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  • trunk/MagicSoft/TDAS-Extractor/Calibration.tex

    r6623 r6629  
    371371As the photo-multiplier and the subsequent
    372 optical transmission devices~\cite{david} is a linear device over a
     372optical transmission devices~\cite{david} is a relatively linear device over a
    373373wide dynamic range, the number of photo-electrons per charge has to remain constant over the tested
    374374linearity region.
    429 \includegraphics[width=0.99\linewidth]{PheVsCharge-11.eps}
    430430\caption{Example of a the development of the conversion factor FADC counts to photo-electrons for three
    431431exemplary inner pixels (upper plots) and three exemplary outer ones (lower plots) obtained with the extractor
    433 on a window size of 2 high-gain and 2 low-gain slices (extractor \#11). }
     433on a window size of 6 high-gain and 6 low-gain slices (extractor \#11). }
    437437Figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge11} shows the conversion factors using a fixed window with global peak search
    438 integrating a window of 2 FADC slices. One can see that the linearity is completely lost! Especially in the low-gain,
    439 the reconstructed number of photo-electrons is much too low and the conversion factors bend down. A similiar behaviour can
    440 be found for all extractors with window sizes smaller than 6 FADC slices, especially in the low-gain region. (This behaviour
     438integrating a window of 6 FADC slices. One can see that the linearity is completely lost above 300 photo-electrons in the
     439outer pixels. Especially in the low-gain,
     440the reconstructed mean charge is too low and the conversion factors bend down. We show this extractor especially because it has
     441been used in the analysis and to derive a Crab spectrum with the consequence that the spectrum bends down at high energies. We
     442suppose that the loss of linearity due to usage of this extractor is responsible for the encountered problems.
     443A similiar behaviour can be found for all extractors with window sizes smaller than 6 FADC slices, especially in the low-gain region.
     444This is understandable since the low-gain pulse covers at least 6 FADC slices.
     445(This behaviour
    441446was already visible in the investigations on the number of photo-electrons in the previous section~\ref{sec:photo-electrons}).
    458463Figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge23} shows the conversion factors using the amplitude-extracting spline
    459464(extractor \#23).
    460 Here, the linearity worse than in the previous sample. A very clear difference between high-gain and
     465Here, the linearity is worse than in the previous sample. A very clear difference between high-gain and
    461466low-gain regions can be seen as well as a bigger general spread in conversion factors. In order to investigate
    462467if there is a common, systematic effect of the extractor, we show the averaged conversion factors over all
    463468inner and outer pixels in figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevschargearea23}. Both characteristics are maintained
    464 there. Although the differences between high-gain and low-gain can be easily corrected for, we conclude
     469there. Although the differences between high-gain and low-gain could be easily corrected for, we conclude
    465470that extractor \#23 is still unstable against the linearity tests.
    483488Figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge24} shows the conversion factors using a spline integrating over
    484 one effective FADC slice in the high-gain and 1.5 effective FADC slices in the low-gain (extractor \#24).
     489one effective FADC slice in the high-gain and 1.5 effective FADC slices in the low-gain region (extractor \#24).
    485490The same problems are found as with extractor \#23, however to a much lower extent.
    486491The difference between high-gain and low-gain regions is less pronounced and the spread
    488493Figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevschargearea24} shows already rather good stability except for the two
    489494lowest intensity pulses in green and blue. We conclude that extractor \#24 is still un-stable, but
    490 preferable to amplitude extractor.
     495preferable to the amplitude extractor.
    511516to two  effective FADC slices in the high-gain and three effective FADC slices in the low-gain
    512517(extractor \#25), the stability is completely resumed, except for
    513 a small systematic increase of the conversion factor in the low-gain range. This effect
    514 is not very significant, however it can be seen in five out of the
    515 six tested channels. We conclude that extractor \#25 is almost as stable as the fixed window extractors.
     518a systematic increase of the conversion factor above 200 photo-electrons.
     519We conclude that extractor \#25 is almost as stable as the fixed window extractors.
    535539Figure~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge30} and~\ref{fig:linear:phevscharge31} show the conversion factors using a digital filter,
    536 applied on 6 FADC slices and respectively 4 FADC slices with weights calculated from the UV-calibration pulse.
     540applied on 6 FADC slices and respectively 4 FADC slices with weights calculated from the UV-calibration pulse in the
     541high-gain region and from the blue calibration pulse in the low-gain region.
    537542One can see that one or two blue  calibration pulses at low and intermediate intensity fall
    538543out of the linear region, moreover there is a small systematic offset between the high-gain and low-gain region.
    541546will not calculate the number of photo-electrons (with the F-Factor method) for every signal intensity.
    542547Thus, one possible reason for the instability falls away in the cosmics analysis. However, the limits
    543 of this extraction are clearly visible here and have to be monitored further.
     548of this extraction are visible here and should be monitored further.
    584589\subsection{Relative Arrival Time Calibration}
    586 The extractors \#17--33 are able to compute the arrival time of each pulse. The calibration LEDs
     591The calibration LEDs
    587592deliver a fast-rising pulses, uniform over the camera in signal size and time.
    588593We estimate the time-uniformity to better
    589594than 300\,ps, a limit due to the different travel times of the light between inner and outer parts of the
    590 camera. Since the calibration does not permit a precise measurement of the absolute arrival time, we measure
    591 the relative arrival time for every channel with respect to a reference channel (usually pixel Nr.\,1):
     597The extractors \#17--33 are able to compute the arrival time of each pulse.
     598Since the calibration does not permit a precise measurement of the absolute arrival time, we measure
     599the relative arrival time for every channel with respect to a reference channel (usually pixel no.\,1):
    597605where $t_i$ denotes the reconstructed arrival time of pixel number $i$ and $t_1$ the reconstructed
    598 arrival time of the reference pixel nr. 1 (software numbering). In one calibration run, one can then fill
     606arrival time of the reference pixel no. 1 (software numbering). In one calibration run, one can then fill
    599607histograms of $\delta t_i$ and fit them to the expected Gaussian distribution. The fits
    600608yield a mean $\mu(\delta t_i)$, comparable to
    606 t^{res}_i \approx \sigma(\delta t_i)/\sqrt(2)
     614t^{res}_i \approx \sigma(\delta t_i)/\sqrt{2}
    624 \caption{Examples of a distributions of relative arrival times $\delta t_i$ of an inner pixel (Nr. 100) \protect\\
     632\caption{Examples of a distributions of relative arrival times $\delta t_i$ of an inner pixel (no. 100) \protect\\
    625633Top: {\textit{\bf MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow}} over 2  slices (\#17) and 4  slices (\#18) \protect\\
    626634Center: {\textit{\bf MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline}} with maximum (\#23) and half-maximum pos. (\#24) \protect\\
    632640Figures~\ref{fig:reltimesinnerledblue1} and~\ref{fig:reltimesinnerledblue2} show
    633641the distributions of $\delta t_i$ for a typical inner pixel and an intense, high-gain-saturating calibration
    634 pulse of blue light.
     642pulse of blue light, obtained from the low-gain readout channel.
    635643One can see that the sliding window extractors yield double Gaussian structures, except for the
    636644largest window sizes of 8 and 10 FADC slices. Even then, the distributions are not exactly Gaussian.
    653 \caption{Examples of a distributions of relative arrival times $\delta t_i$ of an inner pixel (Nr. 100) \protect\\
     661\caption{Examples of a distributions of relative arrival times $\delta t_i$ of an inner pixel (no. 100) \protect\\
    654662Top: {\textit{\bf MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow}} over 4  slices (\#18) and 6  slices (\#19) \protect\\
    655663Center: {\textit{\bf MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow}} over 8  slices (\#20) and 10  slices (\#21)\protect\\
    667 \caption{Examples of a distributions of relative arrival times $\delta t_i$ of an inner pixel (Nr. 100) \protect\\
     675\caption{Examples of a distributions of relative arrival times $\delta t_i$ of an inner pixel (no. 100) \protect\\
    668676Top: {\textit{\bf MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter}}
    669677fitted to cosmics pulses over 6 slices (\#30) and 4  slices (\#31) \protect\\
    680688%\caption{Example of a two distributions of relative arrival times of an outer pixel with respect to
    681 %the arrival time of the reference pixel Nr. 1. The left plot shows the result using the digital filter
     689%the arrival time of the reference pixel no. 1. The left plot shows the result using the digital filter
    682690% (extractor \#32), the central plot shows the result obtained with the half-maximum of the spline and the
    683691%right plot the result of the sliding window with a window size of 2  slices (extractor \#17). A
    692700%\caption{Example of a two distributions of relative arrival times of an inner pixel with respect to
    693 %the arrival time of the reference pixel Nr. 1. The left plot shows the result using the half-maximum of the spline (extractor \#23), the right plot shows the result obtained with the digital filter
     701%the arrival time of the reference pixel no. 1. The left plot shows the result using the half-maximum of the spline (extractor \#23), the right plot shows the result obtained with the digital filter
    694702%(extractor \#32). A
    695703%medium sized Blue-pulse (10Leds Blue) has been used which saturates the high-gain readout channel.}
    705713%\caption{Example of a two distributions of relative arrival times of an outer pixel with respect to
    706 %the arrival time of the reference pixel Nr. 1. The left plot shows the result using the half-maximum of the spline (extractor \#23), the right plot shows the result obtained with the digital filter
     714%the arrival time of the reference pixel no. 1. The left plot shows the result using the half-maximum of the spline (extractor \#23), the right plot shows the result obtained with the digital filter
    707715%(extractor \#32). A
    708716%medium sized Blue-pulse (10Leds Blue) has been used which saturates the high-gain readout channel.}
    716726As in section~\ref{sec:uncalibrated}, we tested the number of outliers from the Gaussian distribution
    717727in order to count how many times the extractor has failed to reconstruct the correct arrival time.
    719 \begin{figure}[htp]
    720 \centering
    721 \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{UnsuitTimeVsExtractor-5LedsUV-Colour-12.eps}
     729Figure~\ref{fig:time:5ledsuv} shows the number of outliers for the different time extractors, obtained with
     730a UV pulse of about 20 photo-electrons. One can see that all time extractors yield an acceptable mis-reconstruction
     731rate of about 0.5\%, except for the maximum searching spline yields three times more mis-reconstructions.
     733If one goes to very low-intensity pulses, as shown in figure~\ref{fig:time:1leduv}, obtained with on average 4 photo-electrons,
     734the number of mis-reconstructions increases considerably up to 20\% for some extractors. We interpret this high mis-reconstruction
     735rate to the increase possibility to mis-reconstruct a pulse from the night sky background noise instead of the signal pulse from the
     736calibration LEDs. One can see that the digital filter using weights on 4 FADC slices is clear inferior to the one using 6 FADC slices
     737in that respect.
     739The same conclusion seems to hold for the green pulse of about 20 photo-electrons (figure~\ref{fig:time:2ledsgreen})
     740where the digital filter over 6 FADC slices seems to
     741yield more stable results than the one over 4 FADC slices. The half-maximum searching spline seems to be superior to the maximum-searching
     744In figure~\ref{fig:time:23ledsblue}, one can see the number of outliers from an intense calibration pulse of blue light yielding about
     745600 photo-electrons per inner pixel. All extractors seem to be stable, except for the digital filter with weigths over 4 FADC slices. This
     746is expected, since the low-gain pulse is wider than 4 FADC slices.
     748In all previous plots, the sliding window yielded the most stable results, however later we will see that this stability is only due to
     749an increased time spread.
    722754\caption{Reconstructed arrival time resolutions from a typical, not saturating calibration pulse
    723755of colour UV, reconstructed with each of the tested arrival time extractors.
    732 \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{UnsuitTimeVsExtractor-1LedUV-Colour-04.eps}
    733765\caption{Reconstructed arrival time resolutions from the lowest intensity calibration pulse
    734766of colour UV (carrying a mean number of 4 photo-electrons),
    744 \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{UnsuitTimeVsExtractor-2LedsGreen-Colour-02.eps}
    745777\caption{Reconstructed arrival time resolutions from a typical, not saturating calibration pulse
    746778of colour Green, reconstructed with each of the tested arrival time extractors.
    755 \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{UnsuitTimeVsExtractor-23LedsBlue-Colour-00.eps}
    756788\caption{Reconstructed arrival time resolutions from the highest intensity calibration pulse
    757789of colour blue, reconstructed with each of the tested arrival time extractors.
    766800\subsection{Time Resolution}
     802There are three intrinsic contributions to the timing accuracy of the signal:
     805\item Intrinsic transit time spread TTS of the PMT. It can be in the order
     806of a few hundreds of ps per single photo electron. When we reconstruct
     807the mean pulse arrival time the error of the mean is given by the time
     808spread per single photo electron dividid by the square root of number of
     809photo electrons.
     810\item Intrinsic arrival time spread of the photons on the PMT. For our
     811calibration LEDs this can be up to about 2 ns, for muons it is about a
     812few hundreds of ps and for hadrons a few ns. The error of the mean
     813arrival time of the total pulse is again the arrival time spread of the
     814photons divided by the number of photo electrons.
     815\item reconstruction error due to noise and error of the numeric fit in
     816case of the digital filter. In case of the digital filter the error for
     817the standard noise level in the MC is about 2.7 ns divided by the signal
     818in photo electrons.
     821All this seems to quite agree with the results obtained with the MC
     822TestPulses. As 1) and 2) are proportional to one over the square root of
     823the signal and 3 is proportional to one over the signal, for small
     824pulses the noise determins the resolution, but for larger pulses the
     825intrinsic fluctuations limit the timing resolution.
     827When we get a time resolution of about 300 ps for calibration LED pulses
     828we can not distinquish 1) and 2). Thus we have to wait for the exact
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