03/10/04 16:50:25 (21 years ago)
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1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationChargePix.h

    r3435 r3455  
    13   static const Float_t gkAverageQE;              // The average quantum efficieny agreed on for the first analysis
    14   static const Float_t gkAverageQEErr;           // The error of average quantum efficieny
    1613  static const Float_t gkConversionHiLo;         // The default conversion factor HI gain - Lo Gain
    1714  static const Float_t gkConversionHiLoErr;      // The error of the default conversion factor
    2825  static const Float_t fgTimeLimit;              // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for acceptance of the fitted time
    2926  static const Float_t fgTimeErrLimit;           // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for acceptance of the fitted time sigma
    30   static const Float_t fgConvFFactorRelErrLimit; // The limit for acceptance of the rel. error of the conversion factor with the FFactor method
    3228  Float_t fChargeLimit;                     // The limit (in units of PedRMS) for acceptance of the fitted mean charge
    3632  Float_t fTimeLimit;                       // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for acceptance of the fitted time
    3733  Float_t fTimeErrLimit;                    // The limit (in units of FADC slices) for acceptance of the fitted time sigma
    38   Float_t fConvFFactorRelErrLimit;          // The limit for acceptance of the rel. error of the conversion factor with the FFactor method
    4035  Float_t fElectronicPedRms;                // The pure electronic component of the RMS
    4540  UInt_t  fFlags;                           // Flag for the set bits
    47   Float_t fAverageQE;                       // The average quantum efficieny (see Class description)
    48   Float_t fAverageQEErr;                    // The error of the average quantum efficieny (see Class description)
    5042  Float_t fHiGainMeanCharge;                // The mean reduced charge after the fit
    5143  Float_t fHiGainMeanChargeErr;             // The error of reduced mean charge after the fit
    139131  void SetConversionHiLo(     const Float_t c = gkConversionHiLo)       { fConversionHiLo      = c;    }
    140132  void SetConversionHiLoErr(  const Float_t e = gkConversionHiLoErr)    { fConversionHiLoErr   = e;    }
    141   void SetAverageQE(          const Float_t qe= gkAverageQE,
    142                               const Float_t err=gkAverageQEErr)         { fAverageQE    = qe;           
    143                                                                           fAverageQEErr = err;         }
    144133  void SetChargeLimit    (   const Float_t f=fgChargeLimit       ) { fChargeLimit       = f; }
    145134  void SetChargeErrLimit (   const Float_t f=fgChargeErrLimit    ) { fChargeErrLimit    = f; }
    148137  void SetTimeLimit      (   const Float_t f=fgTimeLimit         ) { fTimeLimit       = f;   }
    149138  void SetTimeErrLimit   (   const Float_t f=fgTimeErrLimit      ) { fTimeErrLimit    = f;   }
    150   void SetConvFFactorRelErrLimit( const Float_t f=fgConvFFactorRelErrLimit ) { fConvFFactorRelErrLimit = f; }
    152140  // Charges
    177165  void SetNumLoGainSamples      ( const Float_t f ) { fNumLoGainSamples      = f; }
    179   // Setters for MC
     167  // Conversion Factors
    180168  void SetConversionFFactorMethod   ( Float_t c, Float_t err, Float_t sig );
    181169  void SetConversionBlindPixelMethod( Float_t c, Float_t err, Float_t sig );
    183171  void SetConversionCombinedMethod  ( Float_t c, Float_t err, Float_t sig );
     173  void SetTotalFFactorFFactorMethod   ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorFFactorMethod = f; }
     174  void SetTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethod ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorBlindPixelMethod = f; }
     175  void SetTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethod   ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorPINDiodeMethod = f; }
     177  void SetTotalFFactorErrFFactorMethod   ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorErrFFactorMethod = f; }
     178  void SetTotalFFactorErrBlindPixelMethod ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorErrBlindPixelMethod = f; }
     179  void SetTotalFFactorErrPINDiodeMethod   ( const Float_t f)  { fTotalFFactorErrPINDiodeMethod = f; }
    185181  // Bit Setters
    186182  void SetHiGainSaturation    (  const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
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