07/13/05 19:06:26 (20 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/Changelog

    r7183 r7188  
    1919While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line.
    2221                                                 -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*-
     23 2005/07/13 Abelardo Moralejo (2005/07/12)
     25   * manalysis/MGeomApply.cc
     26     - Now, if the MGeomApply task has a serial number >0 (indicating
     27       most likely a specific telescope in a multi-telescope file), then
     28       apply the geometry only to objects with the same serial number.
     29       This is important for stereo setups in which the telescopes have
     30       cameras with different numbers of pixels. If the MGeomApply task
     31       has serial number 0 (default), it will apply the geometry to all
     32       found objects as it used to do.
     34   * manalysis/MMcCalibrationUpdate.cc, mpedestal/MMcPedestalCopy.cc
     35     - Now the PreProcess adds the serial number also to MRawRunHeader
     36       and MMcRunHeader, since in stereo MC files produced with the
     37       current camera simulation at CVS there is one such container per
     38       telescope. There is no difference in behaviour for single
     39       telescope files. Old MC stereo files will no longer be readable.
     41   * mimage/MNewImagePar.cc
     42     - Made calculation of "Inner size" valid also for camera geometries
     43       other than MAGIC standard one. The calculation of "inner leakage"
     44       is now made only for MAGIC standard geometry (there is no easy
     45       fix for that, but having fInnerSize and MHillas.fSize, the inner
     46       leakage is a completely unnecessary parameter). Added a comment on
     47       a possible fix for the calculation of fConc.
     49   * mcalib/MMcCalibrationCalc.[h,cc]
     50     - Added member fMinSize and setter for it. It is the minimum
     51       (uncalibrated) size of events to be used in the calibration.
     52       Previously it was fixed at 1000 ADC counts, but the value depends
     53       on the extractor used, so it must be possible to change it.
     54     - Add the serial number to MRawRunHeader and MMcConfigRunHeader
     55       (now there is one per telescope in stereo files).
     56     - Moved the creation of histograms from the constructor to the
     57       PreProcess, otherwise the serial number is not added to the
     58       histogram name.
     59     - In PostProcess, set the average QE for area 0 (inner pixels) in
     60       MCalibrationQECam object, to be used later by MCalibrateData.
     62   * macros/starmcstereo.C
     63     - Big update. Adapted to all changes above. Now not only relative, but
     64       also absolute calibration (=SIZE in phes) is made.
     68 2005/07/13 Raquel de los Reyes (2005/07/12)
     70   * merpp.cc
     71     - Added the container MCameraActiveLoad to the rootified central
     72       control files
     74   * mreport/MReportCC.[h,cc]
     75     - Changes in the InterpreteBody to write the variable UPS status and
     76       the Time difference between GPS and rubidium clock.
     78  * mreport/MReportCamera.cc
     79     - Changes in the InterpreteCamera and InterpreteBody functions to allow
     80       the data merpping from 2005_06_30.
     84 2005/07/13 Abelardo Moralejo (2005/07/12)
     86   * macros/starmcstereo.C
     87     - Fixed error which made some objects to be written twice in the
     88       _test_ output file.
     92 2005/07/13 Patricia Liebing (2005/07/06)
     94   * mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeCam.cc:
     95    - include new flag (kLoGainBlackout) into the "uncalibrated"
     96      pixel classification (see docu from 28/06/2005 Markus Gaug)
     98   * mbadpixels/MBadPixelsPix.[cc.h], mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCalc.cc
     99     - included flag kLoGainBlackout for unsuitable pixels w/
     100       corresponding docu/printout (see MHCalibrationChargeCam.cc)
     102   * mhcalib/MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam.cc, MHCalibrationCam.cc
     103     - add Pixel ID to Debug printout statements
     105   * mjobs/MJCalibration.cc
     106     - include new display for kLoGainBlackout unsuitable pixels
     110 2005/07/13 Antonio Stamerra (2005/07/04)
     112   * manalysis/MMcTriggerLvl2Calc.cc
     113     - the checks written on ReInit for MC have been moved to PreProcess()
     114     - kFALSE substituted with kSKIP in the check for the standard MAGIC
     115       geometry
     119 2005/07/13 Abelardo Moralejo (2005/07/01)
     121   * macros/starmc.C
     122     - Set two different cleaning tasks for the calibration loop and
     123       for the second (analysis) loop. Otherwise, some pixels were
     124       cleaned out in the first loop (we do not want this) if the
     125       absolute method was chosen.
     129 2005/07/13 Abelardo Moralejo (2005/06/30)
     131   * mmc/MTriggerDefine.h
     132     - Added TRIGGER_PIXELS_4, a provisional number of trigger pixels
     133       for the MGeomCamMagic1183 geometry.
     135   * mgeom/MGeomCamMagic1183.[h,cc]
     136     - added. Possible design for a MAGIC-II camera. Preliminary
     137       version, not yet ready to use.
     141 2005/07/13 Abelardo Moralejo (2005/06/29)
     143   * mgeom/MGeomCamMagic1183.[h,cc]
     144     - added. Possible design for a MAGIC-II camera
     146   * mgeom/Makefile, GeomLinkDef.h
     147     - added new class above.
     151 2005/07/13 Markus Gaug (2005/06/28)
     153   * mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeCam.[h,cc]
     154     - set the fPickupLimit and fBlackoutLimit for the low-gain arrays
     155       to a 3.5 instead of the default used in MHCalibrationPix (5.0).
     156     - use a new criterium to exclude bad pixels: If the high-gain was
     157       saturated and the blackout-events in the low-gain exceed the
     158       fNumLoGainBlackoutLimit, the pixel is declared unsuitable.
     159       This excludes those pixels which have a saturating high-gain
     160       channel, but the low-gain switch does not switch often enough
     161       to make the distribution reliable.
     165 2005/07/13 Markus Gaug (2005/06/23)
     167   * mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeCam.cc
     168     - fix a bug counting the number of saturated events. Up to now, the
     169       number of saturated slices was counted (which is one for a not too
     170       high number), but for some (pathological) pixels, many more slices
     171       saturated and produced wrong limits.
     172     - make the PickupLimit und BlackoutLimit for the low-gain explicitely
     173       smaller. The too large limits caused a failed fit for some channels
     174       which resulted in wrong calibration constants. (M. Gaug)
     178 2005/07/13 Markus Gaug (2005/06/22)
     180   * mjobs/MJPedestal.cc
     181     - change order of reading local environmnet variables in lines 1044
     182       to 1068. Reason: The lines:
     183            if (fExtractor==tenv.GetTask())
     184               return kTRUE;
     185       yielded sometimes a return before the rest of the env-variables
     186       could be read in. This affected ONLY the reading of the pedestal
     187       reference file and the bad pixels file name. (M. Gaug)
     188     - Added "decode" task (MTriggerPatternDecode) task to the list also
     189       for MC runs.
     191   * mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeCam.cc
     192     - fixed the setting of unreliability for saturated events where the
     193       high-gain signal was not stable over time. Now, saturation is
     194       asked for before (like in the high-gain fitted-case). (M. Gaug)
     195     - fixed a small bug in the precise setting of the histogram ranges.
     196       May have introduced a bias of typically 1 FADC cnt in the mean
     197       fitted signal (< 0.5%).
     199   * mbadpixels/MBadPixelsPix.[h,cc]
     200     - took out the un-used bad pixels information in function:
     201       GetUnsuitableCalLevel().
     202     - debugged the class-documentation
     204   * mcalib/MCalibrationIntensityChargeCam.cc
     205     - a very small fix in the axis title from N_phe to N_{phe}
     206     - fixed one bug in the draw-functions of this class. Not (yet) used by
     207       standard calibration.
     208     - +some undocumented changes
     210  * mjobs/MJCalibration.cc
     211    - changed order in tasklist between MCalibColorSet and
     212      MPedCalcFromPedRun. Caused crashes in the intensity calibrations.
     213      Does not affect ordinary calibration since MPedCalcFromPedRun is
     214      then not in the tasklist anyhow.
     215    - changed order of MHCalibrationChargeCam and MCalibrationRelTimeCalc.
     216      This wrong order caused MCalibrationRelTimeCalc to print out
     217      unreliable pixels which were not set by the rel. time calibration.
     218      This caused some confusion in the reading of the output because of
     219      the un-logical order of flag settings and posterior output.
     220    - set the error of the hi-logain intercalibration constants
     221      as the real error on the mean instead of the sigma.
     222    - took out the those bad pixel-informations which are not used
     223      any more in the "Defect" - display. (M. Gaug)
     227 2005/07/13 Markus Gaug (2005/06/21)
     229   * mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargePix.h
     230     - take out one un-necessary 'virtual'-declaration for the Draw-
     231       function
     233   * mhcalib/MHGausEvents.cc
     234     - fixed a small bug in the non-standard display with options.
     238 2005/07/13 Markus Gaug (2005/06/19)
     240   * msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline.cc
     241     - set fgOffsetLoGain from 1.7 to 1.39. This is the correct time
     242       shift between high-gain and low-gain. Affects only very detailed
     243       timing studies.
     245   * msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter.cc
     246     - set fOffsetLoGain from 1.7 to 1.4 which corrects now exactly for
     247       the arrival time difference between low-gain and high-gain pulses.
     248       This wrong number could have had some effect on image cleanings
     249       using the time information. (M. Gaug)
     251   * mcalib/MCalibrationBlindCam.[h,cc]
     252     - remove obsolete Copy-function
     254   * mcalib/MCalibConstPix.h, mcalib/MCalibConstCam.h
     255     - introduce Copy-functions
     256     - set class index to 1 (was 0)
     258   * mcalib/MCalibrationChargePix.[h,cc]
     259     - introduce Copy() function.
     263 2005/07/13 Markus Gaug (2005/06/18)
     265   * mpedestal/MPedestalCam.cc
     266     - modify Print() function to print out also the event-by-event
     267       averaged results.
     269   * mpedestal/MExtractPedestal.[h,cc]
     270     - new flag fUseSpecialPixels (set to kFALSE per default)
     271     - new data member: fNameRawEvtData which can be set from outside
     272       (e.g. to "MRawEvtData2").
     273     - with these two changes, the special pixels can be extracted.
     274       Difference to previous version: if flag fUseSpecialPixels is set,
     275       * the area and sector averages are not calculated.
     276       * the MPedestalCam will get initialized to
     277         MRawRunHeader->GetNumSpecialPixels().
     278     - fix a bug in the calculation of the event-by-event averaged
     279       pedestal RMS (one total number of areas or sectors was not taken
     280       into account).
     281     - make local variables in the calculation of rms and mean doubles
     282       instead of floats.
     284   * mpedestal/MPedCalcPedRun.cc
     285     - do not calculate the area and sector averages in case flag
     286       fUseSpecialPixels is set.
     287     - check for existence of pointer fRawEvt in PostProcess.
     291 2005/07/13 Markus Gaug (2005/06/15)
     293   * mcalib/MCalibrationIntensityConstCam.[h,cc]
     294     - new class to store the actual applied conversion factors (now with
     295       averaged photo-electrons not in the MCalibrationIntensityChargeCam
     296       any more).
     298   * mjobs/MJCalibration.cc
     299     - set the correct (statistical) error of the inter-calibraiton factor
     300       into MCalibrationChargePix::SetConversionHiLoErr() and the
     301       sigma of the distribution
     302       into MCalibrationChargePix::SetConversionHiLoSigma().
     303     - In MCalibrationChargePix, the mean conversion error is used for the
     304       statistical error of the conversion factor.
     305     - In CalibrateData, the sigma is used for the statistical error of the
     306       converted signal to equiv. high-gain charges.
     309 2005/07/13 Markus Gaug (2005/06/14)
     311   * mcalib/MCalibrationHiLoPix.[h,cc]
     312     - store also results from profile fits.
     313     - increades class version
     315   * mhcalib/MHCalibrationHiLoPix.[h,cc], mhcalib/MHCalibrationHiLoCam.[h,cc]
     316    - added TProfiles for every pixel filled with the high-gain signal
     317      vs. low-gain signal which can be fitted to extract gain and
     318      offset.
     320   * mhcalib/Makefile, mhcalib/HCalibLinkDef.h
     321     - added MHCalibrationHiLoPix
     325 2005/07/13 Markus Gaug (2005/06/10)
     327   * mcalib/MCalibrationRelTimeCalc.cc
     328     - print out forgotten successfully calibrated pixels
     329     - small change in spacing of one output
     331   * mhcalib/MHCalibrationCam.[h,cc]
     332     - introduce max. number of events, the rest gets skipped before the
     333       next ReInit() is called. Default: 4096
     334       Reason: The calibration causes too many un-reliable pixels if more
     335               than about 5000 events are treated (@500 Hz) because of the
     336               mode hopping of the VCSels. However, in the past, some
     337               calibration runs have been taken (erroneously) with more
     338               than 5000 events, especially the intensity scans where 
     339               a good precision is needed.
     340    - increased version number
     341    - introduce a Getter for the fAverageAreaNum array.
     342    - re-normalize the area-averaged sigmas to the equivalent number per
     343      pixel also for the intensity calibration.
     345   * mcalib/MCalibrationChargePix.[h,cc]
     346    - divide errors in stat. and syst. errors. Both can be retrieved
     347      now, depending on the study, one wants to make.
     351 2005/07/13 Markus Gaug (2005/06/06)
     353   * mhcalib/MHGausEvents.[h,cc]
     354     - put small functions into header file to speed up calculations a bit.
     356   * mcalib/MCalibrationRelTimeCalc.cc
     357     - introduce flags to steer the setting of unreliability like done
     358       in MCalibrationChargeCalc. Can be steered from the conf-file.
     362 2005/07/13 Thomas Bretz
     364   * mbase/MTaskInteractive.[h,cc]:
     365     - fixed a bug with calling ReInit... PostProcess was called instead.
     366     - added the missing initialisation of fReInit in constructor
     368   * sinope.cc:
     369     - removed plotting the tasklist statistics twice
     370     - replaced DrawClone by DrawCopy (DrawClone gave problems)
     372   * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.[h,cc]:
     373     - fixed the ThetaSq function. It was wrongly defined as
     374       exp(-((x-c)/s)^2) instead of exp(-1/2*((x-c)/s))
     375     - Set start value for corresponding fit back to same value
     376       as for a standard gauss-fit.
    24380 2005/07/12 Daniela Dorner
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