09/16/04 16:16:34 (20 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/input.card

    r2392 r5072  
    11camera 0.7
    2 #
    3 # Enter the input card for each telescope (0, 1, ...) that you want to
    4 # simulate
    5 input_file  0  /disc02/Data/RefData/Protons/Proton_0/Proton_0_90_4_0to0.rfl
    6 #
    7 # qe file name for each telescope (0, 1, ...)
    8 qe_file  0  ../Data/qe-emi-coat.RFL.dat
    9 #
    10 # Reflector format file that gives the NSB from the stars
    11 #starfield_file    /remote/disc02/magic/Data/RefData/CrabNebula.rfl
    12 #
    13 # Center of the FOV for stars light, right information should
    14 # be here since it is no checked in the Camera program (RA and DEC)
    15 #starfield_center  5 34 32 22 00 55
    16 #
    17 # Output file with a brief summary about trigger
    18 data_file test.dat
    19 #
    20 # Root file with the output information
    21 root_file test.root
    22 #
    23 # Number of telescopes
     2# Number of telescopes:
    243ct_num 1
    25 #
    26 # Camera geometry ( code(ct=0)+10*code(ct=1)+100* ... )
     4# Telescope geometry type:
    275ct_geom 1
    28 #
    29 # Directory to look for the NSB database (it should finish with /)
    30 nsb_directory /remote/disc02/magic/Data/StarLight/Fwhm20/
    31 #
    32 # Directory to look for the NSB database for outer pixels
    33 # (it should finish with /)
    34 nsb_dir_outer /remote/disc02/magic/Data/StarLight/Fwhm20/
    35 #
    36 # Diskriminator and response properties (gate_lentgh, minimum overlaping time,
    37 # amplitude and fwhm) needed for the trigger studies
     6# Quantum efficiency file:
     7qe_file 0  /home/magic/MagicProgs/Simulation/Detector/Data/qe-emi-coat.RFL.dat
     8# Input file (one per telescope):
     9input_file 0 /home/magic/tmp/Gamma_Short.rfl
     10# Ascii output file name:
     11data_file /home/magic/tmp/Gamma_Short.dat
     12# root output file name:
     13root_file /home/magic/tmp/Gamma_Short.root
     14# Trigger characteristics: gate length (ns), min. overlapping time (ns),
     15# amplitude and FWHM of (gaussian) single phe response for trigger:
    3816trigger_prop 3.0 0.25 1.0 2.0
    39 #
    40 # Trig electronic noise (the width of the gaussian noise is that times
    41 # the amplitude of the single phe response for the trigger)
    42 trig_noise 0.3
    43 #
    44 # Fadc properties (integral and fwhm) needed for the fadc simulation
    45 fadc_prop 6.3 5.0
    46 #
    47 # Fadc properties (integral and fwhm) for the outer pixels
    48 fadc_outer 6.3 5.0
    49 #
    50 # Fadc electronic noise (width of the gaussian on top of FADC signal in
    51 # FADC counts)
    52 fadc_noise 2.0 1.0
    53 #
    54 # Fadc pedestal (10 by default)
    55 fadc_pedestal 10.0
    56 #
    57 # Trigger loop mode (theshold(low, high and step), multiplicity and topology)
    58 #trigger_loop 1.0 2.05 0.5 3 4 0 0
    59 #
    60 # Single trigger mode (telescope, theshold, multiplicity and topology)
    61 # for each CT (0, 1, .. )
    62 trigger_single 0 4.0 4 2
    63 #
    64 # Pixels with special trigger threshold (one line for each pixel)
    65 #pixel_thres 37 7.0
    66 #
    67 # Numper of (phe/ns) from NSB per pixel to (rise) discriminator threshold
    68 #secure_disc 50.0 7.0
    69 #
    70 # Write also images that do not trigger
    71 #write_all_events
    72 #
    73 # Do not write Mc information
    74 #nowrite_McEvt
    75 #
    76 # Do not write Raw Evt information
    77 #nowrite_RawEvt
    78 #
    79 # Write Mc trigger information
     17# L1 Trigger condition: CT number, threshold (mV), multiplicity and topology:
     18trigger_single 0 4 4 2
     19# Switch on NSB:
     21# Number of photons from the diffuse NSB (nphe / ns 0.1*0.1 deg^2 239 m^2) and
     22# minimum number of phe from shower required to simulate NSB:
     23nsb_mean 0.13 30
     24# Starfield (see Starfieldadder program)
     25# starfield_file /home/magic/MagicProgs/Simulation/Detector/Starfield/starfield.rfl
     26# Electronic noise in FADC (sigma in ADC counts): Inner pixels, outer pixels, digital noise:
     27fadc_noise 1.48 2.1 0.
     28# Mean pedestal per slice (ADC counts):
     29fadc_pedestal 10.
     30# Additional sigma of mirror spot (cm):
     31sigma_xy_cm_spot 2.
     32# Fraction of currently active mirror:
     33mirror_fraction 0 1.
     34# Seeds for random number generation:
     35seeds 66767 45069
     36# Directory where NSB database can be found for inner and outer pixels:
     37nsb_directory  /home/magic/MagicProgs/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/p016/inner/
     38nsb_dir_outer  /home/magic/MagicProgs/Simulation/Detector/StarLight/p016/outer/
     39# FADC properties: shape of single phe response (1 means realistic one, from
     40# Pulpo setup), integral in FADC counts for 1 phe. (3rd argument is ignored unless
     41# gaussian shape - 1st argument=0 - was chosen) :
     42fadc_prop 1 7.3 5.0
     43# Same as above for outer pixels:
     44fadc_outer 1 2.5 5.0
     45# Write to output trigger information:
    81 #
    82 # Write Mc fadc information
     47# Write to output FADC information:
    84 #
    85 # Switch off the Electronic Noise
    86 #elec_noise_off
    87 #
    88 #Switch on Star Field Rotation
    89 #sfr_on
    90 #
    91 # Switch on NSB
    92 nsb_on
    93 #
    94 # Switch off NSB
    95 #nsb_off
    96 # Number of photons from the diffuse NSB (nphe / ns 0.1*0.1 deg^2 239 m^2) and
    97 # minmum number of phe from shower required to simulate NSB
    98 nsb_mean 0.13 1
    99 #
    100 # Show signal of diskriminator on the screen
    101 #trigger_scan
    102 #
    103 # Show signal of FADC on the screen
    104 #fadc_scan
    105 #
    106 # Select Energy of particles
    107 #select_energy 0 10000000000
    108 #
    109 # Skip showers (interactive)
    110 #skip
    111 #
    112 #Data from STDIN
    113 #data_from_stdin
    114 #
    115 # Seeds for random numbers
    116 seeds 6520 10406
    117 #
    118 #
    119 # Distance from source position to camera center (Theta, phi)
    120 source_offset 0.0 0.0
    121 #
    122 #
    123 # End of steercards
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