04/08/05 10:20:12 (19 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/Changelog

    r6912 r6917  
    2222                                                 -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*-
     24 2005/04/08 Thomas Bretz
     26   * mhbase/MH3.cc:
     27     - replaced all Float-histograms by double histograms. This
     28       is backward compatible with I/O and has the advantage, that
     29       we are compatible with most other double histograms used in
     30       Mars
     32   * mhflux/MHEnergyEst.cc:
     33     - made the energy binning the same than in all other classes
     35   * mjobs/MJCalibrateSignal.cc:
     36     - first replaced contmc by a new filter Markus G. used, but
     37       after a discussion with Abelardo it turned out, that the
     38       original filter does a better job, becuase it takes both
     39       (level 1 trigger and minimum number of phes) conditions
     40       used in the MC into account.
     42   * mjobs/MJCut.cc:
     43     - added a plot: Effective-On-Time versus Theta used to produce
     44       a spectrum
     48 2005/04/07 Thomas Bretz
     50   * mpointing/MSrcPosCalc.cc:
     51     - also skip Process if fSourcePos==NULL, this happens in real
     52       data, too, if no pointing correction is done.
     54   * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h, manalysis/Makefile:
     55     - removed MParameterI, MParameterD, MParameterDerr
     57   * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h, mbase/Makefile:
     58     - added MParameterI, MParameterD, MParameterDerr
     60   * mbase/MParList.cc:
     61     - if a container is rejected due to wrong inheritance its
     62       inheritance is mentioned in the error message
     64   * mhbase/HBaseLinkDef.h, mhbase/Makefile:
     65     - removed MWeight
     67   * mhbase/MWeight.[h,cc]:
     68     - removed, replaced by MParameterD
     70   * mhbase/MFillH.[h,cc], mmontecarlo/MMcWeightEnergySpecCalc.[h,cc]:
     71     - replaced MWeight by MParameterD
     73   * mjobs/MJStar.cc:
     74     - fixed the wrong axis title in the histogram showing the rate
     76   * manalysis/MParameters.[h,cc]:
     77     - moved to mbase
     79   * mbase/MParameters.[h,cc]:
     80     - inherit MParameterDerr from MParameterD
     81     - changed class version of MParameterDerr from 1 to 2
     83   * mfbase/MFEventSelector2.cc:
     84     - fixed that in SelectProb the wrong bin was chosen
     88 2005/04/07 Markus Gaug (2005/04/06)
     90   * mjobs/calibrationref_Dec04.rc
     91   * callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc
     92     - update the reference lines in the display according to the spline
     93       extractor.
     95   * msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline.cc
     96     - move fgHiGainFirst from 2 to 0. This is important for the Dec. und
     97       January data where the calib. pulse position changes much.
     99   * mjobs/MJCalib.cc
     100   * mjobs/MJCalibration.cc
     101     - move fDevice and functions IsUseBlindPixel() and
     102       IsUsePINDiode() into the base class.
     104   * mjobs/MJCalibrateSignal.cc
     105     - do not apply the modified extraction window to the interlaced
     106       calibration events. This is a bugfix especially for the
     107       December and January data.
     108     - extract and fit blind pixel and pin diode only if flag
     109       IsUseBlindPixel() or IsUsePINDiode() is set.
     113 2005/04/07 Markus Gaug (2005/04/03)
     115   * mcalib/MCalibrateData.cc
     116     - made one warning more understandable.
     118   * msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter.cc
     119     - moved fgOffsetFromLogain from -1.8 to -2.5. This corrects only an
     120       defective extraction of the MC at low-gain signals lower than 90
     121       phes. (IN THE CODE THE CHANGE IS FROM -1.8 to -2.8!!!!)
     125 2005/04/07 Markus Gaug (2005/04/01)
     127   * mpedestal/MExtractPedestal.[h,cc]
     128     - use the standard way to define the default for fNumEventsDump
     129     - added missing "NumDump" in ReadEnv
     131   * callisto_*.rc
     132     - correct the default of the number of events used in
     133       pedestal calculation (NumEventsDump).
     134     - added missing lines for setting of parameters for the
     135       MJCalibrateSignal.PedCalcFromExtractRndm.*
     137     - Replaced NumEventsDump by NumDump
    24141 2005/04/05 Thomas Bretz
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