Changeset 2038

04/29/03 10:12:17 (22 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
5 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/Changelog

    r2037 r2038  
    1414     - fixed MHillas, MHillasExt and MNewImagePar stuff
     16   * manalysis/MImgCleanStd.[h,cc]:
     17     - added Nadia to the list of authors
     19   * manalysis/MCT1SupercutsCalc.[h,cc]:
     20     - changed the default "MHillasExt" to "MHillas"
    3743   * mimage/MImgCleanStd.[h,cc]
    38      - added the option kDemocratic using sigmabar of the
    39         inner pixels
     44     - added the option kDemocratic using sigmabar of the inner pixels
    4045     - added the option to select the number of rings of pixels
    41         to analyze around the core pixels
     46       to analyze around the core pixels
    4247     - added documentation
  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/manalysis/

    r2030 r2038  
    152152    if (!fHil)
    153153    {
    154         *fLog << err << fHilName << " [MHillasExt] not found... aborting." << endl;
     154        *fLog << err << fHilName << " [MHillas] not found... aborting." << endl;
    155155        return kFALSE;
    156156    }
  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/manalysis/MCT1SupercutsCalc.h

    r2030 r2038  
    56     MCT1SupercutsCalc(const char *hilname="MHillasExt",
    57                        const char *hilsrcname="MHillasSrc",
    58                        const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
     56    MCT1SupercutsCalc(const char *hilname="MHillas",
     57                      const char *hilsrcname="MHillasSrc",
     58                      const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
    6060    Double_t CtsMCut(Double_t *a, Double_t ls, Double_t ct,
  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mimage/

    r2035 r2038  
    18 !   Author(s): Thomas Bretz    12/2000 <>
    19 !   Author(s): Harald Kornmayer 1/2001 (
     18!   Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 12/2000 <>
     19!   Author(s): Harald Kornmayer, 1/2001
     20!   Author(s): Nadia Tonello, 4/2003 <>
    21 !   Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2002
     22!   Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2003
    27 //                                                                         //
    28 //  MImgCleanStd                                                           //
    29 //                                                                         //
    30 // The Image Cleaning task selects the pixels you use for the Hillas       //
    31 // parameters calculation.                                                 //
    32 //                                                                         //
    33 // There are two methods to make the selection: the standard one, as done  //
    34 // in the analysis of CT1 data, and the democratic one, as suggested by    //
    35 // W.Wittek. The number of photo-electrons of a pixel is compared with the //
    36 // pedestal RMS of the pixel itself (standard method) or with the average  //
    37 // RMS of the inner pixels (democratic method).                            //
    38 // In both cases, the possibility to have a camera with pixels of          //
    39 // different area is taken into account.                                   //
    40 // The too noisy pixels can be recognized and eventally switched off       //
    41 // (Unmap: set blinb pixels to UNUSED) separately, using the               //
    42 // MBlindPixelCalc Class. In the MBlindPixelCalc class there is also the   //
    43 // function to replace the value of the noisy pixels with the interpolation//
    44 // of the content of the neighbors (SetUseInterpolation).                  //
    45 //                                                                         //
    46 // Example:                                                                //
    47 // ...                                                                     //
    48 // MBlindPixelCalc blind;                                                  //
    49 // blind.SetUseInterpolation();                                            //
    50 // blind.SetUseBlindPixels();                                              //
    51 //                                                                         //
    52 // MImgCleanStd clean;                                                     //
    53 // ...                                                                     //
    54 // tlist.AddToList(&blind);                                                //
    55 // tlist.AddToList(&clean);                                                //
    56 //                                                                         //
    57 // Look at the MBlindPixelCalc Class for more details.                     //   
    58 //                                                                         //
    59 // Starting point: default values ---------------------------------------- //
    60 //                                                                         //
    61 // When an event is read, before the image cleaning, all the pixels that   //
    62 // are in MCerPhotEvt are set as USED and NOT CORE. All the pixels belong  //
    63 // to RING number 1 (like USED pixels).                                    //
    64 // Look at MCerPhotPix.h to see how these informations of the pixel are    //
    65 // stored.                                                                 //
    66 // The default  cleaning METHOD is the STANDARD one and the number of the  //
    67 // rings around the CORE pixel it analyzes is 1. Look at the Constructor   //
    68 // of the class in to see (or change) the default values.  //
    69 //                                                                         //
    70 // Example: To modify this setting, use the member functions               //
    71 // SetMethod(MImgCleanStd::kDemocratic) and SetCleanRings(UShort_t n).     //
    72 //                                                                         //
    73 // MImgCleanStd:CleanStep1 -------------------------------------------- ---//
    74 //                                                                         //
    75 // The first step of cleaning defines the CORE pixels. The CORE pixels are //
    76 // the ones which contain the informations about the core of the electro-  //
    77 // magnetic shower.                                                        //
    78 // The ratio  (A_0/A_i) is calculated from fCam->GetPixRatio(i). A_0 is    //
    79 // the area of the central pixel of the camera, A_i is the area of the     //
    80 // examined pixel. In this way, if we have a MAGIC-like camera, with the   //
    81 // outer pixels bigger than the inner ones, the level of cleaning in the   //
    82 // two different regions is weighted.                                      //
    83 // This avoids problems of deformations of the shower images.              //
    84 // The signal S_i and the pedestal RMS Prms_i of the pixel are called from //
    85 // the object MCerPhotPix.                                                 //
    86 // If (default method = kStandard)                                         //
    87 //                                                                         //
    88 //         S_i > L_1 * Prms_i / sqrt(A_0/A_i)                              //
    89 //                                                                         //
    90 // the pixel is set as CORE pixel. L_1 is called "first level of cleaning" //
    91 // (default: fCleanLvl1 = 3).                                              //
    92 // All the other pixels are set as UNUSED and belong to RING 0.            //
    93 // After this point, only the CORE pixels are set as USED, with RING       //
    94 // number 1.                                                               //
    95 //                                                                         //
    96 // MImgCleanStd:CleanStep2 ----------------------------------------------  //
    97 //                                                                         //   
    98 // The second step of cleaning looks at the isolated CORE pixels and sets  //
    99 // them to UNUSED. An isolated pixel is a pixel without CORE neighbors.    //
    100 // At the end of this point, we have set as USED only CORE pixels with at  //
    101 // least one CORE neighbor.                                                //
    102 //                                                                         //       
    103 // MImgCleanStd:CleanStep3  ---------------------------------------------- //
    104 //                                                                         //
    105 // The third step of cleaning looks at all the pixels (USED or UNUSED) that//
    106 // surround the USED pixels.                                               //
    107 // If the content of the analyzed pixel survives at the second level of    //
    108 // cleaning, i.e. if                                                       //
    109 //                                                                         //
    110 //          S_i > L_2 * Prms_i /  sqrt(A_0/A_i)                            //
    111 //                                                                         //
    112 // the pixel is set as USED. L_2 is called "second level of cleaning"      //
    113 // (default:fCleanLvl2 = 2.5).                                             //
    114 //                                                                         //
    115 // When the number of RINGS to analyze is 1 (default value), only the      //
    116 // pixels that have a neighbor CORE pixel are analyzed.                    //
    117 //                                                                         //
    118 // There is the option to decide the number of times you want to repeat    //
    119 // this procedure (number of RINGS analyzed around the core pixels = n).   //
    120 // Every time the level of cleaning is the same (fCleanLvl2) and the pixel //
    121 // will belong to ring r+1, 1 < r < n+1. This is described in              //
    122 // MImgCleanStd:CleanStep4 .                                               //
    123 //                                                                         //
    124 // Dictionary and member functions --------------------------------------- //
    125 //                                                                         //
    126 // Here there is the detailed description of the member functions and of   //
    127 // the terms commonly used in the class.                                   // 
    128 //                                                                         //
    129 // STANDARD CLEANING:                                                      //
    130 // =================                                                       //
    131 // This is the method used for the CT1 data analysis. It is the default    //
    132 // method of the class.                                                    //
    133 // The number of photo-electrons of a pixel (S_i) is compared to the       //
    134 // pedestal RMS of the pixel itself (Prms_i). To have the comparison to    //
    135 // the same photon density for all the pixels, taking into account they    //
    136 // can have different areas, we have to keep in mind that the number of    //
    137 // photons that hit each pixel, goes linearly with the area of the pixel.  //
    138 // The fluctuations of the LONS are proportional to sqrt(A_i), so when we  //
    139 // compare S_i with Prms_i, only a factor  sqrt(A_0/A_i) is missing to     //
    140 // have the same (N.photons/Area) threshold for all the pixels.            //
    141 //                                                                         //
    142 //              !!WARNING: if noise independent from the                   //
    143 //                        pixel size is considered,                        //
    144 //                  this weight can give wrong results!!                   //
    145 // If                                                                      //
    146 //                                                                         //
    147 //           S_i > L_n * Prms_i / sqrt(A_0/A_i)                            //
    148 //                                                                         //
    149 // the pixel survives the cleaning and it is set as CORE (when L_n is the  //
    150 // first level of cleaning, fCleanLvl1) or USED ((when L_n is the second   //
    151 // level of cleaning, fCleanLvl2).                                         //
    152 //                                                                         //
    153 // Example:                                                                //
    154 //                                                                         //
    155 // MImgCleanStd clean;                                                     //
    156 // //creates a default Cleaning object, with default setting               //
    157 // ...                                                                     //
    158 // tlist.AddToList(&clean);                                                //
    159 // // add the image cleaning to the main task list                         //
    160 //                                                                         //
    161 // DEMOCRATIC CLEANING:                                                    //
    162 // ===================                                                     //
    163 // You use this cleaning method when you want to compare the number of     //
    164 // photo-electons of each pixel with the average pedestal RMS              //
    165 // (fInnerNoise = fSgb->GetSigmabarInner()) of the inner pixels (for the   //
    166 // MAGIC camera they are the smaller ones):                                //
    167 //                                                                         //
    168 //  S_i > L_n * fInnerNoise / (A_0/A_i)                                    //
    169 //                                                                         //
    170 // In this case, the simple ratio (A_0/A_i) is used to weight the level of //
    171 // cleaning, because both the inner and the outer pixels (that in MAGIC    //
    172 // have a different area) are compared to the same pedestal RMS, coming    //
    173 // from the inner pixels.                                                  //
    174 // To calculate the average pedestal RMS of the inner pixels, you have to  //
    175 // add to the main task list an object of type MSigmabarCalc before the    //
    176 // MImgCleanStd object. To know how the calculation of fInnerNoise is done //
    177 // look at the MSigmabarCalc Class.                                        //
    178 //                                                                         //
    179 // Example:                                                                //
    180 //                                                                         //
    181 // MSigmabarCalc   sbcalc;                                                 //
    182 // //creates an object that calcutates the average pedestal RMS            //
    183 // MImgCleanStd clean;                                                     //
    184 // ...                                                                     //
    185 // tlist.AddToList(&sbcalc);                                               //
    186 // tlist.AddToList(&clean);                                                //
    187 //                                                                         //
    188 // Member Function:  SetMethod()                                           //
    189 // ============================                                            //
    190 // When you call the MImgCleanStd task, the default method is kStandard.   //
    191 //                                                                         //
    192 // If you want to switch to the kDemocratic method you have to             //
    193 // call this member function.                                              //
    194 //                                                                         //
    195 // Example:                                                                //
    196 //                                                                         //
    197 // MImgCleanStd clean;                                                     //
    198 // //creates a default Cleaning object, with default setting               //
    199 //                                                                         //
    200 // clean.SetMethod(MImgCleanStd::kDemocratic);                             //
    201 // //now the method of cleaning is changed to Democratic                   //
    202 //                                                                         //
    203 // FIRST AND SECOND CLEANING LEVEL                                         //
    204 // ===============================                                         //
    205 // When you call the MImgCleanStd task, the default cleaning levels are    //
    206 // fCleanLvl1 = 3, fCleanLvl2 = 2.5. You can change them easily when you   //
    207 // create the MImgCleanStd object.                                         //
    208 //                                                                         //
    209 // Example:                                                                //
    210 //                                                                         //
    211 // MImgCleanStd clean(Float_t lvl1,Float_t lvl2);                          //
    212 // //creates a default cleaning object, but the cleaning levels are now    //
    213 // //lvl1 and lvl2.                                                        //
    214 //                                                                         //
    215 // RING NUMBER                                                             //
    216 // ===========                                                             //
    217 // The standard cleaning procedure is such that it looks for the           //
    218 // informations of the boundary part of the shower only on the first       //
    219 // neighbors of the CORE pixels.                                           //
    220 // There is the possibility now to look not only at the firs neighbors     //
    221 // (first ring),but also further away, around the CORE pixels. All the new //
    222 // pixels you can find with this method, are tested with the second level  // 
    223 // of cleaning and have to have at least an USED neighbor.                 //
    224 //                                                                         //
    225 // They will be also set as USED and will be taken into account during the //
    226 // calculation of the image parameters.                                    //
    227 // The only way to distinguish them from the other USED pixels, is the     //
    228 // Ring number, that is bigger than 1.                                     //
    229 //                                                                         //
    230 // Example: You can decide how many rings you want to analyze using:       //
    231 //                                                                         //
    232 // MImgCleanStd clean;                                                     //
    233 // //creates a default cleaning object (default number of rings =1)        //
    234 // clean.SetCleanRings(UShort\_t r);                                       //
    235 // //now it looks r times around the CORE pixels to find new pixels with   //
    236 // //signal.                                                               //
    237 //                                                                         //
    238 //                                                                         //
    239 //   FIXME: MImgCleanStd is not yet completely optimized for speed.        //
    240 //          Maybe we don't have to loop over all pixels all the time...    //
    241 //                                                                         //
    242 //  Input Containers:                                                      //
    243 //   MGeomCam, MCerPhotEvt, MSigmabar                                      //
    244 //                                                                         //
    245 //  Output Containers:                                                     //
    246 //   -/-                                                                   //
    247 //                                                                         //
    248 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
    249 #include "MImgCleanStd.h"                                                         
     29//  MImgCleanStd
     31// The Image Cleaning task selects the pixels you use for the Hillas
     32// parameters calculation.
     34// There are two methods to make the selection: the standard one, as done
     35// in the analysis of CT1 data, and the democratic one, as suggested by
     36// W.Wittek. The number of photo-electrons of a pixel is compared with the
     37// pedestal RMS of the pixel itself (standard method) or with the average
     38// RMS of the inner pixels (democratic method).
     39// In both cases, the possibility to have a camera with pixels of
     40// different area is taken into account.
     41// The too noisy pixels can be recognized and eventally switched off
     42// (Unmap: set blind pixels to UNUSED) separately, using the
     43// MBlindPixelCalc Class. In the MBlindPixelCalc class there is also the
     44// function to replace the value of the noisy pixels with the interpolation
     45// of the content of the neighbors (SetUseInterpolation).
     47// Example:
     48// ...
     49// MBlindPixelCalc blind;
     50// blind.SetUseInterpolation();
     51// blind.SetUseBlindPixels();
     53// MImgCleanStd clean;
     54// ...
     55// tlist.AddToList(&blind);
     56// tlist.AddToList(&clean);
     58// Look at the MBlindPixelCalc Class for more details.
     60// Starting point: default values ----------------------------------------
     62// When an event is read, before the image cleaning, all the pixels that
     63// are in MCerPhotEvt are set as USED and NOT CORE. All the pixels belong
     64// to RING number 1 (like USED pixels).
     65// Look at MCerPhotPix.h to see how these informations of the pixel are
     66// stored.
     67// The default  cleaning METHOD is the STANDARD one and the number of the
     68// rings around the CORE pixel it analyzes is 1. Look at the Constructor
     69// of the class in to see (or change) the default values.
     71// Example: To modify this setting, use the member functions
     72// SetMethod(MImgCleanStd::kDemocratic) and SetCleanRings(UShort_t n).
     74// MImgCleanStd:CleanStep1 -------------------------------------------- ---
     76// The first step of cleaning defines the CORE pixels. The CORE pixels are
     77// the ones which contain the informations about the core of the electro-
     78// magnetic shower.
     79// The ratio  (A_0/A_i) is calculated from fCam->GetPixRatio(i). A_0 is
     80// the area of the central pixel of the camera, A_i is the area of the
     81// examined pixel. In this way, if we have a MAGIC-like camera, with the
     82// outer pixels bigger than the inner ones, the level of cleaning in the
     83// two different regions is weighted.
     84// This avoids problems of deformations of the shower images.
     85// The signal S_i and the pedestal RMS Prms_i of the pixel are called from
     86// the object MCerPhotPix.
     87// If (default method = kStandard)
     89//         S_i > L_1 * Prms_i / sqrt(A_0/A_i)
     91// the pixel is set as CORE pixel. L_1 is called "first level of cleaning"
     92// (default: fCleanLvl1 = 3).
     93// All the other pixels are set as UNUSED and belong to RING 0.
     94// After this point, only the CORE pixels are set as USED, with RING
     95// number 1.
     97// MImgCleanStd:CleanStep2 ----------------------------------------------
     99// The second step of cleaning looks at the isolated CORE pixels and sets
     100// them to UNUSED. An isolated pixel is a pixel without CORE neighbors.
     101// At the end of this point, we have set as USED only CORE pixels with at
     102// least one CORE neighbor.
     104// MImgCleanStd:CleanStep3  ----------------------------------------------
     106// The third step of cleaning looks at all the pixels (USED or UNUSED) that
     107// surround the USED pixels.
     108// If the content of the analyzed pixel survives at the second level of
     109// cleaning, i.e. if
     111//          S_i > L_2 * Prms_i /  sqrt(A_0/A_i)
     113// the pixel is set as USED. L_2 is called "second level of cleaning"
     114// (default:fCleanLvl2 = 2.5).
     116// When the number of RINGS to analyze is 1 (default value), only the
     117// pixels that have a neighbor CORE pixel are analyzed.
     119// There is the option to decide the number of times you want to repeat
     120// this procedure (number of RINGS analyzed around the core pixels = n).
     121// Every time the level of cleaning is the same (fCleanLvl2) and the pixel
     122// will belong to ring r+1, 1 < r < n+1. This is described in
     123// MImgCleanStd:CleanStep4 .
     125// Dictionary and member functions ---------------------------------------
     127// Here there is the detailed description of the member functions and of
     128// the terms commonly used in the class.
     131// =================
     132// This is the method used for the CT1 data analysis. It is the default
     133// method of the class.
     134// The number of photo-electrons of a pixel (S_i) is compared to the
     135// pedestal RMS of the pixel itself (Prms_i). To have the comparison to
     136// the same photon density for all the pixels, taking into account they
     137// can have different areas, we have to keep in mind that the number of
     138// photons that hit each pixel, goes linearly with the area of the pixel.
     139// The fluctuations of the LONS are proportional to sqrt(A_i), so when we
     140// compare S_i with Prms_i, only a factor  sqrt(A_0/A_i) is missing to
     141// have the same (N.photons/Area) threshold for all the pixels.
     143//              !!WARNING: if noise independent from the
     144//                        pixel size is considered,
     145//                  this weight can give wrong results!!
     146// If
     148//           S_i > L_n * Prms_i / sqrt(A_0/A_i)
     150// the pixel survives the cleaning and it is set as CORE (when L_n is the
     151// first level of cleaning, fCleanLvl1) or USED ((when L_n is the second
     152// level of cleaning, fCleanLvl2).
     154// Example:
     156// MImgCleanStd clean;
     157// //creates a default Cleaning object, with default setting
     158// ...
     159// tlist.AddToList(&clean);
     160// // add the image cleaning to the main task list
     163// ===================
     164// You use this cleaning method when you want to compare the number of
     165// photo-electons of each pixel with the average pedestal RMS
     166// (fInnerNoise = fSgb->GetSigmabarInner()) of the inner pixels (for the
     167// MAGIC camera they are the smaller ones):
     169//  S_i > L_n * fInnerNoise / (A_0/A_i)
     171// In this case, the simple ratio (A_0/A_i) is used to weight the level of
     172// cleaning, because both the inner and the outer pixels (that in MAGIC
     173// have a different area) are compared to the same pedestal RMS, coming
     174// from the inner pixels.
     175// To calculate the average pedestal RMS of the inner pixels, you have to
     176// add to the main task list an object of type MSigmabarCalc before the
     177// MImgCleanStd object. To know how the calculation of fInnerNoise is done
     178// look at the MSigmabarCalc Class.
     180// Example:
     182// MSigmabarCalc   sbcalc;
     183// //creates an object that calcutates the average pedestal RMS
     184// MImgCleanStd clean;
     185// ...
     186// tlist.AddToList(&sbcalc);
     187// tlist.AddToList(&clean);
     189// Member Function:  SetMethod()
     190// ============================
     191// When you call the MImgCleanStd task, the default method is kStandard.
     193// If you want to switch to the kDemocratic method you have to
     194// call this member function.
     196// Example:
     198// MImgCleanStd clean;
     199// //creates a default Cleaning object, with default setting
     201// clean.SetMethod(MImgCleanStd::kDemocratic);
     202// //now the method of cleaning is changed to Democratic
     205// ===============================
     206// When you call the MImgCleanStd task, the default cleaning levels are
     207// fCleanLvl1 = 3, fCleanLvl2 = 2.5. You can change them easily when you
     208// create the MImgCleanStd object.
     210// Example:
     212// MImgCleanStd clean(Float_t lvl1,Float_t lvl2);
     213// //creates a default cleaning object, but the cleaning levels are now
     214// //lvl1 and lvl2.
     216// RING NUMBER
     217// ===========
     218// The standard cleaning procedure is such that it looks for the
     219// informations of the boundary part of the shower only on the first
     220// neighbors of the CORE pixels.
     221// There is the possibility now to look not only at the firs neighbors
     222// (first ring),but also further away, around the CORE pixels. All the new
     223// pixels you can find with this method, are tested with the second level
     224// of cleaning and have to have at least an USED neighbor.
     226// They will be also set as USED and will be taken into account during the
     227// calculation of the image parameters.
     228// The only way to distinguish them from the other USED pixels, is the
     229// Ring number, that is bigger than 1.
     231// Example: You can decide how many rings you want to analyze using:
     233// MImgCleanStd clean;
     234// //creates a default cleaning object (default number of rings =1)
     235// clean.SetCleanRings(UShort_t r);
     236// //now it looks r times around the CORE pixels to find new pixels with
     237// //signal.
     240//  Input Containers:
     241//   MGeomCam, MCerPhotEvt, MSigmabar
     243//  Output Containers:
     244//   MCerPhotEvt
     247#include "MImgCleanStd.h"
    250249#include <stdlib.h>       // atof                                         
    251250#include <fstream.h>      // ofstream, SavePrimitive
    373372        const Double_t ratio = fCam->GetPixRatio(id);
    375             // COBB: '<=' to skip entry=noise=0
     374        // COBB: '<=' to skip entry=noise=0
    377375        if (entry <= fCleanLvl1 * fInnerNoise / ratio)
    378376            pix.SetPixelUnused();
    433431    {
    434432        // get entry i from list
    435         //
    436433        MCerPhotPix &pix = (*fEvt)[i];
    438435        // get pixel id of this entry
    439         //
    440436        const Int_t id = pix.GetPixId();
    442438        // check if pixel is in use, if not goto next pixel in list
    443         //
    444439        if (ispixused[id] == 0)
    445440            continue;
    447442        // check for 'used' neighbors of this pixel
    448         //
    449443        const MGeomPix &gpix  = (*fCam)[id];
    450444        const Int_t     nnmax = gpix.GetNumNeighbors();
    454448        //loop on the neighbors to check if they are used
    455         //
    456449        for (Int_t j=0; j<nnmax; j++)
    457450        {
    460453            // when you find an used  neighbor, break the loop
    461             if (ispixused[id2] == 1  )
    462               {
     454            if (ispixused[id2] == 1)
     455            {
    463456                hasNeighbor = kTRUE ;
    464457                break;
    465               }
     458            }
    466459        }
  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mimage/MImgCleanStd.h

    r2035 r2038  
    5858    void Print(Option_t *o="") const;
    60     Float_t GetCleanLvl1() const { return fCleanLvl1; }
    61     Float_t GetCleanLvl2() const { return fCleanLvl2; }
    62     UShort_t  GetCleanRings() const { return fCleanRings;}
     60    Float_t  GetCleanLvl1() const { return fCleanLvl1; }
     61    Float_t  GetCleanLvl2() const { return fCleanLvl2; }
     62    UShort_t GetCleanRings() const { return fCleanRings;}
    6464    void SetCleanRings(UShort_t r) { fCleanRings=r; }
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