Changeset 10177 for firmware/FTM

02/24/11 14:58:42 (14 years ago)
new version of ftm_definitions.vhd, including Kai's definitions
1 edited


  • firmware/FTM/ftm_definitions.vhd

    r10162 r10177  
    1919-- modified:   Patrick Vogler, February 17 2011
     20-- merged with library file from Dortmund, Q. Weitzel, February 24, 2011
    2930package ftm_array_types is
     32  -- !!! some arrays are also defined in the ftm_constants package !!!
    3134  -- data arrays for a single FTU
    3235  type FTU_enable_array_type is array (0 to 3) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    3841  -- data array for clock conditioner interface
    3942  type clk_cond_array_type is array (0 to 8) of std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
     44  -- network array types
     45  type ip_type  is array (0 to 3) of integer;
     46  type mac_type is array (0 to 2) of std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
    4148end ftm_array_types;
     55use ftm_definitions.ftm_array_types.all;
    4856-- use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL;
    5058package ftm_constants is
     60  -- !!! many constants depend on each other or are defined 2x with different types !!!
    5262  constant NO_OF_CRATES         : integer :=  4;
    5363  constant NO_OF_FTUS_PER_CRATE : integer := 10;
    5464  constant NO_OF_FTU_ENABLE_REG : integer :=  4;
    5565  constant NO_OF_FTU_DAC_REG    : integer :=  5;
    56   constant NO_OF_FTU_LIST_REG   : integer :=  6;
    5867  --internal FPGA clock frequencies
    7887  constant DNA_FOR_SIM : bit_vector := X"01710000E0000501";
    80   --RAM address offsets and widths
    81   constant STATIC_RAM_ACT_FTU_OFFSET : integer := 16#1B0#;
     89  -- Clock conditioner (LMK03000, National semiconductor) interface
     90  constant MICROWIRE_CLK_FREQUENCY : integer := 2000000;  -- 2 MHz
     91  -- value to be written to R0 of the LMK03000 to perform a reset, see LMK03000 datasheet
     92  constant LMK03000_Reset          : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) :=  x"80000000";
     93  constant LMK03000_REGISTER_WIDTH : integer := 32;
     94  constant LMK03000_REGISTER_COUNT : integer := 9;  -- number of registers to be programmed in the LMK03000 including reset
     96  -- network settings Dortmund
     97  -- constant MAC_ADDRESS : mac_type := (X"0011", X"9561", X"95A0");
     98  -- constant NETMASK : ip_type := (255, 255, 255, 0);
     99  -- constant IP_ADDRESS : ip_type := (129, 217, 160, 118);
     100  -- constant GATEWAY : ip_type := (129, 217, 160, 1);
     101  -- constant FIRST_PORT : integer := 5000;
     103  -- network settings Zuerich
     104  constant MAC_ADDRESS : mac_type := (X"FAC7", X"0FAD", X"1101");
     105  constant NETMASK     : ip_type  := (255, 255, 248, 0);
     106  constant IP_ADDRESS  : ip_type  := (192, 33, 99, 246);
     107  constant GATEWAY     : ip_type  := (192, 33, 96, 1);
     108  constant FIRST_PORT  : integer  := 5000;
     110  -- W5300 settings
     111  constant W5300_S_INC : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1000000"; -- socket address offset
     112  -- W5300 Registers
     113  constant W5300_BASE_ADR    : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := (others => '0');
     114  constant W5300_MR          : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"0";
     115  constant W5300_IR          : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"2";
     116  constant W5300_IMR         : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"4";
     117  constant W5300_SHAR        : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"8";
     118  constant W5300_GAR         : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"10";
     119  constant W5300_SUBR        : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"14";
     120  constant W5300_SIPR        : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"18";
     121  constant W5300_RTR         : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"1C";
     122  constant W5300_RCR         : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"1E";
     123  constant W5300_TMS01R      : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"20";
     124  constant W5300_TMS23R      : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"22";
     125  constant W5300_TMS45R      : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"24";
     126  constant W5300_TMS67R      : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"26";
     127  constant W5300_RMS01R      : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"28";
     128  constant W5300_RMS23R      : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"2A";
     129  constant W5300_RMS45R      : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"2C";
     130  constant W5300_RMS67R      : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"2E";
     131  constant W5300_MTYPER      : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + X"30";
     132  constant W5300_S0_MR       : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + "1000000000" + X"0";
     133  constant W5300_S0_CR       : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + "1000000000" + X"2";
     134  constant W5300_S0_IMR      : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + "1000000000" + X"4";
     135  constant W5300_S0_IR       : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + "1000000000" + X"6";
     136  constant W5300_S0_SSR      : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + "1000000000" + X"8";
     137  constant W5300_S0_PORTR    : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + "1000000000" + X"A";
     138  constant W5300_S0_DPORTR   : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + "1000000000" + X"12";
     139  constant W5300_S0_DIPR     : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + "1000000000" + X"14";
     140  constant W5300_S0_TX_WRSR  : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + "1000000000" + X"20";
     141  constant W5300_S0_TX_FSR   : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + "1000000000" + X"24";
     142  constant W5300_S0_RX_RSR   : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + "1000000000" + X"28";
     143  constant W5300_S0_TX_FIFOR : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + "1000000000" + X"2E";
     144  constant W5300_S0_RX_FIFOR : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := W5300_BASE_ADR + "1000000000" + X"30";
     145  -- End W5300 registers
     146  constant W5300_TX_FIFO_SIZE_8B : integer := 65536; -- Socket TX FIFO-Size in Bytes
     147  constant W5300_TX_FIFO_SIZE    : integer := (W5300_TX_FIFO_SIZE_8B / 2); -- Socket TX FIFO-Size in 16 Bit Words
     148  constant W5300_LAST_SOCKET     : integer := 0;
     150  -- Commands
     151  constant CMD_START_DELIMITER : std_logic_vector := X"0040"; -- "@"
     152  constant CMD_TLED            : std_logic_vector := X"C000"; -- only a test
     153  constant CMD_READ            : std_logic_vector := X"0001";
     154  constant PAR_READ_SD         : std_logic_vector := X"0001"; -- read static data block
     155  constant PAR_READ_DD         : std_logic_vector := X"0002"; -- read dynamic data block
     156  -- only for debugging: data_block (0) = ADDR
     157  constant PAR_READ_SD_ADDR : std_logic_vector := X"0004"; -- read from address in static data block
     158  constant PAR_READ_DD_ADDR : std_logic_vector := X"0008"; -- read from address in dynamic data block
     159  constant CMD_WRITE    : std_logic_vector     := X"0002";
     160  constant PAR_WRITE_SD : std_logic_vector     := X"0001"; -- write static data block
     161  -- only for debugging: data_block (0) = ADDR, data_block (1) = DATA
     162  constant PAR_WRITE_SD_ADDR : std_logic_vector := X"0002"; -- write to address in static data ram
     163  -- ping all FTUs
     164  constant CMD_PING : std_logic_vector := X"0010"; -- ping all FTUs
     166  -- FTU-list parameters
     167  constant FL_BLOCK_SIZE           : std_logic_vector := X"0F9"; -- FTU-list size -- 9 + (40 * 6) =249
     168  constant NO_OF_FTU_LIST_REG      : integer := 6;
     169  constant FTU_LIST_RAM_OFFSET     : integer := 16#009#;
     170  constant FTU_LIST_RAM_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 12;
     172  -- Static data block
     173  constant SD_BLOCK_SIZE_GENERAL     : integer := 32;               -- X"20" -- static data block size without FTU data
     174  constant SD_FTU_BASE_ADDR          : std_logic_vector := X"020";  -- beginning of FTU data
    82175  constant STATIC_RAM_CFG_FTU_OFFSET : integer := 16#020#;
    83176  constant STATIC_RAM_ADDR_WIDTH     : integer := 12;
    84   constant FTU_LIST_RAM_OFFSET       : integer := 16#009#;
    85   constant FTU_LIST_RAM_ADDR_WIDTH   : integer := 12;
    89   -- Clock conditioner (LMK03000, National semiconductor) interface
    90   constant MICROWIRE_CLK_FREQUENCY   : integer := 2000000;  -- 2 MHz
    91   constant LMK03000_Reset : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) :=  x"80000000";
    92                                                        -- value to be written to R0 of the LMK03000 to perform a reset
    93                                                        -- see LMK03000 datasheet
    94   constant LMK03000_REGISTER_WIDTH : integer := 32;
    95   constant LMK03000_REGISTER_COUNT : integer := 9;  -- number of registers to
    96                                                     -- be programmed in the
    97                                                     -- LMK03000 including reset
     177  constant SD_FTU_DATA_SIZE          : integer := 10;               -- X"00A" -- size of one FTU data block
     178  constant SD_FTU_NUM                : integer := 40;               -- number of FTUs
     179  constant SD_FTU_ACTIVE_BASE_ADDR   : std_logic_vector := X"1B0";  -- beginning of active FTU lists
     180  constant SD_FTU_ACTIVE_NUM         : integer := 4;                -- number of active FTU lists (cr0 to cr3)
     181  constant SD_BLOCK_SIZE             : std_logic_vector (11 downto 0) := X"1B4";  -- total size of static data block
     183  -- addresses in static data block
     184  constant SD_ADDR_general_settings : std_logic_vector := X"000";
     185  constant SD_ADDR_led              : std_logic_vector := X"001";
     186  constant SD_ADDR_lp_pt_freq       : std_logic_vector := X"002";
     187  constant SD_ADDR_lp_pt_ratio      : std_logic_vector := X"003";
     188  constant SD_ADDR_lp1_amplitude    : std_logic_vector := X"004";
     189  constant SD_ADDR_lp2_amplitude    : std_logic_vector := X"005";
     190  constant SD_ADDR_lp1_delay        : std_logic_vector := X"006";
     191  constant SD_ADDR_lp2_delay        : std_logic_vector := X"007";
     192  constant SD_ADDR_coin_n_p         : std_logic_vector := X"008";
     193  constant SD_ADDR_coin_n_c         : std_logic_vector := X"009";
     194  constant SD_ADDR_trigger_delay    : std_logic_vector := X"00A";
     195  constant SD_ADDR_timemarker_delay : std_logic_vector := X"00B";
     196  constant SD_ADDR_dead_time        : std_logic_vector := X"00C";
     197  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R0_HI         : std_logic_vector := X"00D";
     198  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R0_LO         : std_logic_vector := X"00E";
     199  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R1_HI         : std_logic_vector := X"00F";
     200  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R1_LO         : std_logic_vector := X"010";
     201  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R8_HI         : std_logic_vector := X"011";
     202  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R8_LO         : std_logic_vector := X"012";
     203  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R9_HI         : std_logic_vector := X"013";
     204  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R9_LO         : std_logic_vector := X"014";
     205  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R11_HI        : std_logic_vector := X"015";
     206  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R11_LO        : std_logic_vector := X"016";
     207  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R13_HI        : std_logic_vector := X"017";
     208  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R13_LO        : std_logic_vector := X"018";
     209  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R14_HI        : std_logic_vector := X"019";
     210  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R14_LO        : std_logic_vector := X"01A";
     211  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R15_HI        : std_logic_vector := X"01B";
     212  constant SD_ADDR_cc_R15_LO        : std_logic_vector := X"01C";
     213  constant SD_ADDR_ftu_active_cr0   : std_logic_vector := X"1B0";
     214  constant SD_ADDR_ftu_active_cr1   : std_logic_vector := X"1B1";
     215  constant SD_ADDR_ftu_active_cr2   : std_logic_vector := X"1B2";
     216  constant SD_ADDR_ftu_active_cr3   : std_logic_vector := X"1B3";
     217  constant STATIC_RAM_ACT_FTU_OFFSET : integer := 16#1B0#;
     219  -- arrays for default values
     220  type sd_block_default_array_type is array (0 to (SD_BLOCK_SIZE_GENERAL - 1)) of std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
     221  type sd_block_ftu_default_array_type is array (0 to (SD_FTU_DATA_SIZE - 1)) of std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
     223  -- general default values
     224  -- !!! to be defined !!!
     225  constant sd_block_default_array : sd_block_default_array_type := (
     226      X"0000", -- SD_ADDR_general_settings  -- general settings
     227      X"0000", -- SD_ADDR_led               -- on-board status LEDs
     228      X"0002", -- SD_ADDR_lp_pt_freq        -- light pulser and pedestal trigger frequency
     229      X"0003", -- SD_ADDR_lp_pt_ratio...    -- ratio between LP1, LP2 and pedestal triggers
     230      X"0004", -- SD_ADDR_lp1_amplitude     -- light pulser 1 amplitude
     231      X"0005", -- SD_ADDR_lp2_amplitude     -- light pulser 2 amplitude
     232      X"0006", -- SD_ADDR_lp1_delay         -- light pulser 1 delay
     233      X"0007", -- SD_ADDR_lp2_delay         -- light pulser 2 delay
     234      X"0008", -- SD_ADDR_coin_n_p          -- majority coincidence n (for physics)
     235      X"0009", -- SD_ADDR_coin_n_c          -- majority coincidence n (for calibration)
     236      X"000A", -- SD_ADDR_trigger_delay     -- trigger delay
     237      X"000B", -- SD_ADDR_timemarker_delay  -- timemarker delay
     238      X"000C", -- SD_ADDR_dead_time         -- dead time
     239      X"000D", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R0_HI          -- clock conditioner R0 bits 31...16
     240      X"000E", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R0_LO          -- clock conditioner R0 bits 15...0
     241      X"000F", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R1_HI          -- clock conditioner R1 bits 31...16
     242      X"0010", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R1_LO          -- clock conditioner R1 bits 15...0
     243      X"0011", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R8_HI          -- clock conditioner R8 bits 31...16
     244      X"0012", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R8_LO          -- clock conditioner R8 bits 15...0
     245      X"0013", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R9_HI          -- clock conditioner R9 bits 31...16
     246      X"0014", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R9_LO          -- clock conditioner R9 bits 15...0
     247      X"0015", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R11_HI         -- clock conditioner R11 bits 31...16
     248      X"0016", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R11_LO         -- clock conditioner R11 bits 15...0
     249      X"0017", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R13_HI         -- clock conditioner R13 bits 31...16
     250      X"0018", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R13_LO         -- clock conditioner R13 bits 15...0
     251      X"0019", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R14_HI         -- clock conditioner R14 bits 31...16
     252      X"001A", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R14_LO         -- clock conditioner R14 bits 15...0
     253      X"001B", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R15_HI         -- clock conditioner R15 bits 31...16
     254      X"001C", -- SD_ADDR_cc_R15_LO         -- clock conditioner R15 bits 15...0
     255      X"001D", -- SD_ADDR_coin_win_p        -- majority coincidence window (for physics)
     256      X"001E", -- SD_ADDR_coin_win_c        -- majority coincidence window (for calibration)
     257      X"001F"  --                           -- Spare
     258  );
     260  -- default values for all FTUs
     261  constant sd_block_ftu_default_array : sd_block_ftu_default_array_type := (
     262      X"01FF", -- enables patch 0 board x crate y
     263      X"01FF", -- enables patch 1 board x crate y
     264      X"01FF", -- enables patch 2 board x crate y
     265      X"01FF", -- enables patch 3 board x crate y
     266      X"01F4", -- DAC_A board x crate y
     267      X"01F4", -- DAC_B board x crate y
     268      X"01F4", -- DAC_C board x crate y
     269      X"01F4", -- DAC_D board x crate y
     270      X"0010", -- DAC_H board x crate y
     271      X"0001"  -- Prescaling board x crate y
     272  );
    103274end ftm_constants;
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