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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Pedestal.tex

    r6401 r6407  
    175 \subsubsection{ \label{sec:determiner} Application of the Signal Extractor to a Fixed Window
     175\subsubsection{ \label{sec:ped:fixedwindow} Application of the Signal Extractor to a Fixed Window
    176176of Pedestal Events}
    285 \subsubsection{ \label{sec:determiner} Application of the Signal Extractor to a Sliding Window
     285\subsubsection{ \label{sec:ped:slidingwindow} Application of the Signal Extractor to a Sliding Window
    286286of Pedestal Events}
    298298a sliding window. In this sample, every extractor had the freedom to move 5 slices,
    299299i.e. the global window size was fixed to five plus the extractor window size. This first line
    300 shows the resolution of the smallest, robust fixed window algorithm in order to give a reference.
     300shows the resolution of the smallest existing robust fixed window algorithm in order to give the reference
     301value of 2.5 and 3 photo-electrons RMS.
    301303One can see that the bias $B$ typically decreases
    302304with increasing window size (except for the digital filter), while the error $R$ increases with
    308310at 4 slices. The global winners are extractors \#25 (spline with integration of 1 slice) and \#29
    309311(digital filter with integration of 4 slices). All sliding window extractors -- except \#21 --
    310 have a smaller mean-square error than the resolution of the fixed window reference extractor.
     312have a smaller mean-square error than the resolution of the fixed window reference extractor. This means
     313that the global error of the sliding window extractors is smaller than the one of the fixed window extractors
     314even if the first have a bias.
    3283324   & Fixed Win. 8  & 1.2  & --  & 0.0 & 1.2  & 2.5  & --  & 0.0 &  2.5 & 3.0 &  -- & 0.0 & 3.0 \\   
     334--  & Slid. Win. 1  & 0.4  & 0.4 & 0.4 & 0.6  & 1.2  & 1.2 & 1.3 &  1.8 & 1.4 & 1.4 & 1.5 & 2.0 \\
    33033517  & Slid. Win. 2  & 0.5  & 0.5 & 0.4 & 0.6  & 1.4  & 1.4 & 1.2 &  1.8 & 1.6 & 1.6 & 1.5 & 2.2 \\
    33133618  & Slid. Win. 4  & 0.8  & 0.8 & 0.5 & 0.9  & 1.9  & 1.9 & 1.2 &  2.2 & 2.2 & 2.3 & 1.6 & 2.8 \\
    347352\caption{The statistical parameters bias, resolution and mean error for the sliding window
    348 algorithm. The first line displays the resolution of the smallest, robust fixed window extractor
     353algorithm. The first line displays the resolution of the smallest existing robust fixed--window extractor
    349354for reference. All units in equiv.
    350355photo-electrons, uncertainty: 0.1 phes. All extractors were allowed to move 5 FADC slices plus
    361 \par
    362 Figures~\ref{fig:amp:distped} through~\ref{fig:df:distped} show the
    363 extracted pedestal distributions for the digital filter with cosmics weights (extractor~\#28) and the
    364 spline amplitude (extractor~\#27), respectively for one examplary channel (corresponding to pixel 200).
     363Figures~\ref{fig:sw:distped} through~\ref{fig:df:distped} show the
     364extracted pedestal distributions for some selected extractors (\#18, \#23, \#25 and \#28)
     365 for one examplary channel (pixel 100) and two background situations: Closed camera with only electronic
     366noise and open camera pointing to an extra-galactic source.
    365367One can see the (asymmetric) Poisson behaviour of the
    366 night sky background photons for the distributions with open camera and the cutoff at the lower egde
    367 for the distribution with high-intensity continuous light due to a limited pedestal offset and the cutoff
    368 to negative fluctuations.
    369 \par
     368night sky background photons for the distributions with open camera.
    437 \par
     436\subsection{ \label{sec:ped:singlephe} Single Photo-Electron Extraction with the Digital Filter}
     438Figures~\ref{fig:df:sphespectrum} show spectra
     439obtained with the digital filter applied on two different global search windows.
     440One can clearly distinguish a pedestal peak (fitted to Gaussian with index 0)
     441and further, positive contributions.
    439443Because the background is determined by the single photo-electrons from the night-sky background,
    440444the following possibilities can occur:
    444448finds only electronic noise.
    445449Usually, the returned signal charge is then negative.
    446 \item The extractor finds the signal from one photo-electron
     450\item There is one photo-electron in the extraction window and the extractor finds it.
     451\item There are more than on photo-electrons in the extraction window, but separated by more than
     452two FADC slices whereupon the extractor finds the one with the highest charge (upward fluctuation).
    447453\item The extractor finds an overlap of two or more photo-electrons.
    460466Given a global extraction window of size $WS$ and an average rate of photo-electrons from the night-sky
    461467background $R$, we will now calculate the probability for the extractor to find zero photo-electrons in the
    462 $WS$. The probability to find $k$ photo-electrons can be written as:
     468$WS$. The probability to find any number of $k$ photo-electrons can be written as:
    474 The probability to find more than one photo-electron is then:
     480The probability to find one or more photo-electrons is then:
    480 Figures~\ref{fig:sphe:sphespectrum} show spectra
    481 obtained with the digital filter applied on two different global search windows.
    482 One can clearly distinguish a pedestal peak (fitted to Gaussian with index 0),
     486In figures~\ref{fig:df:sphespectrum},
     487one can clearly distinguish the pedestal peak (fitted to Gaussian with index 0),
    483488corresponding to the case of  $P(0)$ and further
    484489contributions of $P(1)$ and $P(2)$ (fitted to Gaussians with index 1 and 2).
    519524We estimated the effective window size $WS$ as the sum of the range in which the digital filter
    520 amplitude weights are greater than 0.5 (1.6 FADC slices) and the global search window minus the
    521 size of the window size of the weights (which is 6 FADC slices). Figures~\ref{fig::df:ratiofit}
    522 show the result for two different levels of night-sky background.
     525amplitude weights are greater than 0.5 (1.5 FADC slices) and the global search window minus the
     526size of the window size of the weights (which is 6 FADC slices). Figures~\ref{fig:df:ratiofit}
     527show the result for two different levels of night-sky background. The fitted rates deliver
     5280.08 and 0.1 phes/ns, respectively. These rates are about 50\% too low compared to the results obtained
     529in the November 2004 test campaign. However, we should take into account that the method is at
     530the limit of distinguishing single photo-electrons. It may occur often that a single photo-electron
     531signal is too low in order to get recognized as such. We tried various pixels and found that
     532some of them do not permit to apply this method at all. The ones which succeed, however, yield about
     533the same fitted rates. To conclude, one may say that there is consistency within the double-peak
     534structure of the pedestal spectrum found by the digital filter which can be explained by the fact that
     535single photo-electrons are found.
    534546In the top plot, a pedestal run with extra-galactic star background has been taken and in the bottom,
    535547a galatic star background. An exemplary pixel (Nr. 100) has been used.
    536 Above, a rate of 0.8 phe/ns and below, a rate of 1.0 phe/ns has been obtained.}
     548Above, a rate of 0.08 phe/ns and below, a rate of 0.1 phe/ns has been obtained.}
     552Figure~\ref{fig:df:convfit} shows the obtained ``conversion factors'' and ``F-Factor'' computed as:
     555c_{phe} &=& \frac{1}{\mu_1 - \mu_0} \\
     556F_{phe} &=& \sqrt{1 + \frac{\sigma_1^2 - \sigma_0^2}{(\mu_1 - \mu_0)^2} }
     559where $\mu_0$ is the mean position of the pedestal peak and $\mu_1$ the mean position of the (assumed)
     560single photo-electron peak. The obtained conversion factors are systematically lower than the ones
     561obtained from the standard calibration and decrease with increasing window size. This is consistent
     562with the assumption that the digital filter finds the upward fluctuating pulse out of several. Therefore,
     563$\mu_1$ is biased against higher values. The F-Factor is also systematically low, which is also consistent
     564with the assumption that the spacing between $\mu_1$ and $\mu_0$ is artificially high. One can also see
     565that the error bars are too high for a ``calibration'' of the F-Factor.
     567In conclusion, one can say that the digital filter is at the edge of being able to see single photo-electrons,
     568however a single photo-electron calibration cannot yet be done with the current FADC system because the
     569resolution is too poor.
     576\caption{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter: Obtained conversion factors (top) and F-Factors (bottom)
     577from the position and width of
     578the fitted Gaussian mean of the single photo-electron peak and the pedestal peak depending on
     579the applied global extraction window sizes.
     580A pedestal run with extra-galactic star background has been taken and
     581an exemplary pixel (Nr. 100) used. The conversion factor obtained from the
     582standard calibration is shown as a reference line. The obtained conversion factors are systematically
     583lower than the reference one.}
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