09/06/04 02:52:46 (20 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Cosy/Changelog

    r4856 r4867  
    11                                                                  -*-*- END -*-*-
    3  2004/09/04 - Robert Wagner
    5    * caos/Ring.cc
    6      - corrected typo which stopped Ring.cc from being compiled
     3 2004/09/05 - Robert Wagner (La Palma)
     5   * main/MStarguider.[cc,h]
     6     - Start commissioning of a star guider for MAGIC.
     7     - Display misspointing with an MGStarg object
     8     - Rename the two video channels to "Starfield Camera" and "TPoint Camera"
     9     - Swapped IDs of video channels, since a reset (errno=5) of video card
     10       changes to channel #0
     11     - Rearranged menu structure, added starguider relevant items: Starguider
     12       LED finder, Starguider FindStar (FindStar analysis of star on curtain
     13       for crosschecks and calibration), Starguider Analysis (write relevant
     14       data to ROOT trees), Starguider (Starguider analysis of starfield
     15       picture)
     16     - Rearranged GUI displays, added displays to show misspointing,
     17       misspointing from FindStar algorithm, sky brightness
     18     - Acquisition of center of the PMT camera from applying Caos algorithm
     19       to the three LEDs visible in the starfield camera
     20     - Acquisition of sky brightness (average CCD pixel content in Starfield)
     21       and comparison to last sky brightness
     22     - MStarguider::TrackingError(): Modified histogram binning to enhance excess
     23     - MStarguider::FindStar(): Now returns position of found star as ZdAz
     24     - MStarguider::FindStar(): Cut and ROI box can now handed over as parameters
     25     - MStarguider::FindStar(): Scale factor to compensate for different FOV
     26       (TPoint camera vs. Starfield camera)
     27     - MStarguider::ProcessFrame(): Modified structure to accomodate Starguider
     28       algorithm and tools: 1) Find Center of PMT camera, find Star (if activated)
     29       to obtain misspointing found from PMT camera.
     30     - Set ROI for starfield in space not occupied by the PMT camera in the
     31       starfield camera FOV
     32     - Calculate star positions and draw stars only in that ROI
     33     - fStatus variable contains status of starguider (Error, Monitoring, Standby)
     34     - Draw representation of MAGIC's FOV on starfield
     35     - Send STARG-REPORTS unconditionally by using MDriveCom::SendStargReport
     38 Finalized
     39       details of all changes follow after some additional testing
     40       on 2004/09/06 (this evening).
     42   * tcpip/MTcpIpIO.[h,cc], tcpip/MCeCoCom.[h,cc]
     43     - added option force to MTcpIp::Send() which forces sending
     44       of message     
     46   * tcpip/MDriveCom.[h,cc]
     47     - added MDriveCom::MSendStargReport()
     49   * stars.txt
     50     - added Albiero (3.08), Iota Pegasi (3.49), Tarazed (2.72),
     51       Unukalhay (2.65)
     52     - corrected wrong position of Capella (0.08)
     54   * gui/MGStarg.cc, gui/MGStarg.h gui/GuiLinkDef.h gui/Makefile
     55     - added GUI element similar to MGAccuracy to display
     56       misspointing.
     58   * stargleds.txt
     59     - List of location of LEDs visible in starfield camera picture
     61   * main/MStargHistograms.[cc,h], main/Makefile, main/MainLinkDef.h
     62     - Filling trees with Starguider analysis relevant data
     64   * caos/Led.h
     65     - added Setters SetX(), SetY()
     67   * main/MCosy.h
     68     - added *GetDriveCom(), returns pointer to MDriveCom object
     70   * starg.cc
     71     - corrected typo
     73   * prepos_magic.txt
     74     - changed Park and Camera Access position coordinates
     76   * caos/Rings.[cc,h]
     77     - minimum number of required LEDs can be set via
     78       SetMinNumberLeds(), default is 5
     80   * main/MCaos.[cc,h]
     81     - possibility to set size of box and cut in MCaos::Run()
     82     - possibility to specify maximum and minimum acceptable ring
     83       radius
     85   * catalog/StarCatalog.[cc,h]
     86     - possibility to narrow field of view in CalcStars
     87     - possibility to offset origin of FOV in CalcStars
     88     - CalcStars and DrawStars flip the field in x direction
     89       defaultwise
     90     - CalcStars adds only stars visible in the chosen FOV to
     91       the star list
     93   * videodev/FilterLed.[cc,h]
     94     - Added possibility to return average brightness found in
     95       chosen FOV
    999 2004/08/23 - Thomas Bretz
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