01/28/05 10:50:20 (20 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mpointing/MSrcPosCalc.cc

    r3666 r6076  
    1818!   Author(s): Thomas Bretz 3/2004 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
     19!              Abelardo Moralejo 1/2005 <mailto:moralejo@pd.infn.it>
    2021!   Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2004
    2728// MSrcPosCalc
    29 // Calculate the current source position in the camera from the (already
    30 // corrected) local pointing position of the telescope (MPointingPos) by
    31 // derotating the position (given in x and y coordinates in the camera
    32 // plane) at culmination time by the current rotation angle of the
    33 // starfield dtermined from MObservatory and MPointingPos
     30// Calculate the current source position in the camera from the (possibly already
     31// corrected, by starguider) J2000 sky coordinates of the camera center (contained
     32// in MPointingPos), and the source J2000 sky coordinates contained in MSourcePos
     33// (of type MPointingPos as well). If no MSourcePos is found in the parameter list,
     34// source position is assumed to be the same for all events, that specified in
     35// MSrcPosCam (if it already existed in the parameter list), or (0,0), the center
     36// of the camera, if no MSrcPosCam was present in the parameter list. In both cases,
     37// no calculation is necessary and then the PreProcess returns kSKIP so that the task
     38// is removed from the task list.
    3540// The conversion factor between the camera plain (mm) and the
    36 // sky (deg) is taken from MGeomCam.
     41// sky (deg) is taken from MGeomCam. The time is taken from MTime, and the coordinates
     42// of the observatory from MObservatory.
    3844// Input Container:
    4046//   MObservatory
    4147//   MGeomCam
     48//   MTime
     49//   [MSourcePos] (of type MPointingPos)
    4351// Output Container:
    4654// To be done:
    47 //   - wobble mode missing
     55//   - wobble mode missing   /// NOTE, A. Moralejo: I see no need for special code
    4857//   - a switch between using sky-coordinates and time or local-coordinates
    49 //     from MPointingPos for determin the rotation angle
     58//     from MPointingPos for determine the rotation angle
     59/////  NOTE, A. Moralejo: the above is not possible if MAstroSky2Local does not
     60/////  account for precession and nutation.
    5062//   - the center of rotation need not to be the camera center
     63/////  NOTE, A. Moralejo: I don't see the need for special code either.
    7588MSrcPosCalc::MSrcPosCalc(const char *name, const char *title)
    76     : fX(0), fY(0)
    7890    fName  = name  ? name  : "MSrcPosCalc";
    8294// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 // Search and if necessary create MSrcPosCam in the parameter list
     96// Search and if necessary create MSrcPosCam in the parameter list. Search MSourcePos.
     97// If not found, do nothing else, and skip the task. If MSrcPosCam did not exist
     98// before and has been created here, it will contain as source position the camera
     99// center (0,0).
     100// In the case that MSourcePos is found, go ahead in searching the rest of necessary
     101// containers. The source position will be calculated for each event in Process.
    86103Int_t MSrcPosCalc::PreProcess(MParList *pList)
     105    fSrcPosCam = (MSrcPosCam*)pList->FindCreateObj("MSrcPosCam");
     106    if (!fSrcPosCam)
     107        return kFALSE;
     110    fSourcePos = (MPointingPos*)pList->FindObject("MSourcePos", "MPointingPos");
     111    if (!fSourcePos)
     112    {
     113        *fLog << warn << "MSourcePos [MPointPos] not found... The source position" << endl;
     114        *fLog << warn << "set in MSrcPosCam (camera center if not set explicitely) will" << endl;
     115        *fLog << warn << "be left unchanged, same for all events." << endl;
     116        return kSKIP;
     117    }
    88119    fGeom = (MGeomCam*)pList->FindObject("MGeomCam");
    89120    if (!fGeom)
    96127    if (!fPointPos)
    97128    {
    98         *fLog << err << "MPointPos not found... aborting." << endl;
     129        *fLog << err << "MPointingPos not found... aborting." << endl;
    99130        return kFALSE;
    100131    }
    114145    }
    116     fSrcPos = (MSrcPosCam*)pList->FindCreateObj("MSrcPosCam");
    117     if (!fSrcPos)
    118         return kFALSE;
    120147    return kTRUE;
    123150// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    125 // Search the parameter list for MObservatory and MTime
    126 //
    127 Bool_t MSrcPosCalc::ReInit(MParList *pList)
    128 {
    129     if (fX!=0 || fY!=0)
    130         return kTRUE;
    132     *fLog << warn << "fX==0 && fY==0: Using arbitrary source position!" << endl;
    134     //
    135     // This is a workaround for current crab misspointing - DO NOT USE!
    136     // It will be removed soon!
    137     //
    138     const MRawRunHeader *h = (MRawRunHeader*)pList->FindObject("MRawRunHeader");
    139     if (!h)
    140     {
    141         *fLog << err << "MRawRunHeader not found... aborting." << endl;
    142         return kFALSE;
    143     }
    145     const MTime &t = h->GetRunStart();
    147     const Double_t rho = fPointPos->RotationAngle(*fObservatory, t);
    149     // Calculate x, y of Zeta Tauri
    151     Double_t tm = t.GetAxisTime();
    153     Double_t x = 1.7267e6-6.03285e-3*tm; // [mm]
    154     Double_t y = -189.823+974.908*exp(-52.3083*(tm*1e-5-2861.5)); // [mm]
    156     const Double_t cs = TMath::Cos(rho-fDrho);
    157     const Double_t sn = TMath::Sin(rho-fDrho);
    159     const Double_t dx = fR*cs;
    160     const Double_t dy = fR*sn;
    162     fSrcPos->SetXY(x-dx, y-dy);
    164     *fLog << dbg << t << " - Position: x=" << x-dx << "mm y=" << y-dy << "mm" << endl;
    166     return kTRUE;
     152// Loc0LocToCam
     154// Input :   (theta0, phi0)   direction for the position (0,0) in the camera 
     155//           ( theta,  phi)   some other direction
     157// Output :  (X, Y)      position in the camera corresponding to (theta, phi)
     159TVector2 MSrcPosCalc::CalcXYinCamera(const MVector3 &pos0, const MVector3 &pos) const
     161    const Double_t theta0 = pos0.Theta();
     162    const Double_t phi0   = pos0.Phi();
     164    const Double_t theta  = pos.Theta();
     165    const Double_t phi    = pos.Phi();
     167    //--------------------------------------------
     169    // pos0[3] = TMath::Cos(theta0)
     171    const Double_t YC0 = TMath::Cos(theta0)*TMath::Tan(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi-phi0) - TMath::Sin(theta0);
     172    const Double_t YC1 = TMath::Cos(theta0) + TMath::Sin(theta0)*TMath::Tan(theta);
     173    const Double_t YC  = YC0 / YC1;
     175    //--------------------------------------------
     177    const Double_t XC0 =  TMath::Cos(theta0) - YC*TMath::Sin(theta0);
     178    const Double_t XC  = -TMath::Sin(phi-phi0) * TMath::Tan(theta) * XC0;
     180    //--------------------------------------------
     181    return TVector2(XC, YC);
    173188Int_t MSrcPosCalc::Process()
    175     if (fX==0 && fY==0)
    176         return kTRUE;
    178     // rotate the source position by the current rotation angle
    179     const Double_t rho = fPointPos->RotationAngle(*fObservatory, *fTime);
    181     // Define source position in the camera plain
    182     TVector2 v(fX, fY);
    183     v=v.Rotate(rho);
    185     // Convert coordinates into camera plain (mm)
    186     v *= 1./fGeom->GetConvMm2Deg();
    188     // Set current source position
    189     fSrcPos->SetXY(v);
    191     return kTRUE;
    192 }
     190  //     *fLog << dbg << "Camera center : Zd=" << fPointPos->GetZd() << " Az=" << fPointPos->GetAz() << endl;
     191  //     *fLog << dbg << "Camera center : RA=" << fPointPos->GetRa() << " Dec=" << fPointPos->GetDec() << endl;
     192  //     *fLog << dbg << "MJD: " << fTime->GetMjd() << ", time [ms]: " << fTime->GetTime() << endl;
     194  MVector3 pos, pos0;  // pos: source position;  pos0: camera center
     196  if (fSourcePos)
     197    {
     198      // Set Sky coordinates of source, taken from container "MSourcePos" of type MPointingPos. The sky
     199      // coordinates must be J2000, as the sky coordinates of the camera center that we get from the container
     200      // "MPointingPos" filled by the Drive.
     202      pos.SetRaDec(fSourcePos->GetRaRad(), fSourcePos->GetDecRad());
     204      //        *fLog << dbg << "Sky position of source: Ra=" << fSourcePos->GetRa() <<
     205      //          " Dec=" << fSourcePos->GetDec() << endl;
     206    }
     208  // Convert sky coordinates of source to local coordinates. Warning! These are not the "true" local
     209  // coordinates, since this transformation ignores precession and nutation effects.
     210  pos *= MAstroSky2Local(*fTime, *fObservatory);
     213  // Set sky coordinates of camera center in pos0, and then convert to local. Same comment as above. These
     214  // coordinates differ from the true local coordinates of the camera center that one could get from
     215  // "MPointingPos", calculated by the Drive: the reason is that the Drive takes into account precession
     216  // and nutation corrections, while MAstroSky2Local (as of Jan 27 2005 at least) does not. Since we just
     217  // want to get the source position on the camera from the local coordinates of the center and the source,
     218  // it does not matter that the coordinates contained in pos and pos0 ignore precession and nutation...
     219  // since the shift would be the same in both cases. What would be wrong is to set in pos0 directly the
     220  // local coordinates found in MPointingPos!
     222  pos0.SetRaDec(fPointPos->GetRaRad(), fPointPos->GetDecRad());
     223  pos0 *= MAstroSky2Local(*fTime, *fObservatory);
     225  //     *fLog << dbg << "From MAstroSky2Local, without precession and nutation corrections:" << endl;
     226  //     *fLog << dbg << "- Camera center (2) from RA,dec and time : Zd=" << pos0.Theta()*180./TMath::Pi()
     227  //      << " Az=" << pos0.Phi()*180./TMath::Pi() << endl;
     228  //     *fLog << dbg << "- Local position of source: Zd=" << pos.Theta()*TMath::RadToDeg() << " Az=" << pos.Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg() << endl;
     231  // Calculate source position in camera, and convert to mm:
     232  TVector2 v = CalcXYinCamera(pos0, pos)*fGeom->GetCameraDist()*1000;
     234  fSrcPosCam->SetXY(v);
     236  //     v *= fGeom->GetConvMm2Deg();
     237  //     *fLog << dbg << "X=" << v.X() << " deg,  Y=" << v.Y() << " deg" << endl;
     238  //     *fLog << *fTime << endl;
     239  //     *fLog << endl;
     241  return kTRUE;
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