Changeset 3455

03/10/04 16:50:25 (21 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
6 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/Changelog

    r3454 r3455  
    1919                                                 -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*-
     20 2004/03/10: Markus Gaug
     22   * mcalib/
     23   * mcalib/MCalibrationChargePix.[h,cc]
     24   * mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCam.[h,cc]
     25     - calculation of conversion factor with F-Factor method from
     26       same mean number of photons, derived from weighted mean number
     27       of photo-electrons from inner and outer pixels, respectively
    2030 2004/03/10: Thomas Bretz
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/

    r3451 r3455  
    522522      avouterpix->CalcFFactorMethod();
     524  //
     525  // F-Factor calibration
     526  //
     527  if (fCam->CalcMeanFluxPhotonsFFactorMethod())
     528  {
     529    fCam->ApplyFFactorCalibration();
     530    fCam->SetFFactorMethodValid(kTRUE);
     531  }
     532  else
     533    {
     534      *fLog << warn << "Could not calculate the flux of photo-electrons from the F-Factor method, " << endl;
     535      fCam->SetFFactorMethodValid(kFALSE);
     536    }
     540  //
     541  // Blind Pixel calibration
     542  //
    524543  if (!fBlindPixel->CheckChargeFitValidity())
    525544  {
    543562  }
     564  //
     565  // PIN Diode calibration
     566  //
    545567  if (!fPINDiode->CheckChargeFitValidity() || !fPINDiode->CheckTimeFitValidity())
    546568  {
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/

    r3446 r3455  
    138138#include "MCalibrationChargePINDiode.h"
    143142using namespace std;
     144const Float_t MCalibrationChargeCam::gkAverageQE                = 0.18;     
     145const Float_t MCalibrationChargeCam::gkAverageQEErr             = 0.02; 
     146const Float_t MCalibrationChargeCam::fgConvFFactorRelErrLimit   = 0.25;
    145147// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    172174    Clear();
     176    SetAverageQE();
     177    SetConvFFactorRelErrLimit();
    261266  fAverageOuterBadPix->Clear();
    263   fNumExcludedPixels                 = 0;
     268  fNumExcludedPixels            = 0;
     269  fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixel       = 0.;
     270  fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixelErr    = 0.;
     271  fMeanFluxPhesOuterPixel       = 0.;
     272  fMeanFluxPhesOuterPixelErr    = 0.;
    265274  CLRBIT(fFlags,kBlindPixelMethodValid);
     275  CLRBIT(fFlags,kFFactorMethodValid);
    266276  CLRBIT(fFlags,kPINDiodeMethodValid);
    268278  return;
     281void MCalibrationChargeCam::SetFFactorMethodValid(const Bool_t b)
     283    b ? SETBIT(fFlags, kFFactorMethodValid) : CLRBIT(fFlags, kFFactorMethodValid);
    567582      break;
    568583    case 9:
    569       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsFFactorMethodValid())
     584      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     585          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     586          || !(*this)[idx].IsFFactorMethodValid())
    570587        return kFALSE;
    571588      val = (*this)[idx].GetPheFFactorMethod();
    572589      break;
    573590    case 10:
    574       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsFFactorMethodValid())
     591      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     592          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     593          || !(*this)[idx].IsFFactorMethodValid())
    575594        return kFALSE;
    576595      val = (*this)[idx].GetPheFFactorMethodErr();
    577596      break;
    578597    case 11:
    579       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsFFactorMethodValid())
     598      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     599          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     600          || !(*this)[idx].IsFFactorMethodValid())
    580601        return kFALSE;
    581602      val = (*this)[idx].GetMeanConversionFFactorMethod();
    582603      break;
    583604    case 12:
    584       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsFFactorMethodValid())
     605      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     606          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     607          || !(*this)[idx].IsFFactorMethodValid())
    585608        return kFALSE;
    586609      val = (*this)[idx].GetConversionFFactorMethodErr();
    587610      break;
    588611    case 13:
    589       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsFFactorMethodValid())
     612      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     613          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     614          || !(*this)[idx].IsFFactorMethodValid())
    590615        return kFALSE;
    591616      val = (*this)[idx].GetTotalFFactorFFactorMethod();
    592617      break;
    593618    case 14:
    594       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsFFactorMethodValid())
     619      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     620          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     621          || !(*this)[idx].IsFFactorMethodValid())
    595622        return kFALSE;
    596623      val = (*this)[idx].GetTotalFFactorErrFFactorMethod();
    597624      break;
    598625    case 15:
    599       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsBlindPixelMethodValid())
     626      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     627          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     628          || !(*this)[idx].IsBlindPixelMethodValid())
    600629        return kFALSE;
    601630      val = fBlindPixel->GetMeanFluxInsidePlexiglass()*area;
    602631      break;
    603632    case 16:
    604       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsBlindPixelMethodValid())
     633      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     634          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     635          || !(*this)[idx].IsBlindPixelMethodValid())
    605636        return kFALSE;
    606637      val = fBlindPixel->GetMeanFluxErrInsidePlexiglass()*area;
    607638      break;
    608639    case 17:
    609       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsBlindPixelMethodValid())
     640      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     641          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     642          || !(*this)[idx].IsBlindPixelMethodValid())
    610643        return kFALSE;
    611644      val = (*this)[idx].GetMeanConversionBlindPixelMethod();
    612645      break;
    613646    case 18:
    614       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsBlindPixelMethodValid())
     647      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     648          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     649          || !(*this)[idx].IsBlindPixelMethodValid())
    615650        return kFALSE;
    616651      val = (*this)[idx].GetConversionBlindPixelMethodErr();
    617652      break;
    618653    case 19:
    619       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsBlindPixelMethodValid())
     654      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     655          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     656          || !(*this)[idx].IsBlindPixelMethodValid())
    620657        return kFALSE;
    621658      val = (*this)[idx].GetTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethod();
    622659      break;
    623660    case 20:
    624       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsBlindPixelMethodValid())
     661      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     662          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     663          || !(*this)[idx].IsBlindPixelMethodValid())
    625664        return kFALSE;
    626665      val = (*this)[idx].GetTotalFFactorErrBlindPixelMethod();
    627666      break;
    628667    case 21:
    629       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsPINDiodeMethodValid())
     668      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     669          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     670          || !(*this)[idx].IsPINDiodeMethodValid())
    630671        return kFALSE;
    631672      val = fPINDiode->GetMeanFluxOutsidePlexiglass()*area;
    632673      break;
    633674    case 22:
    634       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsPINDiodeMethodValid())
     675      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     676          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     677          || !(*this)[idx].IsPINDiodeMethodValid())
    635678        return kFALSE;
    636679      val = fPINDiode->GetMeanFluxErrOutsidePlexiglass()*area;
    637680      break;
    638681    case 23:
    639       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsPINDiodeMethodValid())
     682      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     683          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     684          || !(*this)[idx].IsPINDiodeMethodValid())
    640685        return kFALSE;
    641686      val = (*this)[idx].GetMeanConversionPINDiodeMethod();
    642687      break;
    643688    case 24:
    644       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsPINDiodeMethodValid())
     689      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     690          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     691          || !(*this)[idx].IsPINDiodeMethodValid())
    645692        return kFALSE;
    646693      val = (*this)[idx].GetConversionPINDiodeMethodErr();
    647694      break;
    648695    case 25:
    649       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsPINDiodeMethodValid())
     696      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     697          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     698          || !(*this)[idx].IsPINDiodeMethodValid())
    650699        return kFALSE;
    651700      val = (*this)[idx].GetTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethod();
    652701      break;
    653702    case 26:
    654       if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded() || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK() || !(*this)[idx].IsPINDiodeMethodValid())
     703      if ((*this)[idx].IsExcluded()
     704          || !(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationSignalOK()
     705          || !(*this)[idx].IsPINDiodeMethodValid())
    655706        return kFALSE;
    656707      val = (*this)[idx].GetTotalFFactorErrPINDiodeMethod();
    782833    (*this)[idx].DrawClone();
     837// Calculate the weighted mean of the phe's of all inner and outer pixels, respectively.
     838// Bad pixels are excluded from the calculation.
     840Bool_t MCalibrationChargeCam::CalcMeanFluxPhotonsFFactorMethod()
     843  const Float_t avQERelErrSquare             = fAverageQEErr * fAverageQEErr
     844                                            / (fAverageQE    * fAverageQE );
     846  Float_t sumweightsinner = 0.;
     847  Float_t sumphesinner    = 0.;
     848  Float_t sumweightsouter = 0.;
     849  Float_t sumphesouter    = 0.;
     851  TIter Next(fPixels);
     852  MCalibrationChargePix *pix;
     853  while ((pix=(MCalibrationChargePix*)Next()))
     854    {
     856      if (!pix->IsFFactorMethodValid())
     857        continue;
     859      const Int_t idx = pix->GetPixId();
     861      if(!(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationResultOK())
     862        continue;
     864      const Float_t nphe    = pix->GetPheFFactorMethod();
     865      const Float_t npheerr = pix->GetPheFFactorMethodErr();
     866      const Float_t ratio   = fGeomCam->GetPixRatio(idx);
     868      if (npheerr > 0.)
     869        {
     870          //
     871          // first the inner pixels:
     872          //
     873          if (ratio == 1.)
     874            {
     875              const Float_t weight = 1./npheerr/npheerr;
     876              sumweightsinner += weight;
     877              sumphesinner    += weight*nphe;
     878            }
     879          else
     880            {
     881              //
     882              // now the outers
     883              //
     884              const Float_t weight = 1./npheerr/npheerr;
     885              sumweightsouter += weight;
     886              sumphesouter    += weight*nphe;
     887            }
     888        } /* if npheerr != 0 */
     889    } /* while ((pix=(MCalibrationChargePix*)Next())) */
     891  if (sumweightsinner <= 0. || sumphesinner <= 0.)
     892    {
     893      *fLog << warn << " Mean number of phe's from inner pixels cannot be calculated: "
     894            << " Sum of weights: " << sumweightsinner
     895            << " Sum of weighted phes: " << sumphesinner << endl;
     896      return kFALSE;
     897    }
     898  else
     899    {
     900      fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixel    = sumphesinner/sumweightsinner;
     901      fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixelErr = TMath::Sqrt(1./sumweightsinner);
     903    }
     905  if (sumweightsouter <= 0. || sumphesouter <= 0.)
     906    {
     907      *fLog << warn << " Mean number of phe's from outer pixels cannot be calculated: "
     908            << " Sum of weights or sum of weighted phes is 0. " << endl;
     909    }
     910  else
     911    {
     912      fMeanFluxPhesOuterPixel    = sumphesouter/sumweightsouter;
     913      fMeanFluxPhesOuterPixelErr = TMath::Sqrt(1./sumweightsouter);
     914    }
     917  const Float_t meanFluxPhotonsRelErrSquare = fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixelErr * fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixelErr
     918                                           / (fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixel    * fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixel);
     920  fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixel    =  fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixel/fAverageQE;
     921  fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixelErr =  TMath::Sqrt(meanFluxPhotonsRelErrSquare + avQERelErrSquare)
     922                                 * fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixel;
     924  fMeanFluxPhotonsOuterPixel    = 4.*fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixel;
     925  fMeanFluxPhotonsOuterPixelErr = 4.*fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixelErr; 
     927  *fLog << inf << " Mean number of photo-electrons from inner pixels (F-Factor Method): "
     928        << fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixel << " +- " << fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixelErr << endl;
     930  *fLog << inf << " Mean number of photons from inner pixels (F-Factor Method): "
     931        << fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixel << " +- " << fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixelErr << endl;
     935  return kTRUE;
     938void MCalibrationChargeCam::ApplyFFactorCalibration()
     941  const Float_t meanphotRelErrSquare        = fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixelErr * fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixelErr
     942                                           /( fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixel    * fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixel );
     944  TIter Next(fPixels);
     945  MCalibrationChargePix *pix;
     946  while ((pix=(MCalibrationChargePix*)Next()))
     947    {
     949      if (!pix->IsFFactorMethodValid())
     950        continue;
     952      const Int_t idx = pix->GetPixId();
     954      if(!(*fBadPixels)[idx].IsCalibrationResultOK())
     955        continue;
     957      const Float_t ratio   = fGeomCam->GetPixRatio(idx);
     958      //
     959      // Calculate the conversion factor between PHOTONS and FADC counts
     960      //
     961      // Nphot = Nphe / avQE
     962      // conv  = Nphot / FADC counts
     963      //
     964      Float_t conv;
     966      if (ratio == 1.)
     967        conv               = fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixel / pix->GetMeanCharge();
     968      else
     969        conv               = fMeanFluxPhotonsOuterPixel / pix->GetMeanCharge();
     971      if (conv <= 0.)
     972        {
     973          pix->SetFFactorMethodValid(kFALSE);
     974          continue;
     975        }
     977      const Float_t chargeRelErrSquare       =   pix->GetMeanChargeErr() * pix->GetMeanChargeErr()
     978                                             / ( pix->GetMeanCharge()    * pix->GetMeanCharge());
     979      const Float_t rsigmaChargeRelErrSquare =   pix->GetRSigmaChargeErr() *  pix->GetRSigmaChargeErr()
     980                                              / (pix->GetRSigmaCharge()    * pix->GetRSigmaCharge()) ;
     982      const Float_t convrelerr = TMath::Sqrt(meanphotRelErrSquare + chargeRelErrSquare);
     984      if (convrelerr > fConvFFactorRelErrLimit)
     985        {
     986          *fLog << warn << GetDescriptor() << ": Conversion Factor F-Factor Method Rel. Error: "
     987                << convrelerr << " above limit of: " << fConvFFactorRelErrLimit
     988                << " in pixel: " << idx << endl;
     989          pix->SetFFactorMethodValid(kFALSE);
     990          continue;
     991        }
     993      //
     994      // Calculate the Total F-Factor of the camera (in photons)
     995      //
     996      const Float_t totalFFactor  =  (pix->GetRSigmaCharge()/pix->GetMeanCharge())
     997                                    *TMath::Sqrt(fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixel);
     999      //
     1000      // Calculate the error of the Total F-Factor of the camera ( in photons )
     1001      //
     1002      const Float_t totalFFactorErr = TMath::Sqrt(  rsigmaChargeRelErrSquare
     1003                                    + chargeRelErrSquare
     1004                                    + meanphotRelErrSquare );
     1006      pix->SetConversionFFactorMethod(conv,
     1007                                      convrelerr*conv,
     1008                                      totalFFactor*TMath::Sqrt(conv));
     1010      pix->SetTotalFFactorFFactorMethod(   totalFFactor   );
     1011      pix->SetTotalFFactorErrFFactorMethod(totalFFactorErr);     
     1012      pix->SetFFactorMethodValid();
     1013    }
    7851018void MCalibrationChargeCam::ApplyBlindPixelCalibration()
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCam.h

    r3429 r3455  
     24  static const Float_t gkAverageQE;          // The average quantum efficieny agreed on for the first analysis
     25  static const Float_t gkAverageQEErr;       // The error of average quantum efficieny
     27  static const Float_t fgConvFFactorRelErrLimit; // The limit for acceptance of the rel. error of the conversion factor with the FFactor method
     29  Float_t fAverageQE;                       // The average quantum efficieny (see Class description)
     30  Float_t fAverageQEErr;                    // The error of the average quantum efficieny (see Class description)
     32  Float_t fConvFFactorRelErrLimit;          // The limit for acceptance of the rel. error of the conversion factor with the FFactor method
    2434  Int_t fNumPixels;
    2535  TClonesArray *fPixels;                         //-> Array of MCalibrationPix with fit results
    4555  Byte_t  fFlags;
    47   enum  { kBlindPixelMethodValid, kPINDiodeMethodValid, kCombinedMethodValid };
     57  enum  { kFFactorMethodValid, kBlindPixelMethodValid, kPINDiodeMethodValid, kCombinedMethodValid };
     59  Float_t fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixel;        //  The mean number of photo-electrons in an INNER PIXEL
     60  Float_t fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixelErr;     //  The uncertainty about the number of photo-electrons INNER PIXEL 
     61  Float_t fMeanFluxPhesOuterPixel;        //  The mean number of photo-electrons in an INNER PIXEL
     62  Float_t fMeanFluxPhesOuterPixelErr;     //  The uncertainty about the number of photo-electrons INNER PIXEL 
     64  Float_t fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixel;        //  The mean number of photo-electrons in an INNER PIXEL
     65  Float_t fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixelErr;     //  The uncertainty about the number of photo-electrons INNER PIXEL 
     66  Float_t fMeanFluxPhotonsOuterPixel;        //  The mean number of photo-electrons in an INNER PIXEL
     67  Float_t fMeanFluxPhotonsOuterPixelErr;     //  The uncertainty about the number of photo-electrons INNER PIXEL 
    5777  // Setters   
     78  void SetAverageQE(          const Float_t qe= gkAverageQE,
     79                              const Float_t err=gkAverageQEErr)         { fAverageQE    = qe;           
     80                                                                          fAverageQEErr = err;         }
     81  void SetConvFFactorRelErrLimit( const Float_t f=fgConvFFactorRelErrLimit ) { fConvFFactorRelErrLimit = f; }
    5882  void SetNumPixelsExcluded(  const UInt_t n )            {  fNumExcludedPixels = n; }
    5983  void SetGeomCam(  const MGeomCam *geom)                 {  fGeomCam = geom;        }
    6387  void SetBlindPixel( const MCalibrationChargeBlindPix *b ) {  fBlindPixel = b;      }
    65   // Setters only for MC!!
     89  void SetFFactorMethodValid(    const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
    6690  void SetBlindPixelMethodValid( const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
    6791  void SetPINDiodeMethodValid(   const Bool_t b = kTRUE ); 
    6993  // Getters
    70   Int_t  GetSize()               const;
    71   UInt_t GetNumPixels()          const { return fNumPixels; }
     94  Int_t   GetSize()               const;
     95  UInt_t  GetNumPixels()          const { return fNumPixels; }
    73   Bool_t GetConversionFactorFFactor(    Int_t ipx, Float_t &mean, Float_t &err, Float_t &sigma );
    74   Bool_t GetConversionFactorBlindPixel( Int_t ipx, Float_t &mean, Float_t &err, Float_t &sigma );
    75   Bool_t GetConversionFactorPINDiode(   Int_t ipx, Float_t &mean, Float_t &err, Float_t &sigma );
    76   Bool_t GetConversionFactorCombined(   Int_t ipx, Float_t &mean, Float_t &err, Float_t &sigma );
     97  Bool_t  GetConversionFactorFFactor(    Int_t ipx, Float_t &mean, Float_t &err, Float_t &sigma );
     98  Bool_t  GetConversionFactorBlindPixel( Int_t ipx, Float_t &mean, Float_t &err, Float_t &sigma );
     99  Bool_t  GetConversionFactorPINDiode(   Int_t ipx, Float_t &mean, Float_t &err, Float_t &sigma );
     100  Bool_t  GetConversionFactorCombined(   Int_t ipx, Float_t &mean, Float_t &err, Float_t &sigma );
     102  Float_t GetMeanFluxPhesInnerPixel()     const { return fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixel;     }
     103  Float_t GetMeanFluxPhesInnerPixelErr()  const { return fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixelErr;  }
     104  Float_t GetMeanFluxPhesOuterPixel()     const { return fMeanFluxPhesOuterPixel;     }
     105  Float_t GetMeanFluxPhesOuterPixelErr()  const { return fMeanFluxPhesOuterPixelErr;  }
     107  Float_t GetMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixel()     const { return fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixel;     }
     108  Float_t GetMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixelErr()  const { return fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixelErr;  }
     109  Float_t GetMeanFluxPhotonsOuterPixel()     const { return fMeanFluxPhotonsOuterPixel;     }
     110  Float_t GetMeanFluxPhotonsOuterPixelErr()  const { return fMeanFluxPhotonsOuterPixelErr;  }
    78112  Bool_t IsBlindPixelMethodValid()   const;
    105139  Bool_t GetPixelContent(Double_t &val, Int_t idx, const MGeomCam &cam, Int_t type=0) const;
     141  Bool_t CalcMeanFluxPhotonsFFactorMethod(); 
    107143  void   ApplyPINDiodeCalibration();
    108144  void   ApplyBlindPixelCalibration();
     145  void   ApplyFFactorCalibration();
    110147  ClassDef(MCalibrationChargeCam, 1)    // Container for calibration information of the camera
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/

    r3450 r3455  
    101101const Float_t MCalibrationChargePix::gkFFactorErr               = 0.02;
    103 const Float_t MCalibrationChargePix::gkAverageQE                = 0.18;     
    104 const Float_t MCalibrationChargePix::gkAverageQEErr             = 0.02; 
    105103const Float_t MCalibrationChargePix::gkConversionHiLo           = 10.;
    106104const Float_t MCalibrationChargePix::gkConversionHiLoErr        = 2.5;
    111109const Float_t MCalibrationChargePix::fgTimeLimit                = 1.5;
    112110const Float_t MCalibrationChargePix::fgTimeErrLimit             = 3.;
    113 const Float_t MCalibrationChargePix::fgConvFFactorRelErrLimit   = 0.25;
    114111// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    133130  SetConversionHiLoErr();
    135   SetAverageQE();
    136132  SetChargeLimit();
    137133  SetChargeErrLimit(); 
    140136  SetTimeLimit();
    141137  SetTimeErrLimit();
    142   SetConvFFactorRelErrLimit();
    565560      bad->SetUnsuitableRun();
    566561    }
    662656  if (fRSigmaCharge < 0.)
     657    {
     658      SetFFactorMethodValid(kFALSE);
    663659      return kFALSE;
     660    }
    665662  //
    666663  // Square all variables in order to avoid applications of square root
    677674  const Float_t ffactorsquareRelErrSquare = 4.*gkFFactorErr * gkFFactorErr / ffactorsquare;
    679   const Float_t avQERelErrSquare          =    fAverageQEErr * fAverageQEErr / fAverageQE / fAverageQE;
    681   const Float_t avQEFFactor               = TMath::Sqrt( ( 1. - fAverageQE ) / fAverageQE  );
    682   const Float_t avQEFFactorErr            = 1./ ( 2. * avQEFFactor ) * fAverageQEErr
    683                                             / ( fAverageQE * fAverageQE );
    685   const Float_t avQEFFactorRelErrSquare  = avQEFFactorErr  * avQEFFactorErr
    686                                            / ( avQEFFactor * avQEFFactor) ;
    688677  const Float_t rsigmaSquare              =     fRSigmaCharge    * fRSigmaCharge;
    698687  if (fPheFFactorMethod < 0.)
     688    {
     689      SetFFactorMethodValid(kFALSE);
    699690      return kFALSE;
     691    }
    701693  //
    702694  // Calculate the Error of Nphe
    707699  fPheFFactorMethodErr                 =  TMath::Sqrt(pheFFactorRelErrSquare) * fPheFFactorMethod;
    709   //
    710   // Calculate the conversion factor between PHOTONS and FADC counts
    711   //
    712   // Nphot = Nphe / avQE
    713   // conv  = Nphot / FADC counts
    714   //
    715   fMeanConversionFFactorMethod         =  fPheFFactorMethod / fAverageQE / GetMeanCharge();
    718   //
    719   // Calculate the error of the mean conversion factor between PHOTONS and FADC counts
    720   //
    721   const Float_t convRelErrSquare     =  ( pheFFactorRelErrSquare + chargeRelErrSquare + avQERelErrSquare);
    723   if (convRelErrSquare < 0.)
    724       return kFALSE;
    727   const Float_t convRelErr           =  TMath::Sqrt(convRelErrSquare);
    728   fConversionFFactorMethodErr        = convRelErr * fMeanConversionFFactorMethod;
    730   if (convRelErr < fConvFFactorRelErrLimit)
    731     SetFFactorMethodValid();
    733   //
    734   // Calculate the Total F-Factor of the camera (in photons)
    735   //
    736   fTotalFFactorFFactorMethod =  (fRSigmaCharge/GetMeanCharge())*TMath::Sqrt(fPheFFactorMethod);
    737   fTotalFFactorFFactorMethod *=  avQEFFactor;
    739   //
    740   // Calculate the error of the Total F-Factor of the camera ( in photons )
    741   //
    742   const Float_t rsigmaChargeRelErrSquare =    fRSigmaChargeErr * fRSigmaChargeErr
    743                                            / (fRSigmaCharge    * fRSigmaCharge) ;
    745   fTotalFFactorErrFFactorMethod = TMath::Sqrt(  rsigmaChargeRelErrSquare
    746                                                 + chargeRelErrSquare
    747                                                 + pheFFactorRelErrSquare
    748                                                 + avQEFFactorRelErrSquare  );
    749   fTotalFFactorErrFFactorMethod *= fTotalFFactorFFactorMethod;
    751   //
    752   // Calculate the sigma of the conversion from FADC counts to photons
    753   //
    754   fSigmaConversionFFactorMethod = GetTotalFFactorFFactorMethod()*TMath::Sqrt(fMeanConversionFFactorMethod);
     701  SetFFactorMethodValid(kTRUE);
    756703  return kTRUE;
    759708void MCalibrationChargePix::ApplyLoGainConversion()
  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationChargePix.h

    r3435 r3455  
    13   static const Float_t gkAverageQE;              // The average quantum efficieny agreed on for the first analysis
    14   static const Float_t gkAverageQEErr;           // The error of average quantum efficieny
    1613  static const Float_t gkConversionHiLo;         // The default conversion factor HI gain - Lo Gain
    1714  static const Float_t gkConversionHiLoErr;      // The error of the default conversion factor
    2825  static const Float_t fgTimeLimit;              // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for acceptance of the fitted time
    2926  static const Float_t fgTimeErrLimit;           // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for acceptance of the fitted time sigma
    30   static const Float_t fgConvFFactorRelErrLimit; // The limit for acceptance of the rel. error of the conversion factor with the FFactor method
    3228  Float_t fChargeLimit;                     // The limit (in units of PedRMS) for acceptance of the fitted mean charge
    3632  Float_t fTimeLimit;                       // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for acceptance of the fitted time
    3733  Float_t fTimeErrLimit;                    // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for acceptance of the fitted time sigma
    38   Float_t fConvFFactorRelErrLimit;          // The limit for acceptance of the rel. error of the conversion factor with the FFactor method
    4035  Float_t fElectronicPedRms;                // The pure electronic component of the RMS
    4540  UInt_t  fFlags;                           // Flag for the set bits
    47   Float_t fAverageQE;                       // The average quantum efficieny (see Class description)
    48   Float_t fAverageQEErr;                    // The error of the average quantum efficieny (see Class description)
    5042  Float_t fHiGainMeanCharge;                // The mean reduced charge after the fit
    5143  Float_t fHiGainMeanChargeErr;             // The error of reduced mean charge after the fit
    139131  void SetConversionHiLo(     const Float_t c = gkConversionHiLo)       { fConversionHiLo      = c;    }
    140132  void SetConversionHiLoErr(  const Float_t e = gkConversionHiLoErr)    { fConversionHiLoErr   = e;    }
    141   void SetAverageQE(          const Float_t qe= gkAverageQE,
    142                               const Float_t err=gkAverageQEErr)         { fAverageQE    = qe;           
    143                                                                           fAverageQEErr = err;         }
    144133  void SetChargeLimit    (   const Float_t f=fgChargeLimit       ) { fChargeLimit       = f; }
    145134  void SetChargeErrLimit (   const Float_t f=fgChargeErrLimit    ) { fChargeErrLimit    = f; }
    148137  void SetTimeLimit      (   const Float_t f=fgTimeLimit         ) { fTimeLimit       = f;   }
    149138  void SetTimeErrLimit   (   const Float_t f=fgTimeErrLimit      ) { fTimeErrLimit    = f;   }
    150   void SetConvFFactorRelErrLimit( const Float_t f=fgConvFFactorRelErrLimit ) { fConvFFactorRelErrLimit = f; }
    152140  // Charges
    177165  void SetNumLoGainSamples      ( const Float_t f ) { fNumLoGainSamples      = f; }
    179   // Setters for MC
     167  // Conversion Factors
    180168  void SetConversionFFactorMethod   ( Float_t c, Float_t err, Float_t sig );
    181169  void SetConversionBlindPixelMethod( Float_t c, Float_t err, Float_t sig );
    183171  void SetConversionCombinedMethod  ( Float_t c, Float_t err, Float_t sig );
     173  void SetTotalFFactorFFactorMethod   ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorFFactorMethod = f; }
     174  void SetTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethod ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethod = f; }
     175  void SetTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethod   ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethod = f; }
     177  void SetTotalFFactorErrFFactorMethod   ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorErrFFactorMethod = f; }
     178  void SetTotalFFactorErrBlindPixelMethod ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorErrBlindPixelMethod = f; }
     179  void SetTotalFFactorErrPINDiodeMethod   ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorErrPINDiodeMethod = f; }
    185181  // Bit Setters
    186182  void SetHiGainSaturation    (  const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
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