Changeset 6273 for trunk/MagicSoft

02/04/05 21:03:11 (20 years ago)
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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Algorithms.tex

    r6269 r6273  
    197197As it does not correct for the clock-noise, only an even number of samples is allowed.
    198198For a high intensity calibration run causing high-gain saturation in the whole camera, this
    199 extractor apparently fails since only dead pixels which cannot produced a saturated signal, are taken into account
    200 in the peak search. For this special case, we modified {\textit{\bf MExtractFixedWindowPeakSearch}}
     199extractor apparently fails since only dead pixels are taken into account in the peak search
     200 which cannot produce a saturated signal.
     201For this special case, we modified {\textit{\bf MExtractFixedWindowPeakSearch}}
    201202such to define the peak search window as the one starting from the mean position of the first saturating slice.
     707\subsubsection{Digital Filter with Global Peak Search}
     709This extractor is implemented in the MARS-class {\textit{\bf MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilterPeakSearch}}.
     711The idea of this extractor is to combine {\textit{\bf MExtractFixedWindowPeakSearch}} and
     712{\textit{\bf MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter}} in order to correct for coherent movements in arrival time
     713for all pixels and still use the digital filter fit capabilities.
     714 \par
     716In a first loop, it fixes a reference point defined as the highest sum of
     717consecutive non-saturating FADC slices in a (smaller) peak-search window.
     719In a second loop over the pixels,
     720it uses the digital filter algorithm within a reduced extraction window.
     721It loops twice over all pixels in every event, because it has to find the reference point, first.
     723As in the case of  {\textit{\bf MExtractFixedWindowPeakSearch}}, for a high intensity calibration run
     724causing high-gain saturation in the whole camera, this
     725extractor apparently fails since only dead pixels
     726are taken into account in the peak search  which cannot produce a saturated signal.
     729For this special case, the extractor then defines the peak search window
     730as the one starting from the mean position of the first saturating slice.
     732The following  adjustable parameters have to be set from outside, additionally to the ones to be
     733set in {\textit{\bf MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter}}:
     735\item[Peak Search Window:\xspace] Defines the ``sliding window'' size within which the peaking sum is
     736searched for (default: 2 slices)
     737\item[Offset left from Peak:\xspace] Defines the left offset of the start of the extraction window w.r.t. the
     738starting point of the obtained peak search window (default: 3 slices)
     739\item[Offset right from Peak:\xspace] Defines the right offset of the  of the extraction window w.r.t. the
     740starting point of the obtained peak search window (default: 3 slices)
     741\item[Limit for high gain failure events:\xspace] Defines the limit of the number of events which failed
     742to be in the high-gain window before the run is rejected.
     743\item[Limit for low gain failure events:\xspace] Defines the limit of the number of events which failed
     744to be in the low-gain window before the run is rejected.
     747In principle, the ``offsets'' can be chosen very small, because both showers and calibration pulses spread
     748over a very small time interval, typically less than one FADC slice. However, the MAGIC DAQ produces
     749artificial jumps of two FADC slices from time to time\footnote{in 5\% of the events per pixel in December 2004},
     750so the 3 slices are made in order not to reject these pixels already with the extractor. 
    706752\subsubsection{Real Fit to the Expected Pulse Shape }
    804850\item SetWeightsFile(``calibration\_weights4\_blue\_logaintest.dat'');
     852\item[MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilterPeakSearch]: with the following initialization:
     854\item SetWeightsFile(``calibration\_weights\_UV.dat'');
    806856\item[``Real Fit'']: (not yet implemented, one try)
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