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  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicDoku/strategy_mc_ana.tex

    r771 r772  
    1313%% elements: title, author, date, plus TDAScode
    15 \title{The strategy for MC production and analysis
    16 optimisation}
     15\title{Outline of a standard analysis for MAGIC \\
     16(including Monte Carlo work)}
    1717\author{W. Wittek, H. Kornmayer\\
    1818\texttt{, }}
    40 \section{teil 1}
    42 \section{teil 2}
     40\section{Aim of this paper}
     41The aim of this paper is to describe the procedure to obtain the
     42absolute energy spectrum of a point source from the data taken with
     43MAGIC. This includes work on Mont Carlo (MC) data and the analysis of
     44the real data.
     46Various steps in the procedure will depend on details of the MC
     47generation, on the way the real data are taken, etc.. These details
     48have therefore to be specified, which is done in Section 2.
     50In Section 3 some basic definitions and formulas are collected in
     51order to avoid any misunderstanding of the meaning of frequently
     52used terms.
     54Section 4 describes the MC work and Section 5 the actual analysis of
     55the real data.
     57One aim of this paper is also to define jobs for those who want to
     58join the activities in the software developments. As will be seen, the
     59main ingredients both for the MC work and the real data analysis are
     60available. However, certain parts have yet to be implemented, others
     61have to be changed, modified, improved or extended. Last not least
     62extensive tests have to be performed.
     67The assumptions for a 'standard analysis' listed below are the result of
     68discussions in the software group. Some of them are rather arbitrary.
     69They should by no means be
     70understood as final or optimal choices. They should be considered as a
     71starting point. As our experience with the analysis grows we may
     72have to revise some of the assumptions.
     74The aim in all what follows is to define a strategy that is as simple
     75and robust as possible. Tests that have yet to be performed will tell
     76us whether the assumptions are reasonable and realistic.
     78The assumptions are :
     81\item Mode of observation :\\
     82Data are taken in the wobble mode. This means that the telescope is
     83directed not to the position of the selected source but rather to a
     84position which has a certain offset ($\Delta\beta$) from the source
     85position. $\Delta\beta$ is taken as  ... degree in right ascension and
     86every 20 minutes of observation the sign of $\Delta\beta$ is changed.
     87The two wobble positions are called wobble-1 and wobble-2.
     89There is no compelling reason to do the wobbling in right ascension
     90rather than in any other direction. It also appears that this choice
     91has no severe consequences for the analysis.
     93Note that the sky region projected onto the camera is different for
     94wobble positions 1 and 2. For fixed wobble position the sky region
     95projected onto the camera remains the same during tracking of a
     96source, although the sky image is rotating in the camera.
     98The wobble mode has to be understood as an alternative to taking on
     99and off data in separate runs. Choosing the wobble mode thus implies
     100that one is taking on data only, from which also the 'off data' have to be
     101obtained by some procedure.
     103\item Pedestals :\\
     104Pedestals and their fluctuations are not determined from triggered
     105showers but rather from pedestal events. The pedestal events are taken
     106'continuously' at a constant rate of 5 Hz. In this way the pedestals
     107and their fluctuations are always up to date, and the presence of
     108stars and their position in the camera can be monitored continuously.
     110\item Gamma/hadron separation :\\
     111It is assumed that it is possible to define a gamma/hadron separation
     112which is independent
     113 \begin{itemize}
     114 \item[-] of the level of the light of the night sky (LONS)
     115 \item[-] of the presence of stars in the field of view (FOV) of the camera
     116 \item[-] of the orientation of the sky image in the camera
     117 \item[-] of the source being observed
     118 \end{itemize}
     120It has yet to be proven that this is possible. The corresponding
     121procedures have to be developed, which includes a proper treatment of the
     122pedestal fluctuations in the image analysis.
     124The gamma/hadron separation will be given in terms of a set of cuts
     125on quantities which are derived from the measurable quantities, which are :
     126 \begin{itemize}
     127 \item[-] the direction $\Theta$ and $\phi$ the telescope is pointing to
     128 \item[-] the image parameters
     129 \item[-] the pedestal fluctuations
     130 \end{itemize}
     132Under the above assumption the only dependence to be considered for
     133the collection areas (see Section 3) is the dependence on the energy
     134of the cosmic ray particle and on the zenith angle $\Theta$.
     136It has to be investigated whether also the azimuthal angle $\phi$ has to be
     137taken into account, for example because of influences from the earth
     138magnetic field.
     140\item Trigger condition :\\
     142\item Standard analysis cuts :\\
     147\section{Definitions and formulas}
     151\item Image parameters :\\
     152The standard definition of the image parameters is assumed. See for
     153example \cite{...}.
     155\item Impact parameter :\\
     156The impact parameter $p$ is defined as the vertical distance
     157of the telescope from the shower axis. It is not directly
     158measurable. It may be estimated from the image parameters.
     160\item Energy :\\
     161The energy of the shower is not directly measurable either, but may be
     162estimated from the image parameters too.
     164\item The direction $(\Theta,\phi)$ :\\
     165$(\Theta,\phi)$ denotes the direction the telescope is pointing to,
     166not the position of the source being observed.
     173\item Differential gamma flux and collection area for a point source
     175The differential gamma flux from as point sourse $s$ is
     178\Phi^{\gamma}_s(E)\;=\;\dfrac{dN^{\gamma}_s}{dE \cdot dF \cdot dt}
     181where $dN^{\gamma}_s$ is the number of gammas from the source $s$ in
     182the bin $dE,\;dF,\;dt$ of energy, area and time respectively. We
     183denote the probabiolity for reconstructing a gamma shower with energy
     184$E$, zenith angle $\Theta$ and impact parameter $p$ by
     185$R^{\gamma}(E,\;\Theta,\;p)$. The effective collection area is defined as
     188F^{\gamma}_{eff}\;  &=  &\int R^{\gamma}(E,\Theta,p)\;dF  \\
     189                    &=  &2\pi\;\int R^{\gamma}(E,\Theta,p)\;p\;dp
     193The number of $\gamma$ showers observed in the bin $\Delta \Theta$ of
     194the zenith angle $\Theta$ and in the bin $|Delta E$ of the energy is
     195then :
     198\Delta N^{\gamma,obs}_s  &=         &\Delta T_{on}(\Theta) \cdot
     199 \int_{\Delta E}{} \Phi^{\gamma}_s(E)\;F^{\gamma}_{eff}(E,\Theta)\;dE \\
     200                         &\approx=  &\Delta T_{on}(\Theta) \cdot
     201  F^{\gamma}_{eff}(E),\Theta) \cdot \int_{\Delta E}{}
     202 \Phi^{\gamma}_s(E)\;dE \\
     203                         &=         &\Delta T_{on}(\Theta) \cdot
     204  F^{\gamma}_{eff}(E),\Theta) \cdot \Delta E \cdot
     205  \overline{\Phi^{\gamma}_s}(E) \\
    44210\section{MC work}
    148314  \item rotating star field
     317\section{Analysis of the real data}
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