05/11/05 19:06:48 (20 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/Changelog

    r7010 r7013  
    2222                                                 -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*-
     23 2005/05/11 Thomas Bretz
     25   * mbase/MStatusDisplay.cc:
     26     - fixed year of copyright
     28   * mcalib/MCalibCalcFromPast.cc:
     29     - undocumented change from BCN: a new resource has been implemented
     30       in ReadEnv (NumEventsDump)
     32   * mjobs/MJob.[h,cc]:
     33     - added new static member function which can be used
     34       to overwrite relative paths with a default
     38 2005/05/11 Abelardo Moralejo (2005/05/11)
     40   * mjobs/MJPedestal.cc
     41     - Fixed use of MFTriggerPattern: first, added it to the tasklist
     42       (was missing); second, added to tasklist MTriggerPatternDecode
     43       before MFTriggerPattern. This was the reason for the problems
     44       reported by T. Coarasa on May 9. I do not know why the behaviour
     45       of the previous version depended on compiler, but this seemed to
     46       be the case...
     50 2005/05/11 Markus Gaug (2005/05/11)
     52   * mjobs/MJCalibration.cc
     53     - display in Tab "Conv" in the 3rd column the conversion to equiv.
     54       phes instead of Cherenkov photons.
     56   * mjobs/calibrationref.rc,  mjobs/calibrationref_Nov04.rc,
     57     mjobs/calibrationref_Dec04.rc:
     58     - add reference lines for the conv. to equiv. phes.
     60   * mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCam.cc, mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCalc.cc:
     61     - make a distinction between newly excluded pixels (by calibration)
     62       and previously excluded pixels in the displays and print-functions
     64   * mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCalc.cc
     65     - introduce the check for fluctuating arrival times.
     66     - set charge limit to from 2.5 to 4.5
     70 2005/05/10 Markus Gaug (2005/05/10)
     72   * mhcalib/MHCalibrationHiLoCam.cc
     73     - ask for averageing and do not fill the arrays per pixel any more.
     74       This caused too much memory usage for the calculation of the
     75       high-gain low-gain inter-calibration constants.
     77   * mcalib/MCalibrationChargePix.[h,cc]
     78     - store number of saturated events in the results container.
     79     - set version number by one higher (due to new data member).
     81   * mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeCam.cc
     82     - store number of saturated events in the results container.
     83     - allow reading of NumHiGainSaturationLimit and
     84       NumLoGainSaturationLimit in ReadEnv
     85     - set saturation limit from 5% to 8.5%
     87   * mbadpixels/MBadPixelsPix.h
     88     - introduce new bits: kDeadPedestalRms, kPreviouslyExcluded,
     89       kFluctuatingArrivalTimes
     91   * mbadpixels/MBadPixelsCam.cc
     92     - set bit kPreviouslyExcluded in the AsciiRead-Function
     93     - include three new bits in the Print() function
     95   * mjobs/MJCalibration.cc
     96     - display excluded pixels from DeadPedestalRms in Defect-Tab.
     97     - display correct error of the RMS/Mean charge diagramm.
     99   * mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCam.cc
     100     - calculate the error of RMS/Mean values in GetPixelContent Nr.33
     104 2005/05/11 Hendrik Bartko (2005/05/09)
     106   * msignal/MC_weights46.dat
     107     - updated weights file for digital filter with dedicated MC weights
     108       with 4 slices for the high gain and 6 slices for the low gain
    24112 2005/05/10 Daniela Dorner
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