{Rieger:2000}.
323 | Indications for helical trajectories and periodic modulation of optical
324 | and radio lightcurves on time scales of tens of years have also been
325 | described in the literature (e.g. \cite{Hong,Merrit}).
326 |
327 | To overcome the limitations of biased sampling, a complete monitoring
328 | database for a few representative bright sources needs to be obtained.
329 | Space missions with all-sky observations at lower photon energies, such
330 | as GLAST, GRIPS, or eROSITA, will provide significant multi-wavelength
331 | exposure simultaneous to the VHE observations, and this is a new
332 | qualitative step for blazar research. For the same reasons, the VERITAS
333 | collaboration keeps the Whipple telescope alive. It is obvious that the
334 | large Cherenkov telescopes such as MAGIC, H.E.S.S.\ or VERITAS are mainly
335 | used to discover new sources at the sensitivity limit. Thus they will
336 | not perform monitoring observations of bright sources with complete
337 | sampling during their visibility. However, these telescopes will be
338 | triggered by monitoring telescopes and thus improve the described
339 | investigations. In turn, operating a smaller but robotic telescope is
340 | an essential and cost-effective contribution to the plans for
341 | next-generation instruments in ground-based gamma-ray astronomy.
342 | Know-how for the operation of future networks of robotic Cherenkov
343 | telescopes, e.g. a monitoring array around the globe or a single-place
344 | array like CTA, is certainly needed given the high operating shift
345 | demands of the current installations.
346 |
347 | In summary, there are strong reasons to make an effort for the
348 | continuous monitoring of the few exceptionally bright blazars. This can
349 | be achieved by operating a dedicated monitoring telescope of the
350 | HEGRA-type, referred to in the following as DWARF (Dedicated
351 | multiWavelength Agn Research Facility). Its robotic design will keep
352 | the demands on personal and infrastructure on the low side, rendering
353 | it compatible with the resources of University groups. The approach is
354 | also optimal to educate students in the strongly expanding field of
355 | astroparticle physics.
356 |
357 | Assuming conservatively the performance of a single HEGRA-type
358 | telescope, long-term monitor\-ing of at least the following known
359 | blazars is possible: Mrk\,421, Mrk\,501, 1ES\,2344+514, 1ES\,1959+650,
360 | H\,1426+428, PKS\,2155-304. We emphasize, that DWARF will run as a
361 | facility dedicated to these targets only, providing a maximum
362 | observation time for the program. Utilizing recent developments, such
363 | as improvements of the light collection efficiency due to an improved
364 | mirror reflectivity and a better PM quantum efficiency, a 30\%
365 | improvement in sensitivity and a lower energy-threshold is reasonable.
366 | Current studies show that with a good timing resolution (2\,GHz) a
367 | further 40\% increase in sensitivity (compared to a 300\,MHz system) is
368 | feasible. Together with an extended mirror area and a large camera, a
369 | sensitivity improvement compared to a single HEGRA telescope of a
370 | factor of 2.5 and an energy threshold below 350\,GeV is possible.
371 |
372 | \subsection[2.2]{Preliminary work by proposers (Eigene Vorarbeiten)}
373 |
374 | From the experience with the construction, operation and data analysis
375 | of Amanda, IceCube, HEGRA and MAGIC the proposing groups contribute the
376 | necessary knowledge and experience to build and operate a small imaging
377 | air-Cherenkov telescope.
378 |
379 | \paragraph{Hardware}
380 |
381 | The Dortmund group is working on experimental and phenomenological
382 | astroparticle physics. In the past, the following hardware components
383 | were successfully developed: a Flash-ADC based DAQ (TWR, transient
384 | waveform recorder), currently in operation for data acquisition in the
385 | AMANDA subdetector within the IceCube telescope \citep{Wagner:PhD}, an
386 | online software Trigger for the TWR-DAQ system \citep{Messarius:PhD},
387 | online data compression mechanisms (TWR DAQ) \citep{Refflinghaus:Dipl},
388 | monitoring software for the TWR-DAQ-data \citep{Dreyer:Dipl} and
389 | in-ice-HV-power-supply for IceCube. This development was done with the
390 | companies CAEN, Pisa, Italy and Iseg, Rossendorf, Germany. The HV
391 | modules were long time tested under different temperature conditions
392 | connected to operating photomultipliers \citep{Bartelt:Dipl}. Prototypes
393 | for the scintillator counters of the planned Air Shower Array {\em
394 | SkyView} were developed and operated for two years \citep{Deeg:Dipl}.
395 | Members of the group (engineers) were involved in the fast trigger
396 | development for H1 and are involved in the FPGA-programming for the
397 | LHCb data read out. The group may further use the well equipped
398 | mechanical and electronic workshops in Dortmund and the electronic
399 | development departure of the faculty.
400 |
401 | The ultra fast drive system of the MAGIC telescopes, suitable for fast
402 | repositioning in case of Gamma-Ray Bursts, has been developed,
403 | commissioned and programmed by the W\"{u}rzburg group
404 | \citep{Bretz:2003drive,Bretz:2005drive}. To correct for axis
405 | misalignments and possible deformations of the structure (e.g.\ bending
406 | of camera holding masts), a pointing correction algorithm was developed
407 | \citep{Dorner:Diploma}. Its calibration is done by measurement of the
408 | reflection of bright guide stars on the camera surface and ensures a
409 | pointing accuracy well below the pixel diameter. Hardware and software
410 | (CCD readout, image processing and pointing correction algorithms) have
411 | also been developed and are in operation successfully since more than
412 | three years \citep{Riegel:2005icrc2}.
413 |
414 | Mirror structures made of plastic material have been developed as
415 | Winston cones for balloon flight experiments previously by the group of
416 | Wolfgang Dr\"{o}ge. W\"{u}rzburg has also participated in the development of
417 | a HPD test bench, which has been setup in Munich and W\"{u}rzburg. With
418 | this setup, HPDs for future improvement of the sensitivity of the MAGIC
419 | camera are investigated.
420 |
421 | \paragraph{Software}
422 |
423 | The W\"{u}rzburg group has developed a full MAGIC analysis package,
424 | flexible and modular enough to easily process DWARF data
425 | \citep{Bretz:2005paris,Riegel:2005icrc,Bretz:2005mars}. A method for
426 | absolute light calibration of the PMs based on Muon images, especially
427 | important for long-term monitoring, has been
428 | adapted and further improved for the MAGIC telescope
429 | \citep{Meyer:Diploma,Goebel:2005}. Both, data analysis and Monte Carlo
430 | production, have been fully automatized, such that both can run with
431 | sparse user interaction \citep{Dorner:2005icrc}. The analysis was
432 | developed to be powerful and as robust as possible to be best suited
433 | for automatic processing \citep{Dorner:2005paris}. Experience with
434 | large amount of data (up to 8\,TB/month) has been gained since 2004.
435 | The datacenter is equipped with a professional multi-stage
436 | (hierarchical) storage system. Two operators are paid by the physics
437 | faculty. Currently efforts in W\"{u}rzburg and Dortmund are ongoing to
438 | turn the old, inflexible Monte Carlo programs, used by the MAGIC
439 | collaboration, into modular packages allowing for easy simulation of
440 | other setups. Experience with Monte Carlo simulations, especially
441 | CORSIKA, is contributed by the Dortmund group, which has actively
442 | implemented changes into the CORSIKA program, such as an extension to
443 | large zenith angles, prompt meson production and a new atmospheric
444 | model \citep{Haffke:Dipl,Schroeder:PhD} for the local atmosphere of La
445 | Palma. Furthermore the group has developed high precision Monte Carlos
446 | for Lepton propagation in different media \citep{Chirkin:2004}.
447 | An energy unfolding method and program has been adapted for IceCube and
448 | MAGIC data analysis \citep{Curtef:CM,Muenich:ICRC}.
449 |
450 | \paragraph{Phenomenology}
451 |
452 | Both groups have experience with source models and theoretical
453 | computations of gamma-ray and neutrino spectra expected from blazars.
454 | The relation between the two messengers is a prime focus of interest.
455 | Experience with corresponding multi-messenger data analyses involving
456 | MAGIC and IceCube data is available in the Dortmund group. Research
457 | activities are also related with relativistic particle acceleration
458 | \citep{Meli} and gamma-ray attenuation \citep{Kneiske}. The W\"{u}rzburg
459 | group has organized and carried out multi-wavelength observations of
460 | bright blazars involving MAGIC, Suzaku, the IRAM telescopes and the
461 | KVA optical telescope \citep{Ruegamer}. Signatures of supermassive
462 | black hole binaries, which are most relevant also for gravitational
463 | wave detectors, are investigated jointly with the German LISA
464 | consortium (Burkart, Elbracht ongoing research, funded by DLR).
465 | \mbox{Secondary} gamma-rays due to dark matter annihilation events are
466 | investigated both from their particle physics and astrophysics aspects.
467 | Another main focus of research is on models of radiation and particle
468 | acceleration processes in blazar jets (hadronic and leptonic models),
469 | leading to predictions of correlated neutrino emission \citep{Rueger}.
470 | This includes simulations of particle acceleration due to the Weibel
471 | instability \citep{Burkart}. Much of this research at W\"{u}rzburg is
472 | carried out in the context of the research training school GRK\,1147
473 | {\em Theoretical Astrophysics and Particle Physics}.
474 |
475 | \section[3]{Goals and Work Schedule (Ziele und Arbeitsprogramm)}
476 |
477 | \subsection[3.1]{Goals (Ziele)}
478 |
479 | The aim of the project is to put the former CT3 of the HEGRA
480 | collaboration on the Roque de los Muchachos back into operation. It
481 | will be setup, under the name DWARF, with an enlarged mirror surface
482 | (fig.~\ref{DWARF}), a new camera with higher quantum efficiency and new
483 | fast data acquisition system. The energy threshold will be lowered, and
484 | the sensitivity of DWARF will be greatly improved compared to HEGRA CT3
485 | (see fig.~\ref{sensitivity}). Commissioning and the first year of data
486 | taking should be carried out within the three years of the requested
487 | funding period.
488 |
489 | \begin{figure}[ht]
490 | \begin{center}
491 | \includegraphics*[width=0.496\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{CT3.eps}
492 | \includegraphics*[width=0.496\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{DWARF.eps}
493 | \caption{The old CT3 telescope as operated within the
494 | HEGRA System (left) and a photomontage of the revised CT3 telescope
495 | with more and hexagonal mirrors (right).}
496 | \label{CT3}
497 | \label{DWARF}
498 | \end{center}
499 | \end{figure}
500 |
501 | The telescope will be operated robotically to reduce costs and man
502 | power demands. Furthermore, we seek to obtain know-how for the
503 | operation of future networks of robotic Cherenkov telescopes (e.g. a
504 | monitoring array around the globe or CTA) or telescopes at sited
505 | difficult to access. From the experience with the construction and
506 | operation of MAGIC or HEGRA, the proposing groups consider the planned
507 | focused approach (small number of experienced scientists) as optimal
508 | for achieving the project goals. The available automatic analysis
509 | package developed by the W\"{u}rzburg group for MAGIC is modular and
510 | flexible, and can thus be used with minor changes for the DWARF
511 | project.
512 |
513 | \begin{figure}[htb]
514 | \begin{center}
515 | \includegraphics*[width=0.7\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{visibility.eps}
516 | \caption{Source visibility in hours per night versus month of the year
517 | considering a maximum observation zenith angle of 65$^\circ$
518 | for all sources which we want to monitor including the Crab Nebula,
519 | necessary for calibration and quality assurance.}
520 | \label{visibility}
521 | \end{center}
522 | \end{figure}
523 |
524 | The scientific focus of the project will be on the long-term monitoring
525 | of bright, nearby VHE emitting blazars. At least one of the proposed
526 | targets will be visible any time of the year (see
527 | fig.~\ref{visibility}). For calibration purposes, some time will be
528 | scheduled for observations of the Crab \mbox{Nebula}.\\
529 |
530 | The blazar observations will allow
531 | \begin{itemize}
532 | \item to determine the baseline emission, the duty cycle and the power
533 | spectrum of flux variations.
534 | \item to cooperate with the Whipple monitoring telescope for an
535 | extended time coverage.
536 | \item to prompt Target-of-Opportunity (ToO) observations with MAGIC in
537 | the case of flares increasing time resolution. Corresponding
538 | ToO proposals to H.E.S.S.\ and VERITAS are in preparation.
539 | \item to observe simultaneously with MAGIC which will provide an
540 | extended bandwidth from below 100\,GeV to multi-TeV energies.
541 | \item to obtain multi-frequency observations together with the
542 | Mets\"{a}hovi Radio Observatory and the optical telescopes of the
543 | Tuorla Observatory. The measurements will be correlated with INTEGRAL
544 | and GLAST results, when available. X-ray monitoring using the SWIFT and
545 | Suzaku facilities will be proposed.
546 |
547 | \end{itemize}
548 |
549 | Interpretation of the data will yield crucial information about
550 | \begin{itemize}
551 | \item the nature of the emission processes going on in relativistic
552 | jets. We plan to interpret the data with models currently developed in
553 | the context of the Research Training Group {\em Theoretical
554 | Astrophysics} in W\"{u}rzburg (Graduiertenkolleg, GK\,1147), including
555 | particle-in-cell and hybrid MHD models.
556 | \item the black hole mass and accretion rate fitting the data with
557 | emission models. Results will be compared with estimates of the black
558 | hole mass from the Magorrian relation.
559 | \item the flux of relativistic protons (ions) by correlating the rate
560 | of neutrinos detected with the neutrino telescope IceCube and the rate
561 | of gamma-ray photons detected with DWARF, and thus the rate of escaping
562 | cosmic rays.
563 | \item the orbital modulation owing to a supermassive binary black hole.
564 | Constraints on the binary system will allow to compute most accurate
565 | templates of gravitational waves, which is a connected project at
566 | W\"{u}rzburg in the German LISA consortium funded by DLR.
567 | \end{itemize}
568 |
569 | \subsection[3.2]{Work schedule (Arbeitsprogramm)}
570 |
571 | To complete the mount to a functional Cherenkov telescope within a
572 | period of one year, the following steps are necessary:
573 |
574 | The work schedule assumes, that the work will begin in January 2008,
575 | immediately after funding. Later funding would accordingly shift the
576 | schedule. Each year is divided into quarters (see fig.~\ref{schedule}).
577 |
578 | \begin{figure}[htb]
579 | \begin{center}
580 | \includegraphics*[width=\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{schedule.eps}
581 | \caption{Work schedule for the expected funding period of three years.
582 | More details about the work distribution is given in the text.}
583 | \label{schedule}
584 | %\label{DWARF}
585 | \end{center}
586 | \end{figure}
587 |
588 | \paragraph{Software}
589 | \begin{itemize}
590 | \item MC adaption (Do/W\"{u}): Due to the large similarities with the
591 | MAGIC telescope, within half a year new Monte Carlo code can be
592 | programmed using parts of the existing MAGIC Monte Carlo code. For
593 | tests and cross-checks another period of six months is necessary.
594 | \item Analysis adaption (W\"{u}): The modular concept of the Magic
595 | Analysis and Reconstruction Software (MARS) allows a very fast adaption
596 | of the telescope setup, camera and data acquisition properties within
597 | half a year.
598 | \item Adaption Drive software (W\"{u}): Since the new drive electronics
599 | will be based on the design of the MAGIC~II drive system the control
600 | software can be reused unchanged. The integration into the new slow
601 | control system will take about half a year. It has to be finished at
602 | the time of arrival of the drive system components in 2009/1.
603 | \item Slow control/DAQ (Do): A new data acquisition and slow control
604 | system for camera and auxiliary systems has to be developed. Based on
605 | experiences with the AMANDA DAQ, the Domino DAQ developed for MAGIC~II
606 | will be adapted and the slow control integrated within three quarters
607 | of a year. Commissioning will take place with the full system in
608 | 2009/3.
609 | \end{itemize}
610 |
611 | \paragraph{Mirrors (W\"{u})} First prototypes for the mirrors are
612 | already available. After testing (six months), the production will
613 | start in summer 2008, and the shipment will be finished before the full
614 | system assembly 2009/2.
615 | \paragraph{Drive (W\"{u})} After a planning phase of half a year to
616 | simplify the MAGIC~II drive system for a smaller telescope (together
617 | with the delivering company), ordering, production and shipment should
618 | be finished in 2009/1. The MAGIC~I and~II drive systems have been
619 | planned and implemented successfully by the W\"{u}rzburg group.
620 | \paragraph{Auxiliary (W\"{u})} Before the final setup in 2009/1, all
621 | auxiliary systems (weather station, computers, etc.) will have been
622 | specified, ordered and shipped.
623 | \paragraph{Camera (Do)} The camera has to be ready six month after the
624 | shipment of the other mechanical parts of the telescope. For this
625 | purpose camera tests have to take place in 2009/2, which requires the
626 | assembly of the camera within six months before. By now, a PM test
627 | bench is set up in Dortmund, which allows to finish planning and
628 | ordering of parts of the camera, including the PMs, until summer 2008,
629 | before the construction begins.
630 | In addition to the manpower permanently provided by Dortmund
631 | for production and commissioning, two engineers will participate in the
632 | construction phase.
633 | \paragraph{Full System (Do/W\"{u})} The full system will be assembled
634 | after the delivery of all parts in the beginning of spring 2009. Start of
635 | the commissioning is planned four months later. First light is expected
636 | in autumn 2009. This would allow an immediate full system test with a
637 | well measured, strong and steady source (Crab Nebula). After the
638 | commissioning phase will have been finished in spring 2010, complete
639 | robotic operation will be provided.
640 |
641 | Based on the experience with setting up the MAGIC telescope we estimate
642 | this workschedule as conservative.
643 |
644 | \subsection[3.3]{Experiments with humans (Untersuchungen am Menschen)}
645 | none
646 | \subsection[3.4]{Experiments with animals (Tierversuche)}
647 | none
648 | \subsection[3.5]{Experiments with recombinant DNA (Gentechnologische Experimente)}
649 | none
650 |
651 | \clearpage
652 |
653 | \section[4]{Funds requested (Beantragte Mittel)}
654 |
655 | Summarizing, the expenses for the telescope are dominated by the camera
656 | and data acquisition. We request funding for a total of three years.
657 | %The financial volume for the complete hardware inclusive
658 | %transport amounts to {\bf 372.985,-\,\euro}.
659 |
660 | \subsection[4.1]{Required Staff (Personalkosten)}
661 |
662 | For this period, we request funding for two postdocs and two PhD
663 | students, one in Dortmund and one in W\"{u}rzburg each (3\,x\,TV-L13).The
664 | staff members shall fulfill the tasks given in the work schedule above.
665 | To cover these tasks completely, one additional PhD and a various
666 | number of Diploma students will complete the working group.
667 |
668 | Suitable candidates interested in these positions are Dr.\ Thomas
669 | Bretz, Dr.\ dest.\ Daniela Dorner, Dr.\ dest.\ Kirsten M\"{u}nich,
670 | cand.\ phys.\ Michael Backes, cand.\ phys.\ Daniela Hadasch and cand.\
671 | phys.\ Dominik Neise.
672 |
673 | \subsection[4.2]{Scientific equipment (Wissenschaftliche Ger\"{a}te)}
674 |
675 | At the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (ORM), at the MAGIC site,
676 | the mount of the former HEGRA telescope CT3 now owned by the MAGIC
677 | collaboration is still serviceable. One hut for electronics close to
678 | the telescope is available. Additional space is available in the MAGIC
679 | counting house. The MAGIC Memorandum of Understanding allows for
680 | operating DWARF as an auxiliary instrument (see appendix). Also
681 | emergency support from the shift crew is guaranteed, although
682 | autonomous robotic operation is the primary goal.
683 | \begin{figure}[hb]
684 | \centering{
685 | %\includegraphics[width=0.605\textwidth]{sensitivity.eps}
686 | \includegraphics[width=0.70\textwidth]{sensitivity.eps}
687 | \caption{Integral flux sensitivity of several telescopes
688 | \citep{Juan:2000,MAGICsensi,Vassiliev:1999}
689 | and the expectation for DWARF, with both a PMT- and a
690 | GAPD-camera, scaled from the sensitivity of
691 | HEGRA~CT1 by the improvements mentioned in the text.
692 | } \label{sensitivity} }
693 | \end{figure}
694 |
695 | To achieve the planned sensitivity and threshold
696 | (fig.~\ref{sensitivity}), the following components have to be bought.
697 | To obtain reliable results as fast as possible well known components
698 | have been chosen.\\
699 |
700 | {\bf Camera}\dotfill 206.450,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
701 | \begin{quote}
702 | To setup a camera with 313 pixels the following components are needed:\\
703 | \parbox[t]{1em}{~}\begin{minipage}[t]{0.6\textwidth}
704 | Photomultiplier Tube EMI\,9083B\hfill 220,-\,\euro\\
705 | Active voltage divider (EMI)\hfill 80,-\,\euro\\
706 | High voltage support and control\hfill 300,-\,\euro\\
707 | Preamplifier\hfill 50,-\,\euro\\
708 | Spare parts (overall)\hfill 3000,-\,\euro\\
709 | \end{minipage}\\[-0.5ex]
710 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
711 | For long-term observations, the stability of the camera is a major
712 | criterion. To keep the systematic errors small, a good background
713 | estimation is mandatory. The only possibility for a synchronous
714 | determination of the background is the measurement from the night-sky
715 | observed in the same field-of-view with the same instrument. To achieve
716 | this, the observed position is moved out of the camera center which
717 | allows the estimation of the background from positions symmetric with
718 | respect to the camera center (so called Wobble mode). This observation
719 | mode increases the sensitivity by a factor of $\sqrt{2}$, because
720 | spending observation time for dedicated background observations becomes
721 | obsolete, i.e.\ observation time for the source is doubled. This
722 | ensures in addition a better time coverage of the observed sources.\\
723 | A further increase in sensitivity can be achieved by better background
724 | statistics from not only one but several independent positions for the
725 | background estimation in the camera \citep{Lessard:2001}. To allow for
726 | this the source position in Wobble mode should be shifted
727 | $0.6^\circ-0.7^\circ$ out of the camera center.
728 |
729 | A camera completely containing the shower images of events in the energy
730 | region of 1\,TeV-10\,TeV should have a diameter in the order of
731 | 5$^\circ$. To decrease the dependence of the measurements on the camera
732 | geometry, a camera layout as symmetric as possible will be chosen.
733 | Consequently a camera allowing to fulfill these requirements should be
734 | round and have a diameter of $4.5^\circ-5.0^\circ$.
735 | \begin{figure}[th]
736 | \begin{center}
737 | \includegraphics*[width=0.495\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{cam271.eps}
738 | \includegraphics*[width=0.495\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{cam313.eps}
739 | \caption{Left: Schematic picture of the 271 pixel CT3 camera with a field of view of 4.6$^\circ$.
740 | Right: Schematic picture of the 313 pixel camera for DWARF with a field of view of 5$^\circ$.}
741 | \label{camCT3}
742 | \label{camDWARF}
743 | \end{center}
744 | \end{figure}
745 |
746 | Therefore a camera with 313 pixel camera (see fig.~\ref{camDWARF}) is
747 | chosen. The camera will be built based on the experience with HEGRA and
748 | MAGIC. 19\,mm diameter Photomultiplier Tubes (PM, EMI\,9083B/KFLA-UD)
749 | will be bought, similar to the HEGRA type (EMI\,9083\,KFLA). They have
750 | a quantum efficiency improved by 25\% (see fig.~\ref{qe}) and ensure a
751 | granularity which is enough to guarantee good results even below the
752 | energy threshold (flux peak energy). Each individual pixel has to be
753 | equipped with a preamplifier, an active high-voltage supply and
754 | control. The total expense for a single pixel will be in the order of
755 | 650,-\,\euro.
756 |
757 | All possibilities of borrowing one of the old HEGRA cameras for a
758 | transition time have been probed and refused by the owners of the
759 | cameras.
760 |
761 | At ETH~Z\"{u}rich currently test measurements are ongoing to prove the
762 | ability, i.e.\ stability, aging, quantum efficiency, etc., of using
763 | Geiger-mode APDs (GAPD) as photon detectors in the camera of a
764 | Cherenkov telescope. The advantages are an extremely high quantum
765 | efficiency ($>$50\%), easier gain stabilization and simplified
766 | application compared to classical PMs. If these test measurements are
767 | successfully finished until 8/2008, we consider to use GAPDs in favor
768 | of classical PMs. The design of such a camera would take place at
769 | University Dortmund in close collaboration with the experts from ETH.
770 | The construction would also take place at the electronics workshop of
771 | Dortmund.
772 |
773 | \end{quote}\vspace{3ex}
774 |
775 | {\bf Camera support}\dotfill 7.500,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
776 | \begin{quote}
777 | For this setup the camera holding has to be redesigned. (1500,-\,\euro)
778 | The camera chassis must be water tight and will be equipped with an
779 | automatic lid, protecting the PMs at daytime. For further protection, a
780 | plexi-glass window will be installed in front of the camera. By coating
781 | this window with an anti-reflex layer of magnesium-fluoride, a gain in
782 | transmission of 5\% is expected. Each PM will be equipped with a
783 | light-guide (Winston cone) as developed by UC Davis and successfully in
784 | operation in the MAGIC camera. (3000,-\,\euro\ for all Winston cones). The
785 | current design will be improved by using a high reflectivity aluminized
786 | Mylar mirror-foil, coated with a dialectical layer ($Si\,O_2$
787 | alternated with Niobium Oxide), to reach a reflectivity in the order of
788 | 98\%. An electric and optical shielding of the individual PMs is
789 | planned.
790 |
791 | In total a gain of $\sim$15\% in light-collection
792 | efficiency compared to the old CT3 system can be achieved.
793 | \end{quote}\vspace{3ex}
794 |
795 | \newpage
796 | {\bf Data acquisition}\dotfill 61.035,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
797 | \begin{quote}
798 | 313 pixels a\\
799 | \parbox[t]{1em}{~}\begin{minipage}[t]{0.6\textwidth}
800 | Readout\hfill 95,-\,\euro\\
801 | Trigger\hfill 100,-\,\euro\\
802 | \end{minipage}\\[-0.5ex]
803 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
804 | For the data acquisition system a hardware readout based on an analog
805 | ring buffer (Domino\ II/IV), currently developed for the MAGIC~II
806 | readout, will be used \citep{Barcelo}. This technology allows to sample
807 | the pulses with high frequencies and readout several channels with a
808 | single Flash-ADC resulting in low costs. The low power consumption will
809 | allow to include the digitization near the signal source making
810 | the transfer of the analog signal obsolete. This results in less
811 | pick-up noise and reduces the signal dispersion. By high sampling rates
812 | (1.2\,GHz), additional information about the pulse shape can be
813 | obtained. This increases the over-all sensitivity further, because the
814 | short integration time allows for almost perfect suppression of noise
815 | due to night-sky background photons. The estimated trigger-, i.e.\
816 | readout-rate of the telescope is below 100\,Hz (HEGRA: $<$10\,Hz) which
817 | allows to use a low-cost industrial solution for readout of the system,
818 | like USB\,2.0.
819 |
820 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
821 | Current results obtained with the new 2\,GHz FADC system in the MAGIC
822 | data acquisition show, that for a single telescope a sensitivity
823 | improvement of 40\% with a fast FADC system is achievable \citep{Tescaro:2007}.
824 |
825 | Like for the HEGRA telescopes a simple multiplicity trigger is
826 | sufficient, but also a simple neighbor-logic could be programmed (both
827 | cases $\sim$100,-\,\euro/channel).
828 |
829 | Additional data reduction and preprocessing within the readout chain is
830 | provided. Assuming conservatively a readout rate of 30\,Hz, the storage
831 | space needed will be less than 250\,GB/month or 3\,TB/year. This amount
832 | of data can easily be stored and processed by the W\"{u}rzburg
833 | Datacenter (current capacity $>$80\,TB, $>$40\,CPUs).
834 | \end{quote}\vspace{3ex}
835 |
836 | {\bf Mirrors}\dotfill 15.000,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
837 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
838 | \begin{quote}
839 | The existing mirrors will be replaced by new plastic mirrors currently
840 | developed by Wolfgang Dr\"{o}ge's group. The cheap and light-weight
841 | material has been formerly used for Winston cones in balloon
842 | experiments. The mirrors are copied from a master and coated with a
843 | reflecting and a protective material. Tests have given promising
844 | results. By a change of the mirror geometry, the mirror area can be
845 | increased from 8.5\,m$^2$ to 13\,m$^2$ (see picture~\ref{CT3} and
846 | montage~\ref{DWARF}). This includes an increase of $\sim$10$\%$ per
847 | mirror by using a hexagonal layout instead of a round one. A further
848 | increase of the mirror area would require a reconstruction of parts of
849 | the mount and will therefore be considered only in a later phase of the
850 | experiment.
851 |
852 | If the current development of the plastic mirrors cannot be finished in
853 | time, a re-machining of the old glass mirrors (8.5\,m$^2$) is possible
854 | with high purity aluminum and quartz coating.
855 |
856 | In both cases the mirrors can be coated with the same high reflectivity
857 | aluminized Mylar mirror-foil and a dialectical layer of $SiO_2$ as for
858 | the Winston cones. By this, a gain in reflectivity of $\sim10\%$ is
859 | achieved, see fig.~\ref{reflectivity} \citep{Fraunhofer}. Both
860 | solutions would require the same expenses.
861 |
862 | To keep track of the alignment, reflectivity and optical quality of the
863 | individual mirrors and the point-spread function of the total mirror
864 | during long-term observations, the application of an automatic mirror
865 | adjustment system, as developed by ETH~Z\"{u}rich and successfully
866 | operated on the MAGIC telescope, is intended.
867 |
868 | %<grey>The system
869 | %will be provided by ETH Z"urich.</grey>
870 |
871 | %{\bf For a diameter mirror of less than 2.4\,m, the delay between an
872 | %parabolic (isochronous) and a spherical mirror shape at the edge is well
873 | %below 1ns (see figure). Thus for a sampling rate of 1.2\,GHz parabolic
874 | %individual mirrors are not needed. Due to their small size the
875 | %individual mirrors can have a spherical shape.}
876 | %}\\[2ex]
877 | \end{quote}\vspace{3ex}
878 |
879 | {\bf Calibration System}\dotfill 9.650,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
880 | \begin{quote}
881 | Components\\
882 | \parbox[t]{1em}{~}\begin{minipage}[t]{0.6\textwidth}
883 | Absolute light calibration\hfill 2.000,-\,\euro\\
884 | Individual pixel rate control\hfill 3.000,-\,\euro\\
885 | Weather station\hfill 500,-\,\euro\\
886 | GPS clock\hfill 1.500,-\,\euro\\
887 | CCD cameras with readout\hfill 2.650,-\,\euro\\
888 | \end{minipage}\\[-0.5ex]
889 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
890 | For the absolute light calibration (gain-calibration) of the PMs a
891 | calibration box, as successfully used in the MAGIC telescope, will be
892 | produced.
893 |
894 | To ensure a homogeneous acceptance of the camera, essential for
895 | Wobble mode observations, the trigger rate of the individual pixels
896 | will be measured and controlled.
897 |
898 | For a correction of axis misalignments and possible deformations of the
899 | structure (e.g.\ bending of camera holding masts) a pointing correction
900 | algorithm will be applied, as used in the MAGIC tracking system. It is
901 | calibrated by measurements of the reflection of bright guide stars on
902 | the camera surface and ensures a pointing accuracy well below the pixel
903 | diameter. Therefore a high sensitive low-cost video camera, as for
904 | MAGIC\ I and~II, (300,-\,\euro\ camera, 600,-\,\euro\ optics,
905 | 300,-\,\euro\ housing, 250,-\,\euro\ frame grabber) will be installed.
906 |
907 | A second identical CCD camera for online monitoring (starguider) will
908 | be bought.
909 |
910 | For an accurate tracking a GPS clock is necessary. The weather station
911 | helps judging the data quality.
912 | %}\\[2ex]
913 | \end{quote}\vspace{3ex}
914 |
915 | {\bf Computing}\dotfill 12.000,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
916 | \begin{quote}
917 | \parbox[t]{1em}{~}\begin{minipage}[t]{0.6\textwidth}
918 | Three PCs\hfill 8.000,-\,\euro\\
919 | SATA RAID 3TB\hfill 4.000,-\,\euro\\
920 | \end{minipage}\\[-0.5ex]
921 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
922 | For on-site computing three standard PCs are needed ($\sim$8.000,-\,\euro).
923 | This includes readout and storage, preprocessing and telescope control.
924 | For safety reasons, a firewall is mandatory. For local cache-storage
925 | and backup, two RAID\,5 SATA disk arrays with one Terabyte capacity
926 | each will fulfill the requirement ($\sim$4.000,-\,\euro). The data will be
927 | transmitted as soon as possible after data taking via Internet to the
928 | W\"{u}rzburg Datacenter. Enough storage capacity and computing power
929 | is available there and already reserved for this purpose.
930 |
931 | Monte Carlo production and storage will take place at University
932 | Dortmund.%}\\[2ex]
933 | \end{quote}\vspace{3ex}
934 |
935 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%% PLOTS HERE???? %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
936 |
937 | {\bf Mount and Drive}\dotfill 17.500,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
938 | \begin{quote}
939 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
940 | The present mount is used. Only a smaller investment for safety,
941 | corrosion protection, cable ducts, etc. is needed (7.500,-\,\euro).
942 |
943 | Motors, shaft encoders and control electronics in the order of
944 | 10.000,-\,\euro\ have to be bought. The costs have been estimated with
945 | the experience from building the MAGIC drive systems. The DWARF drive
946 | system should allow for relatively fast repositioning for three
947 | reasons: (i)~Fast movement might be mandatory for future ToO
948 | observations. (ii)~Wobble mode observations will be done changing the
949 | Wobble-position continuously (each 20\,min) for symmetry reasons.
950 | (iii)~To ensure good time coverage of more than one source visible at
951 | the same time, the observed source will be changed in constant time
952 | intervals.
953 |
954 | For the drive system three 150\,Watt servo motors are intended to be bought. A
955 | micro-controller based motion control unit (Siemens SPS L\,20) similar to
956 | the one of the current MAGIC~II drive system will be used. For
957 | communication with the readout-system, a standard Ethernet connection
958 | based on the TCP/IP- and UDP-protocol will be setup.
959 | %}\\[2ex]
960 | \end{quote}\vspace{3ex}
961 |
962 | {\bf Security}\dotfill 4.000,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
963 | \begin{quote}
964 | \parbox[t]{1em}{~}\begin{minipage}[t]{0.6\textwidth}
965 | Uninterruptable power-supply (UPS)\hfill 2.000,-\,\euro\\
966 | Security fence\hfill 2.000,-\,\euro\\
967 | \end{minipage}\\[-0.5ex]
968 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
969 | A UPS with 5\,kW-10\,kW will be
970 | installed to protect the equipment against power cuts and ensure a safe
971 | telescope position at the time of sunrise.
972 |
973 | For protection in case of robotic movement a fence will be
974 | installed.%}\\[2ex]
975 | \end{quote}\vspace{3ex}
976 |
977 | {\bf Other expenses}\dotfill 7.500,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
978 | \begin{quote}
979 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\begin{minipage}[t]{0.6\textwidth}
980 | % Robotics\hfill 7.500,-\,\euro\\
981 | % \end{minipage}\\[-0.5ex]
982 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
983 | For remote, robotic operation a variety of remote controllable electronic
984 | components such as Ethernet controlled sockets and switches will be
985 | bought. Monitoring equipment, for example different kind of sensors, is
986 | also mandatory.%}\\[2ex]
987 | \end{quote}
988 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[0.5ex]
989 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hspace{0.5ex}\hfill Sum 4.2:\hfill{\bf
990 | 341.135,-\,\euro}\hfill\hspace*{0pt}\\[-1ex]
991 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[-1.9ex]
992 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\
993 |
994 | \begin{figure}[p]
995 | \centering{
996 | \includegraphics[width=0.57\textwidth]{cherenkov.eps}
997 | \includegraphics[width=0.57\textwidth]{reflectivity.eps}
998 | \includegraphics[width=0.57\textwidth]{qe.eps}
999 | \caption{Top to bottom: The Cherenkov spectrum as observed by a
1000 | telescope located at 2000\,m above sea level. The mirror's reflectivity
1001 | of a 300\,nm thick aluminum layer with a protection layer of 10\,nm and
1002 | 100\,nm thickness respectively. For comparison the reflectivity of
1003 | HEGRA CT1's mirrors \citep{Kestel:2000} are shown. The bottom plot depicts
1004 | the quantum efficiency of the preferred PMs (EMI) together with the
1005 | predecessor used in CT1. A proper coating \citep{Paneque:2004} will
1006 | further enhance its efficiency. An even better increase would be the
1007 | usage of Geiger-mode APDs.}
1008 |
1009 | \label{cherenkov}
1010 | \label{reflectivity}
1011 | \label{qe}
1012 | }
1013 | \end{figure}
1014 |
1015 | \subsection[4.3]{Consumables (Verbrauchsmaterial)}
1016 |
1017 | \begin{quote}
1018 | % \parbox[t]{1em}{~}\begin{minipage}[t]{0.9\textwidth}
1019 | 10 LTO\,4 tapes (8\,TB)\dotfill 750,-\,\euro\\
1020 | Consumables (overalls): tools and materials\dotfill 10.000,-\,\euro
1021 | % \end{minipage}\\[-0.5ex]
1022 | \end{quote}
1023 |
1024 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[0.5ex]
1025 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hspace{0.5ex}\hfill Sum 4.3:\hfill{\bf
1026 | 10.750,-\,\euro}\hfill\hspace*{0pt}\\[-1ex]
1027 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[-1.9ex]
1028 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\
1029 |
1030 | \subsection[4.4]{Travel expenses (Reisen)}
1031 | The large amount of travel funding is required due to the very close
1032 | cooperation between Dortmund and W\"{u}rzburg and the work demands on
1033 | the construction site.\\[-2ex]
1034 |
1035 | \begin{quote}
1036 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
1037 | Per year one senior group member from Dortmund and W\"{u}rzburg should
1038 | present the status of the work in progress at an international workshop
1039 | or conference:\\
1040 | 2 x 3\,years x 1.500,-\,\euro\dotfill 9.000,-\,\euro\\[-2ex]
1041 |
1042 | One participation at the biannual MAGIC collaboration meeting:\\
1043 | 2 x 3\,years x 1.000,-\,\euro\dotfill 6.000,-\,\euro\\[-2ex]
1044 |
1045 | PhD student exchange between W\"{u}rzburg and Dortmund:\\
1046 | 1\,student x 1\,week x 24 (every six weeks) x 800,-\,\euro\dotfill
1047 | 19.200,-\,\euro\\[-2ex]
1048 |
1049 | For setup of the telescope at La Palma the following travel expenses
1050 | are necessary:\\
1051 | 4 x 2\,weeks at La Palma x 2\,persons x 1.800,-\,\euro\dotfill
1052 | 28.800,-\,\euro
1053 | %}
1054 | \end{quote}
1055 |
1056 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[0.5ex]
1057 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hspace{0.5ex}\hfill Sum 4.4:\hfill{\bf
1058 | 63.000,-\,\euro}\hfill\hspace*{0pt}\\[-1ex]
1059 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[-1.9ex]
1060 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\
1061 |
1062 |
1063 | \subsection[4.5]{Publication costs (Publikationskosten)}
1064 | Will be covered by the proposing institutes.
1065 |
1066 |
1067 | \subsection[4.6]{Other costs (Sonstige Kosten)}
1068 | \begin{quote}
1069 | Storage container (for shipment of the mirrors)\dotfill 5.000,-\,\euro\\
1070 | Transport\dotfill 15.000,-\,\euro\\
1071 | Dismantling (will be covered by proposing institutes)\dotfill n/a
1072 | \end{quote}
1073 |
1074 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[0.5ex]
1075 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hspace{0.5ex}\hfill Sum 4.6:\hfill{\bf
1076 | 20.000,-\,\euro}\hfill\hspace*{0pt}\\[-1ex]
1077 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[-1.9ex]
1078 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\
1079 |
1080 | \newpage
1081 | \germanTeX
1082 | \section[5]{Preconditions for carrying out the project\\(Voraussetzungen f"ur die Durchf"uhrung des Vorhabens)}
1083 | none
1084 |
1085 | \subsection[5.1]{The research team (Zusammensetzung der Arbeitsgruppe)}
1086 |
1087 | \paragraph{Dortmund}
1088 | \begin{itemize}
1089 | \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}
1090 | \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}
1091 | \item Prof.\ Dr.\ Dr.\ Wolfgang Rhode (Grundauststattung)
1092 | \item Dr.\ Tanja Kneiske (Postdoc (Ph"anomenologie), DFG-Forschungsstipendium)
1093 | \item Dr.\ Julia Becker (Postdoc (Ph"anomenologie), Drittmittel)
1094 | \item Dipl.-Phys.\ Kirsten M"unich (Doktorand (IceCube), Drittmittel)
1095 | \item Dipl.-Phys.\ Jens Dreyer (Doktorand (IceCube), Grundauststattung)
1096 | \item M.Sc.\ Valentin Curtef (Doktorand (MAGIC), Grundausstattung)
1097 | \item cand.\ phys.\ Michael Backes (Diplomand (MAGIC), zum F"orderbeginn diplomiert)
1098 | \item cand.\ phys.\ Daniela Hadasch (Diplomand (MAGIC))
1099 | \item cand.\ phys.\ Anne Wiedemann (Diplomand (IceCube))
1100 | \item cand.\ phys.\ Dominik Neise (Diplomand (MAGIC))
1101 | \item Dipl.-Ing.\ Kai Warda (Elektronik)
1102 | \item PTA Matthias Domke (Systemadministration)
1103 | \end{itemize}
1104 |
1105 | \paragraph{W\"{u}rzburg}
1106 | \begin{itemize}
1107 | \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}
1108 | \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}
1109 | \item Prof.\ Dr.\ Karl Mannheim (Landesmittel)
1110 | \item Prof.\ Dr.\ Thomas Trefzger (Landesmittel)
1111 | \item Prof.\ Dr.\ Wolfgang Dr"oge (Landesmittel)
1112 | \item Dr.\ Thomas Bretz (Postdoc (MAGIC), BMBF)
1113 | \item Dr.\ Felix Spanier (Postdoc, Landesmittel)
1114 | \item Dipl.-Phys.\ Jordi Albert (Doktorand, DFG-GRK1147)
1115 | \item Dipl.-Phys.\ Karsten Berger (Doktorand (MAGIC), Landesmittel)
1116 | \item Dipl.-Phys.\ Thomas Burkart (Doktorand (LISA), DLR)
1117 | \item Dipl.-Phys.\ Oliver Elbracht (Doktorand, Elitenetzwerk Bayern)
1118 | \item Dipl.-Phys.\ Dominik Els"asser (Doktorand, Elitenetzwerk Bayern)
1119 | \item Dipl.-Phys.\ Daniela Dorner (Doktorand (MAGIC), BMBF)
1120 | \item Dipl.-Phys.\ Daniel H"ohne (Doktorand (MAGIC), Landesmittel)
1121 | \item Dipl.-Phys.\ Markus Meyer (Doktorand, DFG-GRK1147)
1122 | \item M.Sc.\ Surajit Paul (Doktorand, DFG-GRK1147)
1123 | \item Dipl.-Phys.\ Stefan R"ugamer (Doktorand (MAGIC), Landesmittel)
1124 | \item Dipl.-Phys.\ Michael R"uger (Doktorand, Elitenetzwerk Bayern)
1125 | \item Dipl.-Phys.\ Martina Wei"s (Doktorand, Elitenetzwerk Bayern)
1126 | \item cand.\ phys.\ Sebastian Huber
1127 | \item cand.\ phys.\ Tobias Hein
1128 | \item cand.\ phys.\ Tobias Viering
1129 | \end{itemize}
1130 | \originalTeX
1131 |
1132 | \subsection[5.2]{Cooperation with other scientists\\(Zusammenarbeit mit
1133 | anderen Wissenschaftlern)}
1134 |
1135 | Both applying groups cooperate with the international
1136 | MAGIC collaboration and the institutes represented therein. (W\"{u}rzburg
1137 | funded by the BMBF, Dortmund by means of appointment for the moment).
1138 |
1139 | W\"{u}rzburg is also in close scientific exchange with the group of
1140 | Prof.~Dr.~Victoria Fonseca, UCM Madrid and the University of Turku
1141 | (Finland) operating the KVA optical telescope at La Palma. Other
1142 | cooperations refer to the projects JEM-EUSO (science case), GRIPS
1143 | (simulation), LISA (astrophysical input for templates), STEREO (data
1144 | analysis), and SOLAR ORBITER (electron-proton telescope). A cooperation
1145 | with GLAST science team members (Dr.~Anita and Dr.~Olaf Reimer,
1146 | Stanford) is also relevant for the proposed project.
1147 |
1148 | The group in Dortmund is involved in the IceCube experiment (BMBF
1149 | funding) and maintains close contacts to the collaboration partners.
1150 | Moreover on the field of phenomenology good working contacts exist to
1151 | the groups of Prof.~Dr.~Reinhard Schlickeiser, Ruhr-Universit\"{a}t
1152 | Bochum and Prof.~Dr.~Peter Biermann, MPIfR Bonn. There are furthermore
1153 | intense contacts to Prof.~Dr.~Francis Halzen, Madison, Wisconsin.
1154 |
1155 | The telescope design will be worked out in close cooperation with the
1156 | group of Prof.~Dr.~Felicitas Pauss, Dr.~Adrian Biland and
1157 | Prof.~Dr.~Eckart Lorenz (ETH~Z\"{u}rich). They will provide help in design
1158 | studies, construction and software development. The DAQ design will be
1159 | contributed by the group of Prof.~Dr.~Riccardo Paoletti (Universit\`{a} di
1160 | Siena and INFN sez.\ di Pisa, Italy).
1161 |
1162 | The group of the newly appointed {\em Lehrstuhl f\"{u}r Physik und ihre
1163 | Didaktik} (Prof.~Dr.~Thomas Trefzger) has expressed their interest to
1164 | join the project. They bring in a laboratory for photo-sensor testing,
1165 | know-how from former contributions to ATLAS and a joint interest in
1166 | operating a data pipeline using GRID technologies.
1167 |
1168 | \subsection[5.3]{Work outside Germany, Cooperation with foreign
1169 | partners\\(Arbeiten im Ausland, Kooperation mit Partnern im Ausland)}
1170 |
1171 | The work on DWARF will take place at the ORM on the Spanish island La
1172 | Palma. It will be performed in close collaboration with the
1173 | MAGIC collaboration.
1174 |
1175 | \subsection[5.4]{Scientific equipment available (Apparative
1176 | Ausstattung)}
1177 | In Dortmund and W\"{u}rzburg extensive computer capacities for data
1178 | storage as well as for data analysis are available.
1179 |
1180 | The faculty of physics at the University Dortmund has modern
1181 | equipped mechanical and electrical workshops including a department for
1182 | development of electronics at its command. The chair of astroparticle
1183 | physics possesses common technical equipment required for constructing
1184 | modern DAQ.
1185 |
1186 | The faculty of physics at the University of W\"{u}rzburg comes with a
1187 | mechanical and an electronic workshop, as well as a special laboratory
1188 | of the chair for astronomy suitable for photosensor testing.
1189 |
1190 | \subsection[5.5]{The institution's general contribution\\(Laufende
1191 | Mittel f\"{u}r Sachausgaben)}
1192 |
1193 | Current total institute budget from the University Dortmund
1194 | $\sim$20.000,-\,\euro\ per year.
1195 |
1196 | Current total institute budget from the University W\"{u}rzburg
1197 | $\sim$30.000,-\,\euro\ per year.
1198 |
1199 | %\paragraph{5.6 Conflicts of interest in economic activities\\Interessenskonflikte bei wirtschaftlichen Aktivit\"aten}~\\
1200 | \subsection[5.6]{Conflicts of interest in economic activities\\(Interessenskonflikte bei wirtschaftlichen Aktivit\"{a}ten)}~\\
1201 | none
1202 |
1203 | \subsection[5.7]{Other requirements (Sonstige Voraussetzungen)}~\\
1204 | none
1205 |
1206 | \newpage
1207 | \thispagestyle{empty}
1208 |
1209 | \paragraph{6 Declarations (Erkl\"{a}rungen)}
1210 |
1211 | A request for funding this project has not been submitted to
1212 | any other addressee. In case we submit such a request we will inform
1213 | the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft immediately. \\
1214 |
1215 | The corresponding persons (Vertrauensdozenten) at the
1216 | Universit\"{a}t Dortmund (Prof.\ Dr.\ Gather) and at the Universit\"{a}t
1217 | W\"{u}rzburg (Prof.\ Dr.\ G.\ Bringmann) have been informed about the
1218 | submission of this proposal.
1219 |
1220 | \paragraph{7 Signatures (Unterschriften)}~\\
1221 |
1222 | \vspace{2.5 cm}
1223 |
1224 | \hfill
1225 | \begin{minipage}[t]{6cm}
1226 | W\"{u}rzburg,\\[3.0cm]
1227 | \parbox[t]{6cm}{\hrulefill}\\
1228 | \parbox[t]{6cm}{~\hfill Prof.\ Dr.\ Karl Mannheim\hfill~}\\
1229 | \end{minipage}
1230 | \hfill
1231 | \begin{minipage}[t]{6cm}
1232 | Dortmund,\\[3.0cm]
1233 | \parbox[t]{6cm}{\hrulefill}\\
1234 | \parbox[t]{6cm}{~\hfill Prof.\ Dr.\ Dr.\ Wolfgang Rhode\hfill~}\\
1235 | \end{minipage}\hfill~
1236 |
1237 | \thispagestyle{empty}
1238 | \newpage
1239 | \mbox{}
1240 | \thispagestyle{empty}
1241 | \newpage
1242 | \paragraph{8 List of appendices (Verzeichnis der Anlagen)}
1243 |
1244 | \begin{itemize}
1245 | \item
1246 | %Schriftenverzeichnis der Antragsteller seit dem Jahr 2000
1247 | List of refereed publications of the applicants since 2000
1248 | \item Appendix A: Chapter 4 in German
1249 | \item CV of Karl Mannheim
1250 | \item CV of Wolfgang Rhode
1251 | \item Letter of Support from the MAGIC collaboration
1252 | \item Letter of Support from Mets\"{a}hovi Radio Observatory
1253 | \item Letter of Support from the IceCube collaboration
1254 | \item Letter of Support from KVA optical telescope
1255 | \item Email with offer from EMI for the PMs
1256 | \end{itemize}
1257 | \newpage
1258 | \mbox{}
1259 | \thispagestyle{empty}
1260 | \newpage
1261 |
1262 | \appendix
1263 | \germanTeX
1264 | \section[4]{Beantragte Mittel}
1265 |
1266 | Die beantragten Mittel werden durch die Ausgaben f"ur die Kamera und
1267 | die Datennahme dominiert. Wir beantragen eine F"orderung von drei Jahren.
1268 |
1269 | \subsection[4.1]{Personalkosten}
1270 |
1271 | F"ur diesen Zeitraum beantragen wir die Finanzierung von zwei Postdocs
1272 | und zwei Doktoranden, jeweils einer in Dortmund und einer in W"urzburg
1273 | (3\,x\,TV-L13). Mit den besetzten Stellen sollen die erw"ahnten Arbeiten
1274 | zur Planung und zum Bau des Teleskops durchgef"uhrt werden. Zus"atzlich
1275 | wird noch eine schwankende Zahl an Doktoranden und Diplomanden
1276 | zur Verf"ugung stehen.
1277 |
1278 | Interessierte Kandidaten sind Dr.\ Thomas
1279 | Bretz, Dr.\ dest.\ Daniela Dorner, Dr.\ dest.\ Kirsten M\"{u}nich,
1280 | cand.\ phys.\ Michael Backes, cand.\ phys.\ Daniela Hadasch und cand.\
1281 | phys.\ Dominik Neise.
1282 |
1283 | \subsection[4.2]{Wissenschaftliche Ger\"{a}te}
1284 |
1285 | Am Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (ORM), nahe dem MAGIC
1286 | Teleskop, steht noch das ehemalige HEGRA-Teleskop (CT3) zur Verf"ugung.
1287 | Es ist noch immer nutzbar und geh"ort jetzt der MAGIC Kollaboration.
1288 | Au"serdem ist noch ein Container zur Unterbringung von Elektronik,
1289 | sowie weiterer Platz im MAGIC-eignenen Haus vorhanden. Der Memorandum
1290 | of Understanding der MAGIC-Kollaboration erlaubt uns den Betrieb des
1291 | Teleskops als DWARF (siehe Anlage). F"ur Notfallsituationen steht die
1292 | MAGIC Schichtmannschaft zur Verf"ugung.
1293 |
1294 | Um die angestrebte Sensitivit"at und Energieschwelle (Abb.~\ref{sensitivity})
1295 | in m"oglichgst kurzer Zeit zu erreichen, wurden die folgenden
1296 | Komponenten ausgew"ahlt. Einzelheiten zu den Auswahlkriterien k"onnen
1297 | im Kapitel~4 nachgelesen werden.\\
1298 |
1299 | {\bf Kamera}\dotfill 206.450,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
1300 | \begin{quote}
1301 | F"ur eine Kamera mit 313 Pixel werden folgende Komponenten ben"otigt:\\
1302 | \parbox[t]{1em}{~}\begin{minipage}[t]{0.6\textwidth}
1303 | Photomultiplier R"ohre EMI\,9083B\hfill 220,-\,\euro\\
1304 | Aktiver Spannungsteiler (EMI)\hfill 80,-\,\euro\\
1305 | Hochspannungsversorgung und -kontrolle\hfill 300,-\,\euro\\
1306 | Vorverst"arker\hfill 50,-\,\euro\\
1307 | Ersatzteile (pauschal)\hfill 3000,-\,\euro\\
1308 | \end{minipage}\\[-0.5ex]
1309 | %For long-term observations, the stability of the camera is a major
1310 | %criterion. To keep the systematic errors small, a good background
1311 | %estimation is mandatory. The only possibility for a synchronous
1312 | %determination of the background is the measurement from the night-sky
1313 | %observed in the same field-of-view with the same instrument. To achieve
1314 | %this, the observed position is moved out of the camera center which
1315 | %allows the estimation of the background from positions symmetric with
1316 | %respect to the camera center (so called Wobble mode). This observation
1317 | %mode increases the sensitivity by a factor of $\sqrt{2}$, because
1318 | %spending observation time for dedicated background observations becomes
1319 | %obsolete, i.e.\ observation time for the source is doubled. This
1320 | %ensures in addition a better time coverage of the observed sources.\\
1321 | %A further increase in sensitivity can be achieved by better background
1322 | %statistics from not only one but several independent positions for the
1323 | %background estimation in the camera \citep{Lessard:2001}. To allow for
1324 | %this the source position in Wobble mode should be shifted
1325 | %$0.6^\circ-0.7^\circ$ out of the camera center.
1326 | %
1327 | %A camera completely containing the shower images of events in the energy
1328 | %region of 1\,TeV-10\,TeV should have a diameter in the order of
1329 | %5$^\circ$. To decrease the dependence of the measurements on the camera
1330 | %geometry, a camera layout as symmetric as possible will be chosen.
1331 | %Consequently a camera allowing to fulfill these requirements should be
1332 | %round and have a diameter of $4.5^\circ-5.0^\circ$.
1333 | %
1334 | %Therefore a camera with 313 pixel camera (see fig.~\ref{camDWARF}) is
1335 | %chosen. The camera will be built based on the experience with HEGRA and
1336 | %MAGIC. 19\,mm diameter Photomultiplier Tubes (PM, EMI\,9083B/KFLA-UD)
1337 | %will be bought, similar to the HEGRA type (EMI\,9083\,KFLA). They have
1338 | %a quantum efficiency improved by 25\% (see fig.~\ref{qe}) and ensure a
1339 | %granularity which is enough to guarantee good results even below the
1340 | %energy threshold (flux peak energy). Each individual pixel has to be
1341 | %equipped with a preamplifier, an active high-voltage supply and
1342 | %control. The total expense for a single pixel will be in the order of
1343 | %650,-\,\euro.
1344 | %
1345 | %All possibilities of borrowing one of the old HEGRA cameras for a
1346 | %transition time have been probed and refused by the owners of the
1347 | %cameras.
1348 | %
1349 | %At ETH~Z\"{u}rich currently test measurements are ongoing to prove the
1350 | %ability, i.e.\ stability, aging, quantum efficiency, etc., of using
1351 | %Geiger-mode APDs (GAPD) as photon detectors in the camera of a
1352 | %Cherenkov telescope. The advantages are an extremely high quantum
1353 | %efficiency ($>$50\%), easier gain stabilization and simplified
1354 | %application compared to classical PMs. If these test measurements are
1355 | %successfully finished until 8/2008, we consider to use GAPDs in favor
1356 | %of classical PMs. The design of such a camera would take place at
1357 | %University Dortmund in close collaboration with the experts from ETH.
1358 | %The construction would also take place at the electronics workshop of
1359 | %Dortmund.
1360 | \end{quote}\vspace{3ex}
1361 | \newpage
1362 | {\bf Kameraaufh"angung und -geh"ause}\dotfill 7.500,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
1363 | \begin{quote}
1364 | %For this setup the camera holding has to be redesigned. (1500,-\,\euro)
1365 | %The camera chassis must be water tight and will be equipped with an
1366 | %automatic lid, protecting the PMs at daytime. For further protection, a
1367 | %plexi-glass window will be installed in front of the camera. By coating
1368 | %this window with an anti-reflex layer of magnesium-fluoride, a gain in
1369 | %transmission of 5\% is expected. Each PM will be equipped with a
1370 | %light-guide (Winston cone) as developed by UC Davis and successfully in
1371 | %operation in the MAGIC camera. (3000,-\,\euro\ for all Winston cones). The
1372 | %current design will be improved by using a high reflectivity aluminized
1373 | %Mylar mirror-foil, coated with a dialectical layer ($Si\,O_2$
1374 | %alternated with Niobium Oxide), to reach a reflectivity in the order of
1375 | %98\%. An electric and optical shielding of the individual PMs is
1376 | %planned.
1377 | %
1378 | %In total a gain of $\sim$15\% in light-collection
1379 | %efficiency compared to the old CT3 system can be achieved.
1380 | \end{quote}%\vspace{1ex}
1381 | {\bf Datennahme}\dotfill 61.035,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
1382 | \begin{quote}
1383 | 313 Pixel\\
1384 | \parbox[t]{1em}{~}\begin{minipage}[t]{0.6\textwidth}
1385 | Auslese\hfill 95,-\,\euro\\
1386 | Triggerelektronik\hfill 100,-\,\euro\\
1387 | \end{minipage}\\[-0.5ex]
1388 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
1389 | %For the data acquisition system a hardware readout based on an analog
1390 | %ring buffer (Domino\ II/IV), currently developed for the MAGIC~II
1391 | %readout, will be used \citep{Barcelo}. This technology allows to sample
1392 | %the pulses with high frequencies and readout several channels with a
1393 | %single Flash-ADC resulting in low costs. The low power consumption will
1394 | %allow to include the digitization near the signal source making
1395 | %the transfer of the analog signal obsolete. This results in less
1396 | %pick-up noise and reduces the signal dispersion. By high sampling rates
1397 | %(1.2\,GHz), additional information about the pulse shape can be
1398 | %obtained. This increases the over-all sensitivity further, because the
1399 | %short integration time allows for almost perfect suppression of noise
1400 | %due to night-sky background photons. The estimated trigger-, i.e.\
1401 | %readout-rate of the telescope is below 100\,Hz (HEGRA: $<$10\,Hz) which
1402 | %allows to use a low-cost industrial solution for readout of the system,
1403 | %like USB\,2.0.
1404 | %
1405 | %Current results obtained with the new 2\,GHz FADC system in the MAGIC
1406 | %data acquisition show, that for a single telescope a sensitivity
1407 | %improvement of 40\% with a fast FADC system is achievable \citep{Tescaro:2007}.
1408 | %
1409 | %Like for the HEGRA telescopes a simple multiplicity trigger is
1410 | %sufficient, but also a simple neighbor-logic could be programmed (both
1411 | %cases $\sim$100,-\,\euro/channel).
1412 | %
1413 | %Additional data reduction and preprocessing within the readout chain is
1414 | %provided. Assuming conservatively a readout rate of 30\,Hz, the storage
1415 | %space needed will be less than 250\,GB/month or 3\,TB/year. This amount
1416 | %of data can easily be stored and processed by the W\"{u}rzburg
1417 | %Datacenter (current capacity $>$80\,TB, $>$40\,CPUs).
1418 | \end{quote}\vspace{3ex}
1419 |
1420 | {\bf Spiegel}\dotfill 15.000,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
1421 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
1422 | \begin{quote}
1423 | %The existing mirrors will be replaced by new plastic mirrors currently
1424 | %developed by Wolfgang Dr\"{o}ge's group. The cheap and light-weight
1425 | %material has been formerly used for Winston cones in balloon
1426 | %experiments. The mirrors are copied from a master and coated with a
1427 | %reflecting and a protective material. Tests have given promising
1428 | %results. By a change of the mirror geometry, the mirror area can be
1429 | %increased from 8.5\,m$^2$ to 13\,m$^2$ (see picture~\ref{CT3} and
1430 | %montage~\ref{DWARF}). This includes an increase of $\sim$10$\%$ per
1431 | %mirror by using a hexagonal layout instead of a round one. A further
1432 | %increase of the mirror area would require a reconstruction of parts of
1433 | %the mount and will therefore be considered only in a later phase of the
1434 | %experiment.
1435 | %
1436 | %If the current development of the plastic mirrors cannot be finished in
1437 | %time, a re-machining of the old glass mirrors (8.5\,m$^2$) is possible
1438 | %with high purity aluminum and quartz coating.
1439 | %
1440 | %In both cases the mirrors can be coated with the same high reflectivity
1441 | %aluminized Mylar mirror-foil and a dialectical layer of $SiO_2$ as for
1442 | %the Winston cones. By this, a gain in reflectivity of $\sim10\%$ is
1443 | %achieved, see fig.~\ref{reflectivity} \citep{Fraunhofer}. Both
1444 | %solutions would require the same expenses.
1445 | %
1446 | %To keep track of the alignment, reflectivity and optical quality of the
1447 | %individual mirrors and the point-spread function of the total mirror
1448 | %during long-term observations, the application of an automatic mirror
1449 | %adjustment system, as developed by ETH~Z\"{u}rich and successfully
1450 | %operated on the MAGIC telescope, is intended.
1451 | \end{quote}%\vspace{3ex}
1452 | {\bf Kalibrationssystem}\dotfill 9.650,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
1453 | \begin{quote}
1454 | Einzelkomponenten\\
1455 | \parbox[t]{1em}{~}\begin{minipage}[t]{0.6\textwidth}
1456 | Absolute Lichtkalibration\hfill 2.000,-\,\euro\\
1457 | Messung der Triggerrate einzelner Pixel\hfill 3.000,-\,\euro\\
1458 | Wetterstation\hfill 500,-\,\euro\\
1459 | GPS gesteuerte Uhr\hfill 1.500,-\,\euro\\
1460 | CCD Kameras mit Auslese\hfill 2.650,-\,\euro\\
1461 | \end{minipage}\\[-0.5ex]
1462 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
1463 | %For the absolute light calibration (gain-calibration) of the PMs a
1464 | %calibration box, as successfully used in the MAGIC telescope, will be
1465 | %produced.
1466 | %
1467 | %To ensure a homogeneous acceptance of the camera, essential for
1468 | %Wobble mode observations, the trigger rate of the individual pixels
1469 | %will be measured and controlled.
1470 | %
1471 | %For a correction of axis misalignments and possible deformations of the
1472 | %structure (e.g.\ bending of camera holding masts) a pointing correction
1473 | %algorithm will be applied, as used in the MAGIC tracking system. It is
1474 | %calibrated by measurements of the reflection of bright guide stars on
1475 | %the camera surface and ensures a pointing accuracy well below the pixel
1476 | %diameter. Therefore a high sensitive low-cost video camera, as for
1477 | %MAGIC\ I and~II, (300,-\,\euro\ camera, 600,-\,\euro\ optics,
1478 | %300,-\,\euro\ housing, 250,-\,\euro\ frame grabber) will be installed.
1479 | %
1480 | %A second identical CCD camera for online monitoring (starguider) will
1481 | %be bought.
1482 | %
1483 | %For an accurate tracking a GPS clock is necessary. The weather station
1484 | %helps judging the data quality.
1485 | %}\\[2ex]
1486 | \end{quote}\vspace{3ex}
1487 |
1488 | {\bf Computing}\dotfill 12.000,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
1489 | \begin{quote}
1490 | \parbox[t]{1em}{~}\begin{minipage}[t]{0.6\textwidth}
1491 | Drei PCs\hfill 8.000,-\,\euro\\
1492 | SATA RAID 3TB\hfill 4.000,-\,\euro\\
1493 | \end{minipage}\\[-0.5ex]
1494 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
1495 | %For on-site computing three standard PCs are needed ($\sim$8.000,-\,\euro).
1496 | %This includes readout and storage, preprocessing and telescope control.
1497 | %For safety reasons, a firewall is mandatory. For local cache-storage
1498 | %and backup, two RAID\,5 SATA disk arrays with one Terabyte capacity
1499 | %each will fulfill the requirement ($\sim$4.000,-\,\euro). The data will be
1500 | %transmitted as soon as possible after data taking via Internet to the
1501 | %W\"{u}rzburg Datacenter. Enough storage capacity and computing power
1502 | %is available there and already reserved for this purpose.
1503 | %
1504 | %Monte Carlo production and storage will take place at University
1505 | %Dortmund.%}\\[2ex]
1506 | \end{quote}\vspace{3ex}
1507 |
1508 | {\bf Antrieb und Positionsauslese}\dotfill 17.500,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
1509 | \begin{quote}
1510 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
1511 | %The present mount is used. Only a smaller investment for safety,
1512 | %corrosion protection, cable ducts, etc. is needed (7.500,-\,\euro).
1513 | %
1514 | %Motors, shaft encoders and control electronics in the order of
1515 | %10.000,-\,\euro\ have to be bought. The costs have been estimated with
1516 | %the experience from building the MAGIC drive systems. The DWARF drive
1517 | %system should allow for relatively fast repositioning for three
1518 | %reasons: (i)~Fast movement might be mandatory for future ToO
1519 | %observations. (ii)~Wobble mode observations will be done changing the
1520 | %Wobble-position continuously (each 20\,min) for symmetry reasons.
1521 | %(iii)~To ensure good time coverage of more than one source visible at
1522 | %the same time, the observed source will be changed in constant time
1523 | %intervals.
1524 | %
1525 | %For the drive system three 150\,Watt servo motors are intended to be bought. A
1526 | %micro-controller based motion control unit (Siemens SPS L\,20) similar to
1527 | %the one of the current MAGIC~II drive system will be used. For
1528 | %communication with the readout-system, a standard Ethernet connection
1529 | %based on the TCP/IP- and UDP-protocol will be setup.
1530 | %}\\[2ex]
1531 | \end{quote}%\vspace{3ex}
1532 | %
1533 | {\bf Sicherheit}\dotfill 4.000,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
1534 | \begin{quote}
1535 | \parbox[t]{1em}{~}\begin{minipage}[t]{0.6\textwidth}
1536 | Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung (UPS)\hfill 2.000,-\,\euro\\
1537 | Sicherheitszaun\hfill 2.000,-\,\euro\\
1538 | \end{minipage}\\[-0.5ex]
1539 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
1540 | %A UPS with 5\,kW-10\,kW will be
1541 | %installed to protect the equipment against power cuts and ensure a safe
1542 | %telescope position at the time of sunrise.
1543 | %
1544 | %For protection in case of robotic movement a fence will be
1545 | %installed.%}\\[2ex]
1546 | \end{quote}\vspace{3ex}
1547 |
1548 | {\bf Andere Ausgaben}\dotfill 7.500,-\,\euro\\[-3ex]
1549 | \begin{quote}
1550 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\begin{minipage}[t]{0.6\textwidth}
1551 | % Robotics\hfill 7.500,-\,\euro\\
1552 | % \end{minipage}\\[-0.5ex]
1553 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
1554 | F"ur den Betrieb in Fernsteuerung
1555 | werden verschiedene fernbedienbare Komponenten, wie z.B.\
1556 | Ethernet steuerbare Steckdosen und "Uberwachungselektronik, gekauft.
1557 | \end{quote}
1558 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[0.5ex]
1559 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hspace{0.5ex}\hfill Sum 4.2:\hfill{\bf
1560 | 341.135,-\,\euro}\hfill\hspace*{0pt}\\[-1ex]
1561 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[-1.9ex]
1562 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\
1563 |
1564 | \subsection[4.3]{Verbrauchsmaterial}
1565 |
1566 | \begin{quote}
1567 | % \parbox[t]{1em}{~}\begin{minipage}[t]{0.9\textwidth}
1568 | 10 LTO\,4 B"ander (8\,TB)\dotfill 750,-\,\euro\\
1569 | Verbrauchsgegenst"ande (pauschal): Werkzeug und Materialien\dotfill 10.000,-\,\euro
1570 | % \end{minipage}\\[-0.5ex]
1571 | \end{quote}
1572 |
1573 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[0.5ex]
1574 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hspace{0.5ex}\hfill Sum 4.3:\hfill{\bf
1575 | 10.750,-\,\euro}\hfill\hspace*{0pt}\\[-1ex]
1576 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[-1.9ex]
1577 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\
1578 |
1579 | \subsection[4.4]{Reisen}
1580 | Die hohen Reisekosten sind in der engen Zusammenarbeit zwischen
1581 | Dortmund und W"urzburg, sowie den notwendigen Aufenthalten in La Palma
1582 | begr"undet.\\[-2ex]
1583 |
1584 | \begin{quote}
1585 | %\parbox[t]{1em}{~}\parbox[t]{0.955\textwidth}{
1586 | Jedes Jahr sollte ein erfahrenes Gruppenmitglied aus Dortmund und
1587 | W"urzburg den Status des Projektes bei einer internationalen Konferenz
1588 | vorstellen:\\
1589 | 2 x 3\,Jahre x 1.500,-\,\euro\dotfill 9.000,-\,\euro\\[-2ex]
1590 |
1591 | Teilnahme am MAGIC Kollaborationstreffen (zweimal j"ahrlich):\\
1592 | 2 x 3\,Jahre x 1.000,-\,\euro\dotfill 6.000,-\,\euro\\[-2ex]
1593 |
1594 | Austausch von Doktoranden zwischen W\"{u}rzburg and Dortmund:\\
1595 | 1\,Student x 1\,Woche x 24 (alle sechs Wochen) x 800,-\,\euro\dotfill
1596 | 19.200,-\,\euro\\[-2ex]
1597 |
1598 | Zum Aufbau des Teleskops vor Ort sind folgende Reisekosten n"otig:\\
1599 | 4 x 2\,Wochen auf La Palma x 2\,Personen x 1.800,-\,\euro\dotfill
1600 | 28.800,-\,\euro
1601 | %}
1602 | \end{quote}
1603 |
1604 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[0.5ex]
1605 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hspace{0.5ex}\hfill Sum 4.4:\hfill{\bf
1606 | 63.000,-\,\euro}\hfill\hspace*{0pt}\\[-1ex]
1607 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[-1.9ex]
1608 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\
1609 |
1610 |
1611 | \subsection[4.5]{Publikationskosten}
1612 | Werden von den beantragenden Universit"aten "ubernommen.
1613 |
1614 |
1615 | \subsection[4.6]{Sonstige Kosten}
1616 | \begin{quote}
1617 | Euro-Container (zum Versand der Spiegel)\dotfill 5.000,-\,\euro\\
1618 | Transport\dotfill 15.000,-\,\euro\\
1619 | Abbau (wird von den Antragstellern "ubernommen)\dotfill n/a
1620 | \end{quote}
1621 |
1622 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[0.5ex]
1623 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hspace{0.5ex}\hfill Sum 4.6:\hfill{\bf
1624 | 20.000,-\,\euro}\hfill\hspace*{0pt}\\[-1ex]
1625 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\[-1.9ex]
1626 | \hspace*{0.66\textwidth}\hrulefill\\
1627 |
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