05/17/05 13:42:15 (20 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/NEWS

    r7035 r7047  
    22 *** Version <cvs>
    4    - added muon support to star. A new tab "MHMuonPar" is displayed.
    5      The lower right plot is an estimate of the point spread
    6      function. A reference value is displayed. To get the real PSF
    7      you must compare with MC. The setup for the muon analysis
    8      is done in star.rc. More informations can be found in
    9      MHSingleMuon and MHCalibParCalc
    11    - added a full featured spectrum program (sponde) which reads
    12      ganymed output and monte carlos and compiles a spectrum
    14    - added new histograms for image parameters versus size (MHVsSize)
    16    - support for cc file versions newer than V200504130. Added
     4   - general: Changed the default paths for calibrated data and image
     5     files. (The implemented access to these files doesn't yet exist)
     7   - general: support for MRunIter has been removed from the job classes
     8     (use the setter functions of MSeqeunce instead)
     10   - general: ProcessFile has been renamed to Process in all job classes,
     11     because ProcessFile is missleading
     13   - general: The storage of the palette in MHCamera is now possible
     15   - general: new bits describing unsuitable and unreliable pixels have
     16     been introduced in MBadPixelsPix: kPreviouslyExcluded,
     17     kDeadPedestalRms, kFluctuatingArrivalTimes
     19   - general: fixed reading of CC-REPORTS (weather data) for Arehucas file
     20     versions newer than V200404070
     22   - general: support for cc file versions newer than V200504130. Added
    1723     support for active loads (MCameraActiveLoad) and central pixel
    1824     (MCameraCentralPixel)
    20    - fixed a bug in the recognition of the calibration bit pattern.
    21      Concerns only intensity calibration. (The strength of the
    22      intensity has been updated in some cases)
    24    - add a filter against PIN Diode events when running over calibration
    25      runs since some of the recent calibration runs have been taken
    26      with Pin Diode.
    28    - Changed the default paths for calibrated data and image files.
    29      (The implemented access to these files doesn't yet exist)
    31    - ganymed (MJCut and MJOptimize) now displayes the number of
    32      excess events versus size. The energy estimation is done in
    33      MJSpectrum (sponde)
    35    - added support for the runs 39942, 39944, 44834, 39941, 39943, 44833
    36      in the calibration (MCalibColorSet)
    38    - MJCalibration.MHCalibrationChargeCam.ProbLimit has been set to
    39      1e-18 in callisto_Dec04_Jan05.rc
    41    - ProcessFile has been renamed to Process in all job classes, because
    42      ProcessFile is missleading
    44    - support for MRunIter has been removed from the job classes (use
    45      the setter functions of MSeqeunce instead)
    47    - MEventRateCalc handles the calculation of the event rate more
    48      accurate now in case of the start of a new run inside a sequence
    50    - ganymed got support for using other variables than Alpha, eg. Theta.
    51      Therefor you need a class deriving from MHAlpha which supports
    52      this variable (one is already existing: MHTheta, which is now the
    53      default in ganymed). It is setup through ganymed.rc
    55    - Improved support for printing in status display:
     26   - general: added new histograms for image parameters versus size
     27     (MHVsSize)
     29   - Status Display: Improved support for printing:
    5630     + A default can now be set in .rootrc (for more details see
    5731       MStatusDisplay::PrintPS)
    5933       can be canged
    61    - improved showlog such that it handles different verbosity levels
     35   - showlog: improved such that it handles different verbosity levels
    6236     more accurate now. This mean you can suppress output when
    6337     using showlog.
    65    - improved showplot
     39   - showplot: improved
    6640     + The new graphics formats have been implemented
    6741       (pdf, svg, png, jpg and xpm)
    7347       showplot -b --null --print --print-cmd="psbook %f" filename.root > book.ps
    75    - The storage of the palette in MHCamera is now possible
    77    - new bits describing unsuitable and unreliable pixels have been
    78      introduced in MBadPixelsPix: kPreviouslyExcluded, kDeadPedestalRms,
    79      kFluctuatingArrivalTimes
    81    - the charge timit in the calibration has been raised from 2.5 to 4.5
    83    - fixed reading of CC-REPORTS (weather data) for Arehucas file versions
    84      newer than V200404070
    86    - a bug in MSrcPosCalc has been fixed (The changes were taken from
    87      a bugfix of Wolfgang to Loc0LocToCam; Wolfgang: the results are
    88      changed only minimally
     49   - callisto: fixed a bug in the recognition of the calibration bit
     50     pattern. Concerns only intensity calibration. (The strength of the
     51     intensity has been updated in some cases)
     53   - callisto: add a filter against PIN Diode events when running over
     54     calibration runs since some of the recent calibration runs have
     55     been taken with Pin Diode.
     57   - callisto: added support for the runs 39942, 39944, 44834, 39941,
     58     39943, 44833 in the calibration (MCalibColorSet)
     60   - callisto: MJCalibration.MHCalibrationChargeCam.ProbLimit has
     61     been set to 1e-18 in callisto_Dec04_Jan05.rc
     63   - callisto: the charge limit in the calibration has been raised
     64     from 2.5 to 4.5
    9066   - callisto: new setup read from callisto.rc
    11692     to a real profile in MHCamera broke it.
    118    - The weather data is now displayed in star
     94   - callisto: The cosmics filter is used in MJCalibration now
     95     independant of the pulser color (formaly it was used only for
     96     CT1-pulser data). The threshold of number of max empty pixels
     97     has been raised from 2% to 5% in MJCalibration. The maximum
     98     fraction of rejected event is 50% otherwise the calibration has
     99     failed. The filter now ignores unsuitable pixels.
     100     Setup the filter from callisto.rc using "ContCosmics"
     101     (see MFCosmics::ReadEnv)
     103   - callisto: changed default for fgOffsetFromLogain back
     104     from -2.8 to -1.8 in digital filter.
     106   - callisto: for the common extractors
     107      + MExtractFixedWindow
     108      * MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow
     109      * MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline
     110      * MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter
     111     the hi- and lo-gain reolution is stored in fResolutionPerPheHiGain
     112     and fResolutionPerPheLoGain
     114   - callisto: Updated the hi-/lo-gain intercalibration constants
     115     hilocalib_sp1.root, hilocalib_df46_mc.root, hilocalib_df4.root,
     116     hilocalib_df6.root
     118   - star: added muon support to star. A new tab "MHMuonPar" is
     119     displayed. The lower right plot is an estimate of the point spread
     120     function. A reference value is displayed. To get the real PSF
     121     you must compare with MC. The setup for the muon analysis
     122     is done in star.rc. More informations can be found in
     123     MHSingleMuon and MHCalibParCalc
     125   - star: The weather data is now displayed in star
     127   - star: MEventRateCalc handles the calculation of the event rate more
     128     accurate now in case of the start of a new run inside a sequence
     130   - ganymed: a bug in MSrcPosCalc has been fixed (The changes were taken
     131     from a bugfix of Wolfgang to Loc0LocToCam; Wolfgang: the results are
     132     changed only minimally
     134   - ganymed: (MJCut and MJOptimize) now displayes the number of
     135     excess events versus size. The energy estimation is done in
     136     MJSpectrum (sponde)
     138   - ganymed: got support for using other variables than Alpha, eg. Theta.
     139     Therefor you need a class deriving from MHAlpha which supports
     140     this variable (one is already existing: MHTheta, which is now the
     141     default in ganymed). It is setup through ganymed.rc
     143   - added a full featured spectrum program (sponde) which reads
     144     ganymed output and monte carlos and compiles a spectrum
    168194   - changed default for fgOffsetFromLogain from -1.8 to -2.8 in digital
    169      filter. This corrects only an defective extraction of the MC at low-gain
    170      signals lower than 90 phes.
     195     filter. This corrects only an defective extraction of the MC at
     196     low-gain signals lower than 90 phes.
    172198   - fixed some slowdown in calibrating data with interleaved events from
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