Changeset 773

04/26/01 08:10:07 (24 years ago)
First descriptions of MC programs put into the text.
1 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/MagicDoku/strategy_mc_ana.tex

    r772 r773  
    5 \setlength{\unitlength}{1.0cm}
     209% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
     210% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
     211% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
    210213\section{MC work}
    227230        \put (1, 11.5){{\sl Air shower programs}}
    228231        \put (1., 10.){\framebox(3.,1.){MMCS}}
    229         \put (2., 10.){\vector(0.,-1.){.9} }
     232        \put (2., 10.){\vector(0,-1){.9} }
    230233        \put (1., 8.){\framebox(3.,1.){reflector}}
    231         \put (2., 8.){\vector(0.,-1.){.9}}
     234        \put (2., 8.){\vector(0,-1){.9}}
    233236        \put (6, 10.){{\sl star background programs}}
    234         \put (6.,8.){\framebox(3.,1.){starfieldadder}}
    235         \put (6., 8.){\line(0., -1.){1.5}}
    236         \put (10.,8.){\framebox(3.,1.){starresponse}}
    237         \put (10., 8.){\line(0., -1.){1.5}}
    238         \put (10., 6.5){\vector(-1.,0.){6.} }
     237        \put (6.,8.){\framebox(3.,1.){starresponse}}
     238        \put (6., 8.){\line(0, -1){1.5}}
     239        \put (10.,8.){\framebox(3,1){starfieldadder}}
     240        \put (10., 8.){\line(0, -1){1.5}}
     241        \put (10., 6.5){\vector(-1,0){6.} }
    240243        \put (1., 6.){\framebox(3.,1.){camera}}
    241         \put (2., 6.){\vector(3.,-1.){5.} }
     244        \put (2., 6.){\vector(3,-1){5.} }
    245248        \put (14, 11.5){{\sl real data programs}}
    246         \put (14, 8.){\framebox(3.,1.){MAGIC DAQ}}     
    247         \put (15, 8.){\vector(0.,-1.){.9} }
     249        \put (14, 8.){\framebox(3,1){MAGIC DAQ}}       
     250        \put (15, 8.){\vector(0,-1){.9} }
    248251        \put (14, 6.){\framebox(3.,1.){MERPP}} 
    249         \put (15., 6.){\vector(-3.,-1.){5.} }
     252        \put (15., 6.){\vector(-3,-1){5.} }
    251254        \put (8.75, 3.7){\oval(4.,1.)} 
    252255        \put (7., 3.5){MAGIC root file}
    253         \put (8., 3.2){\vector(0., -1.){1.0}}
     256        \put (8., 3.2){\vector(0, -1){1.0}}
    255258        \put (7, 1.){\framebox(3.,1.){MARS}}
    257260        \thicklines
    258         \put (5., 11.){\line(0., -1.){6.5}}     
    259         \put (13., 12.){\line(0., -1.){7.5}}   
     261        \put (5., 11.){\line(0, -1){6.5}}       
     262        \put (13., 12.){\line(0, -1){7.5}}     
    261264  \end{picture} 
    295298\subsubsection{MMCS - Magic Monte Carlo Simulation}
    296 \subsubsection{reflector                          }
     300This program is based on a CORSIKA simulation. It is used to generate
     301air showers for the MAGIC telecope. At the start one run of the
     302program, one has to define the details of the simulation.
     303One can specify the following parameters of an shower
     304(see also figure \ref{pic_shower}):
     307  \item the type of the particles in one run ($PartID$)
     308  \item the energy range of the particles ($E_1, E_2$)
     309  \item the slope of the Energy spectra
     310  \item the range of the shower core on the ground $r_{core}$.
     311  \item the direction of the shower by setting the range of
     312        zenith angle ($\Theta_1, \Theta_2$) and
     313        azimuth angle  ($\phi_1, \phi_2$)
     319  \begin{picture}(9.,6.)
     320        \put (0., 0.){\framebox(9.,6.){}}
     322        \thicklines
     323        % telescope
     324        \put (5., .5){\oval(.75, .75)[t]}
     325        \put (3., 1.){{\sl Telesope position}} 
     326        \put (4.5, 1.){\vector(1, -1){0.5}}
     327        % observation level
     328        \put (.5, .5){\line(1, 0){8}}
     329        \put (.5, .6){{\sl Observation level}} 
     331        % air shower
     332        \put (4. , 5.5 ){\line(2, -3){3.3}}
     333        \put (4.5, 5.5 ){{\sl Particle Type ($PartId$)}}
     334        \put (4.5, 5.25){{\sl Energy ($E_1 < E < E_2$)}}
     335        \put (4.5, 5.  ) {$\Theta_1 < \Theta < \Theta_2$}
     336        \put (4.5, 4.75) {$\phi_1 < \phi < \phi_2$}
     337        \put (7.5, .75){{\sl shower core}}
     339        \thinlines
     340        \put (5., .25){\line(1,0){2.3}}
     341        \put (6.1, .25){{\sl $r_{Core}$}}
     343        \put (5., .5){\line(4,3){1.571}}       
     344        \put (6., 1.35){{\sl $p$}}
     346  \end{picture} 
     348  \caption {The parameter of an shower that are possible to define
     349at the begin of an MMCS run.}
     352Other parameters, that will be important in the analysis later,
     353can be calculated. I.e. the impact parameter $p$ is defined by
     354the direction
     355of the shower ($\Theta, \phi$) and the core position
     356($x_{core}, y_{core}$).
     358The program MMCS will track the whole shower development
     359through the atmosphere. All the cerenkov particles that hit a
     360sphere around the telesope (in the figure \ref{pic_shower}
     361drawn as the circle around the telecope position) are stored
     362on disk. It is important to recognize, that up to now no
     363information of the pointing of the telescope was taking into
     365This cerenkov photons are the input for the next program,
     366called reflector.
     371The aim of the reflector program is the
     372tracking of the cerenkov photons to the camera
     373of the MAGIC telescope. So this
     374is the point where we introduce a specific pointing of
     375the telescope ($\Theta_{MAGIC}, \phi_{MAGIC}$).
     376For all cerenkov photons the program
     377tests if the mirrors are hitten, calculates the
     378probability for the reflection and tracks them to the
     379mirror plane. All the photons that are hitting the
     380camera are written to disk (*.rfl) 
     381with their important parameters
     382($x_{camera}, y_{camera}, \lambda, t_{arrival}$).
     383These parameters are the input from the shower simulation
     384for the next program in the
     385MC simulation chain, the camera program.
     389The camera program simulates the behaviour of the
     390PMTs and the electronic of the trigger and FAC system.
     391For each photon out of the reflector file (*.rfl) the
     392camera program calculates the probability to generate
     393an photo electron out of the photo cathode. If a photo
     394electrons was ejected, this will create a signal in the
     395trigger and FADC system of the hitted pixel.
     396You have to specify the
     397parameter of the signal shaping
     398(shape, Amplitude, FWHM of signal)
     399at the beginning of the
     400camera, seperatly for the trigger and the FADC system.
     401All signal from all photoelectrons are superimposed for
     402each pixel. As an example you can see the output of
     403the trigger and FADC system in figure \ref{fig_trigger_fadc}.
     406 \caption{The response of one shower from the trigger (left) and
     407fadc system (right).}
     411All these analog signals going into the trigger system are used
     412to check if for a given event a trigger signal was generated or
     413not. But before the start of the camera program on also has to
     414set a few parameters of the trigger system like:
     416  \item diskriminator threshold
     417  \item mulitplicity
     418  \item topology
     420With this set of parameter the camera program will analyse
     421if one event has triggered. For the triggered event all the FADC
     422content will be writen on the file (*.root). In addition all the
     423information about the event ($PartID, E, \Theta$,...) and
     424information of trigger (FirstLevel, SecondLevel, ..) are also
     425be written to the file.
     427One of the nice features of the camera program is the possiblity
     428so simulate the NSB, the diffuse and the star light part of it.
     429But before doing this, on has to start other programs
     430(called starresponse and starfieldadder) that are describe
     435This program will simulate the analog response for stars of
     436a given brightness $B$.
    299 \subsubsection{starresponse}
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