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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Pedestal.tex

    r6308 r6374  
    133 The following plots~\ref{fig:df:distped:run38993} through~\ref{fig:amp:relrms:run38996} show results
     133The following plots~\ref{fig:sw:distped} through~\ref{fig:amp:relrms:run38996} show results
    134134obtained with the second method for three background intensities:
    143 \begin{figure}[htp]
    144 \centering
    145 \includegraphics[height=0.29\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter_Weights_cosmics_weights.dat_Range_00_18_02_14_Run_38993_Signal_Pixel200.eps}
    146 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter: Distribution of extracted "pedestals"  from pedestal run with
    147 closed camera lids for one channel.}
    148 \label{fig:df:distped:run38993}
    149 \vspace{\floatsep}
    150 \includegraphics[height=0.29\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter_Weights_cosmics_weights.dat_Range_00_18_02_14_Run_38995_Signal_Pixel200.eps}
    151 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter: Distribution of extracted "pedestals"  from pedestal run with
    152 extra-galactic star background for one channel.}
    153 \label{fig:df:distped:run38995}
    154 \vspace{\floatsep}
    155 \includegraphics[height=0.29\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter_Weights_cosmics_weights.dat_Range_00_18_02_14_Run_38996_Signal_Pixel200.eps}
    156 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter: Distribution of extracted "pedestals"  from run with
    157 continuous light level 100 for one channel.}
    158 \label{fig:df:distped:run38996}
    159 \end{figure}
    161 \begin{figure}[htp]
    162 \centering
    163 \includegraphics[height=0.27\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter_Weights_cosmics_weights.dat_Range_01_14_02_14_Run_38993_RelMean.eps}
    164 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter: Difference in mean pedestal (per FADC slice) from pedestal
    165 run with closed camera lids (in photo-electrons)}
    166 \label{fig:df:relmean:run38993}
    167 \vspace{\floatsep}
    168 \includegraphics[height=0.27\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter_Weights_cosmics_weights.dat_Range_01_14_02_14_Run_38995_RelMean.eps}
    169 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter: Difference in mean pedestal (per FADC slice) from pedestal
    170 run with extra-galactic star background (in photo-electrons)}
    171 \label{fig:df:relmean:run38995}
    172 \vspace{\floatsep}
    173 \includegraphics[height=0.27\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter_Weights_cosmics_weights.dat_Range_01_14_02_14_Run_38996_RelMean.eps}
    174 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter: Difference in mean pedestal (per FADC slice) from run
    175 with continuous light level: 100 (in photo-electrons)}
    176 \label{fig:df:relmean:run38996}
    177 \end{figure}
    180 \begin{figure}[htp]
    181 \centering
    182 \includegraphics[height=0.25\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter_Weights_cosmics_weights.dat_Range_01_14_02_14_Run_38993_RMSDiff.eps}
    183 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter:  Difference pedestal RMS (per FADC slice) with extraction algorithm
    184 appied on a fixed window, and simply summing up the same number of FADC slices.
    185 Pedestal run
    186 with closed camera lids for inner (left) and outer (right) pixels. }
    187 \label{fig:df:relrms:run38993}
    188 \vspace{\floatsep}
    189 \includegraphics[height=0.25\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter_Weights_cosmics_weights.dat_Range_01_14_02_14_Run_38995_RMSDiff.eps}
    190 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter:  Difference pedestal RMS (per FADC slice)  with extraction algorithm
    191 appied on a fixed window, and simply summing up the same number of FADC slices.
    192  from pedestal run with extra-galactic star background for inner (left)
    193 and outer (right) pixels. }
    194 \label{fig:df:relrms:run38995}
    195 \vspace{\floatsep}
    196 \includegraphics[height=0.25\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter_Weights_cosmics_weights.dat_Range_01_14_02_14_Run_38996_RMSDiff.eps}
    197 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter:  Difference pedestal RMS (per FADC slice)  with extraction algorithm
    198 appied on a fixed window, and simply summing up the same number of FADC slices.
    199  from run with continuous light level: 100 for inner (left)
    200 and outer (right) pixels. }
    201 \label{fig:df:relrms:run38996}
    202 \end{figure}
    205 \begin{figure}[htp]
    206 \centering
    207 \includegraphics[height=0.29\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline_Amplitude_Range_00_10_04_11_Run_38993_Signal_Pixel200.eps}
    208 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with amplitude: Distribution of extracted "pedestals"  from pedestal run
    209 with closed camera lids for one channel.}
    210 \label{fig:amp:distped:run38993}
    211 \vspace{\floatsep}
    212 \includegraphics[height=0.29\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline_Amplitude_Range_00_10_04_11_Run_38995_Signal_Pixel200.eps}
    213 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with amplitude: Distribution of extracted "pedestals"  from pedestal run
    214 with extra-galactic star background for one channel.}
    215 \label{fig:amp:distped:run38995}
    216 \vspace{\floatsep}
    217 \includegraphics[height=0.29\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline_Amplitude_Range_00_10_04_11_Run_38996_Signal_Pixel200.eps}
    218 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with amplitude: Distribution of extracted "pedestals"  from run with
    219 continuous light level: 100 for one channel.}
    220 \label{fig:amp:distped:run38996}
    221 \end{figure}
    223 \begin{figure}[htp]
    224 \centering
    225 \includegraphics[height=0.27\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline_Amplitude_Amplitude_Range_01_09_01_10_Run_38993_RelMean.eps}
    226 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with amplitude: Difference in mean pedestal (per FADC slice)  with extraction algorithm
    227 appied on a fixed window, and simply summing up the same number of FADC slices.
    228 Pedestal run with closed camera lids.}
    229 \label{fig:amp:relmean:run38993}
    230 \vspace{\floatsep}
    231 \includegraphics[height=0.27\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline_Amplitude_Amplitude_Range_01_09_01_10_Run_38995_RelMean.eps}
    232 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with amplitude: Difference in mean pedestal (per FADC slice)  with extraction algorithm
    233 appied on a fixed window, and simply summing up the same number of FADC slices
    234 Pedestal run with extra-galactic star background.}
    235 \label{fig:amp:relmean:run38995}
    236 \vspace{\floatsep}
    237 \includegraphics[height=0.27\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline_Amplitude_Amplitude_Range_01_09_01_10_Run_38996_RelMean.eps}
    238 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with amplitude: Difference in mean pedestal (per FADC slice)  with extraction algorithm
    239 appied on a fixed window, and simply summing up the same number of FADC slices.
    240 Pedestal run with continuous light level: 100}
    241 \label{fig:amp:relmean:run38996}
    242 \end{figure}
    245 \begin{figure}[htp]
    246 \centering
    247 \includegraphics[height=0.25\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline_Amplitude_Amplitude_Range_01_09_01_10_Run_38993_RMSDiff.eps}
    248 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with amplitude:  Difference pedestal RMS (per FADC slice)  with extraction
    249  algorithm appied on a fixed window, and simply summing up the same number of FADC slices.
    250 Pedestal run
    251 with closed camera lids for inner (left) and outer (right) pixels. }
    252 \label{fig:amp:relrms:run38993}
    253 \vspace{\floatsep}
    254 \includegraphics[height=0.25\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline_Amplitude_Amplitude_Range_01_09_01_10_Run_38995_RMSDiff.eps}
    255 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with amplitude:  Difference pedestal RMS (per FADC slice)  with extraction
    256 algorithm appied on a fixed window, and simply summing up the same number of FADC slices.
    257 Pedestal run with extra-galactic star background for inner (left)
    258 and outer (right) pixels.}
    259 \label{fig:amp:relrms:run38995}
    260 \vspace{\floatsep}
    261 \includegraphics[height=0.25\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline_Amplitude_Amplitude_Range_01_09_01_10_Run_38996_RMSDiff.eps}
    262 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with amplitude:  Difference pedestal RMS (per FADC slice)  with extraction
    263 algorithm appied on a fixed window, and simply summing up the same number of FADC slices.
    264 Pedestal run with continuous light level: 100 for inner (left)
    265 and outer (right) pixels.}
    266 \label{fig:amp:relrms:run38996}
    267 \end{figure}
    269 Figures~\ref{fig:df:distped:run38993},~\ref{fig:df:distped:run38995},~\ref{fig:df:distped:run38996},
    270 and~\ref{fig:amp:distped:run38993},~\ref{fig:amp:distped:run38995},~\ref{fig:amp:distped:run38996} show the
     149\caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow with extraction window of 4 FADC slices:
     150Distribution of extracted "pedestals"  from pedestal run with
     151closed camera (top) and open camera observing an extra-galactic star field (bottom) for one channel
     152(pixel 100). The result obtained from a simple addition of 4 FADC
     153slice contents (``fundamental'') is displayed as red histogram, the one obtained from the application of
     154the algorithm on
     155a fixed window of 4 FADC slices as blue histogram (``extractor random'') and the one obtained from the
     156full algorithm allowed to slide within a global window of 12 slices. The obtained histogram means and
     157RMSs have been converted to equiv. photo-electrons.}
     167\caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with amplitude extraction:
     168Spectrum of extracted "pedestals"  from pedestal run with
     169closed camera lids (top) and open lids observing an extra-galactic star field (bottom) for one channel
     170(pixel 100). The result obtained from a simple addition of 2 FADC
     171slice contents (``fundamental'') is displayed as red histogram, the one obtained from the application
     172of the algorithm on a fixed window of 1 FADC slice as blue histogram  (``extractor random'')
     173and the one obtained from the
     174full algorithm allowed to slide within a global window of 12 slices. The obtained histogram means and
     175RMSs have been converted to equiv. photo-electrons.}
     184\caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with integral extraction over 2 FADC slices:
     185Distribution of extracted "pedestals"  from pedestal run with
     186closed camera lids (top) and open lids observing an extra-galactic star field (bottom) for one channel
     187(pixel 100). The result obtained from a simple addition of 2 FADC
     188slice contents (``fundamental'') is displayed as red histogram, the one obtained from the application
     189of time-randomized weigths on a fixed window of 2 FADC slices as blue histogram and the one obtained from the
     190full algorithm allowed to slide within a global window of 12 slices. The obtained histogram means and
     191RMSs have been converted to equiv. photo-electrons.}
     200\caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter: Spectrum of extracted "pedestals"  from pedestal run with
     201closed camera lids (top) and open lids observing an extra-galactic star field (bottom) for one channel
     202(pixel 100). The result obtained from a simple addition of 6 FADC
     203slice contents (``fundamental'') is displayed as red histogram, the one obtained from the application
     204of time-randomized weigths on a fixed window of 6 slices as blue histogram and the one obtained from the
     205full algorithm allowed to slide within a global window of 12 slices. The obtained histogram means and
     206RMSs have been converted to equiv. photo-electrons.}
     221\caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with amplitude extraction:
     222Difference in mean pedestal (per FADC slice) between extraction algorithm
     223applied on a fixed window of 1 FADC slice (``extractor random'') and a simple addition of
     2242 FADC slices (``fundamental''). On the top, a run with closed camera has been taken, in the center
     225 an opened camera observing an extra-galactic star field and on the bottom, an open camera being
     226illuminated by the continuous light of the calibration (level: 100). Every entry corresponds to one
     239\caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with integral over 2 slices:
     240Difference in mean pedestal (per FADC slice) between extraction algorithm
     241applied on a fixed window of 2 FADC slices (``extractor random'') and a simple addition of
     2422 FADC slices (``fundamental''). On the top, a run with closed camera has been taken, in the center
     243 an opened camera observing an extra-galactic star field and on the bottom, an open camera being
     244illuminated by the continuous light of the calibration (level: 100). Every entry corresponds to one
     257Difference in mean pedestal (per FADC slice) between extraction algorithm
     258applied on a fixed window of 6 FADC slices and time-randomized weights (``extractor random'')
     259and a simple addition of
     2606 FADC slices (``fundamental''). On the top, a run with closed camera has been taken, in the center
     261 an opened camera observing an extra-galactic star field and on the bottom, an open camera being
     262illuminated by the continuous light of the calibration (level: 100). Every entry corresponds to one
     276\caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with amplitude: 
     277Difference in pedestal RMS (per FADC slice) between extraction algorithm
     278applied on a fixed window of 1 FADC slice (``extractor random'') and a simple addition of
     2792 FADC slices (``fundamental''). On the top, a run with closed camera has been taken, in the center
     280 an opened camera observing an extra-galactic star field and on the bottom, an open camera being
     281illuminated by the continuous light of the calibration (level: 100). Every entry corresponds to one
     294\caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with integral over 2 slices: 
     295Difference in pedestal RMS (per FADC slice) between extraction algorithm
     296applied on a fixed window of 2 FADC slices (``extractor random'') and a simple addition of
     2972 FADC slices (``fundamental''). On the top, a run with closed camera has been taken, in the center
     298 an opened camera observing an extra-galactic star field and on the bottom, an open camera being
     299illuminated by the continuous light of the calibration (level: 100). Every entry corresponds to one
     313Difference in pedestal RMS (per FADC slice) between extraction algorithm
     314applied on a fixed window of 6 FADC slices and time-randomized weights (``extractor random'')
     315and a simple addition of 6 FADC slices (``fundamental''). On the top, a run with closed camera
     316has been taken, in the center
     317 an opened camera observing an extra-galactic star field and on the bottom, an open camera being
     318illuminated by the continuous light of the calibration (level: 100). Every entry corresponds to one
     327and~\ref{fig:amp:distped} show the
    271328extracted pedestal distributions for the digital filter with cosmics weights (extractor~\#28) and the
    272329spline amplitude (extractor~\#27), respectively for one examplary channel (corresponding to pixel 200).
    276333to negative fluctuations.
    278 Figures~\ref{fig:df:relmean:run38993},~\ref{fig:df:relmean:run38995},~\ref{fig:df:relmean:run38996},
    279 and~\ref{fig:amp:relmean:run38993},~\ref{fig:amp:relmean:run38995},~\ref{fig:amp:relmean:run38996} show the
     336and~\ref{fig:amp:relmean} show the
    280337relative difference between the calculated pedestal mean and
    281338the one obtained by applying the extractor for
    285342of the same pedestal calculator applied to different ranges of FADC slices.)
    287 Figures~\ref{fig:df:relrms:run38993},~\ref{fig:df:relrms:run38995},~\ref{fig:df:relrms:run38996},
    288 and~\ref{fig:amp:relrms:run38993},~\ref{fig:amp:relrms:run38995},~\ref{fig:amp:relrms:run38996} show the
     345and~\ref{fig:amp:relrms} show the
    289346relative difference between the calculated pedestal RMS, normalized to an equivalent number of slices
    290347(2.5 for the digital filter and 1. for the amplitude of the spline) and
    301 \begin{figure}[htp]
    302 \centering
    303 \includegraphics[height=0.27\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline_Rise-and-Fall-Time_0.5_1.5_Range_01_10_02_12_Run_38993_RelMean.eps}
    304 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with integral over 2 slices: Difference in mean pedestal (per FADC slice)
    305 Pedestal run with closed camera lids.}
    306 \label{fig:int:relmean:run38993}
    307 \vspace{\floatsep}
    308 \includegraphics[height=0.27\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline_Rise-and-Fall-Time_0.5_1.5_Range_01_10_02_12_Run_38995_RelMean.eps}
    309 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with integral over 2 slices: Difference in mean pedestal (per FADC slice)
    310 Pedestal run with extra-galactic star background.}
    311 \label{fig:int:relmean:run38995}
    312 \vspace{\floatsep}
    313 \includegraphics[height=0.27\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline_Rise-and-Fall-Time_0.5_1.5_Range_01_10_02_12_Run_38996_RelMean.eps}
    314 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with integral over 2 slices: Difference in mean pedestal (per FADC slice)
    315 Pedestal run with continuous light level: 100}
    316 \label{fig:int:relmean:run38996}
    317 \end{figure}
    319 \begin{figure}[htp]
    320 \centering
    321 \includegraphics[height=0.25\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline_Rise-and-Fall-Time_0.5_1.5_Range_01_10_02_12_Run_38993_RMSDiff.eps}
    322 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with integral over 2 slices:  Difference pedestal RMS (per FADC slice)
    323   from pedestal run
    324 with closed camera lids for inner (left) and outer (right) pixels  (in photo-electrons). }
    325 \label{fig:amp:relrms:run38993}
    326 \vspace{\floatsep}
    327 \includegraphics[height=0.25\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline_Rise-and-Fall-Time_0.5_1.5_Range_01_10_02_12_Run_38995_RMSDiff.eps}
    328 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with integral over 2 slices:  Difference pedestal RMS (per FADC slice)
    329   from pedestal run with extra-galactic star background for inner (left)
    330 and outer (right) pixels  (in photo-electrons).}
    331 \label{fig:amp:relrms:run38995}
    332 \vspace{\floatsep}
    333 \includegraphics[height=0.25\textheight]{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline_Rise-and-Fall-Time_0.5_1.5_Range_01_10_02_12_Run_38996_RMSDiff.eps}
    334 \caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline with integral over 2 slices:  Difference pedestal RMS (per FADC slice)
    335   from run with continuous light level: 100 for inner (left)
    336 and outer (right) pixels  (in photo-electrons).}
    337 \label{fig:amp:relrms:run38996}
    338 \end{figure}
    341358\subsubsection{ \label{sec:determiner} Application of the Signal Extractor to a Sliding Window
    342359of Pedestal Events}
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