06/03/04 10:04:27 (20 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mhist/MHCamera.cc

    r4189 r4267  
    678678      h1->Fill(TMath::Hypot((*fGeomCam)[idx].GetX(),(*fGeomCam)[idx].GetY()),
    679679               GetBinContent(idx+1));
     680  return h1;
     684// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     686// Creates a TH1D which contains the projection of the contents of the
     687// MHCamera onto the azimuth angle in the camera.
     689// If no name is given the newly allocated histogram is removed from
     690// the current directory calling SetDirectory(0) in any other case
     691// the newly created histogram is removed from the current directory
     692// and added to gROOT such the gROOT->FindObject can find the histogram.
     694// If the standard name "_azi" is given "_azi" is appended to the name
     695// of the MHCamera and the corresponding histogram is searched using
     696// gROOT->FindObject and updated with the present projection.
     698// It is the responsibility of the user to make sure, that the newly
     699// created histogram is freed correctly.
     701// Currently the new histogram is restrictred to 60 bins.
     702// Maybe a optimal number can be calulated from the number of
     703// bins on the x-axis of the MHCamera?
     705// The code was taken mainly from TH2::ProjectX such the interface
     706// is more or less the same than to TH2-projections.
     708TProfile *MHCamera::AzimuthProfileA(const TArrayI &aidx, const char *name, const Int_t nbins) const
     711  // Create the projection histogram
     712  TString pname(name);
     713  if (name=="_azi")
     714    {
     715      pname.Prepend(GetName());
     716      if (aidx.GetSize()>0)
     717        {
     718          pname += ";";
     719          for (int i=0; i<aidx.GetSize(); i++)
     720            pname += aidx[i];
     721        }
     722    }
     724  TProfile *h1=0;
     726  //check if histogram with identical name exist
     727  TObject *h1obj = gROOT->FindObject(pname);
     728  if (h1obj && h1obj->InheritsFrom("TProfile")) {
     729    h1 = (TProfile*)h1obj;
     730    h1->Reset();
     731  }
     733  if (!h1)
     734    {
     736      Double_t min = -0.5;
     737      Double_t max = 359.5;
     739      Int_t newbins=0;
     741      THLimitsFinder::OptimizeLimits(nbins, newbins, min, max, kFALSE);
     743      h1 = new TProfile(pname, GetTitle(), nbins, min, max);
     744      h1->SetDirectory(pname.IsNull() ? NULL : gROOT);
     745      h1->SetXTitle("Azimuth in camera [deg]");
     746      h1->SetYTitle(GetYaxis()->GetTitle());
     747    }
     749  // Fill the projected histogram
     750  for (Int_t idx=0; idx<fNcells-2; idx++)
     751    {
     752      h1->Fill(TMath::ATan2((*fGeomCam)[idx].GetY(),(*fGeomCam)[idx].GetX())*180./TMath::Pi()+180.,
     753               GetBinContent(idx+1));
     755    }
    680757  return h1;
    18531930// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     1932// Draw a projection of MHCamera vs. the azimuth angle inside the camera.
     1934// The inner and outer pixels are drawn separately.
     1935// The general azimuth profile is fitted by a straight line
     1937void MHCamera::DrawAzimuthProfile() const
     1940  TProfile *obj2 = (TProfile*)AzimuthProfile(GetName());
     1941  obj2->SetDirectory(0);
     1942  obj2->SetLineColor(kRed);
     1943  obj2->Draw();
     1944  obj2->SetBit(kCanDelete);
     1945  obj2->Fit("pol0","Q","");
     1946  obj2->GetFunction("pol0")->SetLineColor(kRed);
     1947  obj2->GetFunction("pol0")->SetLineWidth(1);
     1949  if (GetGeomCam().InheritsFrom("MGeomCamMagic"))
     1950    {
     1952      TArrayI inner(1);
     1953      inner[0] = 0;
     1955      TArrayI outer(1);
     1956      outer[0] = 1;
     1958      // Just to get the right (maximum) binning
     1959      TProfile *half[2];
     1960      half[0] = AzimuthProfileA(inner,Form("%s%s",GetName(),"Inner"));
     1961      half[1] = AzimuthProfileA(outer,Form("%s%s",GetName(),"Outer"));
     1963      for (Int_t i=0; i<2; i++)
     1964        {
     1965          half[i]->SetLineColor(kRed+i+1);
     1966          half[i]->SetDirectory(0);
     1967          half[i]->SetBit(kCanDelete);
     1968          half[i]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
     1969          half[i]->Draw("same");
     1970        }
     1971    }
     1974// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    18551976// Draw the MHCamera into the MStatusDisplay:
    18701991void MHCamera::CamDraw(TCanvas &c, const Int_t x, const Int_t y,
    1871                        const Int_t fit, const Int_t rad, TObject *notify)
     1992                       const Int_t fit, const Int_t rad, const Int_t azi,
     1993                       TObject *notify)
    18862008  obj1->Draw();
     2010  Int_t cnt = 2;
    18882012  if (rad)
    18892013    {
    18922016      gPad->SetTicks();
    18932017      DrawRadialProfile();
     2018      cnt++;
     2019    }
     2021  if (azi)
     2022    {
     2023      c.cd(x+cnt*y);
     2024      gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
     2025      gPad->SetTicks();
     2026      DrawAzimuthProfile();
     2027      cnt++;
    18942028    }
    18972031    return;
    1899   c.cd(rad ? x+3*y : x+2*y);
     2033  c.cd(x + cnt*y);
    19002034  gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
    19012035  gPad->SetTicks();
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