08/11/04 13:42:50 (20 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/merpp.cc

    r4575 r4578  
    6060    gLog << all << endl;
    6161    gLog << "Sorry the usage is:" << endl;
    62     gLog << "   merpp [-h] [-?] [-a] [-vn] [-cn] [-u, -f]" << endl;
    63     gLog << "         inputfile[.rep,[.raw],[.txt]] [outputfile[.root]]" << endl << endl;
    64     gLog << "     inputfile.raw:  Magic DAQ binary file." << endl;
    65     gLog << "     inputfile.rep:  Magic Central Control report file." << endl;
    66     gLog << "     inputfile.txt:  Magic DC currents file." << endl;
    67     gLog << "     ouputfile.root: Merpped root file." << endl;
    68     gLog << "     -c#                              Compression level #=1..9 [default=2]" << endl;
    69     gLog << "     -v#                              Verbosity level # [default=2]" << endl;
    70     gLog << "     -u, --update                     Update file" << endl;
    71     gLog << "     -a, --no-colors                  Do not use Ansii color codes" << endl;
    72     gLog << "     -f                               Force overwrite of an existing file" << endl;
    73     gLog << "     -ff                              Force merpp to ignore broken events <raw data only>" << endl;
    74     gLog << "     --interleave=#                   Process only each i-th event [default=1]  <raw data only>" << endl;
    75     gLog << "     --sql=mysql://user:password@url  Insert run into database <raw data only>" << endl;
    76     gLog << "     --start=yyyy-mm-dd/hh:mm:ss.mmm  Start event time for merpping report files" << endl;
    77     gLog << "     --stop=yyyy-mm-dd/hh:mm:ss.mmm   Stop  event time for merpping report files" << endl;
    78     gLog << "     --run=#                          Only data corresponding to this run number (from RUN-REPORT)" << endl;
    79     gLog << "     --runfile=#                      Check that CC file corresponds to this run (from .rep header)" << endl;
    80     gLog << "     --sumfile                        Check that CC file is a all night summary (from .rep header)" << endl;
    81     gLog << "     --allfiles                       Don't check file type for CC files <default>" << endl;
    82     gLog << "     --debug[=n]                      Enable root debugging (Default: gDebug=1)" << endl;
    83     gLog << "     -?, -h, --help                   This help" << endl << endl;
    84     gLog << "   REMARK: At the moment you can process a .raw _or_ a .rep file, only!" << endl << endl;
     62    gLog << " merpp [-h] [-?] [-a] [-vn] [-cn] [-u, -f]" << endl;
     63    gLog << "       inputfile[.rep,[.raw],[.txt]] [outputfile[.root]]" << endl << endl;
     64    gLog << " Arguments:" << endl;
     65    gLog << "   inputfile.raw:  Magic DAQ binary file." << endl;
     66    gLog << "   inputfile.rep:  Magic Central Control report file." << endl;
     67    gLog << "   inputfile.txt:  Magic DC currents file." << endl;
     68    gLog << "   ouputfile.root: Merpped root file." << endl << endl;
     69    gLog << " Options:" << endl;
     70    gLog << "   -c#                Compression level #=1..9 [default=2]" << endl;
     71    gLog << "   -v#                Verbosity level # [default=2]" << endl;
     72    gLog << "   -u, --update       Update file" << endl;
     73    gLog << "   -a, --no-colors    Do not use Ansii color codes" << endl;
     74    gLog << "   -f                 Force overwrite of an existing file" << endl;
     75    gLog << "   --debug[=n]        Enable root debugging (Default: gDebug=1)" << endl;
     76    gLog << "   -?, -h, --help     This help" << endl << endl;
     77    gLog << " Raw Data Options:" << endl;
     78    gLog << "   -ff                Force merpp to ignore broken events" << endl;
     79    gLog << "   --interleave=#     Process only each i-th event [default=1]" << endl << endl;
     80//    gLog << "   --sql=mysql://user:password@url  Insert run into database" << endl << endl;
     81    gLog << " Report File Options:" << endl;
     82    gLog << "   --start=date/time  Start event time" << endl;
     83    gLog << "   --stop=date/time   Stop  event time" << endl;
     84    gLog << "   --run=#            Only data corresponding to this run number" << endl;
     85    gLog << "                      (from RUN-REPORT)" << endl;
     86    gLog << "   --runfile=#        Allow only run-control files" << endl;
     87    gLog << "                      (from .rep header)" << endl;
     88    gLog << "   --sumfile          Check for an all night summary file" << endl;
     89    gLog << "                      (from .rep header)" << endl;
     90    gLog << "   --allfiles         Don't check file type <default>" << endl << endl;
     91    gLog << " REMARK: - At the moment you can process a .raw _or_ a .rep file, only!" << endl;
     92    gLog << "         - 'date/time' has the format 'yyyy-mm-dd/hh:mm:ss.mmm'" << endl << endl;
    135143    const Int_t   kRunNumber   = arg.HasOption("--run=") ? arg.GetIntAndRemove("--run=") : -1;
    136     const TString kSqlDataBase(arg.GetStringAndRemove("--sql="));
     144//    const TString kSqlDataBase(arg.GetStringAndRemove("--sql="));
    138146    Int_t kRunFile = arg.HasOption("--runfile=") ? arg.GetIntAndRemove("--runfile=") : -1;
    180188        kNameout += ".root";
    182     if (!kSqlDataBase.IsNull() && !israw)
    183         gLog << warn << "WARNING - Option '--sql=' only valid for raw-files... ignored." << endl;
     190//    if (!kSqlDataBase.IsNull() && !israw)
     191//        gLog << warn << "WARNING - Option '--sql=' only valid for raw-files... ignored." << endl;
    185193    //
    326334    if (filter)
    327335        tasks.AddToList(filter);
     336    /*
    328337    if (israw && !kSqlDataBase.IsNull())
    329338    {
    331340        ins->SetUpdate();
    332341        tasks.AddToList(ins);
    333     }
     342    }*/
    334343    tasks.AddToList(write);
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