Changeset 7912 for trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/scripts/runcallisto
- Timestamp:
- 08/22/06 15:47:15 (19 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r7909 r7912 58 58 59 59 # get todo file 60 echo "checking if other todo-files are there">> $scriptlog 2>&161 if ls $todofile-[1-9]*.txt >> $scriptlog 2>&160 possibletodofiles=`ls -r $listpath/ToDo-*-$column-*.txt` >> $scriptlog 2>&1 61 if [ "$possibletodofiles" = "" ] 62 62 then 63 echo " other file(s) on disk " >> $scriptlog 2>&164 echo " -> choose one file and start calibrating">> $scriptlog 2>&163 echo "ERROR: in $program no todofiles found => something went wrong in jobmanager" 64 finish >> $scriptlog 2>&1 65 65 else 66 # check if getting of list is already running 67 checklock "getting list of" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 68 # get todo list 69 gettodo >> $scriptlog 2>&1 70 rm -v $lockfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1 66 singleprocess="yes" 67 echo "todofiles: "${possibletodofiles[@]} >> $scriptlog 2>&1 68 for possibletodofile in ${possibletodofiles[@]} 69 do 70 if ! ls $possibletodofile >> $scriptlog 2>&1 71 then 72 echo "file is not on disk -> continue" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 73 continue 74 fi 75 lockfile=`echo $possibletodofile | sed -e 's/lists/locks/' -e 's/ToDo/lock/'` 76 checklock >> $scriptlog 2>&1 77 todofile=$possibletodofile 78 done 71 79 fi 72 73 # choose todo file 74 nr=bla 75 echo "finding the right todo-file" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 76 todofiles=`ls -r $listpath/ToDo-$table-$column-*` 77 78 for todofile in ${todofiles[@]} 79 do 80 if ! ls $todofile >> $scriptlog 2>&1 81 then 82 echo "file is not on disk -> continue" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 83 continue 84 fi 85 lockfile=`echo $todofile | sed -e 's/lists/locks/' -e 's/ToDo/lock/'` 86 date > $lockfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1 87 checklock=$? 88 case $checklock in 89 0) echo "checklock=$checklock -> setting number" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 90 nr=${i} 91 break;; 92 1) echo "checklock=$checklock -> file exists -> continue" >> $scriptlog 2>&1;; 93 *) echo "checklock=$checklock -> something went completely wrong" >> $scriptlog 2>&1;; 94 esac 95 done 96 97 case $nr in 98 bla) echo "everything is beeing processed -> exit" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 99 date >> $scriptlog 2>&1 100 exit;; 101 12345678) echo "process nr: "$nr >> $scriptlog 2>&1;; 102 esac 80 if [ "$todofile" = "" ] 81 then 82 echo "no todofile found -> exit" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 83 finish >> $scriptlog 2>&1 84 fi 103 85 104 86 # get sequence(s) from todo file … … 116 98 for sequence in ${sequences[@]} 117 99 do 100 echo "run $program for sequence $sequence..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1 118 101 no=`printf %08d $sequence | cut -c 0-4` 119 102 no2=`printf %08d $sequence` … … 121 104 var2=$no2 122 105 outpath="$datapath/$program/$no/$no2" 123 echo "outpath: "$outpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1124 106 makedir $outpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1 125 107 126 108 sequfile="$sequpath/$no/sequence$no2.txt" 127 echo "sequfile: "$sequfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1128 109 129 110 # find callisto.rc file … … 143 124 fi 144 125 145 echo "run $program..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1146 126 setstatus "start" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 147 127 … … 150 130 151 131 case $check1 in 152 0) echo " check1=$check1 -> everything ok -> doing update..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1132 0) echo " check1=$check1 -> everything ok -> doing update..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1 153 133 # running merpp update if calibration worked 154 134 # finding files, which have to be updated 155 echo "finding files to be updated " >> $scriptlog 2>&1135 echo "finding files to be updated..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1 156 136 calfiles=`find $outpath -name *_Y_* ` 157 echo " files to be updated: "$calfiles >> $scriptlog 2>&1137 echo " files to be updated: "$calfiles >> $scriptlog 2>&1 158 138 if [ "$calfiles" = "" ] 159 139 then 160 echo " no files found -> continue with next sequence" >> $scriptlog 2>&1140 echo " no files found -> continue with next sequence" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 161 141 continue 162 142 fi … … 176 156 cacofile=`find /magic/subsystemdata/caco/ -name dc_[2][0][0-2][0-9]_[0,1][0-9]_[0-3][0-9]_*${runno}_${source}.txt` 177 157 # cacofile=`find /magic/subsystemdata/caco/ -name dc_[2][0][0-2][0-9]_[0,1][0-9]_[0-3][0-9]_*${runno}_*.txt` 178 echo "runno: "$runno >> $scriptlog 2>&1179 echo "ccfile: "$ccfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1180 158 if [ "$ccfile" = "" ] 181 159 then … … 186 164 break 187 165 fi 188 echo "cacofile: "$cacofile >> $scriptlog 2>&1189 166 if [ "$cacofile" = "" ] 190 167 then … … 218 195 check2=$? 219 196 case $check2 in 220 0) echo " check2=$check2 -> everything ok, merppccupdate worked -> continue" >> $scriptlog 2>&1;;221 *) echo " check2=$check2 -> ERROR -> merppccupdate failed" >> $scriptlog 2>&1197 0) echo " check2=$check2 -> everything ok, merppccupdate worked -> continue" >> $scriptlog 2>&1;; 198 *) echo " check2=$check2 -> ERROR -> merppccupdate failed" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 222 199 com=$Fmerppcc 223 200 comadd=$runno … … 228 205 check3=$? 229 206 case $check3 in 230 0) echo " check3=$check3 -> everything ok, merppcacoupdate worked -> continue" >> $scriptlog 2>&1;;231 *) echo " check3=$check3 -> ERROR -> merppcacoupdate failed" >> $scriptlog 2>&1207 0) echo " check3=$check3 -> everything ok, merppcacoupdate worked -> continue" >> $scriptlog 2>&1;; 208 *) echo " check3=$check3 -> ERROR -> merppcacoupdate failed" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 232 209 com=$Fmerppcaco 233 210 comadd=$runno … … 237 214 done 238 215 ;; 239 *) echo " check1=$check1 -> ERROR -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1216 *) echo " check1=$check1 -> ERROR -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 240 217 com=$Fcallisto 241 218 check=$check1 242 219 ;; 243 220 esac 244 # set status 245 echo "inserting the status for $program for sequence $sequence into the db" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 221 246 222 setstatus "stop" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 247 223 done
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