05/10/05 14:41:37 (19 years ago)
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1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mmuon/MHSingleMuon.cc

    r7003 r7009  
     18!   Author(s): Keiichi Mase, 10/2004
    1819!   Author(s): Markus Meyer, 02/2005 <mailto:meyer@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
    1920!   Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 04/2005 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
    2829// MHSingleMuon
    30 // This class is a histogram class for a displaying muonparameters.
    31 // The folowing histgrams will be plotted:
    32 // - Radius (TH1F)
    33 // - ArcWidth (TH1F)
     31// This class is a histogram class for displaying the radial (fHistWidth)
     32// and the azimuthal (fHistPhi) intensity distribution for one muon.
     33// You can retrieve the histogram (TH1F) using the function GetHistPhi()
     34// or GetHistWidth().
     35// From these histograms the fraction of the ring segment (ArcPhi) and the
     36// Width of the muon ring (ArcWidth) is calculated.
     38// First, the radius and center of the ring has to be calculted by
     39// MMuonSearchParCalc
     40// After that the histograms has to be filled in the following way:
     42// MFillH fillmuon("MHSingleMuon", "", "FillMuon");
     44// The allowed region to estimate ArcPhi is a certain margin around the
     45// radius. The default value is 0.2 deg (60mm). If the estimated radius
     46// of the arc is 1.0 deg, the pixel contents in the radius range from
     47// 0.8 deg to 1.2 deg are fill in the histogram.
     49// For ArcPhi only bins over a certain threshold are supposed to be part
     50// of the ring.
     51// For ArcWidth, the same algorithm is used to determine the fit region
     52// for a gaussian fit to the radial intensity distribution. The ArcWidth
     53// is defined as the sigma value of the gaussian fit.
     55// The binning of the histograms can be changed in the following way:
     57// MBinning bins1("BinningMuonWidth");
     58// MBinning bins2("BinningArcPhi");
     59// bins1.SetEdges(28, 0.3, 1.7);
     60// bins2.SetEdges(20, -180,180);
     61// plist.AddToList(&bins1);
     62// plist.AddToList(&bins2);
     64// The values for the thresholds and the margin are saved in MMuonSetup.
     65// They can be easily changed in star.rc.
     67// Please have in mind, that changes in this basic parameters will change
     68// your results!!
    3570// Inputcontainer:
    3671//   - MGeomCam
    3772//   - MMuonSearchPar
    38 //   - MMuonCalibPar
    319354    f1.SetParameter(0, fHistWidth.GetMaximumBin());
    320355    f1.SetParameter(1, fHistWidth.GetBinCenter(m));
    321     f1.SetParameter(2, (endfitval-startfitval)/2);
     356//    f1.SetParameter(2, (endfitval-startfitval)/2);
     357    f1.SetParameter(2, 0.1);
    323359    // options : N  do not store the function, do not draw
    338374// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    340 //  An impact parameter is calculated by fitting the histogram of photon
     376// An impact parameter is calculated by fitting the histogram of photon
    341377// distribution along the circle with a theoritical model.
    342378// (See G. Vacanti et. al., Astroparticle Physics 2, 1994, 1-11.
    343379// The function (6) is used here.)
    345 //  By default this calculation is suppressed because this calculation is
     381// By default this calculation is suppressed because this calculation is
    346382// very time consuming. If you want to calculate an impact parameter,
    347383// you can call the function of EnableImpactCalc().
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