1 | #include "star.hxx"
2 |
3 | star::star(){ // constructor (set invalid values)
4 | icatnum = -999;
5 | ra_h = -999.;
6 | dec_deg = -999.;
7 | umag = -999.;
8 | bmag = -999.;
9 | vmag = -999.;
10 | rmag = -999.;
11 | u = -999.;
12 | v = -999.;
13 | ra_rad = -999.;
14 | dec_rad = -999.;
15 | }
16 |
17 | int star::readstar(FILE *fp, int verbose){ // read one line of the SKY2000 V2.0
18 | // catalog and extract the interesting
19 | // data
20 | int ira_hours, ira_min;
21 | int idec_degrees, idec_arcmin;
22 | float ra_sec, dec_arcsec;
23 | char catline[SKY2000LINELENGTH + 1];
24 | char *pos;
25 | char c2[3];
26 | char c3[4];
27 | char c6[7];
28 | char c7[8];
29 | char c8[9];
30 |
31 | strncpy(c2+2, "\0", 1);
32 | strncpy(c3+3, "\0", 1);
33 | strncpy(c6+6, "\0", 1);
34 | strncpy(c7+7, "\0", 1);
35 | strncpy(c8+8, "\0", 1);
36 |
37 | pos = catline;
38 |
39 | if( fgets( pos , SKY2000LINELENGTH + 1, fp) == NULL ){
40 | return(FALSE);
41 | }
42 |
43 | if(verbose > 2) fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", catline);
44 |
45 | pos = catline + 27;
46 |
47 |
48 | strncpy(c8, pos, 8);
49 | sscanf(c8, "%d", &icatnum);
50 |
51 | pos = catline + 118;
52 | strncpy(c2, pos, 2);
53 | sscanf(c2, "%d", &ira_hours);
54 |
55 | pos = catline + 120;
56 | strncpy(c2, pos, 2);
57 | sscanf(c2, "%d", &ira_min);
58 |
59 | pos = catline + 122;
60 | strncpy(c7, pos, 7);
61 | sscanf(c7, "%f", &ra_sec);
62 |
63 | pos = catline + 129;
64 | strncpy(c3, pos, 3);
65 | if( c3[1] == ' ' ){
66 | c3[1] = '0';
67 | }
68 | if( c3[2] == ' ' ){
69 | c3[2] = '0';
70 | }
71 | sscanf(c3, "%d", &idec_degrees);
72 |
73 | pos = catline + 132;
74 | strncpy(c2, pos, 2);
75 | sscanf(c2, "%d", &idec_arcmin);
76 |
77 | pos = catline + 134;
78 | strncpy(c6, pos, 6);
79 | sscanf(c6, "%f", &dec_arcsec);
80 |
81 | pos = catline + 231;
82 | strncpy(c6, pos, 6);
83 | if (sscanf(c6, "%f", &vmag) < 1)
84 | vmag = -999.;;
85 |
86 | pos = catline + 251;
87 | strncpy(c6, pos, 6);
88 | if (sscanf(c6, "%f", &bmag) < 1)
89 | bmag = -999.;
90 |
91 | pos = catline + 271;
92 | strncpy(c6, pos, 6);
93 | if (sscanf(c6, "%f", &umag) < 1)
94 | umag = -999.;
95 |
96 | ra_h = ira_hours + ira_min/60. + ra_sec/3600.;
97 | dec_deg = idec_degrees + idec_arcmin/60. + dec_arcsec/3600.;
98 | ra_rad = ra_h * PI / 12.;
99 | dec_rad = dec_deg * PI /180.;
100 |
101 | if (verbose > 2) fprintf(stdout, "extracted: %d %d %d %f %d %d %f %f %f %f\n",
102 | icatnum, ira_hours, ira_min, ra_sec,
103 | idec_degrees, idec_arcmin, dec_arcsec,
104 | umag, bmag, vmag);
105 |
106 | return(TRUE);
107 | }
108 |
109 | int star::printstar(){ // write one star's parameters
110 | fprintf(stdout, "%d %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
111 | icatnum, ra_h, dec_deg, umag, bmag, vmag, rmag);
112 | return(0);
113 | }
114 |
115 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
116 | // @name calcmissingmags
117 | //
118 | // @desc calculate the magnitudes for those wavebands in which no data
119 | // @desc is available assuming a black body and using the V and B mags
120 | //
121 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 |
123 | float star::calcmissingmags(int verbose) { // returns effective temperature; -1. = not possible
124 |
125 | float temp;
126 | float tprime;
127 | float nu1_Hz, nu2_Hz, bflux, vflux, rflux, xmag;
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 | if(vmag > -100.){ // valid vmag available
132 | if(bmag < -100.){ // no valid bmag available
133 | cout << "Warning: star no. " << icatnum <<
134 | " has no Bmag measurement. Using Bmag = Vmag = "<<vmag<<"\n";
135 | bmag = vmag;
136 | }
137 | }
138 | else{
139 | cout << "Warning: star no. " << icatnum <<
140 | " has no Vmag measurement.\n";
141 | return(-1.);
142 | }
143 |
144 | // calculate the star temperature using approximation from
145 | // Kitchin, C.R., Astrophysical Techniques, 2nd ed., equ. 3.1.24
146 |
147 | if((bmag-vmag) > -0.2){
148 | temp = 8540. / ( (bmag-vmag) + 0.865 );
149 | if (verbose > 1) cout << "Star temperature from B-V: T = " << temp << "K\n";
150 | }
151 | else{
152 | temp = 12000.;
153 | if (verbose > 1) cout << "Star temperature from B-V: T > " << temp << "K\n";
154 | }
155 |
156 | // calculate an effective temperature for the Rmag calculation
157 | // tprime = T * k / h
158 |
159 | nu1_Hz = LIGHTSPEED_mps/((VLMIN_nm+VLMAX_nm)/2.*1e-9);
160 | nu2_Hz = LIGHTSPEED_mps/((BLMAX_nm+BLMAX_nm)/2.*1e-9);
161 | vflux = pow(10.,-0.4*vmag-22.42);
162 | bflux = pow(10.,-0.4*bmag-22.42);
163 | tprime = (nu2_Hz - nu1_Hz) / ( log(vflux/bflux) - 3. * log(nu1_Hz/nu2_Hz) );
164 | if (verbose > 1) cout << "Blackbody T = " << tprime/1.38e-23*6.62e-34 << "\n";
165 |
166 |
167 | if( umag < -100. ){ // umag could not be read
168 | if (verbose) cout << "Warning: star no. " << icatnum <<
169 | " has no Umag measurement. Calculating it from its Vmag = " << vmag << "\n";
170 | if (verbose) cout << " and Bmag = " << bmag << " assuming standard colour-colour-plot ... ";
171 |
172 | if((bmag-vmag) > 1.4){
173 | umag = bmag * 0.9;
174 | }
175 | else{
176 | if((bmag-vmag) > 0.5){
177 | umag = -0.5 + 1.37 * (bmag - vmag) + bmag;
178 | }
179 | else{
180 | if((bmag-vmag) <= 0.){
181 | umag = 4.07 * (bmag - vmag) + bmag;
182 | }
183 | else{
184 | umag = 0.175 * (bmag - vmag) + bmag;
185 | }
186 | }
187 | }
188 |
189 | if (verbose) cout << " result Umag = " << umag << "\n";
190 |
191 | if( umag < 5.0 ){
192 | cout << "Warning: star no. " << icatnum << " is bright (Vmag =" << vmag << ", Bmag = "
193 | << bmag << ")\n and has no Umag measurement. Estimated Umag is "<< umag <<"\n";
194 | }
195 |
196 | }
197 | else{ // umag available
198 | if (verbose > 1) {
199 | cout << "Test: star no. " << icatnum <<
200 | " has Umag = " << umag <<". Calculating it from its Vmag = " << vmag << "\n";
201 | cout << " and Bmag = " << bmag << " assuming standard colour-colour-plot ...\n ";
202 |
203 | if((bmag-vmag) > 1.4){
204 | xmag = bmag * 0.9;
205 | }
206 | else{
207 | if((bmag-vmag) > 0.5){
208 | xmag = -0.5 + 1.37 * (bmag - vmag) + bmag;
209 | }
210 | else{
211 | if((bmag-vmag) <= 0.){
212 | xmag = 4.07 * (bmag - vmag) + bmag;
213 | }
214 | else{
215 | xmag = 0.175 * (bmag - vmag) + bmag;
216 | }
217 | }
218 | }
219 | if (verbose > 2)
220 | cout << "TEST " << umag <<" "<< xmag << " " << temp << " " << bmag << " " << vmag << "\n";
221 |
222 | cout << " result Umag = " << xmag << "\n";
223 | }
224 |
225 | }
226 |
227 | if( rmag < -100. ){ // rmag not present (it's not part of the catalog)
228 |
229 | temp = temp * 1.38e-23 / 6.62e-34; // * k / h
230 |
231 | rflux = vflux * pow((VLMIN_nm + VLMAX_nm)/(RLMIN_nm + RLMAX_nm),3.) *
232 | (exp(nu1_Hz/temp) - 1.) /
233 | (exp(LIGHTSPEED_mps/((RLMIN_nm+RLMAX_nm)/2.*1e-9)/temp) - 1.);
234 |
235 | rmag = (log10(rflux) + 22.42)/(-0.4);
236 |
237 | }
238 |
239 | return(tprime);
240 | }
241 |
242 |
243 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
244 | // @name mag_nphot
245 | //
246 | // @desc translates magnitudes in number of photons, using log(flux)= -0.4*m+22.42
247 | //
248 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
249 |
250 | int star::mag_nphot(int np[4], float inttime_s, float radius_m, int verbose) {
251 |
252 | float bflux, vflux, uflux, rflux;
253 | float bintensity, vintensity, uintensity, rintensity;
254 | float unu1_Hz, unu2_Hz, bnu1_Hz, bnu2_Hz, vnu1_Hz, vnu2_Hz, rnu1_Hz, rnu2_Hz;
255 |
256 | // The flux is given in Watt/m2*Hz.
257 |
258 | uflux = pow(10.,-0.4*umag-22.42);
259 | bflux = pow(10.,-0.4*bmag-22.42);
260 | vflux = pow(10.,-0.4*vmag-22.42);
261 | rflux = pow(10.,-0.4*rmag-22.42);
262 |
263 | if (verbose) cout<<"MAGS "<<umag<<" "<<bmag<<" "<<vmag<<" "<<rmag<<endl;
264 |
265 | unu1_Hz = LIGHTSPEED_mps/(ULMIN_nm*1e-9);
266 | unu2_Hz = LIGHTSPEED_mps/(ULMAX_nm*1e-9);
267 | bnu1_Hz = LIGHTSPEED_mps/(BLMIN_nm*1e-9);
268 | bnu2_Hz = LIGHTSPEED_mps/(BLMAX_nm*1e-9);
269 | vnu1_Hz = LIGHTSPEED_mps/(VLMIN_nm*1e-9);
270 | vnu2_Hz = LIGHTSPEED_mps/(VLMAX_nm*1e-9);
271 | rnu1_Hz = LIGHTSPEED_mps/(RLMIN_nm*1e-9);
272 | rnu2_Hz = LIGHTSPEED_mps/(RLMAX_nm*1e-9);
273 |
274 | // The intensity is given in number_of_photons/sec*m2. We obtain this units
275 | // because we multiply by the conversion factor 1Joule/s=h*c/((lambda1+lambda2)/2)
276 |
277 |
278 | uintensity = uflux*(unu1_Hz-unu2_Hz) * (ULMIN_nm+ULMAX_nm)*1e-9/2. /(PLANCK_si*LIGHTSPEED_mps);
279 | bintensity = bflux*(bnu1_Hz-bnu2_Hz) * (BLMIN_nm+BLMAX_nm)*1e-9/2. /(PLANCK_si*LIGHTSPEED_mps);
280 | vintensity = vflux*(vnu1_Hz-vnu2_Hz) * (VLMIN_nm+VLMAX_nm)*1e-9/2. /(PLANCK_si*LIGHTSPEED_mps);
281 | rintensity = rflux*(rnu1_Hz-rnu2_Hz) * (RLMIN_nm+RLMAX_nm)*1e-9/2. /(PLANCK_si*LIGHTSPEED_mps);
282 |
283 | np[0] = (int)(uintensity * radius_m * radius_m * PI * inttime_s);
284 | np[1] = (int)(bintensity * radius_m * radius_m * PI * inttime_s);
285 | np[2] = (int)(vintensity * radius_m * radius_m * PI * inttime_s);
286 | np[3] = (int)(rintensity * radius_m * radius_m * PI * inttime_s);
287 |
288 | if (verbose) cout<<"NPH "<<np[0]<<" "<<np[1]<<" "<<np[2]<<" " <<np[3]<<endl;
289 |
290 | numphot = np[0] + np[1] + np[2] + np[3];
291 |
292 | return(numphot);
293 |
294 | }