source: trunk/Mars/NEWS@ 9851

Last change on this file since 9851 was 9851, checked in by tbretz, 15 years ago
Changed MH::SetBinning and similar functions to take references instead of pointers as arguments. For convenience wrappers for the old style functions are provided.
File size: 139.7 KB
1 -*-*- END -*-*-
3== <cvs> ==
5 ;general:
7 * On some systems (version of make?) the __LINUX__ definition was not set
8 when compiling. This lead to MTime(-1) not working properly. Fixed.
10 * The status display is now able to write a plain root file which means
11 that the MStatusArray container is omitted and the TCanvas are written
12 to the file directly. This allows to write files which are accessible
13 from a plain root (without MARS) if no MARS objects are contained
14 in the TCanvas'. In turn the reading of files which contains
15 objects and TCanvas' but no MStatusArray object has been improved.
17 * MMcEvt.fPhi and MMcEvt.fTheta have been moved to its base class
18 MMcEvtBasic. Consequently, the direction of the primary shower
19 is not lost in the OriginalMC tree anymore
21 * Added a new class MJTrainImpact to estimate the impact parameter by use
22 of a random forest
24 * Changed MH::SetBinning and similar functions to take references instead
25 of pointers. Except for SetBinning(TH1&, const TH1&), which was renamed
26 to CopyBinning(const TH1&, TH1&) wrapper functions are provided so that
27 old macros should still work.
28 WARNING: These wrappers might be removed in future releases.
30 ;ceres:
32 * Allow for individual mirrors with parabolic shape (for details see
33 MReflector::ReadFile)
35 * As an additional output artificial star-files are written. They
36 contain star output compatible output based on the signal as
37 in the artificial callisto output files.
39 * The trigger channel which issued the trigger is now stored in
40 MRawEvtHeader::fNumTriggerLvl1
42 * The number of photons in the calibration signal is now distributed
43 by a possonian instead of a Gauss.
45 * implemented new file-naming scheme (corsika run-number is new
46 tranfered to the ceres output as file-number). Therefore a new option
47 has been implemented to set an artificial run-number:
48 ---run-number=12345
50 * The baseline, the baseline noise and the gain (multiplicator to the
51 pulse) are now accessible from the outside. The new values are:
52 MSimCamera.DefaultOffset
53 MSimCamera.DefaultNoise
54 MSimCamera.DefaultGain
56 ;star:
58 * The time constraint in the image cleaning is now scaled with the
59 pixel distance. Consequently, the value given is not absolute in
60 ns anymore, but in ns/deg. This means that the values for MAGIC
61 have to be scaled by a factor of 10.
63 * Star now calculates new timing parameters, namely:
65 ** MHillasExt.fTimeSpread:
66 This is the time spread (rms) around the mean of the arrival times.
67 It is calulated as
68 <math>\sqrt{\sum{t_i}/n}</math>
69 ** MHillasExt.fTimeSpreadWeighted:
70 This is the weighted time spread (rms) around the weighted mean of the arrival times.
71 It is calulated as
72 <math>\frac{1}{\sum{n_i}}\sqrt{\sum{n_i^2(t_i-<wt>)^2}}}</math>
73 or
74 <math>\frac{1}{\sum{n_i}}\sqrt{\sum{n_i^2t_i^2}+<wt>^2\sum{n_i^2}-2<wt>\sum{t_in_i^2}}</math>
76 ;trainenergy.C:
78 * The rsolution is not displayed anymore as resolution squared
82== Version 2.4 (2009/12/23) ==
84 ;general:
86 * Added a new palette "temp" to MH::SetPalette which should resample
87 a temperature
89 * Added consistency check for two consecutive runs
91 * Since ~1006246 (preliminary) the L1 signal (which is L1 after L2)
92 has been disconnected and the L1 (L1TPU) has directly been connected
93 to another bit in the trigger pattern. This has been fixed by an
94 update of the decoding. Both bits are now or'ed together.
96 * Added a new camera layout MGeomCamFact which is the "four rectangular
97 pixels ordered in a hexagonal geometry" layout
99 * All programs now store the command line as TNamed "CommandLine"
101 * the environment variable OSTYPE should now be obsolete. Instead
102 the output of "uname -s" converted to lower cases is used
104 * The Makefiles should now detect the OSTYPE automatically using
105 uname. This should make the setting of OSTYPE obsolete
107 ;showplot:
109 * If a file without a MStatusArray is opened all object (not just
110 canvases) found in the file are drawn. Note that this may result
111 in empty tabs.
113 ;ceres:
115 * The night sky noise is now scaled with the sensitive area and
116 is given in units per square centimeter
118 * The night-sky noise now also takes the cones transmission
119 into account
121 * The night sky noise can now be calculated from a night-sky
122 spctrum
124 * A transmission curve for the cones can now be given
126 * Added the possibility to add a cut after the image parameter
127 calculation (''Cut'')
129 * updated the PDE of the GAPDs with a more reliable curve from
130 the meeting page (linear extrapolate below 350nm)
132 * The impact distribution in the event distrbutions is now
133 perpendicular to Alt/Az and the histogram is displayed in 1D
135 * The GAPD PDE has been updated
137 * PDEs and mirror reflectivities have been linearily extrapolated
138 to match the wavelegth range between 290nm and 900nm
140 * There is no default pulse shape anymoe it must be given in
141 the resource file
143 * Fixed a bug which caused the aerosol coefficient to be incorrectly
144 initialized. The effect might be random but seems to be small.
146 * Now accepts sequence files as input
148 * creation of pedestal and calibration files is now steered by
149 --mode (see ceres help)
151 * Instead of initializing the whole G-APD chip (all cells) before
152 each event (which is rather time consuming) a time evolution before
153 each event is now simulated which is enough to recovere every cell
154 to 99.999% of its response taking the background rate into account.
155 This is in total about a factor of ten faster and should not be
156 less accurate because under normal conditions the recovering cells
157 and the newly hitten cells will hardly be identical (due to
158 statistical reasons)
160 * improved the trigger algorithm which is now faster and allows easily
161 for multiplicity triggers
163 * The PDC flag in the file name is now correctly written
165 * A "PreCut" has been added which can be used after reading the events
166 to select them even before any calculation is done.
168 ;merpp:
170 * The new drive reports which contain also the status of the starguider
171 are now implemented, but the starting date (17/05/09) is preliminary.
173 ;callisto:
175 * Fixed a bug which prevented MAGIC Monte Carlo file from being
176 calibrated (ceres files worked)
178 * updated (Muon) calibration constants of period 62, 63, 72-75
180 ;star:
182 * allow to run thru even if discriminator threshold are missing
183 (they are not used for analysis so far anyway)
185 ;ganymed:
187 * added new starguider calibration for sequences since 1000534
189 ;database:
191 * added possiblity to query/plot data from certain source (with
192 regular expressions) in plotdb.php
194 * new feature in showplots*.php: on mouse-over additional information
195 on the sequence is displayed
197 * tables on database website have also 'Last' link now
199 * new version of builddatasets.php with more comfortable sequence
200 selection
202 * new features in builddatasets.php:
203 - user management
204 - 'Get Data Set File' button
205 - 'Display Selected Sequences' button
206 - 'Display Not Selected Sequences' button
207 - 'Select all' buttons
209 * builddatasets.php: added possibility to update data sets in the
210 database
212 * added limit for cloudiness for sequences in the tab 'Limits'
214 ;automation:
216 * jobmanager can be used more flexible now: via environnent variable
217 $AUTOMATIONSETUP more than one jobmanager per user can be started
218 using the same MARS version
219 Usage: export AUTOMATIONSETUP=mysetup ; /fullpath/jobmanager
220 and provide a file Mars/datacenter/scripts/setup.mysetup
224== Version 2.3 (2009/03/07) ==
228 * There is no need to re-run any data because no change took place which
229 could have an effect on the output. However, if you want a
230 meaningful SrcPos plot for your MCs in sponde you must re-process
231 star for your MCs first.
235 * File produced with this release containing a camera geometry (which
236 are basically all files were produced as default) will not be readable
237 by older releases.
239 ;general
241 * fixed a few small bugs which could cause the display to crash in ganymed
242 and sponde
244 * in sequence file the date can now be omittet. In this case the
245 leading date with the underscore is missing in the expected filename
247 * the geometry class now also supports other geometries than just hexagons
249 ;automation
251 * added magnetic field Azimuth direction (ARRANG), currently
252 at ~ -7deg at La Palma
254 ;database
256 * plotdb.php: added default (sequences) for startup, added possibility
257 to set size of plot
259 * added a new table ''RunDataCheck'' which containes the rates after
260 image cleaning for every run which succeeded star. It can be
261 plotted using ''plotrundb.C''
263 ;merpp
265 * added support for Arehucas Version >= 200812140
267 * added support for Arehucas Version >= 200809030
269 ;mars
271 * The display now also displays the trigger pattern
273 * The display can now display ceres reflector (_R_) files
275 ;ceres
277 * added a uniformly distributed one-bin time jitter for the start of the
278 digitization. Otherwise the first photon would be digitized always with
279 the same alignment to the bins
281 * Added a plot showing the production height of the photons
283 * Moved the particle id from the event header to the run header
285 * Added the possibility to simulate a psf on the camera plane (MSimPSF)
287 * Added a new plot ''SignalMax'' showing the maximum entry into the pixels
289 * Added many new options to control the tasks. For deatils see ''ceres.rc''
291 * Removed obsolete plots in pedestal and calibration mode
293 * Removed the non-NightSky photons from the plots where they are just
294 disturbing
296 * Added a trigger pattern to the output (Ped, Cal or Lvl1)
298 * The daq event number now represents the readout number
300 * The camera ''electronics'' can now be ''switched off''
302 * A new tab ''Info'' now display basic things like the reflector
303 layout
305 * Improved reading speed for corsika files
307 * Improved memory handling (if a large ampount of memory was needed
308 for a single event all further events were stored in the same
309 memory and it was never freed, so the program took this memory
310 until the end)
312 * Converted the code from MMCS' reflector program to MSimAtmosphere
313 (instead of the tables build in for MAGIC Winter and Summer
314 atmosphere we use the values written by Corsika fitted to the
315 tabulated atmosphere given as input)
317 * For caluclating the displayed image parameters in ceres a basic
318 image cleaning removing isolated pixels is now done.
320 * The magnetic field direction (ARRANG) is now taken into account
322 * Added plot for the energy threshold after trigger ''Threshold''
324 * Added plot for the effective collection area after trigger ''TrigArea''
326 ;star
328 * Now outputs MSrcPosCam for Monte Carlos in the Events tree.
330 * The definition of fConcCore has slightly changed. The numbers
331 might decrease a little bit (the effect should be rather small)
333 ;ganymed
335 * added pointing model 328198
337 ;sponde
339 * The SrcPos plot for your MCs was so far meaningless because it just
340 displayes the MSrcPosCam data from the input star-files. Unfortunately,
341 this containes was never written to the star-files yet.
343 * A new Tab 'OnTime' is available which is an effective on-time
344 fit as in star but for all data. This is mainly for manual cross-check
345 of the effective on-time
347 * In some circumstances it might be necessary to re-calculate the
348 eff. on-time from the fit in the new tab, e.g. when a zenith distance
349 cut was made in ganymed. This can now be forced by ''--force-ontimefit''
351 * now reads the ''ganymed.rc'' from the ''ganymed.root'' and writes
352 it to its own output file (for convinience)
356== Version 2.2 (2009/01/30) ==
360 * This release doesn't contain a major change which is expected to
361 change your results. Nevertheless there are small changes to
362 the calibration which can effect at least the first few hundred
363 events in any (mainly MUX and even more SUM) sequence a little bit.
364 So it is recommended although not necessary to reset your sequences
365 in the database before further processing.
367 ;NEW
369 * A first implementation of a Monte Carlo simulation program
370 (ceres - Camera Electronics and REflector Simulation) has been
371 implemented. It can simulate a full telescope already including
372 a complete reflector simulation and a flexible trigger and readout
373 simulation. Currently, no perfect setup is implemented and
374 especially the output of the program (data structure) should
375 be considered alpha state. Also the user interface is not yet
376 ready.
378 ;general
380 * All command line options after -- are now interpreted as
381 arguments (usually everything which doesn't start with a minus)
382 rather than options (usually everything which starts with a
383 minus). This allows to use file names starting with a -
385 * In all resource files you can now initialize the random number
386 generator. For details see: MJob::InitRandomNumberGenerator
388 * added a new program called ''readcorsika''. It's purpose is (in analogy
389 to readraw and readdaq) to read a Corsika output file (for now
390 only cherenkov output is supported) and print its contents in a
391 human readable form. It can also write the contents of this file
392 into a root-file.
394 * The calculation of the maximum distance to the origin in a MGeomCam
395 has been improved (edges might be further away than the sides).
396 This is just a tiny change but it might change the appearance of
397 the radial profiles a little bit.
399 * The default binning of the center-of-gravity plot has slightly been
400 increased
402 ;Database
404 * Added informations about the DC currents (fMinCurrents, fMedCurrents
405 and fMaxCurrents). The values are retrieved from the plots showing
406 the average DC currents of all pixels versus time.
408 * Websites with tables have now the opportunity to remove lines
409 ('-' button at beginning of each line) and get all lines back
410 ('+' at top of the column)
412 * Websites: added option to query only sequences containing sumtrigger
413 events
415 * Websites: added option to group by date (year, month, night) for runs
416 and sequences and enabled that combining of different group-bys,
417 e.g. status, date and source is possible
419 ;automatic analyis
421 * Rewritten producing plots in the web.
422 New plots, namely the output of plotoptical.C (extinction curve from
423 KVA), plotstat.C (status of the automatic analysis (percentage of
424 processed, analysed data etc.)) and plotusage.C (statistics of the
425 condor usage in the data center) has been are available now next to the
426 plots of plotdb.C
427 Mean values from the plots (output of the macro) are provided in a
428 txt file now.
429 The creation of the plots for callisto, star and ganymed in the web is
430 now steered via database. Consequently the plots are faster and
431 reliable up-to-date.
432 For all plots, a new layout is available facilitating the browsing
433 through the plots and providing additional information on the
434 displayed values. (tabs.php) These plots are linked from the DB
435 websites and the wiki.
437 ;statusdisplay
439 * The ''Loop'' entry in the menu bar now contains an option to pause
440 the loop and to process single events.
442 ;merpp
444 * Fixed merpping of raw-files (the runheader tree got the name RunHeader
445 instead of RunHeaders)
447 * Now allows to merpp files newer than 2008/09/03.
449 * Added fixes for wrong (wrong or double) run- and file-numbers
450 written by Arehucas. For deatils see MRawRunHeader::FixRunNumbers
452 ;callisto
454 * Extracting the pulse position for the pulse position check events
455 with sum trigger were denied. This decreased the statistics
456 extremely and therefor the resulting puse position was calculated
457 quite weak. Now sum events pass the calculation if and only if they
458 have also a level 1 trigger.
460 * the extraction of pedestal events and pulse position from the
461 first data events is now more automatic and makes sure that
462 a more precise number of events is extracted independent of
463 the ratio with which pedestal events or events with signals
464 are contained in the data.
466 * Updated Muon calibration constants for all MUX data (teh changes were
467 all smaller than 5%)
469 ;star
471 * For the calculation of the effective on time all sum-triggered events
472 were skipped. Now all Level1-triggeres events will pass. This might
473 result in a slight inaccuracy of the effective on time.
475 ;ganymed
477 * If the source position is more than 1deg away from the camera
478 center an error is raised now.
480 * Hopefully fixed the bug ''ganymed crashes when resized''
482 ;sponde
484 * Fixed a problem which causes the fitted spectral slope to be displayed
485 incorrectly. If you use MJSpectrum::FormFlux in your macros make
486 sure that the parameter 0 of your fit is negative.
488 * Added a histogram showing the read source position of your MCs
492== Version 2.1.1 (2008/08/04) ==
494 ;Database
496 * Added the median number of photo electrons from the calibration
497 pulses to the db (fMedNumPheInner, fMedNumPheOuter) and the relative
498 error of their raw counts (fRelChargeRmsInner, fRelChargeRmsOuter)
500 * Added fTotOnTime, which is the on-time as given by the run-headers
501 (in contradiction to fAbsOnTime which comes from CC)
503 * Added new primaries for the new data structure (Magic II): for the
504 tables dealing with sequences (SequenceBuild Status, Sequences,
505 SequenceProcessStatus, Calibration, Star and DataSetSequenceProcessing)
506 this is the telescope number (fTelescopeNumber) for the tables dealing
507 with runs (RunData and RunProcessStatus) this is in addition the file
508 number (fFileNumber)
510 * Added column fPriority to the status tables to be able to steer the order
511 in which the data is processed. As default the run, sequence and dataset
512 number are used.
514 ;automatic analyis
516 * Adapted scripts to the new data structure: They can handle now different
517 telescopes (getting the information as usual from the database).
518 The paths for Magic 2 are not yet implemented.
520 ;general
522 * should work now with root 5.20/00 (please note that root 5.20/00
523 we encounter crahses in the status display which are ot yet
524 understood)
526 * Sequences and Datasets are now stored as "MDataSet" and "MSequence"
527 instead of the base name of the file. This makes them easier to
528 access from the code
530 * Default Monte Carlo names in MSequence do not require the _E at
531 the end anymore
533 * where abrrevating a sequence file with a sequence number is possible
534 also "telescope:sequence" is now accepted, e.g.:
535 star 2:2000123 --out=output
536 see the programs' help for more details.
538 * sequences (MSequence or MSequenceSQL) can now directly be retrieved
539 from the database. See the constructors for more details.
541 * MReadTree now supports friends
543 * MReadTree can now read also files not written by MARS and store
544 the data encapsulated in emulated MParContainers
546 * added a new starguider calibration valid since 15.1.08
548 ;showplot
550 * showplot can now read more than one file at once. This is especially
551 inetersting if reading files containing pure canvases
553 ;merpp
555 * we merpp the dc currents now also from the camera reports (they have
556 just a lower rate than the current reports, 0.1Hz instead of 1Hz)
558 * In the automatic analysis we omit merpping of the currents from the
559 caco files and use the lower rate camera reports from the cc files
560 instead
562 * merpp has been redisigned to allow merpping of the cc-reports
563 of a whole sequence. This allows to design a very simple analysis:
564 mkdir output
565 ./callisto 100776 --out=output
566 ./merpp 100776 output
567 ./star 100776 --ind=output --out=output
568 Instead of the sequence number also sequence files are accepted.
570 * Implemented a fix for run-numbers between 1001348 and 1001396
571 which were incorrectly assigned by the cc.
574 ;callisto
576 * added a filter again which was was removed in the last release.
577 it removed the most brightest events. This should not change
578 any analysis result because these events are so bright that
579 they cannot be analysed anyway, but the bad-pixel plots doesn't
580 show outliers.
582 * updated muon calibration constants for the periods 51-57,
583 58-63 and 67-
585 ;star
587 * The camera currents are now displayed with the rate of the camera
588 reports instead of the caco reports
590 ;ganymed
592 * if mc camera files are new enough (>=8) the source position in the
593 camera is now calculated from the stored telscope and shower
594 orientation (Note, that this might not be suitable in all cases
595 depending on the aim of the study. These case still needs
596 implementation)
600== Version 2.1 (2008/06/18) ==
602 ;Database
604 * introduced average temperature and wind speed from star-files
606 * introduced average values from Pyrometer (mainly Cloudiness)
608 * introduced the ratio of accepted calibration events in the
609 calibration run
611 * introduced the average rates of the different trigger pattern,
612 e.g. the rate of pedestal and calibration events, from the signal-file
614 ;general
616 * fixed GroupBy options in plot*.C macros
618 * only display KVA points (not the Tuorla points) in plotoptical.C
620 * all programs now allow to add resources to the ones from the resource
621 file or overwrite them from the command line. This can be done like this
622 ganymed --config=ganymed.rc --rc=Cut1.Param1:0.25 --rc=Cut1.Param3:5.5
623 if something seems to be wrong you can debug what the program is doing
624 using the option --debug-env=3
626 * increased the diversity of debug levels. That also means that with -v3
627 you get now less output, i.e. only the output which is important for
628 an analysis. To get more output which helps for debugging try 4, 5 and 6.
630 * fixed a problem in the task synchronizing the reading of the reports
631 and the data stream. The effect was that in some circumstances the last
632 events of some trees could have been skipped. Since this is only a
633 very tiny part of the data no severe effect to your analysis results
634 is expected (an exception might be very short, i.e. singel runs,
635 datasets).
637 * Dataset file now allow to include the sequence file directly within
638 the dataset file and also allow to exclude single runs from the dataset.
639 (for more details see Class reference of MDataSet)
641 * Sequence files now allow for excluding runs from the analysis
642 (for more details see Class reference of MSequence)
644 * added code to process the sum-trigger flag
646 * the histogram classes MH3 and MHn now support profile histograms
648 * the histogram classes MH3 and MHn now support labels at the axis
650 * the Random Forest Train-classes (MJTRain*) now store the used datasets
651 in the output file
653 * the MFMagicCuts have a new option to allow a linear area cut (for
654 special studies)
656 * The liniking of the shared object is now done into a file defined
657 by 'mktemp'. This should be a local file system which accelerates
658 liniking a lot.
660 * The code has been prepared for compilation with root 5.18/00d
662 * The MHEnergyEst histogram now shows the distribution of
663 (Eest-Emc)/Est and the distributions (Eest-Emc)/Eest vs. Eest
664 and (Eest-Emc)/Emc vs Emc.
666 * fixed mars (event display) for merpped raw-data and MC data
668 * adapted the synatx of sequence files to allow for the new run/file
669 scheme. For more details see class description of MSequence
671 ;showplot
673 * Added support for tiff files
675 * Added support for csv files (tables containing tab number,
676 name and title)
678 * Tabs now can have a title which is displayed in the postscript file
680 * When multiple file are written at once (e.g. pngs from a display)
681 it is now possible to use the tab name and or tab number in the
682 file name. For details see showplos's help.
684 ;merpp
686 * Implemented cc file version 2008-02-20/0
688 * Implemented cc file version 2008-05-19/0
690 * With new options merpping can be restricted (in addition to the
691 run-number) also by telescope and file number.
692 For details see "merpp --help"
694 * Implemented raw data format 11 (the most important change, except
695 from plenty of changes in the format definition, is the addition
696 of the file-number in the header) If nobody makes a mistake this
697 format should have the advantage that it is by definition forward
698 compatible, so old programs will be able to read newer formats.
700 * Added Pyrometer information to default output (stored in a new Tree
701 Pyrometer, needs a complete new merpp, i.e. new calibration)
703 * Merpping (also update) can now be restricted to one single report.
704 For example:
705 If you want to update an old file with Pyrometer information call
706 merpp --only=Pyrometer --update
708 ;callisto
710 * in the pedestal processing now at least 50 processed events are
711 required for succeeding.
713 * the signal and calib files now contain also the sequence information
715 * the two MPedestalCam in the calib file now have proper names
716 to distinguish them from each other (MPedestalCam, MPedestalExtracted)
718 * Both pedestal cams now contain the number of events processed
720 * In Mars V2.0 the extraction of the fundamental pedestal was broken,
721 i.e. for the extraction of the calibration pulses basically the average
722 over all events of the first slice instead of all slices was used.
723 Since pedestal and calibration constants are continously recalculated
724 this only effected the very first events of every sequence.
726 * For the extraction of the position of the maximum sample now the
727 extraction range is set automatically to the extraction window,
728 before the whole accessible range was used.
730 * If the number of samples in the events and the number of samples
731 in the run-header disagrees now an error is raised (this can
732 happen in not well simulated Monte Carlo files)
734 * In the case of MUX-data pedestal events with the lvl1 trigger flag
735 could survive into the pedestal calculation -- fixed.
737 * Tab "TrigPat" added showing the distribution of the trigger pattern
738 as found in the run-files (normalized with the run length)
740 * The selection of events from the trigger pattern has been improved.
741 If the trigger pattern is corrupted events won't pass anymore.
743 * Added a new command line option --dev-null to suppress output of
744 Y-files (this is useful for test cases)
746 * added a new tab "CalPos" showing the arrival time of extracted
747 interleaved calibration events
749 * Using the new --test switch you can now calibrate the calibration
750 file
752 ;star
754 * the star file now contains also the sequence information
756 * Added a new command line option --dev-null to suppress output of
757 I-files (this is useful for test cases)
759 * Tab "Rate" added showing the distribution of the trigger pattern
760 (should only be Trig (Lvl1/Lvl2) and Sum (Sum only)) as found in
761 the Y-files (normalized with the run length)
763 * The effective on-time calculation doesn't use events with only
764 sum-trigger anymore
766 * The data in the MHWeather tab has been reorganized. The never
767 working solar radiation has been removed and the data from
768 the pyrometer (cloudiness, air and sky temperature) is
769 displayed in addition.
771 ;ganymed/sponde
773 * Now data points are even shown correctly if they have error bars larger
774 than one sigma. Points with null or negative significances are omitted.
776 * DrawNicePlot now allows to set a projection range
778 * Updates pointing models. One is applied after the implementation
779 of the new LUTS in August, the other one is applied after the
780 next major change of the pointing model in October. Note that
781 these models are preliminary and give wrong results below Zd=65deg
783 ;sponde
785 * fixed resource files ('''Spectrum''' instead of '''MJSpectrum''')
787 * a new option "--force-runtime" is available. In case of very short
788 datasets (for light-curves) which are in the order of a few
789 minutes the calculated effective on-time is not very acurate because
790 it is quantizised in the order of a minute. Therefore you can switch
791 to using the real run-time instead (remakrt: this ignores any
792 dead-time!)
794 * a more analytical way is used to "fill" Monte Carlos into regions
795 of impact parameters which have not been simulated because the
796 trigger efficiency is assumed to be 0.
798 * estimated sensitivity curves for hi and lo zenith angles are shown
799 scaled to the correct observation time and collection area
801 * the Monte Carlo events after cuts are now written to the output file
802 if an output file given
806 *** Version 2.0 (2007/09/03)
808 - database: the position used for the pulse pos check was missing
809 in the callisto output and could thus not be filled into the DB.
810 Also the old values seemed not exactly the PulsePos used for
811 teh check.
813 - general: Resource file now allow an Include-Resource, i.e. you can
814 read a resource file with default settings, include it in your
815 resource file and overwrite the settings in your file. More than
816 one include file is allowed. Inclusions can be iterative.
817 Include: mydefaults.rc yourdefaults.rc
818 The resources in the first file have higher priority than the
819 second file.
821 - general: Now the output files (calib*.root, etc) also contain the
822 resource file (to check it open it in the TBrowser and choose Print()
823 from the context menu)
825 - general: Dataset files now allow to overwrite the default path
826 to search for sequence and data files. Note, that the program
827 option and individual resources will overwrite it. For example:
828 SequencePath: /magic/montecarlo/sequences
829 DataPath: /magic/montecarlo/star
831 - general: Fixed a problem with variables in MDataPhrase. It seems
832 that only optimdisp (didn't work) was effected.
834 - general: Some improvements to the optim and train processing. For
835 example the ststud window now got a proper title.
837 - general: The "Status Display: " was removed from the window title
838 within an Eventloop.
840 - general: added a new flexible histogram-class (MHn) which can be used
841 for example in testing after optimizations or training to produce
842 user defined histograms.
844 - general: The Random Forest now allows attaching an evaluation
845 function which is applied to its output. This allows to train
846 on whatever you like (eg. train on log10(energy), but return
847 energy)
849 - general: The Random Forest training of energy (trainenergy.c) and
850 disp (traindisp.C) has been improved by more graphical output to
851 judge the result.
853 - general: The training of energy (trainenergy.C) has been improved
854 a lot by training on a different quantity than energy. It gives
855 a result which is highly independant of the source spectrum
856 and shows lower bias than all other options.
858 - general: Dataset files are allowed to contain collections of
859 datasets. For more details see the class reference of MDataSet.
861 - general: The default WobbleMode in a datset file now (if not
862 overwritten) is "auto", i.e. wobble mode is set if the dataset
863 doesn't contain off-sequences.
865 - merpp: Merpp can read file format version 9 now. Please realize
866 that for file format version 9 the extraction range is different
867 and must be set to 0/49 instead of 15/64 in callisto_mux.rc until
868 the first and last 15 slices have been removed from all MUX data.
870 - mars: Similar to writing movies you can now select events which
871 should be displayed in your display. Therefore add the following
872 lines to your mars.rc:
873 MFEvtNumber.FileName: ganymed00223552.root
874 MFEvtNumber.Selector: ThetaSquared.fVal<0.04 && DataType.fVal>0.5
875 The input file can be a ganymed-file after (ganymed*.root) or
876 before (ganymed*-summary.root) file. For example to select all events
877 from your on sample after cuts (excluding the ThetaSq cut) use
878 MFEvtNumber.Selector: DataType.fVal>0.5
879 To show all events from your on-sample after quality cuts
880 use the summary file instead.
882 - mars: new ways to call mars are implemented. Instead
883 of calling
884 mars filename.root
885 you can now also use
886 mars sequence.txt
887 or
888 mars sequence.txt inputpath
889 or replace sequence.txt by the sequence number if the default
890 sequence file should be used.
892 - mars: The default size has been increased
894 - mars: There are two new heckboxes which allow to switch off
895 the calculated image parameters
897 - callisto: was broken for MCs... fixed.
899 - callisto: improved calculation of spline coefficients a lot. This
900 leads to a further improvement of the event rate calibrating MUX
901 data of about 15% (175evt/s instead of 150evt/s)
903 - callisto: finally the raw data we read is now real 16bit (with
904 10bit precision) for MUX data and not a stripped 8bit number
905 anymore. Due to scaling of the numbers (without precision loss
906 into an [0-256[ range, the final numbers for pedestal, pedestalrms
907 and extacted signal don't change. However, at all places where
908 raw data is directly accessed (eg. saturation and variation
909 limits in the signal- and pedestal-extraction) the numbers
910 refer still to the data's 16bit range.
912 - callisto: The maximum arrival time difference used in the bad
913 pixel treatment is now in units of nanoseconds, which leads to 3.0ns
914 for both, old FADC and MUX-FADC, data.
916 - callisto: Be aware that callisto is now calibrating the arrival time
917 in nanoseconds rather than time slices. Also all following tasks
918 have been changed to assume ns units now. If you star data
919 calibrated with an older version it might be necessary to adapt
920 some timimng parameters (Muon Analysis and MFSoftwareTrigger)
921 to obtain optimal results. The plot in the PulsePos tab
922 will now be in ns, too. This might also mean that the Muon
923 analysis in star might not work as perfect as expected as long
924 as old files read in.
926 - callisto: The calibration constants of earlier updates got lost
927 somehow. All constants have been updated.
929 - star: The PSF is now determined from the profile of the ArcWidth
930 instead of arcwidth/radius. The old way gave to much weight
931 to the bins with low statistics. The reference lines have been
932 updated.
934 - star: For speed reasons events suitable for the muon analysis
935 are now also preselected by fConcCOG<0.1 which seems to be a very
936 good preselector for muons.
938 - star: is now calculating a new timing parameter the Slope along
939 the major and minor axis of the shower. Therefore a numerical
940 solution of a line-fit is used. To use MHillasExt.fSlopeLong
941 and MHillasExt.fSlopeTrans don't forget to multiply it with
942 the sign stored in MHillasSrc.fCosDeltaAlpha as usual.
944 - star: The parameters fInnerSize, fInnerLeakage1 and fInnerLeakage2
945 have been removed from MNewImagePar. They have never been good for
946 anything.
948 - star: Implemented a new recursive algorithm which is supposed to be
949 faster. Also implemented new cleaning oiptions, which are:
950 + CleanLevel0:
951 The cleaning level above single core pixels can be kept
952 + KeepIsolatedPixels:
953 Define whether single core pixels should be kept
954 + TimeLevel1:
955 The coincidence window in nanoseconds to single used neighbors
956 + TimeLevel2:
957 The coincidence window in nanoseconds to two used neighbors
958 + PostCleanType:
959 MOde in which a time dependent post cleaning should be applied
960 0: No post cleaning
961 1: Require for each used pixels at least one used neighbor
962 within a time-window of CleanLevel1
963 2: Require for each used pixels at least two used neighbor
964 within a time-window of CleanLevel2
965 3: Require first two and second one used neighbor
966 within a time-window of CleanLevel1 and fCleanLevel2
967 respectively
968 + RecoverIsolatedPixels:
969 - recoveres isolated core pixels if they have a used neighbor
971 - mars/star: The new default cleaning is:
972 + CleanLevel1: 6.0
973 + CleanLevel2: 3.0
974 + CleanTime1: 1.75
975 + CleanTime2: 1.75
976 + PostCleanType: 3
978 - star/ganymed: The old spark-cuts have been replaced by new ones.
979 These new spark cuts have been cross checked with the sequences
980 84720 (before splitter), 101041 (after splitter) and 223539 (new
981 FADCs). In all cases they seperate pretty well, but of course not
982 perfect. Monte Carlos have suggested to tighten the cuts a little
983 bit further at low sizes. This has been done.
985 - ganymed: IMPORTANT - The spark cuts have been changed to match
986 all available data more or less well. This might mean that for
987 YOUR data there are still sparks visible.
988 Whenever you do an analysis you have to make sure that NO sparks
989 survive your cuts!
991 - ganymed: The old hadronness and size cuts have gotten new indices
992 (10, 11). The old indices 8 and 9 now mean an additional condition
993 for ghostbusting based on the formula (dist-c[9])*c[8]-slope.
994 If you want to switch off this cut just move the line far away enough,
995 e.g. by setting c[9] to -500. Please update your ganymed.rc files
996 accordingly!
997 The unit of c[9] is deg. It is the dist at which your cut will
998 cross the slope==0. The unit of the slope is ns/deg. So if
999 you readin files calibrated with an older Mars-version you
1000 have to adapt the default value for c[9] to the FADCs:
1001 - Multiply by two for the MUX FADCs (run number > 200.000)
1002 - Multiply by 0.3 for the Siegen FADCs (run number < 200.000)
1003 - Multiply by 42 for the meaning of life (run number = 200.000)
1005 - ganymed: The old Cut0 is now called CutQ and is calculated before
1006 the source position is caluclated. If you need a quality cut
1007 including source dependant data (be very carefull with this!)
1008 you have to use Cut0 instead.
1010 - ganymed: now properly supports three off regions in wobble mode.
1011 It will be the default from now on in ganymed_wobble.rc. To change
1012 the number of off-regions use
1013 NumOffSourcePositions: 1
1014 in your ganymed.rc. Also by default no off-theta cut will be done
1015 anymore so that you will get a background level higher than the
1016 signal level in your ThetaSq plot for ThetaSq>0.2.
1017 Due to this be carefull changing the scaling mode away from
1018 "None". You will underestimate your signal if your scale interval
1019 is not properly set.
1020 (Rem: ThetaSqN is no longer needed)
1022 - ganymed: is now storing the events of all (on- and off-)
1023 source positions even in the case of more than one off-source
1024 position. This should allow sponde to work properly and the
1025 energy estimation is done correctly in all cases (without any
1026 "nearest position" trick)
1028 - ganymed: From 85340 (19.3.2006) on a real starguider calibration
1029 with a real pointing model for the starguider is done, calibrated
1030 with more than thousand tpoints taken from this date on.
1032 - ganymed: was broken for Wobble-MCs... fixed.
1034 - ganymed: The default cuts (MFMagicCuts) and the disp-parametrization
1035 has changed. Note that your old ganymed.rc will be incompatible
1036 with the new algorithms! Please check the ganymed.rc files and
1037 the class description of MFMagicCuts for more information.
1038 It is recommended at the moment to use identical Disp-Parametrizations
1039 for on/off- and wobble-mode. If cuts are optimized only
1040 the Area-Cut (parameters 2,3,4) and the theta-sq cut (parameter 1)
1041 should be optimized. All other values should be kept as they are.
1042 If you want to do an anylsis without timing a parameters, you can
1043 switch off the timing cuts by seeting parameter 7 to a very small
1044 value (eg. -99). To remove the slope parameter from the disp
1045 paremtrization set parameter 8 to 0.
1047 - ganymed: The distribution of observation time versus zenith
1048 angle is now shown for off- AND on-data.
1050 - ganymed: The contents of the source position plot are no longer
1051 averaged, thus a lot of (fake) events between the two wobble
1052 positions have disappeared.
1054 - ganymed: There is a new tab "CutT" it contains the VsSize plots
1055 with the CutT, whihc is defined in ganymed.rc, applied. It
1056 is resonable to use your theta-cut for it, to see if there is
1057 something strange (sparks!) in your signal-region.
1059 - ganymed: To choose a dataset from a collection in a dataset file
1060 use the new command line option "--dataset=12345"
1062 - optim, sponde: should now properly support three off-regions.
1063 Just produce your ganymed summary files with three off-regions.
1064 optim and sponde will automatically get all off events from
1065 all off-regions from this file. Please do not forget to
1066 set the scaling in optimwobble.C properly:
1067 fit.SetScaleUser(1./3);
1068 it is not yet read in automatically (will follow soon).
1069 In the case of fixed Scale you can also use
1070 cuts.SetThetaCut(MFMagicCuts::kOn);
1071 no off-cut needed.
1072 Be carefull in case of three off-regions when switching on
1073 scale mode. Make sure that the scale interval is set correctly.
1075 - sponde: sponde.rc and sponde_onoff.rc are now idetical
1077 - sponde: the resouce files have been rewritten with a lot of
1078 comments and a well working parametrization for an energy estimator
1080 - sponde: In the estimated energy versus monte carlo energy plot the
1081 contents where exchanged.... fixed.
1083 - sponde: the so called "accurate"-mode has been removed. It didn't
1084 give any improvement in accuracy, only decreased execution speed.
1086 - sponde: the so called "simple"-mode has been removed. It didn't
1087 give any improvement in simple.
1089 - sponde: the so called "refill"-mode has been removed. It was anyhow
1090 not implemented.
1092 - sponde: now checks whether the theta distribution of your on-data
1093 and the theta-distribution of your Monte Carlo sample (after
1094 weighting) fits. If it doesn't fit properly (eg. the Monte Carlo
1095 sample is incomplete) execution is stopped. Execution can be forced
1096 using the new option --force-theta. Use this option with care!
1098 - sponde: Proper collection areas can now be constructed also from
1099 Monte Carlo samples generated with different maximum impact
1100 parameters. Note that in previous version you neither got
1101 a warning or failure, nor was there any obvious sign that the
1102 collection area was overestimated due to usage of files with
1103 different maximum impact parameters.
1105 - sponde: If MC files with different lower energy limits are used
1106 the primary MC spectrum is artificially completed down to the
1107 lowest energy used at all. WARNING: that this gives correct
1108 collection areas ONLY if none of the events in this region would
1109 survive your cuts at all.
1111 - sponde: the output file now contains more information about
1112 the spectrum (eg. the full 2D collection area histogram).
1113 Note, that this information can only be written to the file
1114 if it is stored automatically via command line argument.
1115 If you only store the status display from within the display
1116 the information is lost.
1118 - sponde: added a new tab "Disp". It shows the residual of the disp
1119 (Disp-Dist) versus several parameters and it is meant to judge the
1120 quality of the disp estimator. In the ideal case the residual is zero
1121 and doesn't depend on any variable. The tab is displayed after
1122 CutQ and Cut0.
1124 - sponde: added a new tab "Energy". It shows the residual of the
1125 energy (lg(estimated energy)-lg(monte carlo energy)) versus
1126 several parameters and it is meant to judge the quality of the
1127 energy estimator. In the ideal case the residual is zero
1128 and doesn't depend on any variable. In reality even a good estimator
1129 can show residuals versus Monte Carlo energy. The tab is displayed
1130 after all cuts.
1132 - sponde: added a new tab "EventDist" showing the unweighted real
1133 absolute number of events of your sample after cuts. This tells
1134 you how many events with this energy you had in your MC files.
1135 The same information you get from the error bars of the weighted
1136 histograms, but this is less intuitive.
1138 - sponde: The spectrum plots now show the crab- and 1553-spectrum
1139 for comparison. It is not meant to show these curves in
1140 publications, they are only for production.
1142 - sponde: The OriginalMC tree with the events produced by corsika
1143 is now processed only once
1145 - sponde: Finally fixed most annoying bug, which has effected the
1146 last bin of the collection area. It was the problem that binnings
1147 of root histograms are from 1 to n (included) but there was a C-like
1148 loop in sponde from 0 to n (excluded). Now the loop also includes
1149 correctly under- and overflow-bins. The worse thing with this is,
1150 that for the events in the highest bin not only the bin-content
1151 was wrong, but also the weights applied to these events, which could
1152 in pricipal effect also other parts of the distribution (eg. due
1153 to energy estimation). Fortunately it effected only a few events
1154 in most cases.
1158 *** Version 1.2 (2007/05/14)
1160 - database: The database now has two new values Unsuitable50 and
1161 Unsuitable01. They express the number of pixels which are
1162 unsuitable for more than 50%, respectively more than 1%, of
1163 all calibrated event. It is a more accurate number than the
1164 previously used numbers, because they only take the first
1165 calibration (ignoring the interleaved calibrations) into account.
1167 - database: The database now has two other new values UnsuitableMax and
1168 DeadMax. They express the maximum number of pixels which were
1169 unsuitable, respectively dead, during the sequence. Because
1170 of high pedestal rms (cars passing) a few events with very high
1171 numbers of unsuitable pixels can happen. Not to suffer from this
1172 effect we don't take the highest 0.1% of the numbers into account.
1174 - general: fixed a bug which caused callisto and star to stop working
1175 properly because the callisto output was currupted
1177 - general: a script called scripts/makemovie has been added which
1178 simplified the process of producing several movies from a single
1179 sequence with different setup.
1181 - callisto: Some more code cleanup. Started to remove old obsolete
1182 code from cvs.
1184 - callisto: The extraction of the pedestal with the extractor was
1185 not random. It seems that extracting at one position is still biased
1186 (for example in the first or last slices we could still suffer from
1187 switching noise) Now it is completely random.
1189 - callisto: In MPedCalcPedRun (which is the pedestal extraction from
1190 pedestal files) individual pixels could be skipped due to high
1191 variations. This was already the case for the pedestal extraction
1192 from the lo-gains since the beginning and properly handled
1193 there, but was introduced in the extraction from the pedestal files
1194 a while ago. To calculate the average value it was still divided
1195 by the number of events procesed not by the number of summands
1196 really summed. This let to a pedestal which was a tiny amount too
1197 small (for a few piels in the order of 0.1%). This led to an slightly
1198 positive offset of the randomly extracted pedestal for a few pixels.
1199 I doubt that this has a big effect on the result, because the effect
1200 on the individual numbers is quite small. Due to this it is suggested
1201 that you rerun your calibration to make sure you are without any
1202 avoidable bias.
1204 - callisto: the ArrTimeRmsLimit is now is a check of the deviation from
1205 the median rms of the absolute arrival time and expressed in significance
1206 levels. This replaces the old meaning of an abolute upper limit. An
1207 absolute upper limit doesn't make much sense, because in our data
1208 all arrival times are shifted at the same time (in fact it might be
1209 a shift of the artificial trigger w.r.t. to the light flash).
1211 - callisto: Added a new tab "BadPixTm" which shows the time evolution
1212 of the number of unsuitable pixels over the whole sequence. This
1213 is usefull mainly to judge if an intermediate calibration had
1214 problems.
1216 - callisto: Added a new tab "DeadPixTm" which shows the time evolution
1217 of the number of dead pixels over the whole sequence. Dead pixels
1218 in this context are unmapped pixels, i.e. pixels which could not
1219 be interpolated, and thus are ignored in the further analysis.
1221 - callisto: It is now possible to use the position of the maximum
1222 of the spline as arrival time instead of the leading edge even
1223 when using the integral for the signal. Therefor set the extraction
1224 type to kIntegralRel ("IntegralRelative") and the relative height
1225 ("HeightTm") to -1:
1226 MJPedestalC1.ExtractSignal.ExtractionType: IntegralRelative
1227 MJPedestalC1.ExtractSignal.HeightTm: -1
1232 *** Version 1.1 (2007/04/27)
1234 - general: The new class MGeomCamDwarf contains the camera geometry
1235 for our prefered Dwarf camera and can be used to create general
1236 geometries of roundish or hexagonal cameras.
1238 - mars: The default cleaning is now abolute 8.5/4.0.
1240 - mars: The resource file mars.rc now contains examples for MUX data
1242 - merpp: Implemented file format version 8 (MUX FADC data). The 16-bit
1243 data containing only 10-bit information is still cooked down to
1244 8-bit, by cutting away the lowest 8-bit.
1246 - merpp: When reading raw data the data is now stored in a single
1247 array. The lo-gain array is obsolete. The interface stays the same.
1249 - callisto: To process the new MUX data use the resource file
1250 callisto_mux.rc
1252 - callisto: The -root and -raw options to read merpped raw data have
1253 been removed
1255 - callisto: If the -mc option is given the sequence-name can now be
1256 replaced by the MC sequence number
1258 - callisto: If the sequence file contains "MonteCarlo: Yes" the
1259 -mc option can now be omitted
1261 - callisto: Started further simplification by removing obsolete
1262 dependancies on MCalibIntensity*Cams.
1264 - callisto: removed unsused intensity calibration from MJCalibration
1265 for further simplification
1267 - callisto: for simplification removed references to
1268 MBadPixelsIntensityCam, MCalibrationIntensityQECam,
1269 MCalibrationIntensityRelTimeCam, MCalibrationIntensityTestCam,
1270 MCalibrationIntensityChargeCam, and MCalibrationIntensityBlindCam
1271 (this should at minimum change nothing at all, and at maximum
1272 improve thing if these containers where somewhere not handled
1273 properly)
1275 - callisto: Added the option to write an event movie. Please use
1276 this option with care (huge files) but exessively to understand
1277 our events. For further documentation please refer to the
1278 IACT wiki
1279 (currently at
1281 - callisto: Improved binning for the pulse position check histogram
1283 - callisto: The code calculating the pulse position checknow takes
1284 the pedestal into account
1286 - callisto: The arrival time is now stored with full precision this
1287 helps to get rid of artefacts in histograms. For the signal this
1288 is not necessray because it is displayed in log-scale anyhow
1290 - callisto: Fixed a problem with internal exclusions. Pixels which
1291 have once been marked as unsuitable didn't get the necessary
1292 histograms filled anymore to be rechecked with each interleaved
1293 calibration.
1295 - callisto: The relative arrival time resolution (the rms of the
1296 relative arrival time offset) is now checked against its
1297 median and the median deviation, instead of the average
1298 plus an absolute offset.
1300 - callisto: The relative arrival time offset is now calculated
1301 w.r.t. its median not w.r.t. to an artificial reference pixel.
1303 - callisto: The relative time calibration now marks pixels with
1304 outlaying offset as unsuitable
1306 - callisto: The interleaved relative time calibration has been switched
1307 on. The advantage is that pixels which are marked as outliers
1308 now can recover. An improvement over time is not expected, because
1309 the relative time calibration seems stable.
1311 - ganymed: If the dataset file containes "MonteCarlo: Yes" the "-mc"
1312 option can now be omitted.
1314 - ganymed: If either the dataset file containes "MonteCarlo: Yes"
1315 or the option "-mc" is specified as default the monte carlo datacenter
1316 paths (/magic/montecarlo/...) are used if not overwritten in the
1317 dataset file.
1319 - ganymed: The output files now contain run- and event-number for all
1320 events, accessible as RunNumber.fVal and EvtNumber.fVal
1322 - ganymed: Added a plot showing the source position in the camera also
1323 for wobble mode
1325 - ganymed: In addition to the existing task which can be setup to
1326 be executed after Cut1 a final task called "EstimateEnergy"
1327 has been added, executed before writing the final output
1328 (ganymed00000000.root). The task setup in all three cases
1329 can be choosen individually. (For all three(!) cases you
1330 can for example choose MRanForestCalc. For examples see all
1331 sponde*.rc and all ganymed*rc)
1333 - ganymed: If a container "MEstimatedEnergy" is found in the
1334 parameter list (eg. because it was setup by MEstimateEnergy)
1335 it will be written to the output file.
1339 *** Version 1.0 (2007/02/16)
1341 - database: Website to plot values from the database has been added.
1343 - database: The rate of spark events as found by star is now kept
1344 and the rate after cleaning is now with spark events subtracted
1346 - general: The changes to the interpretation of phrases lead to
1347 a problem with the access of MHMatrix objects (eg. "M[0]")... fixed.
1349 - general: Added example files how you can create your own calendar
1350 (eg. as christmas present) with Mars. Just run
1351 root macros/tutorials/calendar.C
1353 - general: Added a possibility to display grouped data in the plotdb.C
1354 macro (and similar macros). This allows to plot hourly, nightly,
1355 weekly, monthly and yearly averages.
1356 For more details see the plotall function of the macro
1358 - general: fixed the error display of the camera display. It showed
1359 wrong results.
1361 - general: fixed a memory leak when reading many MStatusDisplays
1363 - general: added a macro (macros/tutorials/mirrordelay.C) plotting the delay
1364 between a spherical and a parabolic mirror
1366 - callisto: We have a new pulse position check which takes the properties
1367 of the extractor automatically into account. So no need to set
1368 ExtractWinLeft/Right anymore. Again a check for pulses too much to the
1369 left is done. If possible the lo-gain extraction start and hi-gain
1370 extraction end is changed accordingly. If no proper extraction range
1371 can be set (hi-gain too much to the left) an error is raised.
1373 - callisto: New swapped pixels have been found and corrected
1375 - callisto: Redone the signal extraction this includes:
1376 + Unified the algorithms to extract the pedestal for all pedestal
1377 extractions done
1378 + Unification of hi- and lo-gain into one array
1379 + Unification of hi- and lo-gain extraction for Spline and
1380 Digital Filter (means now exactly the same algorithm is used,
1381 not a copy-and-pasted one)
1382 + Store pedestal subtracted data in a common place
1383 + Improved extraction algorithms. If the algorithms search a
1384 maximum but don't find one they don't return the maximum anymore
1385 + Improved the extraction such that a information for signal
1386 and time which is consistent is returned
1387 + replaced the numerical spline with a (not slower) analytical
1388 solution
1389 + Lowered the saturation limit from 250 to 245 to make sure that
1390 we are far away in all pixels from problems with the clock-noise
1391 + The start of the lo-gain extraction is calculated from the hi-gain
1392 arrival time. In case of saturation an estimation is used.
1393 + the hi-gain window was extended to slice 16. This allows extraction
1394 of very late pulses in single pixels or of huge hadron showers.
1395 + Now uses the lo-gain extraction range for pedestal extraction,
1396 not the hi-gain range in the lo-gain
1398 - callisto: New hi-/lo-gain calibration constants have been produced
1399 for all periods from the statistic of the whole period. They are
1400 now used automatically depending on the periods. The old constants
1401 where deviation in avarega about 2%-3%. The constants are very
1402 stable from period to period (<<1%) except for exchanged channels.
1403 In a few cases the constants used so far were off by 1%-2% (maybe
1404 temperature effects?)
1406 - callisto: To gain obsolete space we do not write the
1407 MPedestalFundamental anymore. Also calibration and bad pixel
1408 treatment is not done for it anymore because it has never been used.
1410 - callisto: Fixed a bug in the seuqence handling which caused the
1411 light condition to be ignored
1413 - star: Added two new tabs "Sparkless" and "Sparks" these tabs show
1414 basically the same as "Cleaned" but the distribution devided into
1415 the events fullfilling a spark cut or being rejected by it.
1416 This cut can be changed from star.rc (see example inside) by
1417 the "SparkCut" directive
1419 - star: Star displays now the average individual pixel-rate (IPR) versus
1420 time and the average discriminator threshold (DT) of all pixels.
1422 - optim: fixed a problem with the optim-macros which was due to a bug
1423 in the new phrase parsing
1425 - ganymed: To get a nice FalseSource plot (instead of the all-information
1426 debug plot displayed as a standard plot) use the context menu
1427 somewhere between the two upper plots, click on "DrawNicePlot"
1428 and enjoy the result. (It is the same context menu which contains
1429 the other options)
1432 - ganymed/optim/train: The cut program, trainings- and optimization
1433 macros could run with less files found than expected from the
1434 sequence-files. No the execution is stopped in this case.
1436 - ganymed: now stores the dataset in the output file with all information
1437 contained (as sequence number, sequence path, data path) so that the
1438 used dataset file can be recreated complete from the output
1440 - sponde: now also allows the uasge of random forest
1442 - sponde: added a plot showing the cut efficiency
1444 - sponde: Using root versions < 5.13/04 still resulted in wrong binomial
1445 errors (eg. effecting the collection area) because the errors of the
1446 two histograms were swapped in the calculation, which makes a difference
1447 in the case the histograms contains weighted events. Aditionally the
1448 totalarea was incorrectly taken into account, which results in too small
1449 errors, which makes a difference at low statistics were the errors
1450 or the collection area dominate.
1454 *** Version 0.10.3 (2006/10/23)
1456 - database: Implemented ObservationMode flag in websites.
1458 - database: For sequences there is now also the stoptime available on the
1459 websites.
1461 - database: Removed ManuallyChanged flag from sequence-info websites,
1462 as it is not needed anymore with the new sequence building algorithm.
1464 - general: MRolke.[cc,h]: Modification of TRolke from root_v5.12.00b.
1465 Class for calculation of confidence intervals (upper limits).
1466 Use model 3 or 4 for upper limit calculation for MAGIC observations.
1467 Please read the class instruction of TRolke for more information.
1469 - general: The programs now return 0xfe if the requested resource file
1470 doesn't exist.
1472 - general: Errors comming from root itself are now not output to
1473 stderr anymore but to our default (colored) log-stream.
1475 - general: Changed the interface to TFormula such that now everything
1476 is parsed by TFormula, which should allow to use phrases even
1477 without paranthesis correctly parsed.
1479 - callisto: replaced the AdHoc number of effective integration slices
1480 in the digital filter by an average of the correct number, averaged
1481 over all possible set of weights. This also gives correct numbers
1482 for the lo-gains which were totally wrong before.
1484 - callisto: drastically reduced memory consumption by not storing
1485 all intermediate calibration results in memory anymore (we might
1486 write them into a file in the future)
1488 - ganymed: To get a nice Theta-Sq plot (instead of the all-information
1489 debug plot displayed as a standard plot) use the context menu
1490 somewhere between the two upper plots, click on "DrawNicePlot"
1491 and enjoy the result. (It is the same context menu which contains
1492 the "DrawAll" option)
1497 *** Version 0.10.2 (2006/10/15)
1499 - general: changed the building of the sequence files such, that
1500 the source-/project name in case of wobble-sources is not the
1501 source/project of the first data run anymore but the new generalized
1502 wobble source/project
1504 - general: Added some functions to MAstro to calculate sun and
1505 moon properties
1507 - general: Added two new macros (starvisday.C and starvisyear.C)
1508 which allow to plot the visibility of several stars in one day
1509 or of one star along one year
1513 *** Version 0.10.1 (2006/10/11)
1515 - general: HTML logging output was distorted... fixed.
1517 - general: Changed the writing of the sequencefiles such that only
1518 as many pedestal files as giving at least 1000 pedestal events which
1519 are nearby the first calibration run are used as pedestal runs
1521 - sponde: In the calculation of the collection area(s) and the
1522 distribution for MOnte Carlo and estimated energy the error
1523 calculation was wrong because root didn't take the errors
1524 properly into account... fixed.
1528 *** Version 0.10 (2006/10/10)
1530 - general: all executables now check consistency of the root version
1531 installed with the root version used for compilation. The return
1532 code in this case is 255.
1534 - general: The algorithm to build seqeunces has been redesigned
1535 completly. It is now more flexible in terms of a resource file
1536 resources/sequences.rc which can be used to partly overwrite
1537 the default algorithm and defined the important part of the
1538 algorithm. It also takes correctly into account several ways
1539 of taking wobble-data. Currently the new algorithm doesn't take
1540 the number of pedestal events anymore into account (so a sequence
1541 could have much less than 1000 pedestal events and data runs are
1542 no-more used instead)
1544 - general: a lot of small changes to make the code compatible with
1545 root 5.12/00 and gcc 4.1
1547 - general: Fixed some warnings thrown if more warnings are switched
1548 on in the compiler
1550 - general: Added a function to MMath which returns the Median of
1551 the distribution abs(y[i]-median) but at 68:32 division instead
1552 of 50:50, which is somehow the median counterpart of the rms.
1554 - general: MAstroCatalog allows now to read calatog files (as bsc5)
1555 even if they are compressed with gzip (recommended compression
1556 is with "-1")
1558 - showplot:
1559 + batch mode creation of image files now works with root 5.12/00
1560 + added support for writing bmp (though it never produces
1561 bmp which can be read by programs like xv or gimp)
1562 + added support for xml
1563 + added new option to start the display with a different size, by
1564 --display-width=nnn or --display-height=nnn
1565 + added options to define the canvas size when the display is started
1566 --canvas-width=nnn or --canvas-height=nnn
1567 the option can also be used for batch-mode conversion
1568 + added an option which automatically fits the display size to the
1569 desktop-size: --auto-size
1571 - merpp: didn't recognize files with the extension .raw.gz - fixed.
1573 - merpp: allow the reports to have 1000ms due to a bug in the camera
1574 program.
1576 - callisto: New swapped pixels have been found and corrected. For
1577 details see MRawRunHeader::FixAssignment()
1579 - callisto: Callisto now raises an error if one of the input files could
1580 not be opened.
1582 - callisto: In some rare cases it could happen that in the signal
1583 extraction of the digital filter the extractor returned nonsense
1584 results due a wrong initializion of a variable (this happens in
1585 cases in which the extracted signal is exactly zero or the
1586 digital filter couldn't slide because of a too small extraction
1587 window, which could happen in the lo-gain extraction)
1589 - callisto: The lo-gains have been marked as valid in some cases
1590 when they got not extracted at all (deltsumlo=deltatimelo=0) because
1591 the allowed extraction range (fLoGainLast-fLoGainFirst) was
1592 smaller than the number of slices (fLoGainWindowSize) needed
1593 by the lo-gain extractor
1595 - callisto: Updated absolute calibration constants (muon calibration)
1597 - callisto: fixed a bug which caused the hi-gain saturation not
1598 to be handled properly in the spline (the position of the
1599 saturation was calculated incorrectly)
1601 - callisto: fixed a bug which gave weird results if hi- _and_
1602 lo-gain could not be extracted properly. In some cases hi-
1603 and lo-gain have not been extracted at all and the random result
1604 got calibrated. In other cases the hi-gain was saturating and the
1605 lo-gain has not been extracted. For this a completly arbitraty
1606 scale factor was applied to the result from extracting the
1607 charge of the saturating hi-gain.
1609 - callisto: improves handling of extracted signal if lo- and/or
1610 hi-gain could not be extracted properly. If no appropriate
1611 calibration of either the signal or the arrival time is possible
1612 the pixel is now markes as unsuitable instead of estimated.
1614 - callisto: Fixed a problem in the spline extraction which gave
1615 weird results if the signal was extracted from the first (and
1616 highest) slice (as a workaround extraction from the first
1617 slice has been forbidden)
1619 - callisto: Fixed a bug regarding the use of the QE which doesn't
1620 effect the result because the default is used anyhow.
1621 (The bug was there since 14/07/2005)
1623 - callisto: Changed the default for fgLoGainStartShift to -2.4
1625 - callisto: Fixed a bug which caused all hi-/lo-gain calibration
1626 factors to be always 10 for all pixels as soon as the first
1627 calibration update has happend.
1629 - callisto: Fixed the hi-/lo-gain offset for the Digital Filter. It
1630 was off by more than one slice (which gives wrong values for
1631 pixels which have saturated the hi-gain) This was a problem
1632 mainly for timing studies, not so much for the automatic standard
1633 analysis. Also the values for the Spline have been changed slightly:
1634 + Digital Filter from 1.70 to 0.95
1635 + Spline from 1.39 to 1.30
1636 The numbers were sorted out by an extensive test in the
1637 test-database.
1639 - callisto: Removed the tab showing the average calibrated arrival
1640 time. It never gave useful information.
1642 - callisto: Now tab "HiLoCal" which shows the ratio between hi- and
1643 lo-gain pulse for data pulses if hi- and lo-gain have saturated
1644 and both were extracted because the hi-gain was above the
1645 LoGainSwitch.
1647 - callisto: Now tab "HiLoOff" which shows the offset between hi- and
1648 lo-gain pulse position (after application of LoGainOffset, which
1649 means in the ideal case it is 0) for data pulses if hi- and lo-gain
1650 have saturated and both were extracted because the hi-gain was above
1651 the LoGainSwitch.
1653 - callisto: After extensive tests a new threshold level for determination
1654 of the pulse position has been found at 50phe. This is due to the
1655 fact that for lower pulses the arrival time changes its average
1656 behaviour dramatically. It tends to the average of the extraction
1657 range and starts sticking to non-floating point numbers (5, 6, 7, ...)
1659 - callisto: Added two more plots to the calibration part. The average
1660 extracted signal and the average extracted arrival time as
1661 extracted by the signal extractor (This can help debugging problems
1662 because it doesn't involve a fit)
1664 - star: changed the fit for the effective on time such that initial
1665 values are calculated automatically now instead of using build
1666 in values. This makes the fit more indepedant of the underlaying
1667 rates. With a test of ~350 sequences in the test database it could
1668 be shown that the new fit gives the same result +/-1sek.
1669 The highest deviation was +5s the lowest -10s. You can now control
1670 the bahaviour with two resource values:
1671 MHEffectiveOnTime.FistBin: 3
1672 MHEffectiveOnTime.NumEvents: 12000
1673 Use FirstBin=1 and NumEvents=120 to fit the effective on time
1674 from the resulting gamma candidates
1676 - star: The Center histogram in MHHillas is now by default displayed
1677 with the colz draw-option
1679 - ganymed: now produces valid error codes if failed
1681 - ganymed: MFMagicCuts now supports a hadronness cut. Switch it on
1682 with the option "hadronness" instead of "area" or "both" if
1683 you want to use both cuts. The hadronness cut includes a fixed
1684 cut in hadronness (index 8) and a fixed cut in size (index 9).
1686 - ganymed: MFMagicCuts: fixed abug introduced 2005/7/14 which caused
1687 the M3Long of the anti source to be not properly evaluated
1688 (actually is was evaluated as a unique random number) in case
1689 of optimization with anti-theta cut switched on. This might have
1690 lead to improper, but not necessarily wrong, optimization results.
1692 - ganymed: ganymed_onoff.rc, ganymed_wobble.rc - updated with comments
1693 how to use random forest
1695 - ganymed: use the same spark cuts as in ganymed_wobble.rc as in
1696 ganymed_onoff.rc. Seems to be unintentional that they were different.
1698 - sponde: Since the introduction of the possibility to define a
1699 normalization energy instead of using the integral the default
1700 was not using the integral anymore but a normalization energy of
1701 1GeV. It is now the integral again.
1703 - sponde: Fixed a problem in the weighting which did not allow
1704 a MC slope of -1.
1708 *** Version 0.9.6 (2006/05/24)
1710 - general: changed the binning of the azimuthal profile of the camera
1711 such that it is aligned with the 60deg boundaries.
1713 - merpp: better handling of problems with the TH, TD part of the
1714 CC-REPORT for files older than 200507190 and 200412210
1715 respectively
1717 - merpp: improved handling of RECEIVERS-COM-ERROR in CC-REPORT
1719 - merpp: implementd latest changes in starguider reports (sinc 9th May)
1721 - callisto: if an arrival time is extracted outside the fadc range is
1722 was set to the boundary before. Now a random number is assigned
1723 instead to avoid unfortunate coincidences of arrival times just
1724 by this arbitrary value.
1726 - callisto: added a new option to callisto.rc which allows
1727 to set the maximum arrival time difference allowed for the
1728 badpixel algorithm to determin whether a pixels belongs to a shower:
1729 MJCalibrateSignal.MBadPixelsTreat.MaxArrivalTimeDiff: 0.9
1731 - callisto: changed the old value (0.5) for MaxArrivalTimeDiff
1732 to 0.9 as suggested by Stefan due to a recent study on the fraction
1733 of pixels surviving the image cleaning
1735 - callisto: switched off error in case of "pulse is too much to the left"
1737 - callisto: The extraction window is not adapted anymore. This means that
1738 the pulse is extracted from the full range. The draw-back is that the
1739 background (pedestal) will become slightly higher. Switching on/off
1740 the PulsePosCheck in the callisto.rc only effects filling the
1741 histograms.
1742 WARNING: If the pulse is too much to the left data is calibrated!
1743 Check the PulsePosCheck-PulsePosition AND the Inhomogeneity parameter
1744 in the database to make sure that your data is valid!
1746 - star: Show also the number of stars correlated correctly by the
1747 starguider
1749 - ganymed: implemented a new class (MHThetaSqN) which allows to use more
1750 than one off-source region in wobble-mode. To use it add the following to
1751 your ganymed_wobble.rc:
1752 + MJCut.NameHist: MHThetaSqN (switch the new feature on)
1753 + MHThetaSqN.NumOffSourcePos: 3 (define number of off-regions)
1754 + MHThetaSqN.DoOffCut: Yes,No (switch on/off the off-cut)
1755 + Cut1.ThetaCut: None
1756 + MHThetaSqN.SignificanceCutLevel: 2.0 (increase off-cut by 2.0/1.7)
1758 - ganymed: in the case the latest report is older than a default (currently
1759 one minute) and the current report will be skip the starguider
1760 correction and calibration will be reset. The maximum age can be
1761 setup from ganymed.rc by (minutes):
1762 MPointingDevCalc.MaxAge: 1.5
1764 - ganymed: A first implementation showing all size-bins for the theta-sq
1765 resp. alpha-plots in a single tab automatically
1769 *** Version (2006/05/05)
1771 - general: Added a new option "zdiff" to the Makefile which runs
1772 "cvs diff" as "make diff" would do, but with compression
1774 - general: accelerated MTFillMatrix (used for eample in all training
1775 and optimization macros) by skipping some obsolete calles in the
1776 eventloop the first and second loop could be accelerated by ~20%
1778 - general: Added a missing feature in the MFilterList class which
1779 prevented MFEnergySlope from working correctly in trainenergy.C
1781 - general: Accelerated the random forest training and usage a bit
1783 - merpp: Adapted to new raw data file format version 6
1785 - merpp: fixed a problem with reading the starguider reports
1786 after 6.3.2006
1788 - callisto: At some times six pixels had to be exchanged manually in the
1789 data. If the pixels to be swaped are both not found, an error was raised
1790 and calibration was stopped. Now it is assumed they are intentially not
1791 mapped and the Error has been changed to a Warning.
1793 - star: Added new image cleaning based on the arrival time of the shower.
1794 The new cleaning can be accessed using the parameter "Time" instead of
1795 the the old one (like "Absolute) in the star.rc-file.
1796 Recommended parameters:
1797 + MImgCleanStd.CleanLevel1: 8.2
1798 + MImgCleanStd.CleanLevel2: 5
1799 + MImgCleanStd.CleanRings: 2
1800 + MImgCleanStd.KeepSinglePixels: No
1802 - star: Simplified the calculation of the effective on time. By letting
1803 the fit start in the third bin the result should become more stable.
1804 The fit quality is now ignored for the theta-plot which is not used
1805 in the analysis later. Still better pre-cut which, for example,
1806 remove events triggered by car-light (rate changing on a short
1807 time-scale) are missing.
1809 - macros: optimonoff.C, optimwobble.C: implemented a new strategy
1810 for optimization (kWeakSource) which is suggested by the Berlin
1811 people for weak sources.
1813 - macros: plotdb.C:
1814 + if no dataset and no time-interval is given only sequences with
1815 an effective on-time above five minutes are plotted anymore
1816 + added a new tab "RelTime" displaying the relative on-time
1817 (effective on-time divided by the observation time)
1819 - macros: optim*.C: by skipping some obsolete calles in the eventloop
1820 the optimization became a lot faster
1822 - ganymed: In the second loop the MHNewImagePar histograms disapeared.
1823 To display them just delete the pads displayed on top.
1825 - ganymed: fixed a bug which could cause strange behaviour in wobble
1826 mode if no starguider information was available due to an incorrect
1827 initialization of the starguider calibration
1829 - ganymed: The scale region in the False Source Plot (MHDisp) can now
1830 be changed from within the plot. It can also be setup from the
1831 resource file using:
1832 + MHDisp.fScaleMin: 0.325
1833 + MHDisp.fScaleMax: 0.475
1835 - ganymed, showplot: Fixed a problem with the fit to the off-data
1836 (HistOff) which could cause a time lag or an inifinite loop.
1837 The bug did not effect the results at all.
1839 - sponde: Added a new tab showing the effective collection area after
1840 trigger (including the software trigger)
1842 - sponde: MMcSpectrumWeight has a new option which allows to define
1843 the scaling factor not by the integral of the events but at
1844 a defined energy:
1845 e.g. MMcSpectrumWeight.NormEnergy: 200
1847 - MTFillMatrix, sponde: by skipping some obsolete calles in the
1848 eventloops the loop could be accelerated by ~20%
1852 *** Version 0.9.5 (2006/03/13)
1854 - macros: fixed a typo optimwoble.C (SetThetaCut instead SetAlphaCut)
1855 and added the standard Disp-parametrization
1857 - macros: added a new macro datacenter/macros/plotstat.C allowing
1858 to plot statistics about the data processing
1860 - macros: added a new macro to plot the muon correction coefficients
1861 versus period (macros/plot/mucal.C)
1863 - showplot: path inflation for ganymed files was broken
1865 - callisto: Fixed an important bug. When the number of saturating pixels
1866 were calculated the bad pixel information already available from the
1867 calibration was ignored. This yields wrong values in case pixels
1868 are broken and saturate all the time or randomly.
1870 - callisto: Updated Muon calibration constants. Spline data now also uses
1871 different values for different periods
1873 - star: The time-evolution shown in the effective on-time plot now displays
1874 the axis range (if there are no holes it should be similar to the
1875 effective on-time)
1877 - star: Added two new image parameters:
1878 + MNewImagePar.fConcCOG: The ratio of the equivalent signals of
1879 the three pixels next to the center of gravity and the size
1880 + MNewImagePar.fConcCore: The ratio of the signals of all
1881 pixels inside or touching the ellipse and the size
1883 - ganymed: now stops in requested source isn't found in catalog file
1885 - ganymed: Many improvements to the phi-plot in wobble mode:
1886 + with a template the ideal background is displayed
1887 + a possible camera inhomogeneity is taken into account
1888 + the anti theta cut is better supported
1889 + the phi cut is automatically calculated from the theta cut
1890 See the examples in ganymed_wobble.rc for more details.
1892 - ganymed: fixed plot for E^2*dN/dE. The spectrum was multiplied with two
1893 times the bin-width instead of the absolute energy
1895 - ganymed: New cuts for on/off and wobble mode
1897 - ganymed: The smearing of the False Source plot has been increased
1898 to 0.06
1900 - ganymed: The starguider calibration can now be changed from the
1901 resource file.
1902 See the examples in ganymed*.rc for more details.
1904 - ganymed: added a new option for on-/off-observations
1905 MJCut.RandomSourcePosition
1906 If switched on the distribution of observation time of the source
1907 position in the camera is calculated from the on-data and randomly
1908 applied with this distrbution to the off-data.
1910 - ganymed: by skipping some obsolete calles in the eventloop the
1911 first and second loop could be accelerated by ~20%
1913 - ganymed: The default in ganymed_onoff.rc is now to determin the source
1914 position in the off-data randomly according to its distribution in the
1915 on-data.
1919 *** Version (2006/02/13)
1921 - general: Fixed a bug in most of the programs which prevented the
1922 compile date in the startup message to be displayed
1924 - general: Simplified program calls. The following abbreviations
1925 are now possible:
1926 showlog callisto 55599
1927 showplot signal 55599
1928 star 55599
1929 callisto 55999
1930 ganymed 2
1931 In this cases the corrsponding root-, log-, sequence- or dataset-
1932 filename is automatically compiled using the default datacenter
1933 paths ("/magic/*")
1935 - general: Fixed a long outstanding bug which made axis tick marks
1936 disappear if MDataFormula was used (eg. abs(x))
1938 - general: Updated MMath with new functions to calculate the results of
1939 a exponential, logarithmic and powerlaw fits analytically.
1941 - general: Updated some macros with comments:
1942 + macros/optim/optimdisp.C
1943 + macros/optim/optimenergy.C
1944 + macros/optim/optimwobble.C:
1946 - general: MTFillMatrix (the class to fill one or two MHMatrix from
1947 files) now allows adding a pre-cut like in the optimization. E.g. this
1948 is useful to perform g/h-separation cuts before training the random
1949 forest.
1951 - general: Between the rund 53300 and 68754 the pixels 553-558 were not
1952 correctly assigned in the raw data assignement table. A fix to correct
1953 the assignment tabel have been implemented.
1955 - general: MAstroCatalog now allows rotating of the sky-grid and stars
1956 by 90, 180 and 270 deg.
1958 - general: the macro plotdb.C now allows to highlight sequences belonging
1959 to a datset. For more details see the descritions in the macro.
1961 - StatusDisplay: Fixed the algorithm to calculate the size ratio
1962 of the display, it gave wrong results espacially for big sizes.
1963 Now the embedded canvas should always have a ratio width/height=3/2.
1964 The "Size" options have been updated with values fitting the 3/2
1965 size ratio.
1967 - RanForest:
1968 + Updated the random forest classes to support also the
1969 regression method implemented by Thomas H.
1970 + added new tutorial macro how to train the random forest
1971 for energy estimation (macros/optim/rfenergyest.C)
1972 + new classes to train the random forest (still in development)
1973 mjtrain/MJTrainEnergy, mjtrain/MJTrainDisp, mjtrain/MJTrainSeparation
1974 + new tutorial macros for random forest training in macros/train
1975 trainenergy.C, traindisp.C, trainseparation.C
1977 - mars: now allows to setup a cut in the resource file mars.rc to choose
1978 the events to be displayed, eg:
1979 Cut.Condition: {0} && {1}
1980 Cut.0: MHillas.fSize>100
1981 Cut.1: MHillas.fSize<900
1983 - merpp: Made aware of the new .rep format 200510250. This includes
1984 interpretation of the Receiver Board Temperatures (MCameraRecTemp),
1985 the discriminator thresholds (MCameraTD) and the disciminator
1986 delays (MCameraTD). All of them come with the CC report and are therefor
1987 written to the CC tree.
1989 - callisto: fixed a bug in the calculation of the arrival times in
1990 the Digital Filter. They were all shifted by the same amount
1991 fHiGainFirst. This caused an offset in the order of the position of
1992 the left border of the extraction window in the times calculated
1993 from high-gain and from low-gain. The bug effected only the absolute
1994 arrival times. The bug was there since 30.1.2005.
1996 - callisto: Changed the ExtractionWindow for the pulse position check
1997 such that the camera inhomogeneity becomes as less as possible and
1998 comparable to the pulso position check switched off. More details
1999 on the study will be given at our result web-page.
2001 - ganymed: ganymed.rc, ganymed_onoff.rc:
2002 changed to new cuts trained with 1ES1218 and Crab-data
2003 for maximum sigma*log10(excess)
2005 - ganymed: In addition to the Hadronness calculator (CalcHadronness)
2006 a new option was implemented to estimate Disp (CalcDisp)
2008 - ganymed: Implemented two new options which allow
2009 to overwrite the default path to search for the sequence files
2010 --ins=/magic/sequences
2011 and where to search for the image data
2012 --ind=/magic/data/star
2014 - ganymed: MSrcPosCorrect now allows overwriting of the misfocussing
2015 dx/dy from the resource file by
2016 MSrcPosCorrect.Dx
2017 MSrcPosCorrect.Dy
2019 - ganymed: fixed reading the source catalog. Only as many chars
2020 as the requested source name had were compared (If a source
2021 "1ES1218" and "1ES1218+304" were in the catalog and "1ES1218+304"
2022 were requested it could happen that the coordinates of
2023 "1ES1218" were read) The source coordinates are now printed
2024 in addition to its name to the logging output.
2026 - ganymed: changed the background fit in the case of a ThetaSq function
2027 from a polynomial to a exponential, this should give a big improvement
2028 for on-only analysis'
2030 - ganymed/sponde: Calculation of the error of single size-/energy-
2031 bins now uses Li/Ma (5) instead of LiMa (17)
2033 - sponde: Added a plot E^2*dN/dE
2035 - sponde: The energy estimator plot should now show values like
2036 they are commonly used.
2038 - sponde: Now MMcSpectrumWeight also excepts formulas with two X
2039 (a powerlaw with cutoff didn't work before)
2043 *** Version (2005/10/01)
2045 - general: added new tutorial macro macros/tutorials/threshold.C:
2046 how to calculate the threshold
2048 - general: added a new game. Start it from the interpreter with
2049 MagicJam j; (other games are: MineSweeper, MagicSnake, MagicDomino
2050 and MagicReversi)
2052 - general: neighbor pixels in MGeoms are now sorted clockwise
2054 - merpp: made aware of new format 20050829-0
2056 - callisto: New scale factors from muon analysis, stored in new
2057 resource file resources/calibration.rc
2059 - callisto: MBadPixelsCalc now raises an error instead of simply stopping
2060 the eventloop if something went wrong. This is necessary for the
2061 automatic processing
2063 - callisto: Implemented a new treatment for the time information
2064 developed by S.Ruegamer, this should give much better response than
2065 the old very primitive algorithm. This is especially important
2066 for bad pixels due to bright stars as Ceta-Tauri (btw: the old
2067 treatment was buggy! As neighbor pixels to interpolate the
2068 arrival times always the pixels 0 to 5 were taken)
2070 - callisto: In addition to the new treatment of arrival times the
2071 decision of the treatment whether a pixel contains shower
2072 information or not is used to improve the signal interpolation
2073 further. Previously interpolated pixels showed a non-zero signal
2074 do the peak searching signal extractors. Having a signal pixel
2075 beside raised the signal above the cleaning level. Thus the
2076 pixel survived cleaning to often but with a too low mean signal.
2077 By replacing empty pixels with a gaus (mean and rms from the
2078 corresponding Area entries in MPedPhotCam) this effect can
2079 be supressed.
2081 - callisto: The status "unmapped" (for pixel which cannot be interpolated)
2082 got lost when the events were stored by the calibration... fixed.
2083 (This was no problem for normal image cleaning because the pixel
2084 content was artificially set to 0 not surviving standard cleaning
2085 algorithm)
2087 - callisto: Fixed a bug which caused the random and peak-search pedestal
2088 extracted with an extractor to be exchanged for the first (roughly)
2089 500 events (*Extractor and *ExtractorRndm).
2090 (They were simply exchanged in This bug might have been
2091 introduced in Mars 0.9.4 when the order of calculation of the two
2092 types of pedestal in callisto got exchanged. The bug only effects
2093 the first seconds of data of each sequence.
2095 - star: Taking the arrival time of Muons into account the calculation
2096 of the parameters could be made independant of the noise
2097 (pedestal rms). The dependance was due to the bias of the peak search
2098 extractor. Now only a ZA dependamcy is left which is not yet fully
2099 understood.
2101 - ganymed: The sequences were still not sorted correctly in any case,
2102 because they were sorted by the full qualified path name. Now they
2103 are sorted by their sequence number.
2105 - ganymed: new values for the spark-event-cut
2107 - sponde: required missing MEnergyEst from ganymed.root... fixed.
2111 *** Version (2005/08/18)
2113 - callisto: fixed some problems with the calibration in case of
2114 inteleaved events. Therefor the final and some intermediate
2115 fits are skipped which would take place on partly filled #
2116 histograms and gave wrong results or failed completely.
2118 - callisto: If the intermediate finalization of the histograms
2119 calculating the mean charge of the calibration signal fails
2120 it is counted now and printed in PostProcess of MCalibCalcFromPast.
2122 - ganymed: Fixed some bugs which caused problems in On-only mode.
2123 Still the false source plot doesn't give reasonable results.
2127 *** Version 0.9.4 (2005/08/05)
2129 - general: Fixed the ZA binning. It did not correctly fit the
2130 MC binning
2132 - general: Added a class to correct for the missfocussing in
2133 April (MSrcPosCorrect)
2135 - general: Random Forest energy estimator should now work properly
2137 - general: MHCamera now displays the profiles in deg instead of mm
2139 - general: MH::SetPalette offers a lot of new palettes
2141 - general: MHillas - the case of CorrXY==0 is now handled properly
2143 - general: implemented the possibility to change the line and
2144 marker style of a sky-grid drawn by MAstroCatalog
2146 - general: Runs in sequences and datasets are now automatically
2147 ordered (it is assumed that the order of their filenames correctly
2148 represents the order of observations) to ensure correct reading
2149 of the subsystem data
2151 - general: Runs cannot be added to a sequence twice anymore. Also
2152 Sequences cannot be added twice anymore to a dataset.
2154 - general: fixed a bug in MAstro::Deg2Hms reported by Abelardo.
2155 It gave wrong results by 1./2pi
2157 - showplot: got a new option to start a root interpreter, too
2159 - mars: now displays a rough estimate of Disp and the third moment
2161 - mars: now displays the event time MTime if available
2163 - mars: show muon parameters graphically
2165 - mars: now the file to open can be given as commandline
2166 argument
2168 - merpp: Added support for new arehucas version >= 200507190
2169 implementing values for three temperature sensors in the
2170 counting house (MCameraAUX) and the name of the HV settings file
2171 (MCameraHV).
2173 - merrp: Also fixed some problems with wrong versions numbers stated
2174 by arehucas and implemented some fixed for old versions (<200407070)
2176 - callisto: MCalibrationHiLoCam can now be printed from its context
2177 menu, eg in the TBrowser
2179 - callisto: fixed logain offset (fgOffsetLoGain) from 1.7 to
2180 - 1.39 (MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline)
2181 - 1.40 (MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter)
2182 This is important mainly for timing studies.
2184 - callisto: Changed limits in MHCalibrationChargeCalc from
2185 - -100.125 to -98 (fgChargeHiGainFirst)
2186 - 1899.875 to 1902. (fgChargeHiGainLast)
2187 - -100.25 to -99 (fgChargeLoGainFirst)
2188 - 899.75 to 901. (fgChargeLoGainLast)
2189 Introduced new limits:
2190 - fgNumLoGainBlackoutLimit: 0.05
2191 - fgLoGainBlackoutLimit: 3.5
2192 - fgLoGainPickupLimit: 3.5
2194 - callisto: The handling of automatic weights for the digital filter
2195 has been improved. There are now new calibration weights special
2196 for Monte Carlo calibrations.
2198 - callisto: Updated Muon scale with latest results (1% difference
2199 for most data, 5% for Mar/Apr'05)
2201 - callisto: use a new criterium to exclude bad pixels: If the high-gain
2202 was saturated and the blackout-events in the low-gain exceed the
2203 fNumLoGainBlackoutLimit, the pixel is declared unsuitable.
2204 This excludes those pixels which have a saturating high-gain
2205 channel, but the low-gain switch does not switch often enough
2206 to make the distribution reliable.
2208 - callisto: fix a bug counting the number of saturated events. Up to now,
2209 the number of saturated slices was counted (which is one for a not too
2210 high number), but for some (pathological) pixels, many more slices
2211 saturated and produced wrong limits.
2213 - callisto: New options in in callisto.rc for MCalibrationRelTimeCalc:
2214 + MCalibrationRelTimeCam.CheckFitResults: Yes
2215 + MCalibrationRelTimeCam.CheckDeviatingBehavior: Yes
2216 + MCalibrationRelTimeCam.CheckHistOverflow: Yes
2217 + MCalibrationRelTimeCam.CheckOscillations: Yes
2219 - callisto: introduce max. number of events for intercalibration,
2220 the rest gets skipped. Default: 4096
2221 The calibration causes too many un-reliable pixels if more
2222 than about 5000 events are treated (@500 Hz) because of the
2223 mode hopping of the VCSels. However, in the past, some
2224 calibration runs have been taken (erroneously) with more
2225 than 5000 events, especially the intensity scans where
2226 a good precision is needed.
2228 - callisto: Set UseExtractorRes to kTRUE, will raise the number of
2229 photo-electrons for the spline extractor by 1-2% (correctly).
2231 - callisto: The intercalibration is now done using a full f-factor
2232 method instead of a simple update. This makes things slower but
2233 more reliable in terms of gain-fluctuations and sudden VCSEL gain
2234 changes.
2236 - callisto: MPedestalY3 now uses the same extraction range as the data
2237 as calculated by MPedestalY2
2239 - callisto: A check of the fraction of allowed unsuitable (10%) and
2240 unreliable (30%) pixels has been addded when the conversion is
2241 calculated from interleaved events
2243 - star: fixed a bug which caused MEffectiveOnTime containers not to
2244 be written. In the worst case they were skipped almost all, in the
2245 best case they were all ok. It depends on how often the new value
2246 was assigned just with an event which was skipped later by another
2247 task
2249 - star: new histograms MHPointing and MHRate
2251 - star: New tab (Currents) displaying the time evolution of the mean
2252 DC currents
2254 - star: New tab (MeanRms) displaying the time volution of the mean
2255 Pedestal Rms
2257 - star: Output now contains MReportStarguider
2259 - star: Improved muon analysis. Due to the absense of a constant
2260 for the gaus fit for arc width and the fact that the arcwidth
2261 plot was a histogram instead of a profile the resulting psf
2262 became pedestal rms dependant
2264 - ganymed: added new plot (MHPhi) for wobble mode as described in
2267 - ganymed: corrects now (correctly?) for the misspointing in
2268 May/April 05
2270 - ganymed: Two new default templates for ganymed.rc are avilable:
2271 ganymed_onoff.rc and ganymed_wobble.rc
2273 - ganymed: The first version of MFMagicCuts has been released
2275 - ganymed: the Conc1 plot was incorrectly scaled in MHVsSize
2277 - ganymed, sponde: There are two new options to determin the number
2278 of bins for the signal region (NumBinsSignal) and the number of
2279 total bins (NumBinsTotal) in the MHThetaSq histogram
2281 - ganymed: optimized palettes for MHDisp
2283 - ganymed: Fixed an important bug when using ThetaSq as fit function:
2284 The result for the sigma of the gauss(sqrt(x)) fit was a factor
2285 sqrt(2) to large
2287 - ganymed: The false source plot (MHDisp) is now based on Disp
2288 and a background model determined in the first loop is
2289 subtracted
2291 - ganymed: MFMagicCuts are now available in the cvs. The correct
2292 solution for the disp ambiguity problem is now calculated using
2293 the third moment. The third moment cut therefor is skipped.
2295 - ganymed: Output now contains "Disp [MParameterD]" which sign is
2296 already determined by the third moment along the major axis and
2297 so its actual sign is aligned along the major axis of the shower.
2299 - ganymed: If starguider data is available it is taken into account
2300 when calculating the source position. This is especially important
2301 for wobble data at high zenith angles and culmination data.
2303 - ganymed: If available the starguider data is taken into account as
2304 good as it is possible without a starguider calibration. To switch
2305 it off add
2306 MPointingDevCalc.MaxAbsDev: -1
2307 to your ganymed.rc
2309 - sponde: the zenith angle distribution is now weighted instead of
2310 choosen by default. This gurantees higher statistics in the highest
2311 and lowest energy bins. To switch this behaviour off use...
2313 - sponde: now automatically displays the energy threshold
2317 *** Version 0.9.3 (2005/06/03)
2319 - general: MMcEvt now derived from MMcEvtBasic which should
2320 have no influence on compatibility with older camera files
2322 - general: Implemented a new option to MReadReports which allows
2323 to force reading of the first event of some trees (eg. Drive-tree)
2324 before any other tree.
2326 - general: Made a fix to MPointingPosCalc which assumes that the
2327 run-type is real-data if Process is called before ReInit, such
2328 that also the very first Drive-events in a run are treated
2329 correctly.
2331 - shoplot now displays the filename in the title bar of the window
2333 - merpp: new options: --auto-time-start --auto-time-stop which
2334 allow to cut updating with slow-control at the start- or
2335 (previousle --auto-time only allowed: and) stop-time of
2336 the run stored in the runheader.
2338 - callisto: changed default of fgFallTimeHiGain in
2339 MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline from 1.5 to 0.5. 0.5 was
2340 already set as default in callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc
2342 - callisto: the digital filter (MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter)
2343 now changes the filename for new weights automatically for
2344 cosmics, MC and for different calibration colors.
2346 - callisto: a problem with the order of some code cause the
2347 name of the weights file in MPedestalY2 to be ignored.
2348 Wrongly the calibration_UV weights were used instead
2349 of the cosmics weights set in callisto.rc.
2351 - callisto: should allow ct1 pulser data when the color is
2352 explicitly set also for pretty new runs
2354 - callisto: a new option (MCalibrateData.ScaleFactor) allows
2355 to introduce an additional scale factor (should be around 1)
2356 to adapt for slight deviations in different extractors from
2357 the MC calibration. For MC calibrations the scale factor
2358 is fixed to 1
2360 - callisto: MFCosmics should handle very high signals a bit
2361 more accurate now
2363 - callisto: when calculating the mean pedestal rms for different
2364 pixel sizes or sectors also kUnsuitableEvt is now taken into
2365 account - not only kUnsuitableRun
2367 - callisto: '-raw' option is now the default
2369 - callisto: A dead pixel check has been implemented in MJPedestalC2.
2370 This has the advantage that mean values in the calibration (eg
2371 arrival times) are calculated more accuratly.
2373 - callisto: In the resource file callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc
2374 MJPedestalY2.ExtractWinRight has been reduced from 4.0 to 2.0
2376 - callisto: new Hi-/Lo-Gain intercalibration constants
2377 hilocalib_sp1.root and hilocalib_sp1_mc.root
2379 - callisto: changed default for MJPedestalY2.MaxEvents
2380 from 2000 to 5000 like in callisto_Dec04Jan05.txt
2382 - callisto: in MCalibrationChargeCalc the limit fgPheErrLowerLimit
2383 has changed from 9.0 to 6.0. This is necessary to exclude two very
2384 ringing pixels in September which - when kept - destroy the image
2385 cleaning around them (Markus G.)
2387 - callisto: (!) The Muon analysis of all data taken so far has
2388 suggested that different extractors give slightly different
2389 absolute results after calibration, due to there different
2390 handling of the calibration- and cosmics pulse shape. Although
2391 the over all calibration seems to be a bit to pesimistic (or
2392 the MC seems to be a little bit - 3-5% - too much attenuated).
2393 There for correction factors have been introduced which correct
2394 the calibration constants by
2395 0.956937799 for Digital Filter (callisto.rc)
2396 and
2397 0.904159132 for Spline (callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc)
2398 calibration. The main advantage is, that both data types can
2399 be easily analysed together and compared to the same MC sample.
2400 The factors are choosen such, that the reference is now a
2401 Monte Carlo sample calibrated with Digital Filter (callisto.rc)
2403 - star: fixed a bug which caused the first bin of the histograms
2404 vs time to disapear in PostProcess. This gave wrong results
2405 on the screen. The output and all following programs not
2406 directly accessing the histograms haven't been affected
2408 - star, ganymed: Made sure that always the first Drive-tree event
2409 is read and Processed before the first data event was read.
2411 - ganymed: implemented the possibility to replace the standard
2412 false source plot with a different one. For example: If
2413 you want to use a Disp based FS plot use the resource:
2414 NameHistFS: MHDisp
2415 For details about the requirements of these plots look
2416 at the corresponding classes
2418 - MJOptimize: For On/Off and Wobble optimization MJOptimize
2419 has been replaced by MJOptimizeCuts. To use MHThetaSq instead
2420 of MHAlpha call MJOptimizeCuts("MHThetaSq"). Make sure in this
2421 case MAlphaFitter is setup correctly. For On-Only optimization
2422 MJOptimize has been Replaced by MJOptimizeCuts, too. Call
2423 RunOn() instead of Run(). For energy estimation MJOptimize
2424 has been replaced by MJOptimizeEnergy
2426 - sponde: The input MC spectrum can now be weighted to fake a
2427 different spectrum. This is done via MMcSpectrumWeight. For
2428 more details see the class description and sponde.rc
2430 - sponde: The paremeter comparsion plots are not scaled by
2431 their entries anymore. Instead the MC plot is scaled by using
2432 the result spectrum of the analysis. If the input MC spectrum
2433 and the result spectrum has different slopes the absolut
2434 normalization is normally wrong.
2438 *** Version 0.9.2 (2005/05/20)
2440 - general: Changed the default paths for calibrated data and image
2441 files. (The implemented access to these files doesn't yet exist)
2443 - general: support for MRunIter has been removed from the job classes
2444 (use the setter functions of MSeqeunce instead)
2446 - general: ProcessFile has been renamed to Process in all job classes,
2447 because ProcessFile is missleading
2449 - general: The storage of the palette in MHCamera is now possible
2451 - general: new bits describing unsuitable and unreliable pixels have
2452 been introduced in MBadPixelsPix: kPreviouslyExcluded,
2453 kDeadPedestalRms, kFluctuatingArrivalTimes
2455 - general: fixed reading of CC-REPORTS (weather data) for Arehucas file
2456 versions newer than V200404070
2458 - general: support for cc file versions newer than V200504130. Added
2459 support for active loads (MCameraActiveLoad) and central pixel
2460 (MCameraCentralPixel)
2462 - general: added new histograms for image parameters versus size
2463 (MHVsSize)
2465 - general: The eventloop now automatically calls PrintStatistics
2467 - Status Display: Improved support for printing:
2468 + A default can now be set in .rootrc (for more details see
2469 MStatusDisplay::PrintPS)
2470 + A print dialog is opened so that printer and command line
2471 can be canged
2473 - showlog: improved such that it handles different verbosity levels
2474 more accurate now. This mean you can suppress output when
2475 using showlog.
2477 - showplot: improved
2478 + The new graphics formats have been implemented
2479 (pdf, svg, png, jpg and xpm)
2480 + Implemented an interface for printing. Because you can change
2481 the printing command from the command line you can use all
2482 the nice postscript tool. To print a booklet for example call:
2483 showplot -b --print --print-cmd="cat %f" filename.root | lpr
2484 showplot -b --print --print-cmd="psbook %f | psnup -2 | lpr" filename.root
2485 showplot -b --null --print --print-cmd="psbook %f" filename.root >
2487 - callisto: fixed a bug in the recognition of the calibration bit
2488 pattern. Concerns only intensity calibration. (The strength of the
2489 intensity has been updated in some cases)
2491 - callisto: add a filter against PIN Diode events when running over
2492 calibration runs since some of the recent calibration runs have
2493 been taken with Pin Diode.
2495 - callisto: added support for the runs 39942, 39944, 44834, 39941,
2496 39943, 44833 in the calibration (MCalibColorSet)
2498 - callisto: MJCalibration.MHCalibrationChargeCam.ProbLimit has
2499 been set to 1e-18 in callisto_Dec04_Jan05.rc
2501 - callisto: in callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc: set value for
2502 MJPedestalY2.MaxEvents from 2000 to 5000 to get better
2503 statistics for the calculation of the mean pulse time
2504 of the cosmisc
2506 - callisto: the charge limit in the calibration has been raised
2507 from 2.5 to 4.5
2509 - callisto: new setup read from callisto.rc
2510 + MCalibCalcFromPast.fNumEventsDump
2511 + MHCalibrationChargeCam.NumHiGainSaturationLimit
2512 + MHCalibrationChargeCam.NumLoGainSaturationLimit
2514 - callisto: MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline extractor:
2515 + The integration ranges were shifted by 0.2 FADC slices to the right.
2516 + unreliable handling of floating point values caused different
2517 results on different platform or with different compiler options:
2518 The new algorithm is numerically exact and more accurate because
2519 it doesn't calculate the integration position by multiple times
2520 adding the step-size (which results in numerical uncertanties
2521 exspecially if multiplied with large numbers)
2522 + A lot of fixes have been introduced which effects integrating the
2523 spline at the edges of the valid range. In this case any memory
2524 was randomly accessed. This behaviour can be tested replacing
2525 all MArrayF by TArrayF which perform a range check (but of course
2526 they are a lot slower)
2527 ! No result obtained with the Spline before can be trusted! Due to
2528 random memory access it might by completely random!
2530 - callisto: set new defaults in MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter:
2531 + extraction range in the high gain to 4.
2532 + weights file to cosmics_weights46.dat
2534 - callisto:
2535 + introduce the check for fluctuating arrival times.
2536 + set charge limit to from 2.5 to 4.5
2537 + introduce asymmetric exclusion due to "deviating number of phes":
2538 Default: -9.0 +4.5
2539 + make deviating number of phes unsuitable (see David's findings).
2541 - callisto: fixed the display of unsuitable pixels. The old change
2542 to a real profile in MHCamera broke it.
2544 - callisto: The cosmics filter is used in MJCalibration now
2545 independant of the pulser color (formaly it was used only for
2546 CT1-pulser data). The threshold of number of max empty pixels
2547 has been raised from 2% to 5% in MJCalibration. The maximum
2548 fraction of rejected event is 50% otherwise the calibration has
2549 failed. The filter now ignores unsuitable pixels.
2550 Setup the filter from callisto.rc using "ContCosmics"
2551 (see MFCosmics::ReadEnv)
2553 - callisto: changed default for fgOffsetFromLogain back
2554 from -2.8 to -1.8 in digital filter.
2556 - callisto: for the common extractors
2557 + MExtractFixedWindow
2558 * MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow
2559 * MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline
2560 * MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter
2561 the hi- and lo-gain reolution is stored in fResolutionPerPheHiGain
2562 and fResolutionPerPheLoGain
2564 - callisto: Updated the hi-/lo-gain intercalibration constants
2565 hilocalib_sp1.root, hilocalib_df46_mc.root, hilocalib_df4.root,
2566 hilocalib_df6.root
2568 - callisto: The default lo-gain extraction window for the
2569 MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow extractor has been increased
2570 from 6 to 8 to take the stretch of the pusle into account
2572 - callisto (!!!): fixed an important bug in the setting of the
2573 incoming pedestal pointer to the signal extractor extracting
2574 pedestals. This bug caused the pedestals not to be subtracted
2575 correctly in the calibration afterwards. The effect was about 10%
2576 too high conversion factors for the digital filter and the spline
2577 and more than 40% for the sliding window.
2578 The bug existed since end of February! (Markus G.)
2580 - star: added muon support to star. A new tab "MHMuonPar" is
2581 displayed. The lower right plot is an estimate of the point spread
2582 function. A reference value is displayed. To get the real PSF
2583 you must compare with MC. The setup for the muon analysis
2584 is done in star.rc. More informations can be found in
2585 MHSingleMuon and MHCalibParCalc
2587 - star: The weather data is now displayed in star
2589 - star: MEventRateCalc handles the calculation of the event rate more
2590 accurate now in case of the start of a new run inside a sequence
2592 - ganymed: a bug in MSrcPosCalc has been fixed (The changes were taken
2593 from a bugfix of Wolfgang to Loc0LocToCam; Wolfgang: the results are
2594 changed only minimally
2596 - ganymed: (MJCut and MJOptimize) now displayes the number of
2597 excess events versus size. The energy estimation is done in
2598 MJSpectrum (sponde)
2600 - ganymed: got support for using other variables than Alpha, eg. Theta.
2601 Therefor you need a class deriving from MHAlpha which supports
2602 this variable (one is already existing: MHTheta, which is now the
2603 default in ganymed). It is setup through ganymed.rc
2605 - added a full featured spectrum program (sponde) which reads
2606 ganymed output and monte carlos and compiles a spectrum
2610 *** Version 0.9.1 (2005/04/14)
2612 - Fix bug on the arrival time reconstruction when using Digital
2613 Filter (in some marginal cases (10%) times were reconstructed shifted
2614 by 0.2 slices)
2616 - all executables now return 2 where in previous versions -1 has
2617 been returned (gave problems with shell-scripts)
2619 - the Hi-/Lo-Gain intercalibration for monte carlo files is now
2620 also done with a intercalibration input file
2622 - a bug in the time fine adjustment of the digital filter has been fixed
2624 - a lot of small fixes to calling TPad::Divide with a margin==0
2626 - MStatusDisplay now shows the memory usage
2628 - added a memory leak statistic after the eventloop
2630 - MHadronness replaced by MParameterD
2632 - MEnergyEst replaced by MParameterD
2634 - wobble mode can now be switched on from the data-set
2636 - switched on bad pixel detection for a pedestal level
2637 which is more than 5 times the variance
2639 - Fixed default paths to be correct for the new data center
2641 - Fixed handling of drive data. The pointing position in now
2642 copied to MPointingPos inside star for real and MC events
2644 - made sure, that the sequences in a dataset are sorted by
2645 their number to ensure the correct synchronization
2647 - added all resource files necessary to handle spline extraction
2648 of signal for the late 2004 and the early 2005 data
2650 - update the reference lines for the december data
2652 - changed default for fgHiGainFirst from 2 to 0 in spline extractor
2653 This is important for the Dec. and Jan. data where the calibration
2654 pulse position changes much.
2656 - changed default for fgOffsetFromLogain from -1.8 to -2.8 in digital
2657 filter. This corrects only an defective extraction of the MC at
2658 low-gain signals lower than 90 phes.
2660 - fixed some slowdown in calibrating data with interleaved events from
2661 Jan and Dec. As a workaround made the pretty palette the default.
2662 The inverse Deep Blue Sea has a bug which slows down long calibration
2663 runs a lot.
2665 - implemented new values from new starguider report as defined
2666 in TDAS00-07 V7.1 (eg SkyBrighness)
2668 - Fixed the formerly wrong unit of azimuth and zenith angle deviation
2669 in starguider report (If you merpp the same reports with this version
2670 you'll get the correct units (arcmin) but a different result
2671 than with old versions (wrong units))
2673 - Now the status display can also write PNG, JPEG and XPM (other file
2674 formats are still unsupported by root)
2676 - added a lot of scripts and macros in directory datacenter used
2677 for automatic processing
2681 *** Version 0.9 (2005/03/23)
2683 - Calibration is now done autmatically into photo-electrons like
2684 decided by the Collaboration Board
2686 - Reference lines in the display can be read from resource file
2688 - Interlaced calibration events can be handled by callisto
2690 - Hi-Gain vs. Lo-Gain calibration constants can be calculated
2691 and applied in callisto.
2693 - class MJCalibTest can be called by callisto
2695 - callisto can now run with three data types: rawdata, rootdata, MC
2697 - added two classes mreport/ and
2698 mreport/MReportStarguider.h for implementing starguider-data
2700 - the output of merpp-update now contains starguider information:
2701 MReportStarguider and MTimeStarguider
2703 - Fixed bug in which made that the displayed Q-factor
2704 values were lower than they should. This was more visible for high
2705 energy (Size) events.
2707 - Made MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter the default for callisto
2709 - added a new loop to callisto to support the correct extraction of
2710 the pedestal and pedestal rms through the signal extractor
2712 - added class to perform fourier tranformation of a hexagonal structure
2713 (MHexagonalFT)
2715 - added class to perform fourier tranformation of a hexagonal structure
2716 in a tasklist (MHexagonalFTCalc) example: hft.C
2718 - added class to enhance the MCerPhotEvt from the Magic camera geometry
2719 MGeomCamMagic to a enhanced geometry MGeomCamMagicXT having only
2720 small pixels, example: extendcam.C
2722 - added possibility to write data to memory (TTree) using MWriteRootFile
2724 - added possibility to read a TTree stored only in memory by MReadTree
2726 - new classes to deal with the interleaved calibration events:
2727 MTriggerPattern, MTriggerPatternDecode and MFTriggerPattern
2729 - implemented filters to callisto to skip calibration events
2731 - changed callisto to calculate three kinds of pedestals and pedestal rms:
2732 + fundamental pedestal (MPedPhotFundamental): extracted directly from
2733 the slices by statistics
2734 + pedestal from extractor (MPedPhotFromExtractor): extracted with the
2735 signal extractor without randomization
2736 + random pedestal from extractor (MPedPhotFromExtractorRndm): extracted
2737 with the signal extractor with randomization (extraction window is
2738 randomly fixed)
2739 The three kind of pedestal is not yet implemented (for speed reasons) as
2740 long as nobody really needs it:
2741 + pedestal from extractor with randomizatiuon (MPedPhotFromExtractorRndm):
2742 extracted with the signal extractor with randomization
2744 - callisto now finds the pulse position in the data automatically
2746 - implemented data reduction in calibrated data by reducing the precision
2747 of the stored floating point values (pedestal, rms and signal) to
2748 roughly 0.5%
2750 - fixed showplot to make file format conversion (eg. converting a
2751 status display stored in a root file into a postscript file) in
2752 batch mode possible:
2753 showplot -b --save-as-ps[] infile.root
2755 - Allow class names as part of filter rules, eg
2756 (MFSupercuts) && (MHillas.fSize>100)
2758 - fixed a lot of stuff to allow all programs to process MonteCarlo
2759 camera files.
2761 - enhanced possibility to debug reading of resource file
2763 - MDataChain should handle priorities of operator more
2764 accurate now
2766 - completely revised the container in which the signal is stored
2767 MCerPhotEvt/Pix, MArrivalTime --> MSignalCam/Pix
2768 * the new implementation is faster and
2769 * needs less storage space
2771 - FIRST version which can process Monte Carlos through the
2772 whole chain of programs (callisto, star, etc)
2774 - implemented new image parameters for the border length of
2775 the shower image (MNewImagePar2)
2777 - implemented wobble-mode in ganymed
2779 - new class (MJOptimize) taking care of all optimization processes
2783 *** Version 0.8.6 (2004/10/05)
2785 - New combined signal and time extractor
2786 MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter
2788 - The Report for the trigger section in the CC run summary has been
2789 updated, and now the IPRs (Individual Pixel Rates) are available.
2791 - new macros for database interaction: filldotrun.C, filldotrbk.C
2793 - added new program which can convert colored output which was redirected
2794 into a file back into colored text (for example to display it with
2795 more): showlog
2797 - added new program to display an MStatusArray of plots (stored with
2798 MStatusDisplay) from a file: showplot
2800 - Added support for Sequences (MSequence). Sequences are blocks of run
2801 files containing the same calibration and belonging to the same
2802 source
2804 - Added a new task (MTaskEnv) which can be used in setup files to switch
2805 between different tasks (for example to choose a signal extractor)
2807 - Implemented automatic file splitting in MWriteRootFile
2809 - After image cleaning an island index is assigned to all used pixels.
2810 The index corresponds to the order of the islands in size.
2812 - added a cleaning which takes signal height _and_ arrival time into
2813 account: probability cleaning (for more details see MImgCleanStd)
2815 - added a cleaning which takes takes the absolute number of photons
2816 times the area ratio as cleaning level
2817 (for more details see MImgCleanStd)
2819 - Changed calculation of image parameters such, that it can be done
2820 for all used pixels or the pixels with a defined island index only
2822 - implemented new image parameters displaying the number of islands,
2823 saturated hi-gain and lo-gain pixels (MImagePar, MHImagePar)
2825 - event display in executable changed to support also calibrated files
2826 (done with MJCalibrateSignal)
2828 - added program doing the calibration and the signal extraction
2829 and signal calibration: callisto Most part of the setup is done
2830 by a resource file: callisto.rc
2832 - implemented support for pixels with negative IDs (Raw file format
2833 version 4)
2835 - implemented an new option in merpp (--auto-time) to get the time
2836 range for cc and/or caco data from the run header of the raw data
2838 - New star-program (star and MJStar). Taking calibrated data from
2839 callisto/MJCalibrateSignal as input. The setup is done through
2840 a resource file: star.rc
2842 - Added possibility to setup the eventloop in the mars-executable
2843 Camera Display by a resource file: mars.rc
2845 - The the mars-executable Camera Display can now also read
2846 calibrated data files written by callisto/MJCalibrateSignal
2848 - Added a new class which can calculate the source position in
2849 the camera from a pointing model known to be correct and
2850 the pointing model used for observations (MSrcPosFromModel)
2852 - added a new version of the class calculating the effective on-time
2853 MHEffectiveOnTime. It unifies the old classes MHEffOnTime,
2854 MHEffOnTimeTime, MHEffOnTimeTheta, MHTimeDiff, MHTimeDiffTime and
2855 MHTimeDiffTheta.
2857 - added the possibility to count how often a signal is above (or
2858 below) a certain threshold in MHCamEvent and MHCamEventRot (this
2859 can replace MHTriggerLvl0)
2861 - added ore convinient ways to set the axis-titles of your histograms
2862 in your macro to some MH-classes like: MH3, MHVsTime, MHSectorVsTime,
2863 MHPixVsTime, MHVsTime, MHCamEvent and MHCamEventRot
2867 *** Version 0.8.5 (2004/08/06)
2869 - new Signal Extractors: MExtractFixedWindowSpline
2870 and MExtractAmplitudeSpline
2872 - implementes interleave in merpp to be able to merpp parts of a file
2874 - implemented force-functionality to merpp
2876 - star display to display star catalogs (MAstroCatalog)
2878 - star display to 'mirror' stars to the camera (MAstroCamera)
2880 - implemented a new cleaning option which allows cleaning scaled with
2881 the real ratio of the rms depending on the pixel size, not only the
2882 square root of the pixelsize (MImgCleanStd, MCameraData)
2884 - removed obsolete MBlind* classes
2886 - Signal extractor taking the AB flag into account implemented (this makes
2887 an odd number of slices for signal extraction possible
2888 (MExtractSignalABcorr)
2890 - implemented a class extracting the pedestal from the raw-data (events)
2891 itself using empty lo-gain (MpedCalcFromLoGain)
2893 - Added mean values to MPedPhotCam
2895 - Added Makefile for Darwin (this OS is NOT officially supported!)
2899 *** Version 0.8.4 (2004/04/19)
2901 - new fast arrival time extractor using cubic splines:
2902 MExtractTimeFastSpline
2904 - implementes multi-argument support in MDataChain
2905 ("pow(a, b)")
2907 - implemented double reference support in MDataChain
2908 ("MCameraLV.fPowerSupplyA.fVoltagePos5V")
2910 - added support in MF for expressiond like
2911 "MHillas.fWidth<2*<MHillas.fLength"
2913 - MDataChain is now able to support variables like [0], [1], ...
2914 which can be used in fit functions as parameters. The interface
2915 is implemented through the new virtual function
2916 MParContainer::SetVariables
2918 - added new class MArrivalTimeCam/MArrivalTimePix:
2919 Storage containers to hold the ArrivalTime of the camera/pixel
2921 - added new classes for the calibration of relative arrival times:
2922 MCalibrationRelTimePix and MCalibrationRelTimeCam
2924 - added new classes to extract the signal of the blind pixel and the
2925 PIN Diode separately: MExtractBlindPixel and MExtractPINDiode
2927 - added new classes for the bad-pixels treatment (MBadPixels*)
2928 which are more powerfull than the old ones (MBlindPixel*)
2929 and will replace them.
2931 - added filter against cosmics: MFCosmics
2933 - added new class MArrivalTimeCalc2:
2934 Calculates the arrival time as the signal weighted mean of the time
2935 slices in the maximum window
2937 - added a new macro call pointspreadfucntion.C that fits with a 2D
2938 gaussian the DC spot for an star. It gives you the RMS of
2939 the PSF and the center of the star, very useful for misspointing
2940 studies.
2942 - added support for multi-telescope camera files. Added classes
2943 MStereoCalc and MStereoPar, classes to calculate and store shower
2944 parameters calculated from the data of two telescopes, for the MC
2945 studies regarding the MAGIC clone.
2947 - added MMcCalibrationCalc, MMcCalibrationUpdate, classes to obtain
2948 MC data calibrated in photons instead of ADC counts.
2950 - added three macros to show the calibration and analysis chain of
2951 MC data. The macro starmc.C does both calibration and analysis, producing
2952 an output containing Hillas parameters for each event. The macro
2953 mccalibrate.C does just the calibration and writes out a file containing
2954 pixel information in photons instead of FADC data. The macro starmc2.C
2955 reads in such a file and produces an output with Hillas parameters.
2957 - added MPedPhotCalc to compute pedestals in units of photons, see
2958 macro pedphotcalc.C
2960 - added all class to perform the calibration, see macro calibration.C
2962 - added class MFFT to perform Fast Fourier Transforms
2964 - added class MSimulatedAnnealing to perform simulated annealing
2965 minimizations
2967 - added new macro bootcampstandardanalysis.C which holds the skeleton
2968 of the analysis chain discussed in the december bootcamp.
2970 - added support for DAQ raw data file format V2
2972 - implemented an arbitrary time stamp for the events from raw-data
2973 files with file version<3. It is calculated from the run number,
2974 the date of start and the FADC clock tick from the first module
2976 - implemented the correct decoding of the event time-stamp
2977 coming from the DAQ for raw-data files with file-version>2
2979 - added a new classes storing the pedestals in units of photons:
2980 MPedPhotPix, MPedPhotCam
2982 - added support for DC current files from the camera control
2984 - added support for start- and stop-time when merpping report files
2986 - added MReportCC storing the weather data from the CC-REPORT
2988 - added class to fill trainings and test matrices (MTFillMatrix)
2990 - added a filter performing a software trigger (MFSoftwareTrigger)
2992 - Added classes to perform parts of the standard analysis (Jobs):
2993 + MJPedestals
2994 + MJCalibration
2995 + MJExtractSignal
2996 Note: All of them are preliminary!
2998 - Added Iterator to iterate over files giving only the run-number
3000 - Added class (MHSectorVsTime) and example (sectorvstime.C) to plot
3001 the evolution of a sector vs time
3005 *** Version 0.8.3 (2003/12/05)
3007 - adapted Random Forest classes to allow the use with MC
3008 multi-telescope files which can be produced with the coming
3009 camera version 0.7.
3011 - added classes to read and interprete central control report files
3012 (Directory: mreport, Base-Class: MReport, Reader: MReportFileRead, ...)
3014 - enhanced merpp (the executable) to support .raw and .rep files.
3016 - added classes for light calibration (MCalibration* and
3017 MHCalibration*) by Markus Gaug. Further work has to be and will
3018 be done soon.
3020 - Added a preliminary 'synchronizer' (MReadReports) which will
3021 replace MReadMarsFile as soon as it is finished.
3023 - Added a tutorial macro demonstrating how report files are merpped
3024 and how they can be read from the root file in the correct order
3025 of time (readrep.C)
3027 - Added a generalized histogram (similar to MH3) called MVsTime
3028 which allows to plot variables (or rules - MDataChain - of
3029 variables) vs time. For an example have a look at tempvstime.C.
3031 - Changed the name of the event trees:
3032 + Events --> Events
3033 + PedEvents --> Pedestals
3034 + CalEvents --> Calibration
3036 - changed name of MTime in the event trees from MRawEvtTime to MTime
3038 - added displaying the sector indices to the mars event display
3040 - Magic Online Analysis (MOnA) implemented in a first version
3041 (see, MOnlineDump and MOnlineDisplay)
3043 - added classes to calculate event rate
3044 (preliminary: MEventRateCalc, MEventRate)
3046 - added new executable 'readdaq' to read *.raw files from the DAQ directly
3048 - added classes dealing with the telescope pointing position (MPointing*)
3050 - implemented the 'final' Mars time stamp based on some experiences with
3051 the new 'Synchonizer'
3055 *** Version 0.8.2 (2003/11/10)
3057 - accelerated standard analysis by a factor of 6-8 ...
3058 + doing precalculations in MGeomCam for the pixel area ratio
3059 + creating a look up table for the single pixels in MCerPhotEvt
3061 - added task to calculates weights in case you want to 'change'
3062 the energy spectrum of a monte carlo file
3063 (MMcWeightEnergySpecCalc - Great work from Marcos Lopez Moya)
3065 - added a new executable star which implements the
3066 star.C macro as precompiled executable. Currently a flexible
3067 setup is not possible, but a 'input card' setup will follow.
3069 - Starting to implement Multi-Telescope-Support based on the
3070 upcomming camera version 0.7. The base for a general support
3071 is implemented and the star-functionality is proven to work.
3073 - Replaced Event-Display in and Camera-Display in the Mars GUI
3074 executable by a more convinient display base on MStatusDisplay.
3076 - fixed the algorithm for the blind pixel treatment (MBlindPixelCalc)
3080 *** Version 0.8.1 (2003/10/20)
3082 - added signal subtraction for pure on data by means of fitting
3083 the background in the off region or by performing a combined
3084 signal/background fit. Provides necessary histograms for
3085 obtaining energy spectra and a light curve.
3087 - added classes to perform and study the selection of the
3088 2nd Level Trigger on MC data (example in triglvl2.C macro)
3090 - added pedestal calculation
3092 - implemented "democratic cleaning" (tail cut value proportional
3093 to pixel area) according to Wolfgang's suggestion.
3095 - added Sigmabar treatment (calculation and basic histogramming)
3097 - added basic routines to apply padding
3099 - added first implementation of MARS-based source visibility plotter
3100 (needs to be linked against slalib, preliminary version)
3102 - enhanced functionality of data chains: random numbers, conversion
3103 functions and access to MHMatrix objects
3105 - fixed some bugs in the CT1 Preproc file reader, which gave wrong
3106 numbers under certain circumstances (runs with 0 events included)
3108 - fixed a bug in the general filter MF (didn't work on some systems
3109 at all)
3111 - fixed a bug in chaining files, which caused the analysis to crash or
3112 ignore files
3114 - implemented more geometry classes describing the parameters used
3115 to simulate the PMT camera
3117 - added new Monte Carlo classes containing the setup of the different
3118 programs in the MC chain.
3120 - added a (preliminary) general task to evaluate chi-square of a given
3121 parameter in an eventloop.
3123 - first implementation of a container describing the observatory
3124 location (Long, Lat, etc)
3126 - added Random Forest - method for g/h-separation
3128 - made compatible with the latest PRO version of root (3.04/02 and 3.05/07)
3129 (this means, that it is compiling, but not yet fully tested)
3131 - added a new status display which can show the present status
3132 of histograms while an eventloop is running (MStatusDisplay,
3133 an example can be found at status.C)
3135 - reorganized directories:
3136 classes describing the image --> mimage
3137 classes containing Monte Carlo Histograms --> mhistmc
3138 classes for Random Forest method --> mranforest
3140 - added (event-)weights to fill histograms
3142 - colors in logging output to screen
3144 - changes to the Image Parameter declaration:
3145 + moved fConc, fConc1 from MHillasSrc to MNewImagePar
3146 + moved fNumUsedPix, fNumCorePix from MHillas to MNewImagePar
3147 + MHillasExt now derives from MParContainer instead of MHillas
3148 --> Files written with the old definition are more or less unreadable
3150 - reading of reflector files
3152 - display data from reflector files in the camera
3154 - implemented currents (and display them in the camera)
3156 - logarithmic scale in camera
3158 - added class to iterate through directory contents (MDirIter)
3162 *** Version 0.8 (2002/11/18)
3164 - added all subdirectories as Include-Paths for ACLIC (s. rootlogon.C)
3166 - corrected 48(!) wrong entries in the Next Neighbor table of the
3167 Magic Camera (all in the inner part of the outer ring, mostly
3168 missing a single NN)
3170 - Fixed a bug in the table describing the Next Neighbours of the
3171 CT1 camera (a pixel 127 doesn't exist and the pixel 126 didn't
3172 have any neighbour)
3174 - changed trigrate.C: now it calculates the pure NSB triggers from
3175 a camera file (generated with no showers), so there is no need
3176 to introduce them by hand in the BgR array (for more details
3177 please ask Abelardo)
3179 - added MHHadronness (and MHadronness) as a general facility to evaluate
3180 the quality of a gamma-hadron seperation method
3182 - changed MWriteAsciiFile to accept rules (MDataChain)
3184 - Calls to MWriteAsciiFile::AddContainer and MWriteAsciiFile::AddRule
3185 must be replaced by calles to MWriteAsciiFile::AddColumn and
3186 MWriteAsciiFile::AddColumns. Be carefull, the arguments have slightly
3187 changed.
3189 - Implemented generalized event-matrices (one row per event)
3190 (MHMatrix)
3192 - implemented the one dimensional composite probabilities
3193 (MHCompProb, MCompProbCalc, comprob.C)
3195 - implemented the Multidimensional Distances (Next Neighbours, Kernel)
3196 (MMultiDimDistCalc, multidimdist.C, multidimdist2.C, MHMatrix)
3198 - Added a camera display displaying the pixel numbers to the
3199 event display gui.
3201 - Added Monte Carlo Informations to event display gui
3203 - Changed the camera display to display the pixel numbering
3205 - Added three buttons to the camera display to change the palette
3207 - Added the number of used and core pixels after image cleaning
3208 to MHillas
3210 - Changed the algorithm used in MHillas according to TDAS 02-03
3212 - Changed the Alpha range according to TDAS 02-03 to [-90°,90°]
3214 - Changed the algorithm used in MHillasSrc according to TDAS 02-03
3216 - Added fCosDeltaAlpha to MHillasSrc
3218 - The numbers of photons used to calculate fConc and fConc1 in
3219 MHillasExt are now scaled with the pixel size, so that one get
3220 a four times smaller value for the bigger pixels in the outer ring.
3222 - added new task to smooth the camera contents (MCameraSmooth)
3224 - added possibility to use interpolated pixel values for blind pixels
3225 instead of removing it completely from the analysis
3227 - Implemented the possibility to save the whole eventloop with
3228 its setup to a file. This information can be read and from
3229 it you can (re)create a Macro. See MEvtLoop::Read, MEvtLoop::Write
3230 and MEvtLoop::MakeMacro. If you find something not working, please
3231 report - this stuff is still in a beta phase.
3233 - MBlindPixelCalc set all Ceta-Tauri pixels to unused not only for the
3234 file having crab starfield, but also for all following files - fixed
3236 - MTaskList::PrintStatistics can now be instructud to print also the
3237 title, too: use PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE)
3239 - Changed the image cleaning so that pixels with to many 'used'
3240 neighbors are left used (to get rid of 'holes' in events)
3242 - Introduced more output to the camera displays
3244 - Added an array of histograms (eg one hist per run), MHArray
3246 - Added a _preliminary_ version of the reader for CT1 PreProc files
3247 (MCT1ReadPreProc)
3249 - Fixed the error calculation of MHMCollectionArea and MHMcIntRate
3250 (thanks to Raquel)
3252 - added the first energy estimator (MEnergyEstParam, estimate.C,
3253 estfit.C) using a parametrization
3255 - Added some new Monte Carlo paremeter containers used to store
3256 setup information from the MC chain (MMcConfigRunHeader,
3257 MMcCorsikaRunHeader, MGeomPMT, MGeomMirror)
3261 *** Version 0.7 (2002/04/30)
3263 - added a bugfix to MCerPhotCalc. In older camera versions (<=40)
3264 the pedestal mean value was saved incorrectly. For files from
3265 this versions we substract 0.5 from the pedestal mean.
3266 WARNING: This may effect your results, so don't wonder...
3268 - First implementation of an algorithm using only triggered events
3269 for the collection area calculation
3271 - Ascii Output can now also be used for parameter containers which
3272 doesn't overload MParCointainer::AsciiWrite
3274 - The Ascii Output is now also capable of writing single data members
3275 of one container
3277 - You are now able to change the order of the values written to the
3278 ascii file
3280 - You can now specify a conversion factor for each data member written
3281 to an ascii file. This may be usefull to change the units of the
3282 data member (eg. degrees instead of millimeters in case of the
3283 hillas parameters)
3285 - Replaced old MHillas by a new structure which allows you to extend
3286 the parameters stored in MHillas very easily:
3287 see MHillas and MHillasExt
3289 - Added classes to handle source dependancy of image parameters:
3290 see MHillasSrc
3292 - Added container (MBinning) to have a standard input for the binning
3293 in different histograms (eg. the Energy bins should be the same in
3294 all histograms)
3296 - Changed Hillas histograms from mm to deg
3298 - Added the flexible binning to the hillas histograms
3300 - Added a filter for the alpha parameter (MFAlpha)
3302 - It is now possible to write single data members of a class object to
3303 an output stream instead of the whole container only
3305 - Added a generalized filter for a data member:
3306 MFDataMember filter("MHillas.fWidth", '<', 0.5);
3308 - Added a generalized Filter parser for more difficult filter rules
3309 MF filter("MHillas.fWidth<0.5 && MHillas.fLength>0.5");
3311 - Added new Monte Carlo histograms:
3312 MHMcEnergyImpact and MHMcEfficiency
3314 - Added many new histograms needed for the flux calculation.
3316 - Added a generalized histograms which can fill and show up to three
3317 data members in either a one-, two- or three-dimensional histogram, eg:
3318 MH3 mh3("MHillas.fWidth", "MHillas.fLength");
3320 - Added:
3321 * calculation of <Theta> as a function of Theta (MHThetabarTheta)
3322 * calculation of <Theta> as a function of time (MHThetabarTime)
3323 they are needed in the flux calculation in
3324 order to select for a given bin in Theta (or time) the appropriate
3325 effective collection area, which is assumed to be given as a function
3326 of Theta and the true energy
3328 - Added calculation of the migration matrix in the energy
3329 (MHMcEnergyMigration):
3330 the migration matrix describes the migration from the true (E_true)
3331 to the estimated energy (E_est); it is needed to determine the
3332 distribution of E_true from the measured distribution of E_est
3333 by unfolding
3335 - changed the color palette in the camera display to DeapSea.
3339 *** Version 0.6 (2002/01/15)
3341 - Introduce the option of disable pixels (MBlindPixels and
3342 MBlindPixelCalc) for the analysis (eg MHillasCalc) to be
3343 able to deal with Star Field NSB.
3345 - Fixed a bug in the pedestals substraction
3347 - Introduced verbosity levels
3349 - Introduced a task (MReadMarsFile) which reads the RunHeader tree, too.
3351 - Fixed several bugs in MFTriggerLvl1 which caused to filter not to
3352 work correctly (thanks to Abelardo)
3354 - Introduced correct treatment of the diffuse Night Sky Background
3355 and NSB (MMcPedestalNSB)
3357 - Corrected treatment of the electronic noise (MMcPedestalCopy)
3359 - Introduced MMcRunHeaders which contains monte carlo run informations
3361 - Added a 'Print'-Task (MPrint) which calls the Print function
3362 of a parameter container for each event
3364 - Removed MHtml (was replaced by THtml of root 3.02) in dohtml.C
3366 - changes to be more efficient with root 3.02/06
3368 - root 3.02/06 fixes:
3369 + the memory leak when reading MRawEvtData
3370 + loosing more time than necessary to update the progress bar
3372 - MWriteAsciiFile is now capable of writing more than one container
3373 in a line. For example: To be able to write Monte Carlo and
3374 Hillas values (energy and alpha) in one line.
3378 *** Version 0.5 (2001/11/06)
3380 - Added new GUI functionality (Analysis)
3382 - Added a camera display to be able to display events in the camera
3383 together with the calculated hillas ellipse
3385 - Added a 'Clone'-Task (MClone) which can clone a parameter container
3386 object at any state of the analysis, so that the output are several
3387 states
3389 - Fixed a bug in the collection area error calculation
3390 (Thanks to Ciro and Abelardo)
3392 - Fixed a bug which causes merpp to crash in some environments
3394 - Implemented auto enabling scheme for Branches to speed up reading
3395 a lot (see MReadTree and MTask)
3397 - Fixed a bug in the Histogram classes which caused histograms to
3398 be written to a file by MWriteRootFile without request
3400 - changed the object I/O from the old stylish root I/O to the new
3401 'auto evolution scheme' This was done only for classes which are not
3402 yet used in Monte Carlo files, so that these files are still readable.
3404 - Added support for a progress bar in MEvtLoop and MReadTree
3405 (see the Analysis Window in Mars for an example)
3407 - Fixed a bug in the package creation which disturbed the conversion
3408 between a mars version unpacked from a tar file and the repository.
3410 - Changed the code to writer merpped (converted into root format)
3411 raw files, to get faster (around 10%)
3415 *** Version 0.4 (2001/09/20)
3417 - This release is made to compile on a root version >= 3.00
3419 - Fixed a bug which causes MReadTree to read the first file only
3421 - Added a task to compute the trigger rate (MMcTriggerRateCalc)
3423 - Added a task to write a container to an Ascii file (MWriteAsciiFile)
3425 - Added a task to write several container to a root file (MWriteRootFile)
3427 - Added calculation of the Enegry Threshold (MMcThresholdCalc)
3429 - Added calculation of the collection area (MMcCollectionAreaCalc)
3431 - fixed some bugs in the Hillas calculation
3433 - added filters to be able to control the task execution dependent on
3434 a parameter (for example: the number of level 1 triggers in a MC-file)
3438 *** Version 0.3 (2001/04/23)
3440 - Many demo macros added
3442 - MCT1ReadAscii is now able to handle more than one file (s. ::AddFile)
3444 - Hillas Calculation added
3446 - Standard image cleaning available
3448 - MReadTree is now able to handle more than one file
3449 (Remark: of the same structure)
3451 - Now we are able to display events in a first version of the
3452 Camera event display. To do this we must run the macro
3453 "macros/readCT1.C" to read data from CT1.
3457 *** Version 0.2 (2001/01/24)
3459 - First Implementation of a Gui to read the raw data. Start the
3460 gui with the command mars.
3464 *** Version 0.1 (2000/12/20)
3466 - First official release 0.1
3468 - Changes:
3470 + changed calling style of MRawPixelIterator from do...while to
3471 while-loop
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.