03/30/04 19:19:53 (20 years ago)
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1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MHGausEvents.h

    r3609 r3611  
    22   const static Float_t  fgProbLimit;            // Default probability limit for judgement if fit is OK
    23   const static Int_t    fgNDFLimit;             // Default NDF limit for judgement if fit is OK
    24   const static Int_t    fgPowerProbabilityBins; // Default number of bins for the projected power spectrum
    25   const static Int_t    fgBinsAfterStripping;   // Default number of bins for the Gauss Histogram after stripping off the zeros at both end
     22  const static Float_t  fgProbLimit;            // Default for fProbLimit (now 0.001)
     23  const static Int_t    fgNDFLimit;             // Default for fNDFLimit  (now 2)
     24  const static Int_t    fgPowerProbabilityBins; // Default for fPowerProbabilityBins (now 20)
     25  const static Int_t    fgBinsAfterStripping;   // Default for fBinsAfterStripping (now 40)
    27   Int_t    fPowerProbabilityBins;      // number of bins for the projected power spectrum
    28   Int_t    fBinsAfterStripping;        // number of bins for the Gauss Histogram after stripping off the zeros at both end
    29   Float_t  fEventFrequency;            // The event frequency in Hertz (to be set)
     27  Int_t    fPowerProbabilityBins;      // Bins for the projected power spectrum
     28  Int_t    fBinsAfterStripping;        // Bins for the Gauss Histogram after stripping off the zeros at both ends
     29  Float_t  fEventFrequency;            // Event frequency in Hertz (to be set)
    3131  TH1I    *fHPowerProbability;         // Fourier transform of fEvents projected on y-axis
    3535  TGraph  *fGraphPowerSpectrum;        //! TGraph to display the power spectrum array (will not be cloned!!)
    37   Double_t fMean;                      //   Mean of the Gauss fit
    38   Double_t fSigma;                     //   Sigma of the Gauss fit
    39   Double_t fMeanErr;                   //   Error of the mean of the Gauss fit
    40   Double_t fSigmaErr;                  //   Error of the sigma of the Gauss fit
    41   Double_t fProb;                      //   Probability of the Gauss fit (derived from Chi-Square and NDF
     37  Double_t fMean;                      //  Mean of the Gauss fit
     38  Double_t fSigma;                     //  Sigma of the Gauss fit
     39  Double_t fMeanErr;                   //  Error of the mean of the Gauss fit
     40  Double_t fSigmaErr;                  //  Error of the sigma of the Gauss fit
     41  Double_t fProb;                      //  Probability of the Gauss fit (derived from Chi-Square and NDF
    4343  enum { kGausFitOK, kExpFitOK, kFourierSpectrumOK }; // Bits to hold information about fit results
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