source: trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/TimeCam/ShortManual.tex@ 11847

Last change on this file since 11847 was 353, checked in by harald, 25 years ago
this is just the starting point of the further development of the camera project to simulate MonteCarloShower for MAGIC. The TimeCam is using also the information of the arrival time of the cerenkov photons (or the photoelectrons). This is the status of the program as presented on the general MAGIC meeting in Barcelona! Each one is invited to collaborate!!!
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2% Musterbrief, Auszuege aus DIN 5008, Adressenbeispiele
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8\textwidth 140mm
9\textheight 200mm
19% Short introduction about the camera program
21\section{Camera Program}
25The Camera Program is for the simulation of the MAGIC camera. The
26input is the output of the program Reflector, what are all the
27cerenkov photons hitting the camera. All these photons are reflected
28from the mirrors.
30The determination of the pixel that is hitted by one cerenkov photon
31is the first working step of the program. Then the simulation of the
32different efficencies inside the camera are following (i.e. the
33absorption due to the distance between mirrors and the camera plane,
34the quantuum efficency of the photocathod...).
35So after this first part we
36know the time and the Pixel identification of each
37photo electron leaving the photo cathod.
39The simulation of the trigger is the next step inside the camera
41For each photo electron one create a standard response signal.
42Also the noise (from opto-electonic) of the trigger signal is
44After doing this for all photo electrons, the program
45calculates the diskriminator signal for each channel. With this
46digital signals the program decides if a trigger is created.
47All this trigger studies are implemented in
48the (C++) class MTrigger. At the end of each event you have the
49knowledge if there occurs a trigger signal or not.
51The output of the program is a root tree (using the root package from
52CERN). In this tree there are different branches. One branch stores
53the information about the MonteCarlo event (McEvt). One the result of
54the trigger studies (McTrig). And last but not least, there is a
55branch in which the expected raw data format is stored (MRawEvt).
59To start the Camera Program you have to create a steercard file (see
60chapter \ref{chap_steercard}).
61I.e. this file is called {\bf input.card}. Then start the program with
62the command:
64 \bf {camera $<$ input.card }
66With the steercard file one can control the program and its different
67features. In the followin you will find a special list of all the
68steercard control words.
70\subsection{Steercard control}
73With the steercard file the user can control the procedure of the
74Camera Program. At the beginning of the program, all lines in this
75file are read in. Depending on the first word in the line, a control
76value for the further program behaviour is set.
78A list of the different steerword is following. They are seperated by
79their importance for a good simulation.
82 \item {\bf input and output files} \\
83 the following steerword are neccessary to read in the data
84 from the right file and to store the output in the right
85 files.
87 \begin{itemize}
88 \item {\bf ct\_file } \\
89 This steerword controls the geometry of the used
90 cerenkov telescope. At the beginning of the
91 development is was planned to simulated different
92 types (MAGIC and CT1 of HEGRA). But if you want to
93 simulated only for MAGIC put the following line into
94 your steercard file: \\
95 ct\_file \hspace{10mm} ../Data/magic.def
96 \item {\bf input\_file} \\
97 With this line you declare the input file for the
98 camera program. The input file is the output file of
99 the Reflector Program. So the line may look like: \\
100 input\_file \hspace{10mm} /dat1/RefData/prot.rfl
101 \item {\bf root\_file} \\
102 The output of the Camera Program is written in a root
103 tree. To give the root file a name used this steercard
104 control line: \\
105 root\_file \hspace{10mm} /dat1/CamData/prot.root
107 To control the different branches of the root tree,
108 there are some steerwords to do this job.
109 \begin{itemize}
110 \item {\bf nowrite\_McEvt} \\
111 In a normal run the Camera Program writes
112 the information of the Monte Carlo Event to
113 the root tree. If you use a line like:
114 nowrite\_McEvt \\
115 it does not. This is useful for testing the
116 reconstruction precision, because the analyser
117 doesn't now anaything about the input.
119 \item {\bf write\_RawEvt} \\
120 If you want to create the branch with the raw
121 data format of the events, you must use this
122 command. If you don't use it, the camera
123 program will not create and fill this branch.
125 \item {\bf write\_McTrig} \\
126 To study some properties of the triggers, it
127 is useful to create a branch with the McTrig
128 information in it. To do this use this
129 steerword. If you don't use it, you won't get
130 any McTrig information.
132 \item Be aware! If you don't use one of this three
133 steerwords, you get only the Monte Carlo
134 Information (McEvt) in your root tree file.
135 \end{itemize}
136 \end{itemize}
138 \item {\bf amount of output data} \\
139 For different studies on needs a different amount of output
140 data. To study trigger effiencies it is neccessary to write
141 all events to file, but for the optimisation of reconstruction
142 methods you need only the triggered events. There is a
143 steerword, that controls the difference:
144 \begin{itemize}
145 \item {\bf write\_all\_images} \\
146 If you use this steerword, you write out all events.
147 But the default behaviour is to write only the
148 triggered events.
150 \end{itemize}
151 \item {\bf Parameters of the camera} \\
152 It is possible to control some behaviours of the camera with
153 the steercard. They all are listed here:
154 \begin{itemize}
155 \item {\bf ana\_pixels} \\
156 In earlier development steps it was possible to change
157 the size of the camera with this variable. But for the
158 actual version of the camera layout it is neccessary
159 to put the following line into your steercard:
160 ana\_pixels \hspace{10mm} 577
161 \end{itemize}
163 \item {\bf Simulation of the Night Sky Background} \\
164 Due to the night sky background there are a lot of other
165 photons reaching the camera. It is possible to simulate the
166 behaviour of such NSK photons using the Camera Program.
167 You can switch the NSB on and set the value of NSB photons.
168 This is done with the following steerwords:
169 \begin{itemize}
170 \item {\bf nsb\_on} \\
171 To start the simulation of the NSB use this
172 steerword.
173 \item {\bf nsb\_mean} \\
174 To set the NSB to a given value use the following
175 line:\\[1mm]
176 nsb\_mean \hspace{10mm} 0.09 \\[1mm]
177 This value corresponds to 0.09 NSB photon in 1 ns for
178 the inner pixels.
179 \end{itemize}
182 \item {\bf Parameters of the random generator} \\
183 The simulation of some efficencies need a random
184 generator. This generator is a part of the ranlib. To set the
185 seed of the generator you can use the following steercard
186 line:
187 \begin{itemize}
188 \item {\bf seeds} \\
189 You must put a line in your steercard file, that looks
190 like: \\
191 seeds \hspace{5mm} 12345\hspace{5mm} 67890
192 \end{itemize}
194 \item {\bf Don't forget the end} \\
195 Very important is the last line in the steercard file. This
196 linie indicates the end of the steercard. So don't forget to
197 put end\_file marker at the end of the file!!\\[1mm]
198 {\bf end\_file} \\
200So at the end the file may look like:
203input_file /dat1/RefData/gamma.rfl
204root_file /dat1/CamData/gamma.root
206ct_file ../Data/magic.def
212ana_pixels 577
214seeds 69184 10406
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