08/16/04 16:14:09 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mcalib/MHCalibrationCam.h

    r4619 r4630  
     27#ifndef MARS_MCalibrationCam
     28#include "MCalibrationCam.h"
    2731class TText;
    2832class TArrayI;
    47   Float_t fNumHiGainSaturationLimit;    // Rel. amount sat. higain FADC slices until pixel is called saturated
    48   Float_t fNumLoGainSaturationLimit;    // Rel. amount sat. logain FADC slices until pixel is called saturated
     51  Float_t fNumHiGainSaturationLimit;     // Rel. amount sat. higain FADC slices until pixel is called saturated
     52  Float_t fNumLoGainSaturationLimit;     // Rel. amount sat. logain FADC slices until pixel is called saturated
    50   TArrayI    fAverageAreaNum;           // Number of pixels in average pixels per area
    51   TArrayF    fAverageAreaRelSigma;      // Re-normalized relative sigmas in average pixels per area
    52   TArrayF    fAverageAreaRelSigmaVar;   // Variance Re-normalized relative sigmas in average pixels per area
    53   TArrayI    fAverageAreaSat;           // Number of saturated slices in average pixels per area
    54   TArrayF    fAverageAreaSigma;         // Re-normalized sigmas in average pixels per area
    55   TArrayF    fAverageAreaSigmaVar;      // Variance Re-normalized sigmas in average pixels per area
    56   Int_t      fAverageNbins;             // Number of bins for the average histograms
    57   TObjArray *fAverageHiGainAreas;       //-> Array of calibration pixels, one per pixel area
    58   TObjArray *fAverageHiGainSectors;     //-> Array of calibration pixels, one per camera sector
    59   TObjArray *fAverageLoGainAreas;       //-> Array of calibration pixels, one per pixel area
    60   TObjArray *fAverageLoGainSectors;     //-> Array of calibration pixels, one per camera sector
    61   TArrayI    fAverageSectorNum;         // Number of pixels in average pixels per sector
    62   TArrayI    fRunNumbers;               // Numbers of runs used
    63   UInt_t     fHiGainOverFlow;           // Number of times overflow occurred in whole run
    64   UInt_t     fLoGainOverFlow;           // Number of times overflow occurred in whole run
     54  TArrayI    fAverageAreaNum;            // Number of pixels in average pixels per area
     55  TArrayF    fAverageAreaRelSigma;       // Re-normalized relative sigmas in average pixels per area
     56  TArrayF    fAverageAreaRelSigmaVar;    // Variance Re-normalized relative sigmas in average pixels per area
     57  TArrayI    fAverageAreaSat;            // Number of saturated slices in average pixels per area
     58  TArrayF    fAverageAreaSigma;          // Re-normalized sigmas in average pixels per area
     59  TArrayF    fAverageAreaSigmaVar;       // Variance Re-normalized sigmas in average pixels per area
     60  Int_t      fAverageNbins;              // Number of bins for the average histograms
     61  TObjArray *fAverageHiGainAreas;        //-> Array of calibration pixels, one per pixel area
     62  TObjArray *fAverageHiGainSectors;      //-> Array of calibration pixels, one per camera sector
     63  TObjArray *fAverageLoGainAreas;        //-> Array of calibration pixels, one per pixel area
     64  TObjArray *fAverageLoGainSectors;      //-> Array of calibration pixels, one per camera sector
     65  TArrayI    fAverageSectorNum;          // Number of pixels in average pixels per sector
     66  TArrayI    fRunNumbers;                // Numbers of runs used
     67  UInt_t     fHiGainOverFlow;            // Number of times overflow occurred in whole run
     68  UInt_t     fLoGainOverFlow;            // Number of times overflow occurred in whole run
     70  MCalibrationCam::PulserColor_t fColor; // Colour of the pulsed LEDs
    66   MBadPixelsCam    *fBadPixels;         //! Bad Pixels storage container
    67   MCalibrationCam  *fCam;               //! Calibration Cam with the results
    68   MGeomCam         *fGeom;              //! Camera geometry
    69   MRawRunHeader    *fRunHeader;         //! Run Header
     72  MBadPixelsCam    *fBadPixels;          //! Bad Pixels storage container
     73  MCalibrationCam  *fCam;                //! Calibration Cam with the results
     74  MGeomCam         *fGeom;               //! Camera geometry
     75  MRawRunHeader    *fRunHeader;          //! Run Header
    71   TObjArray *fHiGainArray;              //-> Array of calibration pixels, one per pixel
    72   TObjArray *fLoGainArray;              //-> Array of calibration pixels, one per pixel
     77  TObjArray *fHiGainArray;               //-> Array of calibration pixels, one per pixel
     78  TObjArray *fLoGainArray;               //-> Array of calibration pixels, one per pixel
    74   Int_t      fPulserFrequency;          // Light pulser frequency
    75   Bool_t     fDebug;                    // Debug option is used?
     80  Int_t      fPulserFrequency;           // Light pulser frequency
     81  Bool_t     fDebug;                     // Debug option is used?
    7783  virtual Bool_t SetupHists(const MParList *pList);
    140146  const MHGausEvents  &GetAverageLoGainSector(UInt_t i)  const;
    141147  const Int_t          GetAverageSectors     ()          const;
     148  const MCalibrationCam::PulserColor_t GetColor   ()     const  { return fColor;                    }
    142149  const Float_t        GetNumHiGainSaturationLimit()     const  { return fNumHiGainSaturationLimit; }
    143150  const Float_t        GetNumLoGainSaturationLimit()     const  { return fNumLoGainSaturationLimit; }
    145152  const Int_t          GetSize               ()          const  { return fHiGainArray->GetSize();   }
    147   const Bool_t         IsDebug                ()          const  { return fDebug; }
     154  const Bool_t         IsDebug               ()          const  { return fDebug; }
    149156        MHGausEvents  &operator[]            (UInt_t i);
    152159  const MHGausEvents  &operator()            (UInt_t i)  const;
    154   void SetDebug                (const Bool_t b=kTRUE) { fDebug           = b; }
    155   void SetAverageNbins        ( const Int_t bins=fgAverageNbins ) { fAverageNbins = bins; }
    156   void SetNumLoGainSaturationLimit( const Float_t lim) { fNumLoGainSaturationLimit = lim; }
    157   void SetNumHiGainSaturationLimit( const Float_t lim) { fNumHiGainSaturationLimit = lim; }
    158   void SetPulserFrequency      ( const Int_t f=fgPulserFrequency)  { fPulserFrequency = f; }
     161  void SetColor               ( const MCalibrationCam::PulserColor_t color ) { fColor   = color; }
     162  void SetDebug               ( const Bool_t b=kTRUE )               { fDebug           = b;     }
     163  void SetAverageNbins        ( const Int_t bins=fgAverageNbins )    { fAverageNbins    = bins;  }
     164  void SetNumLoGainSaturationLimit( const Float_t lim )    { fNumLoGainSaturationLimit  = lim;   }
     165  void SetNumHiGainSaturationLimit( const Float_t lim )    { fNumHiGainSaturationLimit  = lim;   }
     166  void SetPulserFrequency     ( const Int_t f=fgPulserFrequency )    { fPulserFrequency = f;     }
    160168  ClassDef(MHCalibrationCam, 1) // Base Histogram class for Calibration Camera
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