Changeset 296 for trunk/MagicSoft/CvsDoku/welcome.html
- Timestamp:
- 10/29/99 08:44:51 (25 years ago)
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TabularUnified trunk/MagicSoft/CvsDoku/welcome.html ¶
r285 r296 1 <! doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">2 < html>3 < head>4 < meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">5 < meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5 i586) [Netscape]">6 < title> CVS for Magic Software Development </title>7 </ head>8 < body>1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> 2 <HTML> 3 <HEAD> 4 <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> 5 <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.08 [en] (X11; I; OSF1 V4.0 alpha) [Netscape]"> 6 <TITLE> CVS for Magic Software Development </TITLE> 7 </HEAD> 8 <BODY> 9 9 <! This is my first attempt at my personal WWW home page. ><! It has become necessary to create this mainly because my ><! hotlist has grown into something so extremely large that it ><! is impossible to find a way through it any longer... > 10 < center>11 < h1>12 CVS for Magic Software Development</ h1></center>13 14 < hr>15 < h3>16 < font color="#FF0000"><font size=+2>Introduction</font></font></h3>10 <CENTER> 11 <H1> 12 CVS for Magic Software Development</H1></CENTER> 13 14 <HR> 15 <H3> 16 <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><FONT SIZE=+2>Introduction</FONT></FONT></H3> 17 17 More than one software developer are involved in the progress of Software 18 18 for the MAGIC telescope. Because the developers are distributed all over … … 20 20 possibility of such version control systems, but for the beginning we take 21 21 CVS ( Concurrent Versions System ). 22 < p>CVS is a version control system, which allows you to keep old versions22 <P>CVS is a version control system, which allows you to keep old versions 23 23 of files (usually source code), keep a log of who, when, and why changes 24 24 occurred, etc., like RCS or SCCS. Unlike the simpler systems, CVS does … … 28 28 editing of source files among multiple authors. CVS allows triggers to 29 29 enable/log/control various operations and works well over a wide area network. 30 < p>CVS keeps a single copy of the master sources. This copy is called the30 <P>CVS keeps a single copy of the master sources. This copy is called the 31 31 source ``repository''; it contains all the information to permit extracting 32 32 previous software releases at any time based on either a symbolic revision 33 33 tag, or a date in the past. 34 < p>For CVS updates, more information on documentation, software related34 <P>For CVS updates, more information on documentation, software related 35 35 to CVS, development of CVS, and more, see: 36 <br> 37 <a href=""></a> 38 <br> 39 <a href=""></a> 40 <br> 41 <p> 42 <hr WIDTH="100%"> 43 <br><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+2>Repository</font></font> 44 <p>The single copy of the master source for all MAGIC software is held 36 <BR> 37 38 <A HREF=""></A> 39 <BR> 40 41 <A HREF=""></A> 42 <BR> 43 <P> 44 <HR WIDTH="100%"> 45 <BR><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><FONT SIZE=+2>Repository</FONT></FONT> 46 <P>The single copy of the master source for all MAGIC software is held 45 47 in the repository on the alpha cluster in Max-Planck-Institut für 46 48 Physik in Munich. As a developer you must declare the 47 < br>environment variable48 < p>setenv CVSROOT /hd60/CvsRepository/ 49 <BR>environment variable 50 <P>setenv CVSROOT /hd60/CvsRepository/ 49 51 for tcsh (use the syntax of your shell) 50 < br> 51 < p>All the Software is inside the directory. The structure of the sub directories52 <BR> 53 <P>All the Software is inside the directory. The structure of the sub directories 52 54 is following one: 53 < br> 54 < br> 55 < tableBORDER=0 CELLPADDING=10 COLS=7 WIDTH="100%" NOSAVE >56 < tr>57 < td><font size=+3><a href="#Anchor_MagicSoft">MagicSoft</a></font></td>58 59 < td><font size=+3><a href="#Anchor_CvsDoku">CvsDoku</a></font></td>60 61 < td></td>62 63 < td></td>64 65 < td></td>66 67 < td></td>68 69 < td></td>70 </ tr>71 72 < tr>73 < td></td>74 75 < td><font size=+3><a href="#Anchor_Simulation">Simulation</a></font></td>76 77 < td><font size=+3><a href="#Anchor_Corsika">Corsika</a></font></td>78 79 < td><font size=+3>mmcs</font></td>80 81 < td></td>82 83 < td></td>84 85 < td></td>86 </ tr>87 88 < tr>89 < td></td>90 91 < td></td>92 93 < td><font size=+3><a href="#Anchor_Detector">Detector</a></font></td>94 95 < td><font size=+3><a href="#Anchor_Reflector">Reflector</a></font></td>96 97 < td></td>98 99 < td></td>100 101 < td></td>102 </ tr>103 104 < tr>105 < td></td>106 107 < td></td>108 109 < td></td>110 111 < td><font size=+3><a href="#Anchor_include-GENERAL">include-GENERAL</a></font></td>112 113 < td></td>114 115 < td></td>116 117 < td></td>118 </ tr>119 120 < tr>121 < td></td>122 123 < td></td>124 125 < td></td>126 127 < td><font size=+3><a href="#Anchor_include-CORSIKA">include-CORSIKA</a></font></td>128 129 < td></td>130 131 < td></td>132 133 < td></td>134 </ tr>135 136 < tr>137 < td></td>138 139 < td></td>140 141 < td></td>142 143 < td><font size=+3><a href="#Anchor_include-MC">include-MC</a></font></td>144 145 < td></td>146 147 < td></td>148 149 < td></td>150 </ tr>151 152 < tr>153 < td></td>154 155 < td><font size=+3><a href="#Anchor_include-Classes">include-Classes</a></font></td>156 157 < td></td>158 159 < td></td>160 161 < td></td>162 163 < td></td>164 165 < td></td>166 </ tr>167 168 < tr>169 < td></td>170 171 < td></td>172 173 < td></td>174 175 < td></td>176 177 < td></td>178 179 < td></td>180 181 < td></td>182 </ tr>183 184 < tr>185 < td></td>186 187 < td><font size=+3><a href="#Anchor_Analysis">Analysis</a></font></td>188 189 < td></td>190 191 < td></td>192 193 < td></td>194 195 < td></td>196 197 < td></td>198 </ tr>199 200 < tr>201 < td></td>202 203 < td></td>204 205 < td></td>206 207 < td></td>208 209 < td></td>210 211 < td></td>212 213 < td></td>214 </ tr>215 </ table>216 217 < hrWIDTH="100%">218 < br> 219 < h3>220 < font color="#FF0000"><font size=+2>Detail of subdirectories in the repository</font></font></h3>221 222 < p><br><a NAME="Anchor_MagicSoft"></a><font color="#CC33CC"><font size=+2>MagicSoft</font></font>223 < p>In this directory of the cvs-repository you find all software that is55 <BR><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT> 56 <BR><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT> 57 <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=10 COLS=7 WIDTH="100%" NOSAVE > 58 <TR> 59 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="#Anchor_MagicSoft">MagicSoft</A></FONT></TD> 60 61 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="#Anchor_CvsDoku">CvsDoku</A></FONT></TD> 62 63 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 64 65 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 66 67 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 68 69 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 70 71 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 72 </TR> 73 74 <TR> 75 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 76 77 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="#Anchor_Simulation">Simulation</A></FONT></TD> 78 79 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="#Anchor_Corsika">Corsika</A></FONT></TD> 80 81 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>mmcs</FONT></TD> 82 83 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 84 85 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 86 87 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 88 </TR> 89 90 <TR> 91 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 92 93 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 94 95 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="#Anchor_Detector">Detector</A></FONT></TD> 96 97 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="#Anchor_Reflector">Reflector</A></FONT></TD> 98 99 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 100 101 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 102 103 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 104 </TR> 105 106 <TR> 107 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 108 109 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 110 111 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 112 113 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="#Anchor_include-GENERAL">include-GENERAL</A></FONT></TD> 114 115 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 116 117 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 118 119 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 120 </TR> 121 122 <TR> 123 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 124 125 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 126 127 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 128 129 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="#Anchor_include-CORSIKA">include-CORSIKA</A></FONT></TD> 130 131 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 132 133 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 134 135 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 136 </TR> 137 138 <TR> 139 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 140 141 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 142 143 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 144 145 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="#Anchor_include-MC">include-MC</A></FONT></TD> 146 147 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 148 149 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 150 151 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 152 </TR> 153 154 <TR> 155 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 156 157 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="#Anchor_include-Classes">include-Classes</A></FONT></TD> 158 159 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 160 161 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 162 163 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 164 165 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 166 167 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 168 </TR> 169 170 <TR> 171 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 172 173 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 174 175 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 176 177 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 178 179 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 180 181 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 182 183 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 184 </TR> 185 186 <TR> 187 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 188 189 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="#Anchor_Analysis">Analysis</A></FONT></TD> 190 191 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 192 193 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 194 195 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 196 197 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 198 199 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 200 </TR> 201 202 <TR> 203 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 204 205 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 206 207 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 208 209 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 210 211 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 212 213 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 214 215 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT></TD> 216 </TR> 217 </TABLE> 218 219 <HR WIDTH="100%"> 220 <BR> 221 <H3> 222 <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><FONT SIZE=+2>Detail of subdirectories in the repository</FONT></FONT></H3> 223 224 <P><BR><A NAME="Anchor_MagicSoft"></A><FONT COLOR="#CC33CC"><FONT SIZE=+2>MagicSoft</FONT></FONT> 225 <P>In this directory of the cvs-repository you find all software that is 224 226 developed for MAGIC using CVS. 225 < br>This directory contain four sub directories, CvsDoku, Simulation, Analysis227 <BR>This directory contain four sub directories, CvsDoku, Simulation, Analysis 226 228 and include-Classes. 227 < br> 228 < blockquote><a NAME="Anchor_CvsDoku"></a><font color="#CC33CC"><font size=+2>CvsDoku</font></font>229 < p>In this directory of the cvs-repository you find some html pages like229 <BR> 230 <BLOCKQUOTE><A NAME="Anchor_CvsDoku"></A><FONT COLOR="#CC33CC"><FONT SIZE=+2>CvsDoku</FONT></FONT> 231 <P>In this directory of the cvs-repository you find some html pages like 230 232 the one you are looking at the moment. This documentation is written as 231 233 a guideline for MAGIC developers using the CVS tool. Also the documentation 232 234 for CVS usage is using CVS!! 233 < p><a NAME="Anchor_Simulation"></a><font color="#CC66CC"><font size=+2>Simulation</font></font>234 < br>For MAGIC a lot of programs were developed to simulate the behavior235 <P><A NAME="Anchor_Simulation"></A><FONT COLOR="#CC66CC"><FONT SIZE=+2>Simulation</FONT></FONT> 236 <BR>For MAGIC a lot of programs were developed to simulate the behavior 235 237 of Air Showers, the Mirrors and the Camera. All this things you need for 236 238 simulation is inside this directory. 237 < br> 238 < blockquote><a NAME="Anchor_Corsika"></a><font color="#CC33CC"><font size=+2>Corsika</font></font>239 < br>All things needed for the simulation of AirShowers. All this simulation239 <BR> 240 <BLOCKQUOTE><A NAME="Anchor_Corsika"></A><FONT COLOR="#CC33CC"><FONT SIZE=+2>Corsika</FONT></FONT> 241 <BR>All things needed for the simulation of AirShowers. All this simulation 240 242 are based on the CORSIKA program of the KASCADE group in Karlsruhe. 241 < br> 242 < p><a NAME="Anchor_Detector"></a><font color="#CC33CC"><font size=+2>Detector</font></font>243 < br> Every thing that is needed to transfer the simulated events to243 <BR> 244 <P><A NAME="Anchor_Detector"></A><FONT COLOR="#CC33CC"><FONT SIZE=+2>Detector</FONT></FONT> 245 <BR> Every thing that is needed to transfer the simulated events to 244 246 the common raw data forrmat. There are a lot of different tools inside 245 247 this directory, mainly based on the work of Jose Carlos Gonzales. 246 < br> 247 < blockquote><a NAME="Anchor_Reflector"></a><font color="#CC33CC"><font size=+2>Reflector</font></font>248 < br> Here you find the source code of the reflector program. This248 <BR> 249 <BLOCKQUOTE><A NAME="Anchor_Reflector"></A><FONT COLOR="#CC33CC"><FONT SIZE=+2>Reflector</FONT></FONT> 250 <BR> Here you find the source code of the reflector program. This 249 251 is written to read the CORSIKA (mmcs) output. With this data you can simulate 250 252 the behaviour of the MAGIC mirrors. But to compile and run the program 251 253 some other subdirectories are needed. 252 < p><a NAME="Anchor_include-CORSIKA"></a><font color="#CC33CC"><font size=+2>include-CORSIKA</font></font>253 < br>Here you can find a implementation to read the CORSIKA output. This254 <P><A NAME="Anchor_include-CORSIKA"></A><FONT COLOR="#CC33CC"><FONT SIZE=+2>include-CORSIKA</FONT></FONT> 255 <BR>Here you can find a implementation to read the CORSIKA output. This 254 256 classes are needed by the reflector program. 255 < p><a NAME="Anchor_include-MC"></a><font color="#CC33CC"><font size=+2>include-MC</font></font>256 < br>Here you can find a implementation to write and read the output of257 <P><A NAME="Anchor_include-MC"></A><FONT COLOR="#CC33CC"><FONT SIZE=+2>include-MC</FONT></FONT> 258 <BR>Here you can find a implementation to write and read the output of 257 259 the reflector program. This classes are needed by the reflector and the 258 260 camera program. 259 < p><a NAME="Anchor_include-GENERAL"></a><font color="#CC33CC"><font size=+2>include-GENERAL</font></font>260 < br>Here you can find some header file that are needed by reflector and261 <P><A NAME="Anchor_include-GENERAL"></A><FONT COLOR="#CC33CC"><FONT SIZE=+2>include-GENERAL</FONT></FONT> 262 <BR>Here you can find some header file that are needed by reflector and 261 263 camera. For example the declaration of the runlib is found here. 262 < br> </blockquote>263 </ blockquote>264 < a NAME="Anchor_include-Classes"></a><font color="#CC66CC"><font size=+2>include-Classes</font></font>265 < p>In this directory you can find all Classes (C++ and hopefully OOP )264 <BR> </BLOCKQUOTE> 265 </BLOCKQUOTE> 266 <A NAME="Anchor_include-Classes"></A><FONT COLOR="#CC66CC"><FONT SIZE=+2>include-Classes</FONT></FONT> 267 <P>In this directory you can find all Classes (C++ and hopefully OOP ) 266 268 that are used for simulation and for analysis. An example is the RawDataFormat 267 269 used in the Analysis and the Camera programs. 268 < p><a NAME="Anchor_Analysis"></a><font color="#CC66CC"><font size=+2>Analysis</font></font>269 < p>In this directory you can find all Programs to analyze data of MAGIC.270 <P><A NAME="Anchor_Analysis"></A><FONT COLOR="#CC66CC"><FONT SIZE=+2>Analysis</FONT></FONT> 271 <P>In this directory you can find all Programs to analyze data of MAGIC. 270 272 Here you will find tools to look on single Events, to calculate the Hillas 271 273 parameters and to find the periodicity of one special source. (But all 272 274 this is still under construction!!!! Here the must development is needed 273 275 in the future!!!) 274 < br> </blockquote>275 276 < br> 277 </ body>278 </ html>276 <BR> </BLOCKQUOTE> 277 278 <BR> 279 </BODY> 280 </HTML>
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