11/21/11 06:56:22 (13 years ago)
Daniela Dorner
changed to take into account the current and the 3 previous nights
1 edited


  • trunk/DataCheck/ZipRawData.sh

    r12575 r12582  
    3 year=`date +%Y --date="-1day"`
    4 month=`date +%m --date="-1day"`
    63today=`date +%F`
    9 echo "" >> $logfile 2>&1
    10 echo "" >> $logfile 2>&1
    11 echo "" >> $logfile 2>&1
    12 rawdir=/loc_data/raw/$year/$month
    13 echo `date`": processing files in "$rawdir >> $logfile
     6# get last 3 nights
     7dates=( `date +%Y/%m/%d` `date +%Y/%m/%d --date="-1day"` `date +%Y/%m/%d --date="-2day"` `date +%Y/%m/%d --date="-3day"` )
    15 #find all directories in $rawdir
    16 dirs=`find $rawdir -type d | sort`
    18 echo `date`": create missing directories in /loc_data/zipraw/$year/$month" >> $logfile
    19 for dir in $dirs
     9# do rsync for rawfiles of these dates
     10for date in ${dates[@]}
    21    zipdir=`echo $dir | sed -e 's/raw/zipraw/'`
    22    # check if output directory for zip already exists
    23    if [ -d $zipdir ]
    24    then
     12   echo "" >> $logfile 2>&1
     13   echo "" >> $logfile 2>&1
     14   echo "" >> $logfile 2>&1
     15   rawdir=/loc_data/raw/$date
     16   echo `date`": processing files in "$rawdir >> $logfile
     17   # check if data are available from that night
     18   if ! [ -d $rawdir ]
     19   then
     20      echo `date`": no data available in "$rawdir >> $logfile
    2521      continue
    2622   fi
    27    # create output directory for zip
    28    mkdir -pv $zipdir >> $logfile
    29 done
    31 # find all fits-files starting with the oldest file
    32 echo `date`": finding files to be zipped in $rawdir..." >> $logfile
    33 fitsfiles=`find $rawdir -type f -name '*fits'| sort `
    35 # loop to zip files
    36 echo `date`": zipping files in $rawdir..." >> $logfile
    37 for file in $fitsfiles
    38 do
    39    # filename for temporary and final zipfile
    40    zipfile=`echo $file | sed -e 's/raw/zipraw/' -e 's/fits/fits.gz/'`
    41    zipfiletmp=`echo $file | sed -e 's/raw/zipraw/' -e 's/fits/fits.tmp.gz/'`
    42    # check if zipped file already exists
    43    if [ -e $zipfile ]
    44    then
    45       continue
     23   zipdir=/loc_data/zipraw/$date
     24   if ! [ -d $zipdir ]
     25   then
     26      # create output directory for zip
     27      mkdir -pv $zipdir >> $logfile
    4628   fi
    48    # check if files was accessed in the last 30 minutes
    49    isnew=`find $file -amin -30`
    50    if [ "$isnew" != "" ]
    51    then
    52       echo $file" is not older than 30 min => continue" >> $logfile
    53       continue
    54    fi
     30   # find all fits-files starting with the oldest file
     31   echo `date`": finding files to be zipped in $rawdir..." >> $logfile
     32   fitsfiles=`find $rawdir -type f -name '*fits'| sort `
    56    # check if file is already finished
    57    # original file on daq (if data was taken on daq
    58    origfile=`echo $file | sed -e 's/loc_data/daq/'`
    59    if [ -e $origfile ]
    60    then
    61       # get time of last modification as seconds since Epoch for both files
    62       timeorig=`stat -c %Y $origfile`
    63       timecopy=`stat -c %Y $file`
    64       # compare times
    65       if ! [ $timeorig -eq $timecopy ]
     34   # loop to zip files
     35   echo `date`": zipping files in $rawdir..." >> $logfile
     36   for file in $fitsfiles
     37   do
     38      # filename for temporary and final zipfile
     39      zipfile=`echo $file | sed -e 's/raw/zipraw/' -e 's/fits/fits.gz/'`
     40      zipfiletmp=`echo $file | sed -e 's/raw/zipraw/' -e 's/fits/fits.tmp.gz/'`
     41      # check if zipped file already exists
     42      if [ -e $zipfile ]
    6643      then
    67          # if times are not the same, the file is still open => no zip
    68          echo `date`": file "$file" not yet closed => continue" >> $logfile
    6944         continue
    7045      fi
    71    else
    72       # if the origfile doesn't exist, the data was probably written not on daq but on data
    73       echo `date`": file "$file" was probably taken on data and not daq " >> $logfile
    74    fi
    76    echo `date`": zipping "$file" to "$zipfile" ..." >> $logfile
    77    # zip file to stdout and pipe it to outputfile
    78    if pigz -1 -c -f $file > $zipfiletmp; 
    79    then
    80       # if successful, move temporary to final zipfile
    81       mv -v $zipfiletmp $zipfile >> $logfile
    82    else
    83       # if not successful, remove temporary zipfile
    84       rm -v $zipfiletmp >> $logfile
    85    fi
     47      # check if raw file was accessed in the last 30 minutes
     48      isnew=`find $file -amin -30`
     49      if [ "$isnew" != "" ]
     50      then
     51         echo $file" is not older than 30 min => continue" >> $logfile
     52         continue
     53      fi
     55      # check if file is already finished
     56      # original file on daq (if data was taken on daq
     57      origfile=`echo $file | sed -e 's/loc_data/daq/'`
     58      if [ -e $origfile ]
     59      then
     60         # get time of last modification as seconds since Epoch for both files
     61         timeorig=`stat -c %Y $origfile`
     62         timecopy=`stat -c %Y $file`
     63         # compare times
     64         if ! [ $timeorig -eq $timecopy ]
     65         then
     66            # if times are not the same, the file is still open => no zip
     67            echo `date`": file "$file" not yet closed => continue" >> $logfile
     68            continue
     69         fi
     70      else
     71         # if the origfile doesn't exist, the data was probably written not on daq but on data
     72         echo `date`": file "$file" was probably taken on data and not daq " >> $logfile
     73      fi
     75      echo `date`": zipping "$file" to "$zipfile" ..." >> $logfile
     76      # zip file to stdout and pipe it to outputfile
     77      if pigz -1 -c -f $file > $zipfiletmp;
     78      then
     79         # if successful, move temporary to final zipfile
     80         mv -v $zipfiletmp $zipfile >> $logfile
     81      else
     82         # if not successful, remove temporary zipfile
     83         rm -v $zipfiletmp >> $logfile
     84      fi
     85   done
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