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  • trunk/MagicSoft/GRB-Proposal/GRB_proposal_2005.tex

    r6125 r6145  
    44%%%  Kopyleft (K) 2000 J C Gonzalez
    5 %%%  Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, 
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    1919%%%  Although you can actually do whatever you want with this
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    7172We present a detailed strategy for the observation of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) for the first
    72 half year of 2005. All observations will be triggered mainly by alerts of the satellites
    73 \he, \ig and above all \sw. We expect an alert rate in total of about
    74 1--2 observable bursts per month.
     73half year of 2005. All observations will be mainly triggered by alerts from \sw. In addition
     74\he and \ig satellites will contribute to the number of alerts.
     75We expect an alert rate in total of about 15 per months where 1--2 should be observable due to our
     76duty cycle. Because it is still unknown how many alerts \sw will deliver in total and its precise sky coverage,
     77we cannot predict the alert frequency better than 100\% uncertainty. This leads to a expected observation time
     78of 5$\pm$5 hours per month. This number includes already observation during the moon time.
    7579We give a detailed description of the observation procedures in La Palma and
    7680propose to review the situation in half a year from now.
    7983%% contents %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    82 \newpage
    8488%% body %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    117121\bibitem{ZHANG1} High-Energy Spectral Components in Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows,
    118122Zhang \& Meszaros, ApJ, 559, 110, 2001.
     123\bibitem{TOTANI} Totani T., Astrophys. J. 502 L13 (1998), 509 L81 (1998), 536, L23, 2000.
     124\bibitem{WAXMAN} Waxman E., Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 386, 1995.
     125\bibitem{BAHCALL} Waxman E., Bahcall J., Phys. Rev. Lett 78, 2292, 1997.
     126\bibitem{BOETTCHER} Boettcher M, Dermer C.D., Astrophys. J. 499 L131, 1998.
     127\bibitem{MESZAROS93} Meszaros P., Rees M., Astrophys. J. 418 L59, 1993.
     128\bibitem{CHIANG} Chiang J., Dermer C.D., Astrophys. J. 512 699, 1999.
     129\bibitem{ZHANG2} Zhang B., Meszaros P., Astrophys. J. 559 110, 2001.
    119130\bibitem{EGRET} Hurley K. et al., Nature, 372, 652
    120131\bibitem{DINGUS} ESLAB29, Towards the Source of Gamma-Ray Bursts, Dingus, Ap\&SS, 231, 187, 1995.
    133144\bibitem{GRAND} Sub-TeV Gammas in Coincidence with BATSE Gamma Ray Bursts,
    134145Poirier J, et al., Physical Review D, 67, 042001, 2003.
    135 \bibitem{TOTANI} Totani T., Astrophys. J. 502 L13 (1998), 509 L81 (1998),
    136 536, L23, 2000.
    137 \bibitem{WAXMAN} Waxman E., Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 386, 1995.
    138 \bibitem{BAHCALL} Waxman E., Bahcall J., Phys. Rev. Lett 78, 2292, 1997.
    139 \bibitem{BOETTCHER} Boettcher M, Dermer C.D., Astrophys. J. 499 L131, 1998.
    140 \bibitem{MESZAROS93} Meszaros P., Rees M., Astrophys. J. 418 L59, 1993.
    141 \bibitem{CHIANG} Chiang J., Dermer C.D., Astrophys. J. 512 699, 1999.
    142 \bibitem{ZHANG2} Zhang B., Meszaros P., Astrophys. J. 559 110, 2001.
    143 \bibitem{ASAF2} Pe'er A., Waxman E., APJ 603, L1, 2004 (astro-ph/0310836)
     146\bibitem{ASAF2} Pe'er A., Waxman E., ApJ 603, 448, 2004.
    144147\bibitem{LI} Li Z., Dai G., Lu T., accepted for A\&A, astro-ph/0208435, 2002.
    145148\bibitem{ICRC} The MAGIC Telescope and the Observation of GRBs,
    147150\bibitem{NICOLA} Il Telescopio MAGIC per l'osservazione dei Gamma Ray Bursts,
    148151Nicola Galante, tesi di laurea, (available at:, 2002.
     152\bibitem{GUETTA} The Luminosity and Angular Distributions of Logn-Duration GRBs,
     153Guetta D., Piran T., Waxman E., astroph/0311488, 2003.
    150155%End of the list in the introduction
     157%References used in chapter 2: Burst Alert System
     159\bibitem{GCN} The GCN homepage:
     160\bibitem{HETE} The HETE homepage:
     161\bibitem{INTEGRAL} The INTEGRAL homepage:
     162\bibitem{SWIFT} The SWIFT homepage:
     163\bibitem{CONTROL} MAGIC-TDAS 00-07, Cortina J, 2004.
    152166\bibitem{PAZCYNSKI} Pazcy\'{n}ski B., Astrophys. J. 308 L43 (1986)
    156170\bibitem{REES} Rees M., Meszaros P., MNRAS 258 P41 (1992)
    157171\bibitem{MESZAROS94} Meszaros P., Rees M., MNRAS 289 L41 (1994)
    158 \bibitem{NICOLAGRB}
    159 \bibitem{GCN}
    160 \bibitem{GCNARCHIVE}\_archive.html
    161 \bibitem{GOTZ} D. Gotz, S. Mereghetti 2002 Observation of Gamma-ray Bursts with INTEGRAL
    162 Contribution to the XXII Moriond Astrophysics Meeting,
    163 The Gamma Ray Universe, Les Arcs 9-16 March 2002.
    164 \bibitem{IBAS} IBAS Client Software, Users Manual,
    165 available at:
    167 \bibitem{HETE}
    168 (see also:\_status.htm \\
    169   )
    170 \bibitem{HETE-SUM} HETE Trigger Summaries
    172 \bibitem{SWIFT} The SWIFT homepage
    174 \bibitem{SWIFT2}
    176 \bibitem{KNEISKE}
    177 T.M. Kneiske, T. Bretz, K. Mannheim, D.H. Hartmann,A\&A 413, 807 (2004)
    178 \bibitem{GRB030329}
    180 \bibitem{eckart}
    181 E. Lorenz, private comm.
     173\bibitem{KNEISKE} Kneiske T.M., Bretz T., Mannheim K., Hartmann D.H., A\&A 413, 807, 2004.
  • trunk/MagicSoft/GRB-Proposal/Introduction.tex

    r6120 r6145  
    33\subsection{Observation of GRBs}
    5 The MAGIC telescope's support structure and mirrors have been designed exceptionally light in order to
    6 to react quickly to GRB alerts from satellites. \cite{design} and~\cite{PETRY} set
     5The \ma telescope's support structure and mirrors have been designed exceptionally light in order to
     6react quickly to GRB alerts from satellites. \cite{design} and~\cite{PETRY} set
    77the objective to turn the telescope to the burst position within 10-30\,sec.
    8 in order to have a fair chance to detect a burst when the emission is still ongoing.
    9 During the commissioning phase it could be proven that that goal was reached.
     8in order to have a fair chance to detect a burst when the prompt $\gamma$--emission is still ongoing.
     9During the commissioning phase it could be proven that our goal was reached.
    1010The telescope is able to turn 180 degrees in azimuth within 20\,sec. and 80 degrees in zenith within 10\,sec.\\
    2121In many publications, the possibility that more energetic $\gamma$-rays come along with the
    2222(low-energy) GRB, have been explored. Proton-synchrotron emission~\cite{TOTANI} have been suggested
    23 as well as photon-pion production~\cite{WAXMAN,BAHCALL,BOETTCHER} and inverse-Compton scattering 
     23as well as photon-pion production~\cite{WAXMAN,BAHCALL,BOETTCHER} and inverse-Compton scattering
    2424in the burst environment~\cite{MESZAROS93,CHIANG,PILLA,ZHANG2}.
    2525Long-term HE $\gamma$ emission from accelerated protons in the forward-shock has been predicted in~\cite{LI}.
    2727Even considering pure electron-synchrotron radiation predicts measurable GeV emission for a significant fraction of GRBs~\cite{ZHANG2}.\\
    29 GeV emission in GRBs is particularly sensitive to the Lorentz factor and the photon density of the emitting material -
    30 and thus to the distance of the radiating shock from the source - due to the $\gamma~\gamma \rightarrow$
    31 \textit{e$^+$~e$^-$} absorption in the emission region. Direct comparison of the prompt GRB flux at $\sim$ 10\,GeV and $\sim$ 100\,keV
    32 may allow to determine the magnetic field strength~\cite{ASAF}.
     29GeV emission in GRBs is particularly sensitive to the Lorentz factor and the photon density of the emitting material -
     30and thus to the distance of the radiating shock from the source - due to the \linebreak
     31$\gamma~\gamma \rightarrow$ \textit{e$^+$~e$^-$} absorption in the emission region. Direct comparison of the prompt GRB flux at $\sim$ 10\,GeV and $\sim$ 100\,keV may allow to determine the magnetic field strength~\cite{ASAF2}.
    3635Several attempts have been made in the past to observe GRBs in the GeV range,
    37 each indicating some excess over background but without stringent evidence. 
    38 The only significant detection was performed by EGRET which detected seven GRBs emitting high energy (HE)
    39 photons in the 100\,MeV to 18\,dGeV range~\cite{EGRET}. The data shows no evidence of a HE roll-over
    40 in the GRB spectrum~\cite{DINGUS}. Recent results indicate that the spectrum of some GRBs contains a very hard, 
     36each indicating some excess over background but without stringent evidence.
     37The only significant detection was performed by \eg which detected seven GRBs emitting high energy (HE)
     38photons in the 100\,MeV to 18\,GeV range~\cite{EGRET}. The data shows no evidence of a HE cut-off
     39in the GRB spectrum~\cite{DINGUS}. Recent results indicate that the spectrum of some GRBs contains a very hard,
    4140luminous, long-duration component~\cite{GONZALES}.
    4241There have been results suggesting gamma rays beyond the GeV range from the TIBET air shower array
    4948of hadrons and producing a spectral index of $-1$ with no cut-off up to the detector energy limit (200\,MeV).\\
    51 Concerning estimates about the MAGIC observability of GRBs, a very detailed study of GRB spectra obtained from the
     50Concerning estimates about the \ma observability of GRBs, a very detailed study of GRB spectra obtained from the
    5251third and fourth \ba catalogue has been made in~\cite{ICRC,NICOLA}. The spectra were extrapolated to GeV energies
    53 with a simple continuation of the observed high-energy power law behaviour and the calculated fluxes compared with \ma sensitivities.
    54 Setting conservative cuts on observation times and significances,
     52with a simple continuation of the observed high-energy power law behaviour and the calculated fluxes compared with \ma sensitivities. Setting conservative cuts on observation times and significances,
    5553and assuming an energy threshold of 15~GeV, a GRB detection rate of $0.5-2$ per year
    56 was obtained for an assumed observation delay between 15 and 60 sec. and a BATSE trigger rate ($\sim$\,360/year).
     54was obtained for an assumed observation delay between 15 and 60 sec. and a \ba trigger rate ($\sim$\,360/year).
    58 Taking into account the local rate of GRBs estimated in~\cite{GUETTA}, late afterglow emission from few tens of GRBs per year 
     56Taking into account the local rate of GRBs estimated in~\cite{GUETTA}, late afterglow emission from few tens of GRBs per year
    5957should be observable above our energy threshold. The model of~\cite{ASAF2} predict delayed GeV emission that
    6058should be significantly detectable by MAGIC in 100\,seconds.
  • trunk/MagicSoft/GRB-Proposal/Monitor.tex

    r6123 r6145  
    77The Burst Alarm System is installed and working since last summer
    88in La Palma. The duty of the Burst Alarm System
    9 is to perform a full-time survey of the GCN (Gamma-Ray Bursts
    10 Coordinates Network) alerts. Different satellite experiments perform GRB monitoring
    11 in their wide FOV and send immediately the coordinates of the GRBs to the GCN network.
     9is to perform a full-time survey of the {\it GRB Coordinates Network} (\g)~\cite{GCN} alerts. Different satellite experiments perform GRB monitoring
     10in their wide FOV and send immediately the coordinates of the GRBs to the \g network.
    1211The network send the alerts to registered users and allows other satellites as well as
    1312ground based observatories to observe the GRBs and their afterglows at different wavelengths.
    1413The Burst Alarm System is composed by a core program -
    1514which acts in two ways: on the
    16 one hand it manages the monitoring of the GCN, on the other it manages
     15one hand it manages the monitoring of the \g, on the other it manages
    1716the communication with the Central Control (CC). Then it also manages
    1817three communication channels to notice the shifters
    2726\subsection{The connection to GCN}
    29 The connection to {\it GRB Coordinates Network} (GCN)~\cite{GCN} is performed by {\it gspot} through a
    30 TCP/IP connection to a computer at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). 
     28The connection to \g is performed by {\it gspot} through a
     29TCP/IP connection to a computer at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).
    3130This computer distributes the information it receives from the satellite
    3231experiments through the normal internet socket connection. The {\it gspot} on our
    3534and concerning the status of the connection. \\
    37 The format of the data distributed through the GCN differ between the individual satellites
     36The format of the data distributed through the \g differ between the individual satellites
    3837and the kind of package. There are three satellites participating in the GRB survey:
    39 HETE-2, INTEGRAL and SWIFT. All are sending alerts which include the
     38HETE-2~\cite{HETE}, INTEGRAL~\cite{INTEGRAL} and SWIFT~\cite{SWIFT}. All are sending alerts which include the
    4039UTC, coordinates (not always), error on coordinates
    4140(not always) and intensity (photon counts) of the burst.
    4241The first notices from HETE-2 and INTEGRAL usually do not include the coordinates.
    43 In few cases only coordinates are distributed in more refined notices.\\
     42In few cases only coordinates are distributed in more refined notices.
     43The \sw alerts are predicted to arrive with coordinates between 30-80 sec after the onset of the burst.
     44The error on the coordinates from the BAT detector will be 4 arcmin which is smaller than the size of one
     45inner pixel of the \ma camera.\\
    4547In case of an alert {\it gspot} stores the informations and enters
    49 \item {\bf darkness of the sky}, determined from the distance of the sun
     51\item {\bf Darkness of the sky}: Determined from the distance of the sun
    5052to the astronomical horizon of 108$^\circ$ zenith;
    51 \item {\bf position of GRB}, the GRB equatorial
    52 coordinates are transformed into local horizontal coordinates. 
    53 The resulting GRB zenith angle has to be smaller than 70$^\circ$; in the case that the moon is
     53\item {\bf Position of GRB}: The GRB equatorial
     54coordinates are transformed into local horizontal coordinates.
     55The resulting GRB zenith angle has to be smaller than 70$^\circ$. In the case that the moon is
    5456shining, this zenith angle limit is reduced to 65$^\circ$;
    55 \item {\bf position of moon} The angular
     57\item {\bf Position of moon}: The angular
    5658distance from the GRB to the moon has to be at least 30$^\circ$.
    59 If one or more of these conditions fail, {\it gspot}
    60 enters into a {\bf Yellow Alarm State}. It means that the GRB is not observable
    61 at the moment. Currently the program does not calculate if and when the GRB will
    62 become observable at La Palma.
    63 If all conditions mentioned above are satisfied,
    64 {\it gspot} enters into a {\bf Red Alarm State}, which means that
    65 the GRB is considered to be observable at the current time.\\
     61If one or more of these conditions fail, {\it gspot} enters into a \textcolor{yellow}{\bf Yellow Alarm State}. It means that the GRB is not observable at the moment.
     62Currently the program does not calculate if and when the GRB will become observable for \ma.
     63If all conditions mentioned above are satisfied, {\it gspot} enters into a \textcolor{red}{\bf Red Alarm State}, it means that the GRB is considered to be observable now.\\
    67 In both cases (in RED and YELLOW alarm state) {\it gspot} establishes the communication
    68 with the Central Control and sends the GRB equatorial coordinates (RA/DEC J2000).
    69 For the communication to CC the format defined in~\cite{CONTROL} is used. In the same time
    70 the shifters and the GRB-MAGIC group is contacted in different ways described in the next sessions.
     65In both cases (in \textcolor{red}{RED} and \textcolor{yellow}{YELLOW} alarm state) {\it gspot} establishes the communication with the CC and sends the GRB equatorial coordinates (RA/DEC J2000).
     66For the communication with CC the format defined in~\cite{CONTROL} is used. In the same time
     67the shifters and the GRB-MAGIC group is contacted in different ways as described in the next sessions.
    7269\subsection{The interface to the Central Control}
    74 An interface to {\it gspot} sends all the relevant information to {\it arehucas}.
     71An interface of {\it gspot} sends all the relevant information to {\it arehucas}.
    7572In the case of {\bf NO Alarm State} the standard packages, containing the main global status
    7673of the two subsystems, are continuously exchanged between CC and {\it gspot}.
    8279\item {\it gspot} receives from {\it arehucas} the confirmation
    8380that it has received the alert notice; {\it arehucas} must send the alert back in order
    84 to perform a cross-check of the relevant data;
    85 \item the alarm state expire after {\bf 5 hours}.
     81to perform a cross-check of the relevant data
     82\item the alarm state expire after {\bf 5 hours}
    104101The status of the GRB Alert System and relevant informations about the lastest
    105 alerts are displayed on a separate web page. The page is hosted at the web server in La Palma.
     102alert are displayed on a separate web page. The page is hosted at the web server in La Palma.
    106103The address is the following:\\
    110107The web page updates itself automatically every 10 seconds. In this way
    111 the status of the Burst Alarm System can be checked from outside.
     108the status of the Burst Alarm System can be checked by the shifters and from outside.
    113110\subsection{The acoustic alert}
    115 A further CC-independent acoustic alarm called {\it phava} 
    116 (~PHonetic Alarm for Valued Alerts~) will be installed
     112A further CC-independent acoustic alarm called {\it phava}
     113(PHonetic Alarm for Valued Alerts) will be installed
    117114in La Palma very soon. It will provide a loud acoustic signal
    118 even if {\it arehucas} is switched off, so that people in the counting house
     115even if {\it arehucas} is switched off, so that persons in the counting house
    119116will be noticed about the alert situation. The signal will be on as long as
    120117{\it gspot} stays in alarm state, and in any case for a minimum of 1 minute.
    121 This device will keep also a display to check the status of the system and the alert.
     118This device feature also a display with the status of the system and the alert.
    123 \subsection{Alerts received until now}
     120\subsection{Summary of alerts received until now}
    125122Since July, 15th 2004 {\it gspot} has been working stably at La Palma.
    126 It received about 100 alerts from HETE-2 and INTEGRAL, out of which
    127 only 20 contained GRB's coordinates. Time delays
    128 were of very the order of of several minutes or even
    129 tens of minutes in most cases. The Burst Monitor can be considered bug-free since
    130 November 2004. Since all bugs were fixed we received only one red alert from INTEGRAL on December 19th at 1:44 am
    131 with a delay of 71 seconds. The GRB had a zenith angle of $\sim 60^\circ$. It is a pity that the weather
    132 conditions were very bad during this night.
     123It received about 100 alerts from HETE-2 and INTEGRAL, out of which
     124only 21 contained GRB's coordinates. Time delays
     125were in the order of several minutes to tens of minutes. The Burst Monitor can be considered bug-free since
     126November 2004. From this moment we received the following two significant alerts:\\
    134 \subsection{Procedure to be defined}
     12919th & December & 2004 & 1:44 am & INTEGRAL satellite & Zd $\sim 60^\circ$ & Timedelay 71 sec.\\
     13028th & Januar & 2005 & 5:36 am & HETE-2 satellite & Zd $\sim 65^\circ$ & Timedelay 73 min. \\ \\
     133In both cases the weather conditions at La Palma were very bad.
     135\subsection{Experience of SWIFT GRBs until now}
     137According to the \sw homepage~\cite{SWIFT} the satellite detected 12 GRBs since mid December last year.
     138The bursts were detected by chance during the comissioning phase. The satellite did not send
     139the coordinates on time to \g. Anyhow, in the current sample are two bursts
     140which in principle could have been observed by \ma:\\
     14319th & December & 2004 & 1:42 am & SWIFT satellite & Zd $\sim 65^\circ$ \\
     14426th & December & 2004 & 20:34 am & SWIFT satellite & Zd $\sim 52^\circ$ \\ \\
     148\subsection{Routines to be defined}
    136150The Burst Alarm System is currently able to provide the minimum
    137 features needed to point and to observe a GRB. However, several
    138 procedures must be defined in order to improve our efficiency
    139 to point and observe GRBs.
     151features needed to point and to observe a GRB. However, in order to improve our efficiency
     152to point and observe GRBs, several procedures have to be defined:
    142 \item {\bf Yellow Alarm strategy}
     155\item {\bf Yellow Alarm strategy}:
    143156The strategy to follow a {\bf Yellow Alarm} is not defined yet.
    144157In such a case the CC does not undertake any steps,
    146159calculate if and when the GRB will become observable.
    147160It would make sense to check if during the period of 5 hours we could point to the burst.
    148 Then, the Alarm System would change to the {\bf Red Alarm State} 
     161Then, the Alarm System would change to the {\bf Red Alarm State}
    149162at that time and allow the observation.
    151 \item {\bf Sequence of alerts}
    152 How to deal with new alerts that are distributed during the time
    153 that {\it gspot} is in alarm state. Currently, {\it gspot}
    154 locks its alert status until it exits
    155 the alarm state.
    156 This feature was implemented in order not to
    157 loose any GRB information.
    158 Such a situation can occur when the CC is switched off and thus
    159 cannot receive the alert and if more than one alert happens
    160 in the late afternoon or in the 5 hours before the beginning
    161 of the night-shift.
    162 In such a case we propose
    163 to implement a list of the available GRB alerts into {\it gspot} in which every
    164 item expires after:
     164\item {\bf Sequence of alerts}:
     165How to deal with new alerts that are distributed during the time
     166that {\it gspot} is in alarm state? Currently {\it gspot}
     167locks its alert status until it exits the alarm state (see session 2.2).
     168This feature was implemented to avoid any loose of the GRB information.
     169Such a situation can occur when for example more than one burst alert is send before
     170the shift crew starts the CC. To solve the problem we will change the {\it gspot} implement a list of the available
     171GRB alerts into  in which every item expires after:
  • trunk/MagicSoft/GRB-Proposal/Strategies.tex

    r6124 r6145  
    1313Such duty-cycle studies, made before MAGIC started its observations,
    1414are reliable as long as the considered weather constraints
    15 (~maximum wind speed of 10 m/s, maximum humidity of 80\% and
     15(~maximum wind speed of 10m/s, maximum humidity of 80\% and
    1616darkness at astronomical horizon~) remain similar to the real ones in 2005.
    1717In these duty-cycle studies also full-moon nights were considered (requiring
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