01/21/05 08:54:08 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Algorithms.tex

    r5913 r5919  
    260260\subsubsection{Sliding Window with Amplitude-Weighted Time}
    262 This extractor is implemented in the MARS-class {\textit{MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow}}.
     262This extractor is implemented in the MARS-class {\textit{\bf MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow}}.
    263263It extracts the signal from a sliding window of an adjustable size, for high-gain and low-gain
    264 individually (default: 6 and 6) The signal is the one which maximizes the summed
    265 (clock-noise and pedestal-corrected) FADC slice contents.
     264individually (default: 6 and 6). The signal is the one which maximizes the summed
     265(clock-noise and pedestal-corrected) consecutive FADC slice contents.
    267267The amplitude-weighted arrival time is calculated from the window with
    268 the highest integral using the following formula:
    270 \begin{equation}
    271   t = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{windowsize} s_i \cdot i}{\sum_{i=0}^{windowsize} i}
    272 \end{equation}
    273 where $i$ denotes the FADC slice index, starting from the beginning of the extraction
    274 window and running over the window and $s_i$ the clock-noise and
     268the highest FADC slice contents integral using the following formula:
     271  t = \frac{\sum_{i=i_0}^{i_0+ws} s_i \cdot i}{\sum_{i=i_0}^{i_0t+ws} i}
     273where $i$ denotes the FADC slice index, starting from $i_0$
     274window and running over a window of size $ws$. $s_i$ the clock-noise and
    275275pedestal-corrected FADC slice contents at slice position $i$.
    277 The following free adjustable parameters have to be set from outside:
     277The following adjustable parameters have to be set from outside:
    279279\item[Window sizes:\xspace] Independently for high-gain and low-gain (default: 6,6)
    284284  \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow_23Led_Blue.eps}
    285285\caption[Sketch calculated arrival times MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow]{%
    286 Sketch of the calculated arrival times for the extractor {\textit{MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow}}
     286Sketch of the calculated arrival times for the extractor {\textit{\bf MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow}}
    287287for two typical calibration pulses (pedestals have been subtracted) and a typical inner pixel.
    288288The extraction window sizes modify the position of the (amplitude-weighted) mean FADC-slices slightly.
    289 The pulse would be shifted half a slice to the right for an outer pixels. }
     289The pulse would be shifted half a slice to the right for an outer pixel. }
    293293\subsubsection{Cubic Spline with Sliding Window or Amplitude Extraction}
    295 This extractor is implemented in the MARS-class {\textit{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline}}.
     295This extractor is implemented in the MARS-class {\textit{\bf MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline}}.
    296296It interpolates the FADC contents using a cubic spline algorithm, adapted from \cite{NUMREC}.
    297 The following free adjustable parameters have to be set from outside:
     297In a second step, it searches for the position of the spline maximum. From then on, two
     298possibilities are offered:
     301\item[Extraction Type Amplitude:\xspace] The amplitude of the spline maximum is taken as charge signal
     302and the (precisee) position of the maximum is returned as arrival time. This type is faster, since it
     303performs not spline intergraion .
     304\item[Extraction Type Integral:\xspace] The integrated spline between maximum position minus
     305rise time (default: 1.5 slices) and maximum position plus fall time (default: 4.5 slices)
     306is taken as charge signal and the position of the half maximum left from the position of the maximum
     307is returned as arrival time (default).
     308The low-gain signal stretches the rise and fall time by a stretch factor (default: 1.5). This type
     309is slower, but yields more precise results (see section~\ref{sec:performance}) .
     310The charge integration resolution is set to 0.1 FADC slices.
     313The following adjustable parameters have to be set from outside:
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Performance.tex

    r5896 r5919  
    1 \section{Performance}
     1\section{Performance \label{sec:performance}}
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