04/03/04 17:27:50 (20 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MHCalibrationCam.cc

    r3631 r3636  
    5353#include "MLogManip.h"
     55#include "MCalibrationPix.h"
     56#include "MCalibrationCam.h"
    5558#include "MHGausEvents.h"
     60#include "MBadPixelsPix.h"
     61#include "MBadPixelsCam.h"
    5763#include "MGeomCam.h"
     64#include "MGeomPix.h"
     66#include "MParList.h"
    6170using namespace std;
     72const Int_t   MHCalibrationCam::fgAverageNbins    = 2000;
    6373const Int_t   MHCalibrationCam::fgPulserFrequency = 500;
    6474// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    6676// Default Constructor.
     78// Sets:
     79// - all pointers to NULL
    6881// Initializes and sets owner of:
    7689MHCalibrationCam::MHCalibrationCam(const char *name, const char *title)
     90    :  fGeom(NULL), fBadPixels(NULL), fCam(NULL)
    7892    fName  = name  ? name  : "MHCalibrationCam";
    97111    fAverageLoGainSectors->SetOwner();
     113    SetAverageNbins();
    99114    SetPulserFrequency();
    306321// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     323// Gets the pointers to:
     324// - MGeomCam
     326// Calls SetupHists(const MParList *pList)
     328// Calls Delete-Function of:
     329// - MHCalibrationCam::fHiGainArray, MHCalibrationCam::fLoGainArray
     330// - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainAreas, MHCalibrationCam::fAverageLoGainAreas
     331// - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainSectors, MHCalibrationCam::fAverageLoGainSectors
     333Bool_t MHCalibrationCam::SetupFill(const MParList *pList)
     336  fGeom = (MGeomCam*)pList->FindObject("MGeomCam");
     337  if (!fGeom)
     338  {
     339      *fLog << err << "MGeomCam not found... aborting." << endl;
     340      return kFALSE;
     341  }
     343  fHiGainArray->Delete();
     344  fLoGainArray->Delete();
     346  fAverageHiGainAreas->Delete();
     347  fAverageLoGainAreas->Delete();
     349  fAverageHiGainSectors->Delete();
     350  fAverageLoGainSectors->Delete();
     352  return SetupHists(pList);
     356Bool_t MHCalibrationCam::SetupHists(const MParList *pList)
     358  return kTRUE;
     361// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     363// Gets or creates the pointers to:
     364// - MBadPixelsCam
     366// Searches pointer to:
     367// - MArrivalTimeCam
     369// Initializes, if empty to MArrivalTimeCam::GetSize() for:
     370// - MHCalibrationCam::fHiGainArray, MHCalibrationCam::fLoGainArray
     372// Initializes, if empty to MGeomCam::GetNumAreas() for:
     373// - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainAreas, MHCalibrationCam::fAverageLoGainAreas
     375// Initializes, if empty to MGeomCam::GetNumSectors() for:
     376// - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainSectors, MHCalibrationCam::fAverageLoGainSectors
     378// Initializes TArray's to MGeomCam::GetNumAreas and MGeomCam::GetNumSectors, respectively
     379// Fills with number of valid pixels (if !MBadPixelsPix::IsBad()):
     380// - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageAreaNum[area index]
     381// - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageSectorNum[area index]
     383// Calls InitializeHists() for every entry in:
     384// - MHCalibrationCam::fHiGainArray
     385// - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainAreas
     386// - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainSectors
     388// Sets Titles and Names for the Histograms
     389// - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainAreas
     390// - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainSectors
     392Bool_t MHCalibrationCam::ReInit(MParList *pList)
     395  fBadPixels = (MBadPixelsCam*)pList->FindCreateObj("MBadPixelsCam");
     396  if (!fBadPixels)
     397      return kFALSE;
     400  const Int_t npixels  = fGeom->GetNumPixels();
     401  const Int_t nsectors = fGeom->GetNumSectors();
     402  const Int_t nareas   = fGeom->GetNumAreas();
     404  //
     405  // The function TArrayF::Set() already sets all entries to 0.
     406  //
     407  fAverageAreaNum.        Set(nareas);
     408  fAverageAreaSat.        Set(nareas);           
     409  fAverageAreaSigma.      Set(nareas);     
     410  fAverageAreaSigmaErr.   Set(nareas);   
     411  fAverageAreaRelSigma.   Set(nareas);   
     412  fAverageAreaRelSigmaErr.Set(nareas);
     413  fAverageSectorNum.      Set(nsectors);
     415  for (Int_t i=0; i<npixels; i++)
     416    {
     418      if ((*fBadPixels)[i].IsBad())
     419        continue;
     421      fAverageAreaNum  [(*fGeom)[i].GetAidx()  ]++;
     422      fAverageSectorNum[(*fGeom)[i].GetSector()]++;
     423    }
     425  return ReInitHists(pList);
     429Bool_t MHCalibrationCam::ReInitHists(MParList *pList)
     431  return kTRUE;
     438// Retrieves from MGeomCam:
     439// - number of pixels
     440// - number of pixel areas
     441// - number of sectors
     443// For all TObjArray's (including the averaged ones), the following steps are performed:
     445// 1) Test size and return kFALSE if not matching
     446// 2)
     448Bool_t MHCalibrationCam::Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w)
     451  const Int_t npixels  = fGeom->GetNumPixels();
     452  const Int_t nareas   = fGeom->GetNumAreas();
     453  const Int_t nsectors = fGeom->GetNumSectors();
     455  if (fHiGainArray->GetEntries() != npixels)
     456    {
     457      gLog << err << "ERROR - Size mismatch... abort." << endl;
     458      return kFALSE;
     459    }
     461  if (fLoGainArray->GetEntries() != npixels)
     462    {
     463      gLog << err << "ERROR - Size mismatch... abort." << endl;
     464      return kFALSE;
     465    }
     467  if (fAverageHiGainAreas->GetEntries() != nareas)
     468    {
     469      *fLog << err << "ERROR - Size mismatch in number of areas ... abort." << endl;
     470      return kFALSE;
     471    }
     473  if (fAverageLoGainAreas->GetEntries() != nareas)
     474    {
     475      *fLog << err << "ERROR - Size mismatch in number of areas ... abort." << endl;
     476      return kFALSE;
     477    }
     479  if (fAverageHiGainSectors->GetEntries() != nsectors)
     480    {
     481      *fLog << err << "ERROR - Size mismatch in number of sectors ... abort." << endl;
     482      return kFALSE;
     483    }
     485  if (fAverageLoGainSectors->GetEntries() != nsectors)
     486    {
     487      *fLog << err << "ERROR - Size mismatch in number of sectors ... abort." << endl;
     488      return kFALSE;
     489    }
     491  return FillHists(par, w);
     494Bool_t MHCalibrationCam::FillHists(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w)
     496  return kTRUE;
     499// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     501// 1) FinalizeHists()
     502// 2) FinalizeBadPixels()
     503// 3) CalcAverageSigma()
     505Bool_t MHCalibrationCam::Finalize()
     507  if (!FinalizeHists())
     508    return kFALSE;
     510  FinalizeBadPixels();
     511  CalcAverageSigma();
     513  return kTRUE;
     516Bool_t MHCalibrationCam::FinalizeHists()
     518  return kTRUE;
     521void MHCalibrationCam::FinalizeBadPixels()
     526// -------------------------------------------------------------
     528// If MBadPixelsPix::IsBad():
     529// - calls MHGausEvents::SetExcluded()
     531// Calls:
     532// - MHGausEvents::InitBins()
     533// - MHGausEvents::ChangeHistId(i)
     534// - MHGausEvents::SetEventFrequency(fPulserFrequency)
     536void MHCalibrationCam::InitHists(MHGausEvents &hist, MBadPixelsPix &bad, const Int_t i)
     539  if (bad.IsBad())
     540    hist.SetExcluded();
     542  hist.InitBins();
     543  hist.ChangeHistId(i);
     544  hist.SetEventFrequency(fPulserFrequency);
     548void MHCalibrationCam::FitHiGainArrays(MCalibrationCam &calcam, MBadPixelsCam &badcam,
     549                                       MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp,
     550                                       MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp)
     553  for (Int_t i=0; i<fHiGainArray->GetSize(); i++)
     554    {
     556      MHGausEvents &hist = (*this)[i];
     558      if (hist.IsExcluded())
     559        continue;
     561      MCalibrationPix &pix    = calcam[i];
     562      MBadPixelsPix   &bad    = badcam[i];
     564      FitHiGainHists(hist,pix,bad,fittyp,osctyp);
     566    }
     568  for (Int_t j=0; j<fAverageHiGainAreas->GetSize(); j++)
     569    {
     571      MHGausEvents     &hist = GetAverageHiGainArea(j);     
     572      MCalibrationPix  &pix  = calcam.GetAverageArea(j);
     573      MBadPixelsPix    &bad  = calcam.GetAverageBadArea(j);       
     575      FitHiGainHists(hist,pix,bad,fittyp,osctyp);
     576  }
     579  for (Int_t j=0; j<fAverageHiGainSectors->GetSize(); j++)
     580    {
     582      MHGausEvents     &hist = GetAverageHiGainSector(j);     
     583      MCalibrationPix  &pix  = calcam.GetAverageSector(j);
     584      MBadPixelsPix    &bad  = calcam.GetAverageBadSector(j);       
     586      FitHiGainHists(hist,pix,bad,fittyp,osctyp);
     587    }
     591void MHCalibrationCam::FitLoGainArrays(MCalibrationCam &calcam, MBadPixelsCam &badcam,
     592                                            MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp,
     593                                            MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp)
     596  for (Int_t i=0; i<fLoGainArray->GetSize(); i++)
     597    {
     599      MHGausEvents &hist = (*this)(i);
     601      if (hist.IsExcluded())
     602        continue;
     604      MCalibrationPix &pix    = calcam[i];
     605      MBadPixelsPix   &bad    = badcam[i];
     607      FitLoGainHists(hist,pix,bad,fittyp,osctyp);
     609    }
     611  for (Int_t j=0; j<fAverageLoGainAreas->GetSize(); j++)
     612    {
     614      MHGausEvents     &hist = GetAverageLoGainArea(j);     
     615      MCalibrationPix  &pix  = calcam.GetAverageArea(j);
     616      MBadPixelsPix    &bad  = calcam.GetAverageBadArea(j);       
     618      FitLoGainHists(hist,pix,bad,fittyp,osctyp);
     619  }
     622  for (Int_t j=0; j<fAverageLoGainSectors->GetSize(); j++)
     623    {
     625      MHGausEvents     &hist = GetAverageLoGainSector(j);     
     626      MCalibrationPix  &pix  = calcam.GetAverageSector(j);
     627      MBadPixelsPix    &bad  = calcam.GetAverageBadSector(j);       
     629      FitLoGainHists(hist,pix,bad,fittyp,osctyp);
     630    }
     635// For all averaged areas, the fitted sigma is multiplied with the square root of
     636// the number involved pixels
     638void MHCalibrationCam::CalcAverageSigma()
     641  for (Int_t j=0; j<fGeom->GetNumAreas(); j++)
     642    {
     644      MCalibrationPix &pix    = (*fCam).GetAverageArea(j);
     646      fAverageAreaSigma[j]    = pix.GetSigma    () * TMath::Sqrt((Float_t)fAverageAreaNum[j]);
     647      fAverageAreaSigmaErr[j] = pix.GetSigmaErr () * TMath::Sqrt((Float_t)fAverageAreaNum[j]);
     649      pix.SetSigma   (fAverageAreaSigma[j]);
     650      pix.SetSigmaErr(fAverageAreaSigmaErr[j]);
     652      fAverageAreaRelSigma[j]   = fAverageAreaSigma[j] / pix.GetMean();
     654      Float_t relsigmaerr       =  fAverageAreaSigmaErr[j]*fAverageAreaSigmaErr[j]
     655                                / (fAverageAreaSigma[j]   *fAverageAreaSigma[j]   );
     656      relsigmaerr               += pix.GetMeanErr()*pix.GetMeanErr()
     657                                / (pix.GetMean()   *pix.GetMean()   );
     658      relsigmaerr               *= fAverageAreaRelSigma[j];
     659      fAverageAreaRelSigmaErr[j] = TMath::Sqrt(relsigmaerr);
     660    }
     663// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     665// Returns if the histogram is empty and sets the following flag:
     666// - MBadPixelsPix::SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun)
     668// Fits the histograms with a Gaussian, in case of failure
     669// calls MHGausEvents::RepeatFit(), in case of repeated failure
     670// calls MHGausEvents::BypassFit() and sets the following flags:
     671// - MBadPixelsPix::SetUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp )
     672// - MBadPixelsPix::SetUnsuitable(   MBadPixelsPix::kUnreliableRun   )
     674// Creates the fourier spectrum and tests MHGausEvents::IsFourierSpectrumOK().
     675// In case no, sets the following flags:
     676// - MBadPixelsPix::SetUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp )
     677// - MBadPixelsPix::SetUnsuitable(   MBadPixelsPix::kUnreliableRun     )
     679// Retrieves the results and store them in MCalibrationPix
     681void MHCalibrationCam::FitHiGainHists(MHGausEvents &hist,
     682                                      MCalibrationPix &pix,
     683                                      MBadPixelsPix &bad,
     684                                      MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp,
     685                                      MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp)
     688  if (hist.IsEmpty())
     689    return;
     691  //
     692  // 2) Fit the Hi Gain histograms with a Gaussian
     693  //
     694  if (!hist.FitGaus())
     695    //
     696    // 3) In case of failure set the bit Fitted to false and take histogram means and RMS
     697    //
     698    if (!hist.RepeatFit())
     699      {
     700        hist.BypassFit();
     701        bad.SetUncalibrated( fittyp );
     702      }
     704  //
     705  // 4) Check for oscillations
     706  //
     707  hist.CreateFourierSpectrum();
     709  if (!hist.IsFourierSpectrumOK())
     710    bad.SetUncalibrated( osctyp );
     712  //
     713  // 5) Retrieve the results and store them in this class
     714  //
     715  pix.SetHiGainMean      ( hist.GetMean()      );
     716  pix.SetHiGainMeanErr   ( hist.GetMeanErr()   );
     717  pix.SetHiGainSigma     ( hist.GetSigma()     );
     718  pix.SetHiGainSigmaErr  ( hist.GetSigmaErr()  );
     719  pix.SetHiGainProb      ( hist.GetProb()      );
     720  pix.SetHiGainNumPickup ( hist.GetPickup()    );
     725// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     727// Returns if the histogram is empty and sets the following flag:
     728// - MBadPixelsPix::SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun)
     730// Fits the histograms with a Gaussian, in case of failure
     731// calls MHGausEvents::RepeatFit(), in case of repeated failure
     732// calls MHGausEvents::BypassFit() and sets the following flags:
     733// - MBadPixelsPix::SetUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp )
     734// - MBadPixelsPix::SetUnsuitable(   MBadPixelsPix::kUnreliableRun   )
     736// Creates the fourier spectrum and tests MHGausEvents::IsFourierSpectrumOK().
     737// In case no, sets the following flags:
     738// - MBadPixelsPix::SetUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp )
     739// - MBadPixelsPix::SetUnsuitable(   MBadPixelsPix::kUnreliableRun     )
     741// Retrieves the results and store them in MCalibrationPix
     743void MHCalibrationCam::FitLoGainHists(MHGausEvents &hist,
     744                                      MCalibrationPix &pix,
     745                                      MBadPixelsPix &bad,
     746                                      MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp,
     747                                      MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp)
     750  if (hist.IsEmpty())
     751      return;
     754  //
     755  // 2) Fit the Hi Gain histograms with a Gaussian
     756  //
     757  if (!hist.FitGaus())
     758    //
     759    // 3) In case of failure set the bit Fitted to false and take histogram means and RMS
     760    //
     761    if (!hist.RepeatFit())
     762      {
     763        hist.BypassFit();
     764        bad.SetUncalibrated( fittyp );
     765      }
     767  //
     768  // 4) Check for oscillations
     769  //
     770  hist.CreateFourierSpectrum();
     772  if (!hist.IsFourierSpectrumOK())
     773    bad.SetUncalibrated( osctyp );
     775  //
     776  // 5) Retrieve the results and store them in this class
     777  //
     778  pix.SetLoGainMean      ( hist.GetMean()      );
     779  pix.SetLoGainMeanErr   ( hist.GetMeanErr()   );
     780  pix.SetLoGainSigma     ( hist.GetSigma()     );
     781  pix.SetLoGainSigmaErr  ( hist.GetSigmaErr()  );
     782  pix.SetLoGainProb      ( hist.GetProb()      );
     783  pix.SetLoGainNumPickup ( hist.GetPickup()    );
     789// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    308791// Dummy, needed by MCamEvent
    343826  for (Int_t i=0; i<nareas;i++)
    344827    {
    345829      pad->cd(2*(i+1)-1);
    346830      GetAverageHiGainArea(i).Draw(opt);
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.