Changeset 3681 for trunk/MagicSoft
- Timestamp:
- 04/08/04 19:30:39 (21 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/MagicSoft/Mars
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3678 r3681 37 37 - full implementation of the QE-calibration from MCalibrationQEPix 38 38 39 * msignal/ 40 - removed warning about low-gain saturation of Blind pixel 39 41 40 42 2004/04/07: Markus Gaug -
r3679 r3681 1031 1031 } 1032 1032 1033 const Float_t photons 1034 const Float_t conv = photons / pix.GetPheFFactorMethod();1033 const Float_t photons = avphotonflux / fGeom->GetPixRatio(i); 1034 const Float_t qe = pix.GetPheFFactorMethod() / photons ; 1035 1035 1036 1036 if (!pix.CalcMeanFFactor( photons , avfluxrelvar )) … … 1041 1041 } 1042 1042 1043 const Float_t convrelvar = avfluxrelvar + pix.GetPheFFactorMethodRelVar();1044 1045 qepix.SetQEFFactor ( conv, fPulserColor );1046 qepix.SetQEFFactorVar ( convrelvar * conv * conv, fPulserColor );1043 const Float_t qerelvar = avfluxrelvar + pix.GetPheFFactorMethodRelVar(); 1044 1045 qepix.SetQEFFactor ( qe , fPulserColor ); 1046 qepix.SetQEFFactorVar ( qerelvar*qe*qe, fPulserColor ); 1047 1047 qepix.UpdateFFactorMethod(); 1048 1048 } -
r3678 r3681 30 30 // Storage container for the calibrated Quantum Efficiency of the whole camera. 31 31 // 32 // For a complete description of the quantum efficiency calibration process, 33 // see MCalibrationQEPix. 34 // 32 35 // Individual pixels have to be cast when retrieved e.g.: 33 36 // MCalibrationQEPix &avpix = (MCalibrationQEPix&)(*fQECam)[i] 34 37 // 35 // The following "calibration" constants can be retrieved from each pixel:36 // - GetQE ( const PulserColor_t color ): The mean quantum37 // efficiency obtained with the calibration pulser color (e.g. kGREEN, kBLUE, kUV)38 // - GetQEErr( const PulserColor_t color ): The uncertainty39 // of the mean quantum efficiency.40 //41 38 // Averaged values over one whole area index (e.g. inner or outer pixels for 42 39 // the MAGIC camera), can be retrieved via: 43 // MCalibration RelTimePix &avpix = (MCalibrationRelTimePix&)fRelCam->GetAverageArea(i)40 // MCalibrationQEPix &avpix = (MCalibrationQEPix&)fRelCam->GetAverageArea(i) 44 41 // 45 42 // Averaged values over one whole camera sector can be retrieved via: 46 // MCalibrationRelTimePix &avpix = (MCalibrationRelTimePix&)fRelCam->GetAverageSector(i) 47 // 48 // Note the averageing has been done at the end of the calculation and NOT on an 49 // event-by-event basis (like in other classes deriving from MCalibrationCam). 50 // 51 // See also: MHCalibrationChargePix, MHCalibrationChargeCam, MCalibrationChargeCalc 43 // MCalibrationQEPix &avpix = (MCalibrationQEPix&)fRelCam->GetAverageSector(i) 44 // 45 // The following "calibration" constants can be retrieved from each pixel: 46 // - GetQEBlindPixel ( const PulserColor_t color ): The mean quantum 47 // efficiency obtained with the calibration pulser color (e.g. kGREEN, kBLUE, kUV) 48 // after the Blind Pixel Method 49 // - GetQEFFactor ( const PulserColor_t color ): The mean quantum 50 // efficiency obtained with the calibration pulser color (e.g. kGREEN, kBLUE, kUV) 51 // after the F-Factor Method 52 // - GetQEPINDiode ( const PulserColor_t color ): The mean quantum 53 // efficiency obtained with the calibration pulser color (e.g. kGREEN, kBLUE, kUV) 54 // after the PIN Diode Method 55 // - GetQECombined ( const PulserColor_t color ): The mean quantum 56 // efficiency obtained with the calibration pulser color (e.g. kGREEN, kBLUE, kUV) 57 // after the combination of the three methods 58 // 59 // See also: MCalibrationQEPix, MCalibrationChargeCam, MCalibrationChargeCalc 60 // MCalibrationChargeBlindPix, MCalibrationChargePINDiode, MCalibrationChargePix 61 // 52 62 // 53 63 // The calculated values (types of GetPixelContent) are: … … 375 385 { 376 386 case 0: 377 val = pix.GetQE BlindPixel(kCT1);387 val = pix.GetQECascadesFFactor(); 378 388 break; 379 389 case 1: 380 val = pix.GetQE BlindPixelErr(kCT1);390 val = pix.GetQECascadesFFactorErr(); 381 391 break; 382 392 case 2: 383 val = pix.GetQE BlindPixel(kGREEN);393 val = pix.GetQECascadesBlindPixel(); 384 394 break; 385 395 case 3: 386 val = pix.GetQE BlindPixelErr(kGREEN);396 val = pix.GetQECascadesBlindPixelErr(); 387 397 break; 388 398 case 4: 389 val = pix.GetQE BlindPixel(kBLUE);399 val = pix.GetQECascadesPINDiode(); 390 400 break; 391 401 case 5: 392 val = pix.GetQE BlindPixelErr(kBLUE);402 val = pix.GetQECascadesPINDiodeErr(); 393 403 break; 394 404 case 6: 395 val = pix.GetQE BlindPixel(kUV);405 val = pix.GetQECascadesCombined(); 396 406 break; 397 407 case 7: 398 val = pix.GetQEBlindPixelErr(kUV); 408 val = pix.GetQECascadesCombinedErr(); 409 break; 410 case 8: 411 val = pix.GetQEFFactor(kCT1); 412 break; 413 case 9: 414 val = pix.GetQEFFactorErr(kCT1); 415 break; 416 case 10: 417 val = pix.GetQEFFactor(kGREEN); 418 break; 419 case 11: 420 val = pix.GetQEFFactorErr(kGREEN); 421 break; 422 case 12: 423 val = pix.GetQEFFactor(kBLUE); 424 break; 425 case 13: 426 val = pix.GetQEFFactorErr(kBLUE); 427 break; 428 case 14: 429 val = pix.GetQEFFactor(kUV); 430 break; 431 case 15: 432 val = pix.GetQEFFactorErr(kUV); 399 433 break; 400 434 default: -
r3322 r3681 184 184 fBlindPixel->SetExtractedSignal(sum); 185 185 fBlindPixel->SetNumSaturated(sat); 186 187 if (sat)188 *fLog << warn << "WARNING - saturation occurred in the Blind Pixel " << endl;189 190 191 186 fBlindPixel->SetReadyToSave(); 192 187
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