Changeset 18282 for branches/MarsGapdTimeJitter
- Timestamp:
- 08/18/15 10:28:44 (10 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/MarsGapdTimeJitter
- Files:
- 34 edited
- 2 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
r17980 r18282 39 39 @echo " - Generating dictionary $(CINT)" 40 40 rootcint -f $(CINT) \ 41 -c $(INCLUDES) $(LIBNOVA_INCLUDE_PATH) $(DEFINES) $(HEADERS) $(CINT)Incl.h $(CINT)LinkDef.h41 -c -p $(INCLUDES) $(LIBNOVA_INCLUDE_PATH) $(DEFINES) $(HEADERS) $(CINT)Incl.h $(CINT)LinkDef.h 42 42 43 43 %.d: -
r17894 r18282 1 1 #include "MLogManip.h" 2 2 3 int callisto(const char *seqfile="seq/2012/01/23/20120123_023.seq", const char *outpath = "output", bool use_delays=false) 3 int callisto(const char *seqfile="seq/2012/01/23/20120123_023.seq", const char *outpath = "output", 4 // TString drstime = "/gpfs0/fact/processing/drs_time_calib/20111115.time.drs.fits", 5 const char *drstime = "/gpfs0/fact/processing/drs_time_calib/20111115.time.drs.fits", 6 const char *delays="resources/delays-20150217.txt") 4 7 { 5 8 // ====================================================== … … 107 110 } 108 111 109 TString timfile = drs.GetFileName(0, MSequence::kFitsDat);110 112 TString drs1024 = drs.GetFileName(0, MSequence::kFitsDrs); 111 113 TString pedfile = seq.GetFileName(0, MSequence::kFitsPed); … … 115 117 gLog << "DRS calib 300: " << drsfile << '\n'; 116 118 gLog << "DRS calib 1024: " << drs1024 << "\n\n"; 119 gLog << "DRS calib Time: " << drstime << "\n\n"; 120 121 MDrsCalibrationTime drscalibtime; 122 if (!drscalibtime.ReadFits(drstime))) 123 return 5; 117 124 118 125 MDrsCalibration drscalib300; 119 126 if (!drscalib300.ReadFits(drsfile.Data())) 120 return 5;127 return 6; 121 128 122 129 MDrsCalibration drscalib1024; 123 130 if (!drscalib1024.ReadFits(drs1024.Data())) 124 return 6;131 return 7; 125 132 126 133 gLog << all; 127 gLog << "Time calibration : " << timfile << '\n';128 134 gLog << "Pedestal file: " << pedfile << '\n'; 129 135 gLog << "Light Pulser file: " << calfile << '\n' << endl; … … 135 141 { 136 142 gLog << err << "ERROR - Sequence valid but without files." << endl; 137 return 7;143 return 8; 138 144 } 139 145 iter.Print(); … … 195 201 // hrate.DefaultLabelY("ERROR"); 196 202 197 MDrsCalibrationTime timecam;203 // MDrsCalibrationTime timecam; 198 204 199 205 gStyle->SetOptFit(kTRUE); 200 206 201 207 // ====================================================== 202 208 /* 203 209 gLog << endl; 204 210 gLog.Separator("Processing DRS timing calibration run"); … … 240 246 if (!loop0.GetDisplay()) 241 247 return 9; 242 248 */ 243 249 /* 244 250 MHDrsCalibrationT *t = (MHDrsCalibrationT*)plist4.FindObject("MHDrsCalibrationT"); … … 258 264 plist1.AddToList(&drscalib300); 259 265 plist1.AddToList(&badpixels); 260 plist1.AddToList(& timecam);266 plist1.AddToList(&drscalibtime); 261 267 262 268 MEvtLoop loop1("DetermineCalConst"); … … 348 354 tlist1.AddToList(&fill1d); 349 355 350 if (!loop1.Eventloop(max1)) 351 return 10; 352 353 if (!loop1.GetDisplay()) 354 return 11; 355 356 if (use_delays) 357 timecam.SetDelays(*evt1h.GetHist()); 356 //if (!loop1.Eventloop(max1)) 357 // return 10; 358 359 //if (!loop1.GetDisplay()) 360 // return 11; 361 362 if (delays) 363 { 364 TGraph g(delays); 365 if (g.GetN()!=1440) 366 { 367 gLog << err << "Error reading file " << delays << endl; 368 return 41; 369 } 370 371 drscalibtime.SetDelays(g); 372 } 358 373 359 374 // ====================================================== … … 368 383 plist3.AddToList(&drscalib300); 369 384 plist3.AddToList(&badpixels); 370 plist3.AddToList(& timecam);385 plist3.AddToList(&drscalibtime); 371 386 372 387 MEvtLoop loop3("DetermineRndmPed"); … … 442 457 plist4.AddToList(&drscalib300); 443 458 plist4.AddToList(&badpixels); 444 plist4.AddToList(& timecam);459 plist4.AddToList(&drscalibtime); 445 460 446 461 MEvtLoop loop4("DetermineExtractedPed"); … … 510 525 plist5.AddToList(&drscalib300); 511 526 plist5.AddToList(&badpixels); 512 plist5.AddToList(& timecam);527 plist5.AddToList(&drscalibtime); 513 528 514 529 MEvtLoop loop5("CalibratingData"); -
r18078 r18282 90 90 // ------------------------------------------------------- 91 91 92 TFile file(drstime);93 if ( file.IsZombie())92 MDrsCalibrationTime timecam; 93 if (!timecam.ReadFits(drstime)) 94 94 { 95 gLog << err << "ERROR - Could not open" << drstime << endl;95 gLog << err << "ERROR - Could not get MDrsCalibrationTime from " << drstime << endl; 96 96 return 21; 97 97 } 98 98 99 MDrsCalibrationTime *timecam = 0; 100 file.GetObject("MDrsCalibrationTime", timecam); 101 if (!timecam) 99 if (delays) 102 100 { 103 gLog << err << "ERROR - Could not get MDrsCalibrationTime from " << drstime << endl; 104 return 22; 101 TGraph g(delays); 102 if (g.GetN()!=1440) 103 { 104 gLog << err << "Error reading file " << delays << endl; 105 return 22; 106 } 107 108 timecam.SetDelays(g); 105 109 } 106 110 … … 113 117 // ------------------------------------------------------- 114 118 115 //if (use_delays) 116 // timecam.SetDelays(*evt1h.GetHist()); 119 if (delays) 120 { 121 TGraph g(delays); 122 if (g.GetN()!=1440) 123 { 124 gLog << err << "Error reading file " << delays << endl; 125 return 41; 126 } 127 128 timecam.SetDelays(g); 129 } 117 130 118 131 // ------------------------------------------------------- … … 194 207 plist5.AddToList(&drscalib300); 195 208 plist5.AddToList(&badpixels); 196 plist5.AddToList( timecam);209 plist5.AddToList(&timecam); 197 210 198 211 MEvtLoop loop5("CalibratingData"); -
r15243 r18282 129 129 { 130 130 TString query; 131 query += "SELECT fTimeBegin, fTimeEnd, fVoltageIsOn, fOvervoltage, fCurrentMedMean, fNight ";131 query += "SELECT fTimeBegin, fTimeEnd, fVoltageIsOn, fOvervoltage, fCurrentMedMean, fNight, fAzMin, fAzMax, fZdMin, fZdMax "; 132 132 query += "FROM Ratescan WHERE fRatescanID="; 133 133 query += search_id; … … 149 149 const char *time_end = (*row)[1]; 150 150 const char *night = (*row)[5]; 151 const char *az_beg = (*row)[6]; 152 const char *az_end = (*row)[7]; 153 const char *zd_beg = (*row)[8]; 154 const char *zd_end = (*row)[9]; 151 155 152 156 int voltage_on = (*row)[2] ? atoi((*row)[2]) : -1; … … 167 171 leg.SetBorderSize(1); 168 172 leg.SetFillColor(kWhite); 169 leg.AddText("Ratescan"); 170 leg.AddText(""); 171 leg.AddText(Form("Begin %s", time_beg)); 172 leg.AddText(Form("End %s", time_end)); 173 leg.AddText(""); 173 leg.SetTextAlign(12); 174 leg.AddText(Form("Ratescan %d ", search_id)); 175 //leg.AddText(""); 176 leg.AddText(Form("Begin %s", time_beg)); 177 leg.AddText(Form("End %s", time_end)); 178 leg.AddText(Form("Az %s#circ to %s#circ", az_beg, az_end)); 179 leg.AddText(Form("Zd %s#circ to %s#circ", zd_beg, zd_end)); 180 //leg.AddText(""); 174 181 if (voltage_on==0) 175 182 leg.AddText("Voltage off"); … … 179 186 leg.AddText(Form("Current <I_{med}> = %.1f #muA", current)); 180 187 if (overvoltage>-70) 181 leg.AddText(Form("Voltage 188 leg.AddText(Form("Voltage #DeltaU = %+.2f V", overvoltage)); 182 189 } 183 190 … … 209 216 g.DrawClone("PL"); 210 217 218 TGraph gr("good_ratescan_edit.txt", "%lg %lg"); 219 gr.SetLineColor(12); 220 gr.DrawClone("L"); 221 211 222 c->Write(); 212 223 … … 216 227 name += time_beg; 217 228 218 c->SaveAs(name+".pdf"); 219 c->SaveAs(name+".eps"); 220 c->SaveAs(name+".png"); 229 //c->SaveAs(name+".pdf"); 230 //c->SaveAs(name+".eps"); 231 //c->SaveAs("/loc_data/analysis/"+name+".png"); 232 c->SaveAs(Form("/loc_data/analysis/ratescans/%04d/%02d/%02d/%06d_%d.png", atoi(night)/10000, (atoi(night)/100)%100, atoi(night)%100, atoi(night), search_id)); 221 233 222 234 delete c; … … 305 317 306 318 TString oname = Form("%06d-ratescan.root", night); 307 308 cout << " " << oname << '\n' << endl; 309 319 //cout << " " << oname << '\n' << endl; 310 320 TFile rootfile(oname.Data(), "recreate"); 311 321 -
r17956 r18282 95 95 Double_t jd = time + 40587 + 2400000.5; 96 96 97 // Sun properties 98 Nova::EquPosn sun = Nova::GetSolarEquCoords(jd); 99 Nova::ZdAzPosn hrzs = Nova::GetHrzFromEqu(sun, jd); 100 97 101 // Get source position 98 102 Nova::EquPosn pos = FindPointing(time); 99 103 100 return FACT::PredictI(jd, pos); 104 105 // Moon properties 106 Nova::EquPosn moon = Nova::GetLunarEquCoords(jd, 0.01); 107 Nova::HrzPosn hrzm = Nova::GetHrzFromEqu(moon, jd); 108 double disk = Nova::GetLunarDisk(jd); 109 110 // Derived moon properties 111 double angle = Nova::GetAngularSeparation(moon, pos); 112 double edist = Nova::GetLunarEarthDist(jd)/384400; 113 114 // Current prediction 115 double sin_malt = hrzm.alt<0 ? 0 : sin(hrzm.alt*TMath::DegToRad()); 116 double cos_mdist = cos(angle*TMath::DegToRad()); 117 double sin_szd = sin(hrzs.zd*TMath::DegToRad()); 118 119 double c0 = pow(disk, 2.63); 120 double c1 = pow(sin_malt, 0.60); 121 double c2 = pow(edist, -2.00); 122 double c3 = exp(0.67*cos_mdist*cos_mdist*cos_mdist*cos_mdist); 123 double c4 = exp(-97.8+105.8*sin_szd*sin_szd); 124 125 double cur = 6.2 + 95.7*c0*c1*c2*c3 + c4; 126 127 return cur; 101 128 } 102 129 … … 340 367 } 341 368 369 Int_t PlotSqm(TArrayD **vec, TString fname) 370 { 371 fname += ".SQM_CONTROL_DATA.fits"; 372 373 fits file(fname.Data()); 374 if (!file) 375 { 376 cerr << fname << ": " << gSystem->GetError() << endl; 377 return -2; 378 } 379 380 //cout << fname << endl; 381 382 Double_t time; 383 Float_t mag; // magnitude 384 385 if (!file.SetPtrAddress("Time", &time)) 386 return -1; 387 if (!file.SetPtrAddress("Mag", &mag)) 388 return -1; 389 390 //const int marker_style = kFullDotMedium; 391 const int marker_style = kDot; 392 393 TGraph g1; 394 g1.SetName("SQM"); 395 396 397 bool found_first_time = false; 398 while (file.GetNextRow()) 399 if (Contains(vec, time)) 400 { 401 g1.SetPoint(g1.GetN(), time*24*3600, mag); 402 } 403 404 405 g1.SetMinimum(19.0); 406 g1.SetMaximum(21.5); 407 g1.SetMarkerColor(kBlack); 408 g1.SetMarkerStyle(marker_style); 409 g1.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(true); 410 g1.GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%H:%M %F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); 411 g1.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.12); 412 g1.GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.1); 413 g1.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("SQM [mag]"); 414 g1.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.2); 415 g1.GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.1); 416 g1.DrawClone("AP"); 417 418 return 0; 419 } 420 421 Int_t PlotSqmLinear(TArrayD **vec, TString fname) 422 { 423 fname += ".SQM_CONTROL_DATA.fits"; 424 425 fits file(fname.Data()); 426 if (!file) 427 { 428 cerr << fname << ": " << gSystem->GetError() << endl; 429 return -2; 430 } 431 432 //cout << fname << endl; 433 434 Double_t time; 435 Float_t mag; // magnitude 436 437 if (!file.SetPtrAddress("Time", &time)) 438 return -1; 439 if (!file.SetPtrAddress("Mag", &mag)) 440 return -1; 441 442 //const int marker_style = kFullDotMedium; 443 const int marker_style = kDot; 444 445 TGraph g1; 446 g1.SetName("SQM"); 447 448 449 bool found_first_time = false; 450 while (file.GetNextRow()) 451 if (Contains(vec, time)) 452 { 453 Double_t mag_double = 4.4 * pow(10, 20) * pow( 10, mag*(-0.4)); 454 g1.SetPoint(g1.GetN(), time*24*3600, mag_double); 455 } 456 457 458 g1.SetMinimum(1.e12); 459 g1.SetMaximum(5.e12); 460 g1.SetMarkerColor(kBlack); 461 g1.SetMarkerStyle(marker_style); 462 g1.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(true); 463 g1.GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%H:%M %F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); 464 g1.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.12); 465 g1.GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.1); 466 g1.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("SQM lin [phot./(s sr m^2)]"); 467 g1.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.2); 468 g1.GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.1); 469 g1.DrawClone("AP"); 470 471 return 0; 472 } 473 474 Int_t PlotHumidity(TArrayD **vec, TString fname) 475 { 476 fname += ".FSC_CONTROL_HUMIDITY.fits"; 477 478 fits file(fname.Data()); 479 if (!file) 480 { 481 cerr << fname << ": " << gSystem->GetError() << endl; 482 return -2; 483 } 484 485 //cout << fname << endl; 486 487 Double_t time; 488 Float_t H[4]; 489 490 if (!file.SetPtrAddress("Time", &time)) 491 return -1; 492 if (!file.SetPtrAddress("H", H)) 493 return -1; 494 495 //const int marker_style = kFullDotMedium; 496 const int marker_style = kDot; 497 498 TGraph g1; 499 TGraph g2; 500 TGraph g3; 501 TGraph g4; 502 //TGraph g5; 503 g1.SetName("H0"); 504 g2.SetName("H1"); 505 g3.SetName("H2"); 506 g4.SetName("H3"); 507 //g5.SetName("PFmini"); 508 509 510 Double_t first_time, last_time; 511 bool found_first_time = false; 512 while (file.GetNextRow()) 513 if (Contains(vec, time)) 514 { 515 if (!found_first_time){ 516 first_time = time*24*3600; 517 found_first_time = true; 518 } 519 g1.SetPoint(g1.GetN(), time*24*3600, H[0]); 520 g2.SetPoint(g2.GetN(), time*24*3600, H[1]); 521 g3.SetPoint(g3.GetN(), time*24*3600, H[2]); 522 g4.SetPoint(g4.GetN(), time*24*3600, H[3]); 523 //g5.SetPoint(g5.GetN(), time*24*3600, I[319]); 524 last_time = time*24*3600; 525 } 526 527 528 g1.SetMinimum(10); 529 g1.SetMaximum(80); 530 g1.SetMarkerColor(kAzure); 531 g1.SetMarkerStyle(marker_style); 532 g1.GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(true); 533 g1.GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%H:%M %F1995-01-01 00:00:00 GMT"); 534 g1.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.12); 535 g1.GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.1); 536 g1.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("HUMITIDY"); 537 g1.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.2); 538 g1.GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.1); 539 g1.DrawClone("AP"); 540 541 g2.SetMarkerColor(kAzure+1); 542 g2.SetMarkerStyle(marker_style); 543 g2.DrawClone("P"); 544 545 g3.SetMarkerColor(kAzure+3); 546 g3.SetMarkerStyle(marker_style); 547 g3.DrawClone("P"); 548 549 g4.SetMarkerColor(kAzure+6); 550 g4.SetMarkerStyle(marker_style); 551 g4.DrawClone("P"); 552 553 //g5.SetMarkerColor(kAzure+1); 554 //g5.SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); 555 //g5.DrawClone("P"); 556 557 g1.DrawClone("P"); 558 559 TLine l1(first_time-600, 40, last_time+600, 40); 560 l1.SetLineColor(kOrange); 561 l1.DrawClone(); 562 TText t1(first_time-600, 41, "Please, note in logbook"); 563 t1.SetTextSize(0.1); 564 t1.DrawClone(); 565 566 567 TLine l2(first_time-600, 55, last_time+600, 55); 568 l2.SetLineColor(kRed); 569 l2.DrawClone(); 570 TText t2(first_time-600, 56, "Please, report to fact-online"); 571 t2.SetTextSize(0.1); 572 t2.DrawClone(); 573 574 575 return 0; 576 } 577 578 Int_t PlotHumidity2(TArrayD **vec, TString fname) 579 { 580 fname += ".PFMINI_CONTROL_DATA.fits"; 581 582 fits file(fname.Data()); 583 if (!file) 584 { 585 cerr << fname << ": " << gSystem->GetError() << endl; 586 return -2; 587 } 588 589 //cout << fname << endl; 590 591 Double_t time; 592 Float_t H; 593 594 if (!file.SetPtrAddress("Time", &time)) 595 return -1; 596 if (!file.SetPtrAddress("Humidity", &H)) 597 return -1; 598 599 const int marker_style = kFullDotMedium; 600 //const int marker_style = kDot; 601 602 TGraph g1; 603 g1.SetName("PFmini"); 604 605 606 while (file.GetNextRow()) 607 if (Contains(vec, time)) 608 { 609 g1.SetPoint(g1.GetN(), time*24*3600, H); 610 } 611 612 g1.SetMarkerStyle(marker_style); 613 g1.SetMarkerColor(kGreen); 614 g1.DrawClone("P"); 615 return 0; 616 } 342 617 343 618 Int_t PlotPointing(TArrayD **vec, TString fname) … … 420 695 g.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.1); 421 696 g.GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.1); 422 g.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("TEMP ");697 g.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("TEMPERATURE"); 423 698 g.GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.2); 424 699 g.GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.1); … … 542 817 if (!file.SetPtrAddress("Time", &time)) 543 818 return -1; 544 if (!file.SetPtrAddress("Data1", temp) && 545 !file.SetPtrAddress("temp", temp)) 819 // if (!file.SetPtrAddress("Data1", temp) && 820 // !file.SetPtrAddress("temp", temp)) 821 if (!file.SetPtrAddress("temp", temp)) 546 822 return -1; 547 823 … … 669 945 } 670 946 671 TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("quality", Form("Quality %04d/%02d/%02d", y, m, d), 1280, 960); 672 c->Divide(1, 6, 1e-5, 1e-5); 947 //check if the sqm was already installed on the telescope 948 TCanvas *c = NULL; 949 TString datestring = Form("%04d%02d%02d", y, m, d); 950 if( datestring.Atoi() > 20140723 ) { 951 TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("quality", Form("Quality %04d/%02d/%02d", y, m, d), 1280, 1280); 952 c->Divide(1, 8, 1e-5, 1e-5); 953 }else{ 954 TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("quality", Form("Quality %04d/%02d/%02d", y, m, d), 1280, 1120); 955 c->Divide(1, 7, 1e-5, 1e-5); 956 } 673 957 674 958 gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0); … … 716 1000 gPad->SetRightMargin(0.001); 717 1001 gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.04); 1002 gPad->SetBottomMargin(0); 718 1003 cout << PlotTemperature1(runs, fname) << endl; 719 1004 cout << PlotTemperature2(runs, fname) << endl; … … 721 1006 cout << PlotTemperature4(runs, fname) << endl; 722 1007 1008 gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0); 1009 c->cd(7); 1010 gPad->SetGrid(); 1011 gPad->SetTopMargin(0); 1012 gPad->SetBottomMargin(0); 1013 gPad->SetRightMargin(0.001); 1014 gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.04); 1015 cout << PlotHumidity(runs, fname) << endl; 1016 cout << PlotHumidity2(runs, fname) << endl; 1017 1018 //check if the sqm was already installed 1019 if( datestring.Atoi() > 20140723 ) { 1020 gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0); 1021 c->cd(7); 1022 gPad->SetGrid(); 1023 gPad->SetTopMargin(0); 1024 gPad->SetBottomMargin(0); 1025 gPad->SetRightMargin(0.001); 1026 gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.04); 1027 cout << PlotHumidity(runs, fname) << endl; 1028 cout << PlotHumidity2(runs, fname) << endl; 1029 1030 gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0); 1031 c->cd(8); 1032 gPad->SetGrid(); 1033 gPad->SetTopMargin(0); 1034 gPad->SetRightMargin(0.001); 1035 gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.04); 1036 cout << PlotSqm(runs, fname) << endl; 1037 }else{ 1038 1039 gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0); 1040 c->cd(7); 1041 gPad->SetGrid(); 1042 gPad->SetTopMargin(0); 1043 gPad->SetRightMargin(0.001); 1044 gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.04); 1045 cout << PlotHumidity(runs, fname) << endl; 1046 cout << PlotHumidity2(runs, fname) << endl; 1047 } 1048 723 1049 c->SaveAs(Form("%s/%04d%02d%02d.png", outpath, y, m, d)); 724 1050 -
r15237 r18282 584 584 585 585 TString query; 586 query = "SELECT fRunID FROM runinfo WHERE fExcludedFDAKEY=1 AND ";586 query = "SELECT fRunID FROM RunInfo WHERE fExcludedFDAKEY=1 AND "; 587 587 query += cond; 588 588 query += " AND fRunTypeKEY=4 AND fRunID BETWEEN "; … … 599 599 600 600 // Get DRS file with pedestal (roi<1024) 601 query = "SELECT MAX(fRunID) FROM runinfo WHERE ";601 query = "SELECT MAX(fRunID) FROM RunInfo WHERE "; 602 602 query += cond; 603 603 query += " AND fHasDrsFile=1 AND (fDrsStep IS NULL OR fDrsStep=2) AND fRunTypeKEY=2"; -
r17145 r18282 163 163 164 164 float temp[160]; 165 if (file.SetPtrAddress("temp", temp, 82))166 {167 drstemp82(file, beg, end);168 return;169 }165 // if (file.SetPtrAddress("temp", temp, 82)) 166 // { 167 // drstemp82(file, beg, end); 168 // return; 169 // } 170 170 171 171 file.SetPtrAddress("temp", temp, 160); -
r17102 r18282 48 48 Float_t GetOffset(TString fname, Double_t beg, Double_t end) 49 49 { 50 fname.ReplaceAll("RATE_SCAN_DATA", "FEEDBACK_DEVIATION"); 50 if (end < 15937) 51 fname.ReplaceAll("RATE_SCAN_DATA", "FEEDBACK_DEVIATION"); 52 else 53 fname.ReplaceAll("RATE_SCAN_DATA", "FEEDBACK_CALIBRATED_CURRENTS"); 51 54 52 55 fits file(fname.Data()); … … 61 64 return -100; 62 65 63 if (!file.SetPtrAddress("DeltaUser", &delta)) 64 return -100; 66 if (end < 15937) 67 { 68 if (!file.SetPtrAddress("DeltaUser", &delta)) 69 return -100; 70 } 71 else 72 { 73 if (!file.SetPtrAddress("U_nom", &delta)) 74 return -100; 75 } 65 76 66 77 //cout << "Search for: " << beg-15773 << " " << end-15773 << endl; … … 80 91 Float_t GetCurrent(TString fname, Double_t beg, Double_t end) 81 92 { 82 fname.ReplaceAll("RATE_SCAN_DATA", "CALIBRATED_CURRENTS"); 83 fname = gSystem->BaseName(fname.Data()); 84 85 fname.Prepend("/scratch_nfs/calibrated_currents/"); 93 fname.ReplaceAll("RATE_SCAN_DATA", "FEEDBACK_CALIBRATED_CURRENTS"); 94 95 //the next two lines are needed for ISDC and data before 11.3.2013 96 //fname.ReplaceAll("RATE_SCAN_DATA", "CALIBRATED_CURRENTS"); 97 //fname = gSystem->BaseName(fname.Data()); 98 //fname.Prepend("/scratch_nfs/calibrated_currents/"); 86 99 87 100 fits file(fname.Data()); … … 326 339 !file.SetPtrAddress(string(old ? "Data3" : "RelOnTime"), &ontime)) 327 340 return -1; 328 */341 */ 329 342 Double_t *ptime = file.SetPtrAddress("Time"); 330 343 ULong64_t *pid = file.SetPtrAddress(old ? "Data0" : "Id"); -
r17786 r18282 2622 2622 2623 2623 // FIXME: Use mkstemp instead 2624 if (!mk temp(const_cast<char*>(tmp.Data())))2624 if (!mkstemp(const_cast<char*>(tmp.Data()))) 2625 2625 { 2626 2626 *fLog << err << "ERROR - MStatusDisplay::UpdatePSHeader: mktemp failed." << endl; -
r17757 r18282 964 964 965 965 fStat.resize(samples*channels); 966 } 967 968 void Reset() 969 { 970 for (auto it=fStat.begin(); it!=fStat.end(); it++) 971 { 972 it->first = 0; 973 it->second = 0; 974 } 966 975 } 967 976 … … 1144 1153 const double valw = it->second; 1145 1154 1146 it->first = sumv>0 ? n*(1-s*sumw/sumv) : 0;1155 it->first = sumv>0 ? n*(1-s*sumw/sumv) : 0; 1147 1156 1148 1157 sumv += valv; … … 1163 1172 sumw += valw; 1164 1173 1165 it->first = sumv>0 ? n*(s*sumw/sumv-1) : 0;1174 it->first = sumv>0 ? n*(s*sumw/sumv-1) : 0; 1166 1175 } 1167 1176 … … 1197 1206 return pos-Offset(ch, pos); 1198 1207 } 1208 1209 /* 1210 // See MDrsCalibrationTime 1211 std::string ReadFitsImp(const std::string &str) 1212 { 1213 fits file(str); 1214 if (!file) 1215 { 1216 std::ostringstream msg; 1217 msg << "Could not open file '" << str << "': " << strerror(errno); 1218 return msg.str(); 1219 } 1220 1221 if (file.GetStr("TELESCOP")!="FACT") 1222 { 1223 std::ostringstream msg; 1224 msg << "Reading '" << str << "' failed: Not a valid FACT file (TELESCOP not FACT in header)"; 1225 return msg.str(); 1226 } 1227 1228 if (file.GetNumRows()!=1) 1229 { 1230 std::ostringstream msg; 1231 msg << "Reading '" << str << "' failed: Number of rows in table is not 1."; 1232 return msg.str(); 1233 } 1234 1235 fNumSamples = file.GetUInt("NROI"); 1236 fNumChannels = file.GetUInt("NCH"); 1237 fNumEntries = file.GetUInt("NBTIME"); 1238 1239 fStat.resize(fNumSamples*fNumChannels); 1240 1241 double *f = reinterpret_cast<double*>(file.SetPtrAddress("CellWidthMean")); 1242 double *s = reinterpret_cast<double*>(file.SetPtrAddress("CellWidthRms")); 1243 1244 if (!file.GetNextRow()) 1245 { 1246 std::ostringstream msg; 1247 msg << "Reading data from " << str << " failed."; 1248 return msg.str(); 1249 } 1250 1251 for (uint32_t i=0; i<fNumSamples*fNumChannels; i++) 1252 { 1253 fStat[i].first = f[i]; 1254 fStat[i].second = s[i]; 1255 } 1256 1257 return std::string(); 1258 } 1259 1260 std::string WriteFitsImp(const std::string &filename, uint32_t night=0) const 1261 { 1262 ofits file(filename.c_str()); 1263 if (!file) 1264 { 1265 std::ostringstream msg; 1266 msg << "Could not open file '" << filename << "': " << strerror(errno); 1267 return msg.str(); 1268 } 1269 1270 file.SetDefaultKeys(); 1271 file.AddColumnDouble(fStat.size(), "CellWidthMean", "ratio", "Relative cell width mean"); 1272 file.AddColumnDouble(fStat.size(), "CellWidthRms", "ratio", "Relative cell width rms"); 1273 1274 file.SetInt("ADCRANGE", 2000, "Dynamic range of the ADC in mV"); 1275 file.SetInt("DACRANGE", 2500, "Dynamic range of the DAC in mV"); 1276 file.SetInt("ADC", 12, "Resolution of ADC in bits"); 1277 file.SetInt("DAC", 16, "Resolution of DAC in bits"); 1278 file.SetInt("NPIX", 1440, "Number of channels in the camera"); 1279 file.SetInt("NTM", 0, "Number of time marker channels"); 1280 file.SetInt("NROI", fNumSamples, "Region of interest"); 1281 file.SetInt("NCH", fNumChannels, "Number of chips"); 1282 file.SetInt("NBTIME", fNumEntries, "Num of entries for time calibration"); 1283 1284 file.WriteTableHeader("DrsCellTimes"); 1285 if (night>0) 1286 file.SetInt("NIGHT", night, "Night as int"); 1287 1288 std::vector<double> data(fNumSamples*fNumChannels*2); 1289 1290 for (uint32_t i=0; i<fNumSamples*fNumChannels; i++) 1291 { 1292 data[i] = fStat[i].first; 1293 data[fNumSamples*fNumChannels+i] = fStat[i].second; 1294 } 1295 1296 if (!file.WriteRow(, data.size()*sizeof(double))) 1297 { 1298 std::ostringstream msg; 1299 msg << "Writing data to " << filename << " failed."; 1300 return msg.str(); 1301 } 1302 1303 return std::string(); 1304 }*/ 1199 1305 }; 1200 1306 -
r17284 r18282 37 37 readDrsCalib(fname); 38 38 } 39 40 const std::vector<int16_t> &GetOffsetCalibration() const { return fOffsetCalibration; } 39 41 40 42 private: -
r17759 r18282 152 152 continue; 153 153 154 const Float_t signal = (*fSignals)[sw].GetArrivalTime(); 154 const Float_t signal = (*fSignals)[sw].GetArrivalTimeHiGain(); 155 const Float_t slope = (*fSignals)[sw].GetArrivalTimeHiGainError(); 155 156 const Float_t offset = fCalib ? fCalib->GetOffset(hw, start[hw], signal) : 0; 156 const Float_t delay = fCalib ? fCalib->GetDelay(sw) : 0; 157 const Float_t offset2 = (fCalib && (signal-slope)>=0) ? fCalib->GetOffset(hw, start[hw], signal-slope) : 0; 158 const Float_t delay = fCalib ? fCalib->GetDelay(hw) : 0; 157 159 158 160 //if (fIsTimeMarker) … … 160 162 161 163 // convert from slices to ns 162 const Float_t utime = 1000*(signal )/fFreq-delay; // [ns] 163 const Float_t time = 1000*(signal-offset)/fFreq-delay; // [ns] 164 const Float_t utime = 1000*(signal )/fFreq-delay; // [ns] 165 const Float_t time = 1000*(signal-offset)/fFreq-delay; // [ns] 166 const Float_t slopecal = (slope-offset+offset2)<0 ? -1 : 1000*(slope-offset+offset2)/fFreq; // [ns] 167 const Float_t uslope = slope<0 ? -1 : 1000*(slope)/fFreq; // [ns] 164 168 165 169 /* … … 172 176 { 173 177 (*fArrivalTime)[idx[j]].SetArrivalTime(time); 178 (*fArrivalTime)[idx[j]].SetTimeSlope(slopecal); 174 179 if (fArrivalTimeU) 180 { 175 181 (*fArrivalTimeU)[idx[j]].SetArrivalTime(utime); 182 (*fArrivalTimeU)[idx[j]].SetTimeSlope(uslope); 183 } 176 184 } 177 185 } -
r17758 r18282 30 30 } 31 31 32 bool ReadFits(TString str)32 bool ReadFits(TString fname) 33 33 { 34 gSystem->ExpandPathName( str);34 gSystem->ExpandPathName(fname); 35 35 36 const std::string msg = ReadFitsImp(str.Data()); 36 std::string msg; 37 try 38 { 39 msg = ReadFitsImp(fname.Data()); 40 } 41 catch (const std::exception &e) 42 { 43 msg = e.what(); 44 } 45 37 46 if (msg.empty()) 47 { 48 *fLog << inf << "Read DRS calibration file " << fname << std::endl; 38 49 return true; 50 } 39 51 40 *fLog << err << msg << std::endl;52 *fLog << err << "Error reading from " << fname << ": " << msg << std::endl; 41 53 return false; 42 54 } -
r14922 r18282 16 16 ! 17 17 ! 18 ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz 2013 <mailto:t>18 ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz 2013 <> 19 19 ! 20 ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-201 320 ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2015 21 21 ! 22 22 ! … … 31 31 32 32 #include <TH1.h> 33 #include <TGraph.h> 33 34 34 35 ClassImp(MDrsCalibrationTime); … … 48 49 return true; 49 50 } 51 52 void MDrsCalibrationTime::SetDelays(const TGraph &g) 53 { 54 fDelays.assign(g.GetY(), g.GetY()+g.GetN()); 55 } 56 57 bool MDrsCalibrationTime::ReadFits(TString fname) 58 { 59 gSystem->ExpandPathName(fname); 60 61 try 62 { 63 fits file(fname.Data()); 64 if (!file) 65 throw runtime_error(strerror(errno)); 66 67 if (file.GetStr("TELESCOP")!="FACT") 68 { 69 std::ostringstream msg; 70 msg << "Not a valid FACT file (TELESCOP not FACT in header)"; 71 throw runtime_error(msg.str()); 72 } 73 74 if (file.GetNumRows()!=1) 75 throw runtime_error("Number of rows in table is not 1."); 76 77 fNumSamples = file.GetUInt("NROI"); 78 fNumChannels = file.GetUInt("NCH"); 79 fNumEntries = file.GetUInt("NBTIME"); 80 81 const double *d = reinterpret_cast<double*>(file.SetPtrAddress("CellOffset")); 82 if (!file.GetNextRow()) 83 throw runtime_error("Read error."); 84 85 fOffsets.assign(d, d+fNumSamples*fNumChannels), 86 fDelays.resize(0); 87 } 88 catch (const exception &e) 89 { 90 *fLog << err << "Error reading from " << fname << ": " << e.what() << endl; 91 return false; 92 } 93 94 *fLog << inf << "Read DRS calibration file " << fname << endl; 95 return true; 96 } 97 98 bool MDrsCalibrationTime::WriteFits(const string &fname) const 99 { 100 const Bool_t exists = !gSystem->AccessPathName(fname.c_str(), kFileExists); 101 if (exists) 102 { 103 *fLog << err << "File '" << fname << "' already exists." << endl; 104 return false; 105 } 106 107 try 108 { 109 ofits file(fname.c_str()); 110 if (!file) 111 throw runtime_error(strerror(errno)); 112 113 file.SetDefaultKeys(); 114 file.AddColumnDouble(fNumSamples*fNumChannels, "CellOffset", "samples", "Integral cell offset"); 115 116 file.SetInt("ADCRANGE", 2000, "Dynamic range of the ADC in mV"); 117 file.SetInt("DACRANGE", 2500, "Dynamic range of the DAC in mV"); 118 file.SetInt("ADC", 12, "Resolution of ADC in bits"); 119 file.SetInt("DAC", 16, "Resolution of DAC in bits"); 120 file.SetInt("NPIX", 1440, "Number of channels in the camera"); 121 file.SetInt("NTM", 0, "Number of time marker channels"); 122 file.SetInt("NROI", fNumSamples, "Region of interest"); 123 file.SetInt("NCH", fNumChannels, "Number of chips"); 124 file.SetInt("NBTIME", fNumEntries, "Num of entries for time calibration"); 125 126 file.WriteTableHeader("DrsCellTimes"); 127 //file.SetInt("NIGHT", night, "Night as int"); 128 129 /* 130 file.SetStr("DATE-OBS", fDateObs, "First event of whole DRS calibration"); 131 file.SetStr("DATE-END", fDateEnd, "Last event of whole DRS calibration"); 132 file.SetStr("RUN-BEG", fDateRunBeg[0], "First event of run 0"); 133 file.SetStr("RUN-END", fDateRunEnd[0], "Last event of run 0"); 134 */ 135 136 if (!file.WriteRow(, fOffsets.size()*sizeof(double))) 137 throw runtime_error("Write error."); 138 } 139 catch (const exception &e) 140 { 141 *fLog << err << "Error writing to " << fname << ": " << e.what() << endl; 142 return false; 143 } 144 145 *fLog << inf << "Wrote DRS calibration file " << fname << endl; 146 return true; 147 } -
r17697 r18282 10 10 11 11 class TH1; 12 class TGraph; 12 13 13 class MDrsCalibrationTime : public MParContainer , public DrsCalibrateTime14 class MDrsCalibrationTime : public MParContainer//, public DrsCalibrateTime 14 15 { 16 int64_t fNumEntries; 17 18 size_t fNumSamples; 19 size_t fNumChannels; 20 21 std::vector<double> fOffsets; 15 22 std::vector<double> fDelays; 16 23 … … 18 25 MDrsCalibrationTime(const char *name=0, const char *title=0) 19 26 { 20 fName = name ? name: "MDrsCalibrationTime";27 fName = name ? name : "MDrsCalibrationTime"; 21 28 fTitle = title ? title : ""; 22 29 } … … 24 31 void InitSize(uint16_t channels, uint16_t samples) 25 32 { 26 //fDelays.clear(); 27 //fDelays.resize(channels); 28 29 DrsCalibrateTime::InitSize(channels, samples); 33 fNumSamples = samples; 34 fNumChannels = channels; 30 35 } 31 36 32 37 void SetCalibration(const DrsCalibrateTime &cal) 33 38 { 34 *static_cast<DrsCalibrateTime*>(this) = cal; 39 fNumEntries = cal.fNumEntries, 40 fNumSamples = cal.fNumSamples, 41 fNumChannels = cal.fNumChannels, 42 43 fOffsets.resize(fNumSamples*fNumChannels); 44 45 for (size_t c=0; c<fNumChannels; c++) 46 for (size_t s=0; s<fNumSamples; s++) 47 fOffsets[c*fNumSamples+s] = cal.Offset(c, s); 35 48 } 36 49 37 50 bool SetDelays(const TH1 &cam); 51 void SetDelays(const TGraph &g); 38 52 39 double GetOffset( int hw, int spos, float tm) const53 double GetOffset(uint32_t hw, uint32_t spos, float tm) const 40 54 { 41 return Offset(hw/9, fmod(tm+spos, 1024)) - Offset(hw/9, spos); 55 const uint32_t ch = (hw/9)*fNumSamples; 56 return fOffsets[ch + fmod(tm+spos, fNumSamples)] - fOffsets[ch + spos]; 42 57 } 43 58 44 double GetDelay(int sw) const59 double GetDelay(int hw) const 45 60 { 46 return fDelays.size()==0 ? 0 : fDelays[ sw];61 return fDelays.size()==0 ? 0 : fDelays[hw]; 47 62 } 48 63 49 ClassDef(MDrsCalibrationTime, 2) // A list of histograms storing the Fadc spektrum of one pixel 64 bool ReadFits(TString fname); 65 bool WriteFits(const std::string &fname) const; 66 67 ClassDef(MDrsCalibrationTime, 3) // A list of histograms storing the Fadc spektrum of one pixel 50 68 }; 51 69 -
r17760 r18282 16 16 ! 17 17 ! 18 ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz 2013 <mailto:tbretz@phys>19 ! 20 ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-201 418 ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz 2013 <> 19 ! 20 ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2015 21 21 ! 22 22 ! … … 37 37 #include "MStatusDisplay.h" 38 38 39 #include "MDrsCalibrationTime.h" 39 40 #include "MPedestalSubtractedEvt.h" 40 41 -
r14922 r18282 2 2 #define MARS_MHDrsCalibrationTime 3 3 4 #ifndef MARS_DrsCalib rationTime5 #include " MDrsCalibrationTime.h"4 #ifndef MARS_DrsCalib 5 #include "DrsCalib.h" 6 6 #endif 7 7 … … 23 23 MDrsCalibrationTime *fCal; //! 24 24 25 MDrsCalibrationTime fData; //25 DrsCalibrateTime fData; // 26 26 27 27 void InitHistogram(); -
r18009 r18282 19 19 #pragma link C++ class MWriteRootFile+; 20 20 #pragma link C++ class MWriteFitsFile+; 21 21 22 #pragma link C++ class MMatrix+; 22 23 -
r14935 r18282 30 30 31 31 public: 32 virtual ~MArrayHelperBase() { }; 33 32 34 ofits* GetFitsTable() {return fFitsTable;} 33 35 UInt_t * GetArraySizePtr() {return &fArraySize;} -
r17868 r18282 519 519 520 520 // initialize all columns of the sub-table, defined by the current container 521 TString containerName = i_subTable->second.GetContainer()->GetName(); 521 522 TClass * cl = i_subTable->second.GetContainer()->IsA(); 522 if (!InitColumns(i_table->first, TString(cl->GetName()) + ".", fitsTable,523 i_subTable->second.GetContainer(), cl) ) 523 if (!InitColumns(i_table->first, containerName + ".", fitsTable, 524 i_subTable->second.GetContainer(), cl) ) 524 525 return kFALSE; 525 526 -
r18104 r18282 316 316 317 317 //fMap[kELeakage] = fMatrix->AddColumn("log10(MNewImagePar.fLeakage1+1)"); 318 fMap[kELeakage] = fMatrix->AddColumn(" NewImagePar.fLeakage1");318 fMap[kELeakage] = fMatrix->AddColumn("MNewImagePar.fLeakage1"); 319 319 320 320 fMap[kEAlpha] = fMatrix->AddColumn("MHillasSrc.fAlpha"); -
r13365 r18282 194 194 fHist->SetName("Island Index"); 195 195 fHist->SetYTitle("Index"); 196 fHist->SetPrettyPalette(); 197 break; 198 case kEvtTimeSlope: 199 case kEvtTimeSlopeCleaned: 200 fHist->SetName("Time Slope"); 201 fHist->SetYTitle("delta_t [ns]"); 196 202 fHist->SetPrettyPalette(); 197 203 break; … … 295 301 fHist->SetCamContent(*event, 5); 296 302 break; 303 case kEvtTimeSlope: 304 fHist->SetCamContent(*event, 13); 305 break; 306 case kEvtTimeSlopeCleaned: 307 fHist->SetCamContent(*event, 14); 308 break; 297 309 default: 298 310 *fLog << "ERROR - Case " << (int)fType << " not implemented..." << endl; -
r13365 r18282 27 27 kEvtCleaningLevels, kEvtCleaningData, 28 28 kEvtIdxMax, kEvtArrTime, kEvtArrTimeCleaned, 29 kEvtTrigPix, kEvtIslandIndex 29 kEvtTrigPix, kEvtIslandIndex, kEvtTimeSlope, 30 kEvtTimeSlopeCleaned 30 31 }; 31 32 -
r9374 r18282 220 220 const Double_t dzx = hillas.GetCosDelta()*dx + hillas.GetSinDelta()*dy; // [mm] 221 221 const Double_t dzy = -hillas.GetSinDelta()*dx + hillas.GetCosDelta()*dy; // [mm] 222 const Double_t dz = gpix.GetT()*gpix.GetT()/4; 223 const Double_t tana = dzy*dzy/(dzx*dzx); 224 const Double_t distr = (1+tana)/(rl + tana*rw); 225 if (distr>dist0-dz || dzx==0) 222 const Double_t dz = gpix.GetT()/2; 223 const Double_t distr = (dzy*dzy+dzx*dzx)/(dzx*dzx*rl + dzy*dzy*rw); 224 if ((dzx==0 && dzy==0) || sqrt(distr)>sqrt(dist0)-dz) 226 225 fConcCore += nphot; 227 226 -
r18107 r18282 244 244 write.AddContainer("MRawEvtHeader", "Events"); 245 245 write.AddContainer("MMcEvt", "Events", kFALSE); 246 write.AddContainer("MMcEvtBasic", "Events", kFALSE); 246 247 write.AddContainer("IncidentAngle", "Events", kFALSE); 247 248 write.AddContainer("MPointingPos", "Events", kFALSE); 249 write.AddContainer("MSimSourcePos", "Events", kFALSE); 248 250 } 249 251 … … 439 441 MParSpline splinecones("ConesAngularAcceptance"); 440 442 MParSpline splinecones2("ConesTransmission"); 443 MParSpline splineAdditionalPhotonAcceptance("AdditionalPhotonAcceptance"); 441 444 plist.AddToList(&splinepde); 442 445 plist.AddToList(&splinemirror); 443 446 plist.AddToList(&splinecones); 444 447 plist.AddToList(&splinecones2); 448 plist.AddToList(&splineAdditionalPhotonAcceptance); 445 449 446 450 const TString sin2 = "sin(MCorsikaEvtHeader.fZd)*sin(MCorsikaRunHeader.fZdMin*TMath::DegToRad())"; … … 458 462 MSimAbsorption cones("SimConesAngularAcceptance"); 459 463 MSimAbsorption cones2("SimConesTransmission"); 464 MSimAbsorption additionalPhotonAcceptance("SimAdditionalPhotonAcceptance"); 460 465 absapd.SetParName("PhotonDetectionEfficiency"); 461 466 absmir.SetParName("MirrorReflectivity"); … … 463 468 cones.SetUseTheta(); 464 469 cones2.SetParName("ConesTransmission"); 470 additionalPhotonAcceptance.SetParName("AdditionalPhotonAcceptance"); 465 471 466 472 MSimPointingPos pointing; … … 654 660 write3af.AddContainer("MRawEvtData", "Events"); 655 661 write3af.AddContainer("MTruePhotonsPerPixelCont", "Events"); 656 write3af.AddContainer("MPhotonEvent","Events");657 662 658 663 write3ar.AddContainer("ElectronicNoise", "RunHeaders", kTRUE, 1); … … 804 809 tasks.AddToList(&absapd); 805 810 tasks.AddToList(&absmir); 811 tasks.AddToList(&additionalPhotonAcceptance); 806 812 if (0) 807 813 tasks.AddToList(&simatm); // FASTER? -
r8907 r18282 95 95 96 96 // Parameter container 97 #include "MGeomCam Magic.h"97 #include "MGeomCamFACT.h" 98 98 #include "MParameters.h" 99 99 #include "MFilterList.h" … … 150 150 MParList parlist; 151 151 152 MGeomCam Magicgeom; // For GetConvMm2Deg152 MGeomCamFACT geom; // For GetConvMm2Deg 153 153 parlist.AddToList(&geom); 154 154 … … 274 274 MParList parlist; 275 275 276 MGeomCam Magicgeom; // For GetConvMm2Deg276 MGeomCamFACT geom; // For GetConvMm2Deg 277 277 parlist.AddToList(&geom); 278 278 -
r17835 r18282 171 171 // 172 172 Float_t max = -1; 173 Float_t tmax = -1; 173 174 if (pmax>pbeg && pmax<pend-1) 174 175 { … … 194 195 max = exp(a + b*dx + c*dx*dx); 195 196 196 // Timeis position of maximum197 //time= dx;198 //time+= Int_t(pmax-ptr);197 // tmax is position of maximum 198 tmax = dx; 199 tmax += Int_t(pmax-ptr); 199 200 } 200 201 } … … 203 204 204 205 Float_t time = -1; 206 Float_t slope = -1; 205 207 if (max>=0) 206 208 { … … 208 210 209 211 // Time is position of half hight leading edge 210 pend = std::max(pbeg, pmax-1 0);212 pend = std::max(pbeg, pmax-15); 211 213 for (;pmax>=pend; pmax--) 212 214 if (*pmax<max/2) … … 217 219 time = (max/2-pmax[0])/(pmax[1]-pmax[0]); 218 220 time += Int_t(pmax-ptr); 221 slope = tmax - time; 219 222 } 220 223 } … … 223 226 { 224 227 time = gRandom->Uniform(rangehi)+fHiGainFirst+1; 225 max = p beg[uint16_t(time)];228 max = ptr[uint16_t(time)]; 226 229 } 227 230 … … 232 235 pix.SetGainSaturation(0); 233 236 234 tix.SetArrivalTime(time );237 tix.SetArrivalTime(time, slope); 235 238 tix.SetGainSaturation(0); 236 239 } -
r9573 r18282 584 584 // 10: as 0, but returns kFALSE if signal <=0 585 585 // 11: as 8, but returns kFALSE if signal <=0 586 // 12: time slope 586 587 // 587 588 Bool_t MSignalCam::GetPixelContent(Double_t &val, Int_t idx, const MGeomCam &cam, Int_t type) const … … 593 594 594 595 // Used inlcudes status unampped 595 if (!pix.IsPixelUsed() && (type<6 || type==8 ))596 if (!pix.IsPixelUsed() && (type<6 || type==8 || type==14)) 596 597 return kFALSE; 597 598 … … 668 669 return pix.GetNumPhotons()>0; 669 670 671 case 13: // time slope 672 val = pix.GetTimeSlope(); 673 break; 674 675 case 14: // time slope 676 if (pix.IsPixelUnmapped()) 677 return kFALSE; 678 val = pix.GetTimeSlope(); 679 break; 680 670 681 case 9: 671 682 default: -
r12938 r18282 64 64 // size of the calibrated data by roughly 0.5% 65 65 // 66 // Version 8: 67 // ---------- 68 // - added new time variable fTimeSlope describing the width of the rise time 69 // 66 70 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 67 71 #include "MSignalPix.h" … … 80 84 MSignalPix::MSignalPix(Float_t phot, Float_t errphot) : 81 85 fIsCore(kFALSE), fRing(1), fIdxIsland(-1), 82 fPhot(phot), fErrPhot(errphot), fArrivalTime(-1) 86 fPhot(phot), fErrPhot(errphot), fArrivalTime(-1), 87 fTimeSlope(-1) 83 88 { 84 89 MMath::ReducePrecision(fPhot); … … 94 99 fErrPhot = 0; 95 100 fArrivalTime = -1; 101 fTimeSlope = -1; 96 102 } 97 103 -
r8528 r18282 19 19 Float_t fErrPhot; // the error of fPhot 20 20 Float_t fArrivalTime; // Calibrated Arrival Time 21 Float_t fTimeSlope; // Time between half rise time and position of maximum 21 22 22 23 public: … … 24 25 MSignalPix(const MSignalPix &pix) 25 26 : fIsCore(pix.fIsCore), fRing(pix.fRing), fIdxIsland(pix.fIdxIsland), 26 fPhot(pix.fPhot), fErrPhot(pix.fErrPhot), fArrivalTime(pix.fArrivalTime) 27 fPhot(pix.fPhot), fErrPhot(pix.fErrPhot), fArrivalTime(pix.fArrivalTime), 28 fTimeSlope(pix.fTimeSlope) 27 29 { 28 30 } … … 39 41 pix.fErrPhot = fErrPhot; 40 42 pix.fArrivalTime = fArrivalTime; 43 pix.fTimeSlope = fTimeSlope; 41 44 } 42 45 void Print(Option_t *opt = NULL) const; … … 46 49 Float_t GetErrorPhot() const { return fErrPhot; } 47 50 Float_t GetArrivalTime() const { return fArrivalTime; } 51 Float_t GetTimeSlope() const { return fTimeSlope; } 48 52 49 53 Bool_t IsPixelUsed() const { return fRing>0; } … … 65 69 void Set(Float_t np, Float_t ep) { MMath::ReducePrecision(np); MMath::ReducePrecision(ep); fPhot = np; fErrPhot = ep; } 66 70 void SetArrivalTime(Float_t tm) { fArrivalTime = tm; } 71 void SetTimeSlope(Float_t ts) { fTimeSlope = ts; } 67 72 68 73 //void AddNumPhotons(Float_t f) { fPhot += f; } 69 74 //void Scale(Float_t f) { fPhot /= f; } 70 75 71 ClassDef(MSignalPix, 7) // class containing information about the Cerenkov Photons in a pixel76 ClassDef(MSignalPix, 8) // class containing information about the Cerenkov Photons in a pixel 72 77 }; 73 78 -
r17846 r18282 39 39 // 40 40 // If no view cone option was given and off-target observations are switched 41 // on by setting fOffTargetDistance!=0 the poi tnting position is calculated:41 // on by setting fOffTargetDistance!=0 the pointing position is calculated: 42 42 // 43 43 // 1) fOffTargetDistance < 0: … … 51 51 // fOffTargetDistance. (phi==0 is the direction of positive theta) 52 52 // 53 // The original zenith and azimuth coordinates of the shower axis are stored in 54 // the MSimSourcePos container. 55 // 56 // If the view cone option was given and off-target observations are switched on 57 // the orientation is fixed to the main direction around the view cone was 58 // produced. 59 // In addition a 'quasi'-simulated source position is calculated, 60 // depending on fOffTargetDistance and fOffTargetPhi (see 1) and 2) above). 61 // The corresponding zenith and azimuth coordinates are stored in the 62 // MSimSourcePos container. This is of course not a physical source position, 63 // but it can be used to determine the performance of wobble analysis on 64 // background events (which are homogenous distributed). 65 // 66 // 53 67 // 54 68 // Input Containers: … … 58 72 // Output Containers: 59 73 // MPointingPos 74 // MSimSourcePos 60 75 // 61 76 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// … … 84 99 // 85 100 MSimPointingPos::MSimPointingPos(const char* name, const char *title) 86 : fRunHeader(0), fEvtHeader(0), fPointing(0), 101 : fRunHeader(0), fEvtHeader(0), fPointing(0), fSimSourcePosition(0), 87 102 fOffTargetDistance(0), fOffTargetPhi(-1) 88 103 … … 140 155 fPointing = (MPointingPos*)pList->FindCreateObj("MPointingPos"); 141 156 if (!fPointing) 157 return kFALSE; 158 159 fSimSourcePosition = (MPointingPos*)pList->FindCreateObj("MPointingPos","MSimSourcePos"); 160 if (!fSimSourcePosition) 142 161 return kFALSE; 143 162 … … 180 199 { 181 200 *fLog << warn; 182 *fLog << "WARNING - Combining the view cone option with off-target observations doesn't make sense." << endl;183 *fLog << " Option for off-target observations will be ignored." << endl;201 *fLog << "WARNING - Combining the view cone option with off-target pointing can lead to not homogenous events." << endl; 202 *fLog << " A simulated source position according to the off-target parameters will be created instead." << endl; 184 203 } 185 204 // FIXME: Check also the enlightened region on the ground! … … 209 228 210 229 // Local sky coordinates (direction of telescope axis) 211 Double_t zd = viewcone ? fRunHeader->GetZdMin() : fEvtHeader->GetZd()*TMath::RadToDeg(); // x==north 212 Double_t az = viewcone ? fRunHeader->GetAzMin() : fEvtHeader->GetAz()*TMath::RadToDeg(); // y==west 213 214 if (!viewcone) 215 { 216 Double_t dtheta, dphi; 217 GetDelta(dtheta, dphi); 218 219 const Double_t theta = zd*TMath::DegToRad(); 220 const Double_t phi = az*TMath::DegToRad(); 221 222 TVector3 src, pnt; 223 src.SetMagThetaPhi(1, theta, phi); 224 pnt.SetMagThetaPhi(1, theta+dtheta, phi); 225 226 pnt.Rotate(dphi, src); 227 228 zd = pnt.Theta()*TMath::RadToDeg(); 229 az = pnt.Phi() *TMath::RadToDeg(); 230 } 230 Double_t zdCorsika = viewcone ? fRunHeader->GetZdMin() : fEvtHeader->GetZd()*TMath::RadToDeg(); // x==north 231 Double_t azCorsika = viewcone ? fRunHeader->GetAzMin() : fEvtHeader->GetAz()*TMath::RadToDeg(); // y==west 232 233 // Calculate off target position in local sky coordinates 234 Double_t dtheta, dphi; 235 GetDelta(dtheta, dphi); 236 237 const Double_t theta = zdCorsika*TMath::DegToRad(); 238 const Double_t phi = azCorsika*TMath::DegToRad(); 239 240 TVector3 originalVector, wobbleVector; 241 originalVector.SetMagThetaPhi(1, theta, phi); 242 wobbleVector.SetMagThetaPhi(1, theta+dtheta, phi); 243 244 wobbleVector.Rotate(dphi, originalVector); 245 246 Double_t zdWobble, azWobble; 247 zdWobble = wobbleVector.Theta()*TMath::RadToDeg(); 248 azWobble = wobbleVector.Phi() *TMath::RadToDeg(); 231 249 232 250 // Transform the corsika coordinate system (north is magnetic north) 233 251 // into the telescopes local coordinate system. Note, that all vectors 234 252 // are already correctly oriented. 235 az += fRunHeader->GetMagneticFieldAz()*TMath::RadToDeg(); 236 237 // Setup the pointing position 238 fPointing->SetLocalPosition(zd, az); 239 240 // Calculate incident angle between magnetic field direction 241 // and pointing direction ( phi and theta? ) 253 azCorsika += fRunHeader->GetMagneticFieldAz()*TMath::RadToDeg(); 254 azWobble += fRunHeader->GetMagneticFieldAz()*TMath::RadToDeg(); 255 256 // Setup the pointing and the simulated source position 257 if (!viewcone) 258 { 259 fPointing->SetLocalPosition(zdWobble, azWobble); 260 fSimSourcePosition->SetLocalPosition(zdCorsika, azCorsika); 261 } 262 else 263 { 264 fPointing->SetLocalPosition(zdCorsika, azCorsika); 265 fSimSourcePosition->SetLocalPosition(zdWobble, azWobble); 266 } 242 267 243 268 return kTRUE; -
r9367 r18282 16 16 MCorsikaRunHeader *fRunHeader; //! Header storing event information 17 17 MCorsikaEvtHeader *fEvtHeader; //! Header storing event information 18 MPointingPos *fPointing; //! Output storing telescope poiting position in local (telescope) coordinate system 18 MPointingPos *fPointing; //! Output storing telescope pointing position in local (telescope) coordinate system 19 MPointingPos *fSimSourcePosition; //! Output storing simulated source pointing position in local (telescope) coordinate system 19 20 20 21 Double_t fOffTargetDistance; // [rad] Distance of the observed off-target position from the source -
r18159 r18282 155 155 } 156 156 // Check all entries for inf and nan. Those are not accepted here. 157 for( std::vector< double > row : fFixTimeOffsetsBetweenPixelsInNs->fM){158 for( double number : row){159 160 if( std::isnan(number) || std::isinf(number) ){161 157 for( int row_index=0; row_index<fFixTimeOffsetsBetweenPixelsInNs->fM.size(); row_index++){ 158 std::vector<double> row = fFixTimeOffsetsBetweenPixelsInNs->; 159 for( int col_index=0; col_index<row.size(); col_index++){ 160 double specific_delay =; 161 if( std::isnan(specific_delay) || std::isinf(specific_delay) ){ 162 162 *fLog << err << "In Source: "<< __FILE__ <<" in line: "; 163 163 *fLog << __LINE__; 164 164 *fLog << " in function: "<< __func__ <<"\n"; 165 *fLog << "There is a non normal numberin the fix temporal ";166 *fLog << "pixel offsets. This is at least one numberis ";167 *fLog << "NaN or Inf. This here is >"<< number;165 *fLog << "There is a non normal specific_delay in the fix temporal "; 166 *fLog << "pixel offsets. This is that at least one specific_delay is "; 167 *fLog << "NaN or Inf. This here is >"<< specific_delay; 168 168 *fLog << "<... aborting." << endl; 169 169 return kFALSE; 170 170 } 171 171 } 172 172 173 } 173 174 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
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