03/05/01 16:20:45 (24 years ago)
Changes of Ciro and Dennis to write all events of one run in only
one file. Be careful, from now on you need also a new reflector.
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Corsika/Mmcs/jcio.c

    r286 r687  
    2   jcio.c :
    4 Rutinas para la gestion de ficheros en CORSIKA 5.20 Las posibilidades
    5 que contempla son:
     2  jcio.c :   
     4Rutinas para la gestion de ficheros en CORSIKA 5.20
     5Author J.C.Gonzalez
     7Las posibilidades que contempla son:
    79- Creacion de un fichero de inicio de run: run######
    1416- La grabacion se realiza en C, por lo que no existen marcas de inicio
    1517  ni final de bloque en los ficheros.
     19Modified by C.Bigongiari 2000 Dec 19.
     20No more RUN###### and END###### files created.
     21Three files, CER######, DAT###### and STA###### files, per run instead
     22of three files per shower.
     23Now ###### is the RUN NUMBER not the shower number !!!
    3038FILE *patape;
    3139FILE *sttape;
     40/* CBC
    3241FILE *runtape;
    3342FILE *endtape;
    3444char tpl[100];
    3545char certpl[100];
    3646char dattpl[100];
    37 char statpl[100];
     47/* CBC char statpl[100]; */
    3848char cerfile[100];
    3949char datfile[100];
     50/* CBC
    4051char stafile[100];
    4152char runfile[100];
    4253char endfile[100];
    44 /*--------------------------------------------------
    45   jcinitio:
    46   graba un bloque al fichero de particulas
     54CBC */
     57  jcinitio: 
     59Define file names
    4861#ifdef JC_UNDERSCORES
    6578  strcpy (dattpl, tpl);
    6679  strcat (dattpl, "dat%06d");
     80  /* CBC
    6781  strcpy (statpl, tpl);
    6882  strcat (statpl, "sta%06d");
     83  */
     84  /* CBC
    7085  sprintf (runfile, "%srun%06d", tpl, *runnum);
    7186  sprintf (endfile, "%send%06d", tpl, *runnum);
     87  CBC */
     89  sprintf (cerfile, certpl,  *runnum);         /* Added by CB */
     90  sprintf (datfile, dattpl,  *runnum);         /* Added by CB */
    107126  jcstartrun:
    108127  abre el fichero run###### y graba el contenido
    109 --------------------------------------------------*/
    110 #ifdef JC_UNDERSCORES
    111 void
    112 jcstartrun_ (float *runh)
    113 #else /* JC_NO_UNDERSCORES */
    114 void
    115 jcstartrun (float *runh)
    116 #endif /* JC_UNDERSCORES */
    117 {
     129NOW open CER and DAT files 
     131#ifdef JC_UNDERSCORES
     133jcstartrun_ (void)
     134#else /* JC_NO_UNDERSCORES */
     136jcstartrun (void)
     137#endif /* JC_UNDERSCORES */
     139  /* CBC
    118141  if ((runtape = fopen (runfile, "wb")) == NULL) {
    119142    printf ("JCIO:: Cannot open RUN file %s. Exiting.\n", runfile);
    120143    exit (1);
    121144  }
     145  CBC */
    122147  /* puts("JCIO:: saving runheader buffer..."); */
     149  /* CBC
    123150  fwrite (runh, sizeof (float) * MAXBUF, 1, runtape);
    124 }
    126 /*--------------------------------------------------
    127   jcendrun:
    128   abre el fichero run###### y graba el contenido
    129 --------------------------------------------------*/
    130 #ifdef JC_UNDERSCORES
    131 void
    132 jcendrun_ (float *rune)
    133 #else /* JC_NO_UNDERSCORES */
    134 void
    135 jcendrun (float *rune)
    136 #endif /* JC_UNDERSCORES */
    137 {
    138   fwrite (rune, sizeof (float) * MAXBUF, 1, runtape);
    139   fclose (runtape);
    140 }
    142 /*--------------------------------------------------
    143   jcnewcerfile:
    144   abre un nuevo fichero Cherenkov
    145 --------------------------------------------------*/
    146 #ifdef JC_UNDERSCORES
    147 void
    148 jcnewcerfile_ ()
    149 #else /* JC_NO_UNDERSCORES */
    150 void
    151 jcnewcerfile ()
    152 #endif /* JC_UNDERSCORES */
    153 {
    154   sprintf (cerfile, certpl, nshow);
     152  CBC */
     154    /* Following lines up to CBC added by CB */
    155157  if ((cetape = fopen (cerfile, "wb")) == NULL) {
    156158    printf ("JCIO:: Cannot open CER file %s. Exiting.\n", cerfile);
    157159    exit (1);
    158160  }
    159   timefirst = 9.0e10;
    160   timelast = -9.0e10;
    161 }
    163 /*--------------------------------------------------
    164   jcnewdatfile:
    165   abre un nuevo fichero de particulas
    166 --------------------------------------------------*/
    167 #ifdef JC_UNDERSCORES
    168 void
    169 jcnewdatfile_ (void)
    170 #else /* JC_NO_UNDERSCORES */
    171 void
    172 jcnewdatfile (void)
    173 #endif /* JC_UNDERSCORES */
    174 {
    175   sprintf (datfile, dattpl, nshow);
    176161  if ((patape = fopen (datfile, "wb")) == NULL) {
    177162    printf ("JCIO:: Cannot open DAT file %s. Exiting.\n", datfile);
    178163    exit (1);
    179164  }
    180 }
    182 /*--------------------------------------------------
    183   jcnewstafile:
    184   abre un nuevo fichero de estadisticas
    185 --------------------------------------------------*/
    186 #ifdef JC_UNDERSCORES
    187 void
    188 jcnewstafile_ (void)
    189 #else /* JC_NO_UNDERSCORES */
    190 void
    191 jcnewstafile (void)
    192 #endif /* JC_UNDERSCORES */
    193 {
    194   sprintf (stafile, statpl, nshow);
    195   if ((sttape = fopen (stafile, "wb")) == NULL) {
    196     printf ("JCIO:: Cannot open STA file %s. Exiting.\n", stafile);
    197     exit (1);
    198   }
    199 }
    201 /*--------------------------------------------------
    202   jcnewshower:
    203   abre nuevos ficheros para la nueva cascada
    204 --------------------------------------------------*/
    205 #ifdef JC_UNDERSCORES
    206 void
    207 jcnewshower_ (void)
    208 #else /* JC_NO_UNDERSCORES */
    209 void
    210 jcnewshower (void)
    211 #endif /* JC_UNDERSCORES */
    212 {
    213   if (nshow > 0) {
    214     fclose (patape);
    215     fclose (cetape);
    216     fclose (sttape);
    217   }
    219   nshow++;
    220 #ifdef JC_UNDERSCORES
    221   jcnewdatfile_ ();
    222   jcnewcerfile_ ();
    223   jcnewstafile_ ();
    224 #else /* JC_NO_UNDERSCORES */
    225   jcnewdatfile ();
    226   jcnewcerfile ();
    227   jcnewstafile ();
    228 #endif /* JC_UNDERSCORES */
    229 }
    231 /*--------------------------------------------------
    232   jcenddata:
    233   abre el fichero run###### y graba el contenido
    234 --------------------------------------------------*/
    235 #ifdef JC_UNDERSCORES
    236 void
    237 jcenddata_ (float *runh, float *rune)
    238 #else /* JC_NO_UNDERSCORES */
    239 void
    240 jcenddata (float *runh, float *rune)
    241 #endif /* JC_UNDERSCORES */
    242 {
    243   if ((endtape = fopen (endfile, "wb")) == NULL) {
    244     printf ("JCIO:: Cannot open END file %s. Exiting.\n", endfile);
    245     exit (1);
    246   }
    247   fwrite (runh, sizeof (float) * MAXBUF, 1, endtape);
    248   fwrite (rune, sizeof (float) * MAXBUF, 1, endtape);
    249   fclose (endtape);
    250 }
     166  /* CBC */
     169/* WHAT FOLLOWS IS NO MORE USED !!!!!! CB */
     172  jcstartshower:
     174Function added by CB 
     175Sets timefirst and timelast variables to their initial value at the beginnng
     176of new shower   
     178#ifdef JC_UNDERSCORES
     180jcstartshower_ (float *evth)
     181#else /* JC_NO_UNDERSCORES */
     183jcstartshower (float *evth)
     184#endif /* JC_UNDERSCORES */
     186  timefirst = 9.0e10;
     187  timelast = -9.0e10;
     300  jcendrun:
     302  Closes STA file
     304#ifdef JC_UNDERSCORES
     306jcendrun_ (float *rune)
     307#else /* JC_NO_UNDERSCORES */
     309jcendrun (float *rune)
     310#endif /* JC_UNDERSCORES */
     312  /* fwrite (rune, sizeof (float) * MAXBUF, 1, sttape); */
     313  fclose (sttape);
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