1 | using namespace std;
2 |
3 | #include <sstream>
4 | #include <iostream>
5 |
6 | #include "TH1F.h"
7 | #include "TFile.h"
8 | #include "TStyle.h"
9 | #include "TGraph.h"
10 | #include "TLine.h"
11 |
12 | #include "MDrsCalibration.h"
13 | //#include "MLogManip.h"
14 | #include "MExtralgoSpline.h"
15 | #include "MSequence.h"
16 | #include "MStatusArray.h"
17 | #include "MHCamera.h"
18 | #include "MJob.h"
19 | #include "MWriteRootFile.h"
20 | #include "MHCamera.h"
21 | #include "MBadPixelsCam.h"
22 | #include "MBadPixelsPix.h"
23 | #include "MDirIter.h"
24 | #include "MTaskList.h"
25 | #include "MFDataPhrase.h"
26 | #include "MArrayF.h"
27 | #include "MBadPixelsTreat.h"
28 | #include "MCalibrateDrsTimes.h"
29 | #include "MHSectorVsTime.h"
30 | #include "MHCamEvent.h"
31 | #include "MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline.h"
32 | #include "MFillH.h"
33 | #include "MDrsCalibApply.h"
34 | #include "MGeomApply.h"
35 | #include "MContinue.h"
36 | #include "MRawFitsRead.h"
37 | #include "MEvtLoop.h"
38 | #include "MParList.h"
39 | #include "MStatusDisplay.h"
40 | #include "MDrsCalibrationTime.h"
41 | #include "MH3.h"
42 | #include "MGeomCamFACT.h"
43 | #include "MCalibrateFact.h"
44 | #include "MParameters.h"
45 | #include "MWriteAsciiFile.h"
46 |
47 | /* Maybe you wanna use this macro like this:
48 | *
49 | * 0.) ---- call root ----
50 | * root -b
51 | *
52 | * 1.) ---- compile the stuff ----
53 | * .L fact/analysis/callisto_buildable_no_sequence_file.C++
54 | * <read a lot of warnings>
55 | *
56 | * 2.) ---- you can call it then ----
57 | * Therefore you need to specify all the paths ... see below.
58 | *
59 | * When you wanna call the stuff directly from the bash make sure to
60 | * escape the bracets and quotes correctly.
61 | *
62 | * your can do:
63 | * root -b -q callisto_buildable_no_sequence_file.C++'("path1","path2",...)'
64 | * or:
65 | * root -b -q callisto_buildable_no_sequence_file.C++(\"path1\",\"$HOME\",...)
66 | * using bash enviroment variables like $HOME is not possible in the upper variant.
67 | */
68 |
69 | //using namespace std;
70 |
71 | int callisto(
72 | const char *drs_calib_300_path="/fhgfs/groups/app/fact/mc_test/testingdrsfile/test300samples.drs.fits",
73 | const char *pedestal_file_path="/fhgfs/groups/app/fact/mc_test/ceresfitstest/mcFilesForTests/mcNsbPedestal/00000001.001_P_MonteCarlo000_Events.fits",
74 | const char *data_file_path="/fhgfs/groups/app/fact/mc_test/ceresfitstest/mcFilesForTests/mcProton/00000003.387_D_MonteCarlo010_Events.fits",
75 |
76 | const char *root_file_output_path = "/fhgfs/groups/app/callisto_star_test/callisto_for_mc_test_output/callisto.root",
77 | const char *status_display_output_path = "/fhgfs/groups/app/callisto_star_test/callisto_for_mc_test_output/callisto_status_display.root",
78 | const char *status_display_title = "callisto_status_display")
79 | {
80 |
81 | // ======================================================
82 |
83 | // true: Display correctly mapped pixels in the camera displays
84 | // but the value-vs-index plot is in software/spiral indices
85 | // false: Display pixels in hardware/linear indices,
86 | // but the order is the camera display is distorted
87 | bool usemap = true;
88 |
89 | // map file to use (get that from La Palma!)
90 | const char *map = usemap ? "/fhgfs/groups/app/fact/resources/monte_carlo_FACTmap.txt" : NULL;
91 |
92 | Bool_t maximum = kTRUE;
93 |
94 | const char *lp_template = maximum ?
95 | "/cm/shared/apps/fact/Mars_svn_LP/template-lp-extractor-maximum.root" :
96 | "/cm/shared/apps/fact/Mars_svn_LP/template-lp-extractor-leading-edge.root";
97 |
98 | const char *pulse_template = "/cm/shared/apps/fact/Mars_svn_LP/template-pulse.root";
99 |
100 | // ------------------------------------------------------
101 |
102 | // Calib: 51 / 90 / 197 (20% TH)
103 | // Data: 52 / 64 / 104 (20% TH)
104 |
105 | // Extraction range in slices. It will always(!) contain the full range
106 | // of integration
107 | const int first_slice = 20; // 10ns
108 | const int last_slice = 250; // 125ns
109 |
110 | // Note that rise and fall time mean different things whether you use IntegralFixed or IntegraRel:
111 | //
112 | // IntegralFixed:
113 | // * fRiseTime: Number of slices left from arrival time
114 | // * fFallTime: Number of slices right from arrival time
115 | // IntegralRel:
116 | // * fRiseTime: Number of slices left from maximum time
117 | // * fFallTime: Number of slices right from maximum time
118 | //
119 | const int rise_time_cal = maximum ? 40 : 10; // was 13; 5ns
120 | const int fall_time_cal = maximum ? 120 : 160; // was 23; 80ns
121 |
122 | const int rise_time_dat = maximum ? 10 : 2; // was 13; was 10; 1ns
123 | const int fall_time_dat = maximum ? 40 : 48; // was 23; was 40; 24ns
124 |
125 | // Extraction type: Extract integral and half leading edge
126 |
127 | const MExtralgoSpline::ExtractionType_t type = maximum ? (MExtralgoSpline::kIntegralRel) : (MExtralgoSpline::kIntegralFixed);
128 | //const int type = MExtralgoSpline::kIntegralFixed;
129 |
130 |
131 | const double heighttm = 0.5; // IntegralAbs { 1.5pe * 9.6mV/pe } / IntegralRel { 0.5 }
132 |
133 | Long_t max = 0; // All
134 | Long_t max3 = max; // Pedestal Rndm
135 | Long_t max4 = max; // Pedestal Ext
136 |
137 | // ======================================================
138 |
139 | if (map && gSystem->AccessPathName(map, kFileExists))
140 | {
141 | gLog << err << "ERROR - Cannot access mapping file '" << map << "'" << endl;
142 | return 1;
143 | }
144 |
145 | TString datfile = TString(data_file_path);
146 | TString drsfile = TString(drs_calib_300_path);
147 | TString pedfile = TString(pedestal_file_path);
148 |
149 | gLog.Separator("Callisto");
150 | gLog << all;
151 | gLog << "Data File : " << datfile << "\n";
152 | gLog << "DRS calib 300: " << drsfile << '\n';
153 |
154 | MDrsCalibration drscalib300;
155 | if (!drscalib300.ReadFits(drsfile.Data())) {
156 | gLog << err << "ERROR - Cannot access drscallib300 file '" << drsfile << "'" << endl;
157 | return 5;
158 | }
159 | gLog << all;
160 | gLog << "Pedestal file: " << pedfile << '\n';
161 |
162 | gLog << "root_file_output_path: " << root_file_output_path << endl;
163 | gLog << "status_display_output_path: " << status_display_output_path << endl;
164 | gLog << "status_display_title: " << status_display_title << endl;
165 |
166 | // ------------------------------------------------------
167 | MStatusArray arrt, arrp;
168 |
169 | TFile ft(lp_template);
170 | if (arrt.Read()<=0)
171 | {
172 | gLog << err << "ERROR - Reading LP template from " << lp_template << endl;
173 | return 100;
174 | }
175 |
176 | MHCamera *lpref = (MHCamera*)arrt.FindObjectInCanvas("ExtCalSig;avg", "MHCamera", "Cam");
177 | if (!lpref)
178 | {
179 | gLog << err << "ERROR - LP Template not found in " << lp_template << endl;
180 | return 101;
181 | }
182 | lpref->SetDirectory(0);
183 |
184 | MHCamera *gain = (MHCamera*)arrt.FindObjectInCanvas("gain", "MHCamera", "Gain");
185 | if (!gain)
186 | {
187 | gLog << err << "ERROR - Gain not found in " << lp_template << endl;
188 | return 101;
189 | }
190 | gain->SetDirectory(0);
191 |
192 | TFile fp(pulse_template);
193 | if (arrp.Read()<=0)
194 | {
195 | gLog << err << "ERROR - Reading Pulse template from " << pulse_template << endl;
196 | return 102;
197 | }
198 |
199 | TH1F *hpulse = (TH1F*)arrp.FindObjectInCanvas("hPixelEdgeMean0_0", "TH1F", "cgpPixelPulses0");
200 | if (!hpulse)
201 | {
202 | gLog << err << "ERROR - Pulse Template not found in " << pulse_template << endl;
203 | return 103;
204 | }
205 | hpulse->SetDirectory(0);
206 | // ======================================================
207 |
208 | MStatusDisplay *d = new MStatusDisplay;
209 |
210 | MBadPixelsCam badpixels;
211 | badpixels.InitSize(1440);
212 | /*
213 | badpixels[ 424].SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitable);
214 | badpixels[ 583].SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitable);
215 | badpixels[ 830].SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitable);
216 | badpixels[ 923].SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitable);
217 | badpixels[1208].SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitable);
218 | badpixels[1399].SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitable);
219 | */
220 | // Twin pixel
221 | // 113
222 | // 115
223 | // 354
224 | // 423
225 | // 1195
226 | // 1393
227 |
228 | MDrsCalibrationTime timecam;
229 |
230 | // Plot the trigger pattern rates vs. run-number
231 | MH3 hrate("MRawRunHeader.GetFileID", "MRawEvtHeader.GetTriggerID&0xff00");
232 | hrate.SetWeight("1./TMath::Max(MRawRunHeader.GetRunLength,1)");
233 | hrate.SetName("Rate");
234 | hrate.SetTitle("Event rate [Hz];File Id;Trigger Type;");
235 | hrate.InitLabels(MH3::kLabelsXY);
236 | hrate.DefineLabelY( 0, "Data"); // What if TriggerID==0 already???
237 | hrate.DefineLabelY(0x100, "Cal");
238 | hrate.DefineLabelY(0x400, "Ped");
239 | // hrate.DefaultLabelY("ERROR");
240 | gStyle->SetOptFit(kTRUE);
241 |
242 |
243 | // ========================= Result ==================================
244 |
245 | //~ Double_t avgS = evt1f.GetHist()->GetMean();
246 | //~ Double_t medS = evt1f.GetHist()->GetMedian();
247 | //~ Double_t rmsS = evt1f.GetHist()->GetRMS();
248 | //~ Double_t maxS = evt1f.GetHist()->GetMaximum();
249 |
250 | MArrayF der1(hpulse->GetNbinsX());
251 | MArrayF der2(hpulse->GetNbinsX());
252 |
253 | MExtralgoSpline spline(hpulse->GetArray()+1, hpulse->GetNbinsX(),
254 | der1.GetArray(), der2.GetArray());
255 | spline.SetRiseFallTime(rise_time_dat, fall_time_dat);
256 | spline.SetExtractionType(type);
257 | spline.SetHeightTm(heighttm);
258 |
259 | spline.Extract(hpulse->GetMaximumBin()-1);
260 |
261 | // The pulser signal is most probably around 400mV/9.5mV
262 | // IntegraFixed 2/48 corresponds to roughly 215mV*50slices
263 | Double_t scale = 1./spline.GetSignal();
264 |
265 | MArrayD calib(1440);
266 | for (int i=0; i<1440; i++)
267 | calib[i] =1.;
268 |
269 | gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0);
270 | d->AddTab("PulseTemp");
271 | gPad->SetGrid();
272 | hpulse->SetNameTitle("Pulse", "Single p.e. pulse template");
273 | hpulse->SetDirectory(0);
274 | hpulse->SetLineColor(kBlack);
275 | hpulse->DrawCopy();
276 |
277 | TAxis *ax = hpulse->GetXaxis();
278 |
279 | Double_t w = hpulse->GetBinWidth(1);
280 | Double_t T = w*(spline.GetTime()+0.5) +ax->GetXmin();
281 | //~ Double_t H = w*(hpulse->GetMaximumBin()+0.5)+ax->GetXmin();
282 |
283 | TLine line;
284 | line.SetLineColor(kRed);
285 | line.DrawLine(T-rise_time_dat*w, spline.GetHeight(),
286 | T+fall_time_dat*w, spline.GetHeight());
287 | line.DrawLine(T, spline.GetHeight()/4, T, 3*spline.GetHeight()/4);
288 | line.DrawLine(T-rise_time_dat*w, 0,
289 | T-rise_time_dat*w, spline.GetHeight());
290 | line.DrawLine(T+fall_time_dat*w, 0,
291 | T+fall_time_dat*w, spline.GetHeight());
292 |
293 | TGraph gg;
294 | for (int ix=1; ix<=hpulse->GetNbinsX(); ix++)
295 | for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
296 | {
297 | Double_t x = hpulse->GetBinLowEdge(ix)+i*hpulse->GetBinWidth(ix)/10.;
298 | gg.SetPoint(gg.GetN(), x+w/2, spline.EvalAt(ix-1+i/10.));
299 | }
300 |
301 | gg.SetLineColor(kBlue);
302 | gg.SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
303 | gg.SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium);
304 | gg.DrawClone("L");
305 |
306 | gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0);
307 | d->AddTab("CalConst");
308 | MGeomCamFACT fact;
309 | MHCamera hcalco(fact);
310 | hcalco.SetName("CalConst");
311 | hcalco.SetTitle(Form("Relative calibration constant [%.0f/pe]", 1./scale));
312 | hcalco.SetCamContent(calib);
313 | hcalco.SetAllUsed();
314 | //hcalco.Scale(scale);
315 | hcalco.DrawCopy();
316 |
317 | // ======================================================
318 |
319 | gLog << endl;
320 | gLog.Separator("Extracting random pedestal");
321 |
322 | MTaskList tlist3;
323 |
324 | MParList plist3;
325 | plist3.AddToList(&tlist3);
326 | plist3.AddToList(&drscalib300);
327 | plist3.AddToList(&badpixels);
328 | plist3.AddToList(&timecam);
329 |
330 | MEvtLoop loop3("DetermineRndmPed");
331 | loop3.SetDisplay(d);
332 | loop3.SetParList(&plist3);
333 |
334 | // ------------------ Setup the tasks ---------------
335 |
336 | MRawFitsRead read3;
337 | read3.LoadMap(map);
338 | read3.AddFile(pedfile);
339 |
340 | MFillH fill3a(&hrate);
341 |
342 | MContinue cont3("(MRawEvtHeader.GetTriggerID&0xff00)!=0x400", "SelectPed");
343 |
344 | MGeomApply apply3;
345 |
346 | MDrsCalibApply drsapply3;
347 |
348 | //---
349 |
350 | MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline extractor3;
351 | extractor3.SetRange(first_slice, last_slice);
352 | extractor3.SetRiseTimeHiGain(rise_time_dat);
353 | extractor3.SetFallTimeHiGain(fall_time_dat);
354 | extractor3.SetHeightTm(heighttm);
355 | extractor3.SetChargeType(type);
356 | extractor3.SetSaturationLimit(600000);
357 | extractor3.SetNoiseCalculation(kTRUE);
358 |
359 | // MHCamEvent evt2a(0, "PedRdm", "Extracted Pedestal Signal;;S");
360 |
361 | // MFillH fill2a(&evt2a, "MExtractedSignalCam", "FillPedRndm");
362 |
363 | // Use this for data, but not for calibration events
364 | // evt2a.SetErrorSpread(kFALSE);
365 |
366 | /*
367 | MCalibrateData conv3;
368 | conv3.SetCalibrationMode(MCalibrateData::kNone);
369 | conv3.SetPedestalFlag(MCalibrateData::kNo);
370 | conv3.SetCalibConvMinLimit(0);
371 | conv3.SetCalibConvMaxLimit(10000);
372 | conv3.SetScaleFactor(scale);
373 | */
374 |
375 | MCalibrateFact conv3;
376 | conv3.SetScale(scale);
377 | conv3.SetCalibConst(calib);
378 |
379 | MBadPixelsTreat treat3;
380 | treat3.SetProcessPedestalRun(kFALSE);
381 | treat3.SetProcessPedestalEvt(kFALSE);
382 | treat3.SetProcessTimes(kFALSE);
383 |
384 | MHCamEvent evt3b(0, "PedRdm","Interpolated random pedestal;;Signal [~phe]");
385 | //evt2b.SetErrorSpread(kFALSE);
386 |
387 | MFillH fill3b(&evt3b, "MSignalCam", "FillPedRdm");
388 | fill3b.SetDrawOption("gaus");
389 |
390 | // ------------------ Setup eventloop and run analysis ---------------
391 |
392 | tlist3.AddToList(&read3);
393 | tlist3.AddToList(&apply3);
394 | tlist3.AddToList(&drsapply3);
395 | tlist3.AddToList(&cont3);
396 | tlist3.AddToList(&extractor3);
397 | // tlist3.AddToList(&fill3a);
398 | tlist3.AddToList(&conv3);
399 | tlist3.AddToList(&treat3);
400 | tlist3.AddToList(&fill3b);
401 |
402 | if (!loop3.Eventloop(max3))
403 | return 14;
404 |
405 | if (!loop3.GetDisplay())
406 | return 15;
407 |
408 | // ======================================================
409 |
410 | gLog << endl;
411 | gLog.Separator("Extracting pedestal");
412 |
413 | MTaskList tlist4;
414 |
415 | MParList plist4;
416 | plist4.AddToList(&tlist4);
417 | plist4.AddToList(&drscalib300);
418 | plist4.AddToList(&badpixels);
419 | plist4.AddToList(&timecam);
420 |
421 | MEvtLoop loop4("DetermineExtractedPed");
422 | loop4.SetDisplay(d);
423 | loop4.SetParList(&plist4);
424 |
425 | // ------------------ Setup the tasks ---------------
426 |
427 | MRawFitsRead read4;
428 | read4.LoadMap(map);
429 | read4.AddFile(pedfile);
430 |
431 | MContinue cont4("(MRawEvtHeader.GetTriggerID&0xff00)!=0x400", "SelectPed");
432 |
433 | MGeomApply apply4;
434 |
435 | MDrsCalibApply drsapply4;
436 |
437 | MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline extractor4;
438 | extractor4.SetRange(first_slice, last_slice);
439 | extractor4.SetRiseTimeHiGain(rise_time_dat);
440 | extractor4.SetFallTimeHiGain(fall_time_dat);
441 | extractor4.SetHeightTm(heighttm);
442 | extractor4.SetChargeType(type);
443 | extractor4.SetSaturationLimit(600000);
444 | extractor4.SetNoiseCalculation(kFALSE);
445 |
446 | // MHCamEvent evt3a(0, "PedExt", "Extracted Pedestal Signal;;S");
447 |
448 | // MFillH fill3a(&evt3a, "MExtractedSignalCam", "FillPedExt");
449 |
450 | // Use this for data, but not for calibration events
451 | // evt3a.SetErrorSpread(kFALSE);
452 | /*
453 | MCalibrateData conv4;
454 | conv4.SetCalibrationMode(MCalibrateData::kNone);
455 | conv4.SetPedestalFlag(MCalibrateData::kNo);
456 | conv4.SetCalibConvMinLimit(0);
457 | conv4.SetCalibConvMaxLimit(10000);
458 | conv4.SetScaleFactor(scale);
459 | */
460 | MCalibrateFact conv4;
461 | conv4.SetScale(scale);
462 | conv4.SetCalibConst(calib);
463 |
464 | MBadPixelsTreat treat4;
465 | treat4.SetProcessPedestalRun(kFALSE);
466 | treat4.SetProcessPedestalEvt(kFALSE);
467 |
468 | MHCamEvent evt4b(0, "PedExt","Interpolated extracted pedestal;;Signal [~phe]");
469 | //evt4b.SetErrorSpread(kFALSE);
470 |
471 | MFillH fill4b(&evt4b, "MSignalCam", "FillPedExt");
472 | fill4b.SetDrawOption("gaus");
473 |
474 | // ------------------ Setup eventloop and run analysis ---------------
475 |
476 | tlist4.AddToList(&read4);
477 | tlist4.AddToList(&apply4);
478 | tlist4.AddToList(&drsapply4);
479 | tlist4.AddToList(&cont4);
480 | tlist4.AddToList(&extractor4);
481 | // tlist4.AddToList(&fill4a);
482 | tlist4.AddToList(&conv4);
483 | tlist4.AddToList(&treat4);
484 | tlist4.AddToList(&fill4b);
485 |
486 | if (!loop4.Eventloop(max4))
487 | return 15;
488 |
489 | if (!loop4.GetDisplay())
490 | return 16;
491 |
492 | // ===================================================================
493 |
494 | gLog << endl;
495 | gLog.Separator("Extracting and calibration data");
496 |
497 | MTaskList tlist5;
498 |
499 | MParList plist5;
500 | plist5.AddToList(&tlist5);
501 | plist5.AddToList(&drscalib300);
502 | plist5.AddToList(&badpixels);
503 | plist5.AddToList(&timecam);
504 |
505 | MEvtLoop loop5("CalibratingData");
506 | loop5.SetDisplay(d);
507 | loop5.SetParList(&plist5);
508 |
509 | // ------------------ Setup the tasks ---------------
510 |
511 | MRawFitsRead read5;
512 | read5.LoadMap(map);
513 | read5.AddFile(datfile);
514 |
515 | MFillH fill5a(&hrate);
516 |
517 | MGeomApply apply5;
518 |
519 | MDrsCalibApply drsapply5;
520 |
521 | MFDataPhrase filterdat("(MRawEvtHeader.GetTriggerID&0xff00)==0", "SelectDat");
522 | MFDataPhrase filtercal("(MRawEvtHeader.GetTriggerID&0xff00)==0x100", "SelectCal");
523 | MFDataPhrase filterped("(MRawEvtHeader.GetTriggerID&0xff00)==0x400", "SelectPed");
524 | MFDataPhrase filterncl("(MRawEvtHeader.GetTriggerID&0xff00)!=0x100", "SelectNonCal");
525 |
526 | //MContinue cont4("MRawEvtHeader.GetTriggerID!=4", "SelectData");
527 |
528 | // ---
529 |
530 | MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline extractor5dat;
531 | extractor5dat.SetRange(first_slice, last_slice);
532 | extractor5dat.SetRiseTimeHiGain(rise_time_dat);
533 | extractor5dat.SetFallTimeHiGain(fall_time_dat);
534 | extractor5dat.SetHeightTm(heighttm);
535 | extractor5dat.SetChargeType(type);
536 | extractor5dat.SetSaturationLimit(600000);
537 | extractor5dat.SetNoiseCalculation(kFALSE);
538 |
539 | MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline extractor5cal;
540 | extractor5cal.SetRange(first_slice, last_slice);
541 | extractor5cal.SetRiseTimeHiGain(rise_time_cal);
542 | extractor5cal.SetFallTimeHiGain(fall_time_cal);
543 | extractor5cal.SetHeightTm(heighttm);
544 | extractor5cal.SetChargeType(type);
545 | extractor5cal.SetSaturationLimit(600000);
546 | extractor5cal.SetNoiseCalculation(kFALSE);
547 |
548 | MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline extractor5tm("ExtractTM");
549 | extractor5tm.SetRange(last_slice, 294);
550 | extractor5tm.SetRiseTimeHiGain(1);
551 | extractor5tm.SetFallTimeHiGain(1);
552 | extractor5tm.SetHeightTm(0.5);
553 | extractor5tm.SetChargeType(MExtralgoSpline::kAmplitudeRel);
554 | extractor5tm.SetSaturationLimit(600000);
555 | extractor5tm.SetNoiseCalculation(kFALSE);
556 | extractor5tm.SetNameSignalCam("TimeMarkerAmplitude");
557 | extractor5tm.SetNameTimeCam("TimeMarkerTime");
558 |
559 | extractor5dat.SetFilter(&filterncl);
560 | extractor5cal.SetFilter(&filtercal);
561 | //extractor4tm.SetFilter(&filtercal);
562 |
563 | // ---
564 | /*
565 | MCalibrateData conv5;
566 | conv5.SetCalibrationMode(MCalibrateData::kNone);
567 | conv5.SetPedestalFlag(MCalibrateData::kNo);
568 | conv5.SetCalibConvMinLimit(0);
569 | conv5.SetCalibConvMaxLimit(10000);
570 | conv5.SetScaleFactor(scale);
571 | */
572 | MCalibrateFact conv5;
573 | conv5.SetScale(scale);
574 | conv5.SetCalibConst(calib);
575 |
576 | MCalibrateDrsTimes calctm5;
577 | calctm5.SetNameUncalibrated("UncalibratedTimes");
578 |
579 | MCalibrateDrsTimes calctm5tm("CalibrateTimeMarker");
580 | calctm5tm.SetNameArrivalTime("TimeMarkerTime");
581 | calctm5tm.SetNameUncalibrated("UncalTimeMarker");
582 | calctm5tm.SetNameCalibrated("TimeMarker");
583 | calctm5tm.SetTimeMarker();
584 | //calctm4tm.SetFilter(&filtercal);
585 |
586 | MBadPixelsTreat treat5;
587 | treat5.SetProcessPedestalRun(kFALSE);
588 | treat5.SetProcessPedestalEvt(kFALSE);
589 |
590 | MHCamEvent evt5b(0, "ExtSig", "Extracted signal;;S [mV·sl]");
591 | MHCamEvent evt5c(0, "CalSig", "Calibrated and interpolated signal;;S [~phe]");
592 | MHCamEvent evt5d(4, "ExtSigTm", "Extracted time;;T [sl]");
593 | MHCamEvent evt5e(6, "CalSigTm", "Calibrated and interpolated time;;T [ns]");
594 |
595 | MFillH fill5b(&evt5b, "MExtractedSignalCam", "FillExtSig");
596 | MFillH fill5c(&evt5c, "MSignalCam", "FillCalSig");
597 | MFillH fill5d(&evt5d, "MArrivalTimeCam", "FillExtTm");
598 | MFillH fill5e(&evt5e, "MSignalCam", "FillCalTm");
599 |
600 | fill5c.SetDrawOption("gaus");
601 | fill5d.SetDrawOption("gaus");
602 | fill5e.SetDrawOption("gaus");
603 |
604 | /*
605 | fill4b.SetFilter(&filterdat);
606 | fill4c.SetFilter(&filterdat);
607 | fill4d.SetFilter(&filterdat);
608 | fill4e.SetFilter(&filterdat);
609 | */
610 |
611 | //MFSoftwareTrigger swtrig;
612 | //MContinue contsw(&swtrig, "FilterSwTrigger", "Software trigger");
613 | //contsw.SetInverted();
614 |
615 | // The second rule is for the case reading raw-files!
616 |
617 | MWriteRootFile write5(root_file_output_path, "RECREATE", "Calibrated Data", 2);
618 | write5.AddContainer("MRawRunHeader", "RunHeaders");
619 | write5.AddContainer("MGeomCam", "RunHeaders");
620 | write5.AddContainer("MSignalCam", "Events");
621 | write5.AddContainer("MTime", "Events");
622 | write5.AddContainer("MRawEvtHeader", "Events");
623 | //write.AddContainer("MTriggerPattern", "Events");
624 |
625 |
626 | // ------------------ Setup histograms and fill tasks ----------------
627 |
628 | MContinue test;
629 | test.SetFilter(&filterncl);
630 |
631 | MTaskList tlist5tm;
632 | tlist5tm.AddToList(&extractor5tm);
633 | tlist5tm.AddToList(&calctm5tm);
634 | tlist5tm.SetFilter(&filtercal);
635 |
636 | MTaskList tlist5dat;
637 | tlist5dat.AddToList(&fill5b);
638 | tlist5dat.AddToList(&fill5c);
639 | tlist5dat.AddToList(&fill5d);
640 | tlist5dat.AddToList(&fill5e);
641 | tlist5dat.SetFilter(&filterdat);
642 |
643 | tlist5.AddToList(&read5);
644 | tlist5.AddToList(&apply5);
645 | tlist5.AddToList(&drsapply5);
646 | tlist5.AddToList(&filterncl);
647 | //tlist5.AddToList(&test);
648 | tlist5.AddToList(&filterdat);
649 | tlist5.AddToList(&filtercal);
650 | tlist5.AddToList(&filterped);
651 | tlist5.AddToList(&fill5a);
652 | tlist5.AddToList(&extractor5dat);
653 | tlist5.AddToList(&extractor5cal);
654 | tlist5.AddToList(&calctm5);
655 | tlist5.AddToList(&tlist5tm);
656 | tlist5.AddToList(&conv5);
657 | tlist5.AddToList(&treat5);
658 | tlist5.AddToList(&tlist5dat);
659 | tlist5.AddToList(&write5);
660 |
661 | if (!loop5.Eventloop(max4))
662 | return 18;
663 |
664 | if (!loop5.GetDisplay())
665 | return 19;
666 |
667 | d->SetTitle(status_display_title, kFALSE);
668 | d->SaveAs(status_display_output_path);
669 |
670 | return 0;
671 | }