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  • trunk/ICRC_01/mccontrib.tex

    r823 r824  
    1717\author[3]{H. Kornmayer}
    1818\affil[3]{Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik, M\"unchen, Germany}
    19 \correspondence{H. Kornmayer (h.kornmayer@web.de)}
     19\author[]{the MAGIC collaboration}
     21\correspondence{O.Blanch blanch@ifae.es), H. Kornmayer (h.kornmayer@web.de)}
     22\affil[ ]{ }
     23\affil[ ]{\large (for the MAGIC Collaboration)}
    5561different trigger levels.
    57 The primary goal of the trigger system is the selction of showers,
     63The primary goal of the trigger system is the selction of showers.
    5864For a better understanding of the MAGIC telescope and its different
    5965systems (trigger, FADC) a detailed Monte Carlo (MC) study is
    60 neccessary. Such an study has to take into account the simulation
     66neccessary. Such a study has to take into account the simulation
    6167of the air showers, the effect of absorption in the atmosphere, the
    6268behaviour of the PMTs and the response of the trigger and FADC
    8995\subsection{Air shower simulation}
    91 The simulation of gammas and of hadrons is done with
     97The simulation of gamma and of hadron showers in the
     98atmosphere is done with
    9299the CORSIKA program, version 5.20.
    93 For the simulation of had\-ro\-nic
    94 showers we use the VENUS model. We simulate showers
     100As the had\-ro\-nic interaction model 
     101we use the VENUS model.
     102We simulate showers
    95103for different zenith angles
    96 ($\Theta = 0^\circ, 5^\circ, 10^\circ, 15^\circ,
    97 20^\circ, 25^\circ $) at fixed azimuth angel $\Phi$.
     104($\Theta = 0^\circ, 5^\circ$, $ 10^\circ, 15^\circ,
     10520^\circ, 25^\circ $) at fixed azimuthal angle $\Phi$.
    98106Gammas are assumed to originate from point sources
    99 in the direction ($\Theta,\Phi$)
     107in the direction ($\Theta$,$\Phi$)
    100108whereas the hadrons are simulated isotropically
    101 around the given ($\Theta,\Phi$) direction.
     109around the given ($\Theta$,$\Phi$) direction in a
     110region of the solid angle corresponding to the FOV
     111of the camera.
    102112The trigger probability for hadronic showers with
    103 a big impact parameter $I$ is not Englisch negligible.
     113a large impact parameter $I$ is not negligible.
    104114Therefore we
    105115simulate hadrons with $I < 400~\mathrm{m}$ and gammas
    116126    zenith angle & gammas & protons \\
    117127    \hline \hline
    118         $\Theta = 0^\circ$  &  $\approx 5 \cdot 10^5$ &  $\approx 5 \cdot 10^5$ \\
    119         $\Theta = 5^\circ$  &  $\approx 5 \cdot 10^5$ & $\approx 5 \cdot 10^5$  \\
    120         $\Theta = 10^\circ$ &  $\approx 5 \cdot 10^5$ & $\approx 5 \cdot 10^5$  \\
     128        $\Theta = 0^\circ$  &  $\approx 5 \cdot 10^5$ &  $\approx 1 \cdot 10^6$ \\
     129        $\Theta = 5^\circ$  &  $\approx 5 \cdot 10^5$ & $\approx 1 \cdot 10^6$  \\
     130        $\Theta = 10^\circ$ &  $\approx 5 \cdot 10^5$ & $\approx 1 \cdot 10^6$  \\
    121131        $\Theta = 15^\circ$ &  $\approx 2 \cdot 10^6$    &  $\approx 5 \cdot 10^6$  \\
    122132        $\Theta = 20^\circ$ &  production   &  production  \\
    125135  \end{tabular}
    127 \caption {Number of generated showers}
     137\caption {Number of generated showers.}
    133143For each simulated shower all
    134 Cherenkov photons hitting a horizontal plane at observation level
     144Cherenkov photons hitting a horizontal plane at the
     145observation level
    135146close to the telescope position are stored.
    141152First the absorption in the atmosphere is taken into
    143 By knowing the height of production and the
    144 wavelength of each Cherenkov photon the effect of Rayleigh
    145 and Mie scattering is calculated.
     154Using the height of production and the
     155wavelength of each Cherenkov photon the effects of Rayleigh
     156and Mie scattering are calculated.
    146157Next the reflection at the mirrors is simulated. 
    147 We assume a reflectivity of the mirrors of around 90\%.
    148 Each Cherenkov photon hitting one mirror is propagated
     158We assume a reflectivity of the mirrors of around 85\%.
     159Each Cherenkov photon hitting a mirror is propagated
    149160to the camera plane of the telescope. This procedure
    150 depends on the orientation of the telescope to the
    151 shower axis.
     161depends on the orientation of the telescope relative
     162to the shower axis.
    152163All Cherenkov photons reaching the camera plane will be
    153164kept for the next simulation step.
    181192a given width in time.
    182193The amplitude of the response function is chosen randomly
    183 according to the distribution of figure \ref{fig_ampl}
     194according to the distribution shown in figure \ref{fig_ampl}
    186197By superimposing all photons of one pixel and by taking
    187198the arrival times into account the response
    188 of the trigger and FADC system for that pixel is generated
     199of the trigger and FADC system for that pixel is computed
    189200(see also figure \ref{fig_starresp}).
    190201This is done for all pixels in the camera.
    192203The simulation of the trigger electronic starts by checking
    193204whether the generated analog signal exceeds the discriminator
    194 level.
    195206In that case a digital output
    196 signal of a given length (We use in that study a gate length of 6
    197 nsec.)
     207signal of a given length (6 nsec.)
    198208for that pixels is generated.
    199209By checking next neighbour conditions (NN) at a given time
    200210the first level trigger is simulated.
    201 If a given NN condition (Multiplicity, Topology, ...)
     211If a given NN condition (multiplicity, topology, ...)
    202212is fullfilled, a first level trigger signal is generated and
    220230\subsection{Starlight simulation}
    222 Due to the big mirror area MAGIC will be sensitive up to
    223 $10^m$ stars.
     232Due to the big mirror area MAGIC will be sensitive to stars up to a
     233magnitude of 10.
    224234These stars will contribute locally to the noise in the
    225235camera and have to be taken into account.
    226 We developed a program that allows us
     236We developed a program that allows
    227237to simulate the star light together with the generated showers.
    228238This program considers all stars in the field of view of the camera
    283293on a pattern-recognition method.
    284294This part is still in the design phase.
    285 All results presented here are based on studies of the
    286 first-level-trigger. If not mentioned somewhere else,
     295All results presented here refer to the
     296first-level-trigger. If not stated explicitly otherwise,
    287297the MC data are produced with "standard"
    288298values (discriminator threshold = 4 mV, gate length = 6 nsec,
    301311where T is the trigger probablity. F is a plane perpendicular
    302  to the shower axis.
    303 The results for different zenith angle $\Theta$ and
     312 to the telescope axis.
     313The results for different zenith angles $\Theta$ and
    304314for different discriminator thresholds are shown in figure
    322 increasing diskriminator threshold.
     332increasing discriminator threshold.
    325 \subsubsection{Threshold of MAGIC telescope}
     335\subsubsection{Energy threshold}
    327337The threshold of the MAGIC telesope is defined as the peak
    328338in the $dN/dE$ distribution for triggered showers.
    329 For all different trigger settings
    330 this value is determined. The energy threshold could
     339This value is determined
     340for all different trigger settings.
     341The energy threshold could
    331342depend among other variables on the background conditions,
    332343the threshold of the trigger discriminator and the zenith angle. We
    333 check the influence of these three variables.
     344check the dependence on these three variables.
    335346For both, gammas and protons, some different background conditions
    351362 \includegraphics[width=8.3cm]{enerthres.eps} % .eps for Latex,
    352363                                            % pdfLatex allows .pdf, .jpg, .png and .tif
    353  \caption{On the left upper plot the Energy Threshold for diffrent zenith angles is plotted while on the left bottom plot the Energy Threshold is plotted for several values of the trigger discriminator threshold. On the right plot a characteristic fit for $dN/dE$ is shown (for showers at $10^\circ$ with discriminator at 4 mV and diffuse NSB of 0.09 photo electrons per ns and pixel)}
     364 \caption{On the left upper plot the energy threshold for diffrent
     365 zenith angles is plotted while on the left bottom plot the energy
     366threshold is plotted for several values of the trigger discriminator
     367threshold. On the right plot a characteristic fit for $dN/dE$ is shown
     368(for showers at $10^\circ$ with discriminator at 4 mV and diffuse NSB
     369of 0.09 photo electrons per ns and pixel)}
    354370 \label{fig_enerthres}
    357373If one lowers the threshold of the trigger discriminator, then less
    358 photons in the camera plane are needed to trigger the Telescope.
    359 And it helps the low energy showers to fulfil the required trigger
     374photons in the camera plane are needed to trigger the telescope,
     375and it helps the low energy showers to fulfil the required trigger
    361377In figure  \ref{fig_enerthres} one can see that the threshold
    362 energy decreases when lowering the discriminator.
     378energy decreases when lowering the discriminator threshold.
    363379It is 29 GeV for 3 mV and 105 GeV  for 7 mV.
    364380Since we are aiming for a low energy threshold,
    365381a low discriminator value is  preferred.
    366382However, for 3 mV the expected rate due to protons increases a
    367 lot (see section ~\ref{sec-rates}), while it keeps under control at 4 mV.
    368 Therefore, the threshold of the discriminator would be kept around 
    369 4 mV, which yields an energy threshold of 45 GeV.
     383lot (see section ~\ref{sec-rates}), while it is kept
     384under control at 4 mV.
     385Therefore, the threshold of the discriminator should be kept
     386around 4 mV, which yields an energy threshold of 45 GeV.
    371388\subsubsection{Expected rates}\label{sec-rates}
    373 Using the monte carlo data sample, it is possible to estimate
    374 the expected rates from proton showers and background light.
     390Using the Monte Carlo data sample, it is possible to estimate
     391the expected rates for proton showers  taking into account the
     392background light.
    376394The numbers quoted in this section are calcuated for a zenith angle
    377 $\Theta = 10^o$. Same studies have been done for $\Theta =0^o$ and
    378 for $\Theta = 15^o$ and we got similar results.
     395of $10^\circ$.
     396The results for $0^o$ and $15^o$ were found to be similar.
    379397We estimated the rate for the first level trigger
    380398with the "standard" trigger conditions. 
    381399The first level trigger rate due to proton showers without any
    382400background is $143 \pm 11~\mathrm{Hz}$.
    383 This rate would increase due to other hadron showers (He, Li, ...) which
    384 we have not simulated yet. About 25 \% larger rate is expected due mainly
    385 to He.
     401This rate will increase by $\approx 25$\% if heavier nuclei (He,
     402Li,...) are included.
    387405However, to get a more reliable rate one must take into account
    388 a realistic background situation. We take for the diffuse part of the
    389 night sky background a value of 0.09 photo electrons per ns
    390 \citep{ml94}
    391 and use the star field around the Crab nebula.
    392 Under this more realistic conditions the first level trigger
     406a realistic background situation.
     407From the total mirror area, the integration time, the FOV of a pixel
     408and the QE of the PMTs one obtains a value of 0.09 photo electrons per
     409ns and pixel \citep{ml94} due to the diffuse night sky background.
     410Added to this are the contributions from the star field around the
     411Crab nebula.
     412Under these more realistic conditions the first level trigger
    393413background rate (protons and light of night sky) is $396 \pm 88$ Hz.
    395 The dependence of the first level trigger rate from the discriminator
     415The dependence of the first level trigger rate on the discriminator
    396416threshold is shown in figure \ref{fig_rates}. 
    397417The trigger rate decreases
    398418with increasing discriminator threshold as expected.
    399419The rate for the discriminator threshold of 3 mV is more than 100
    400 times larger than for the other values.
     420times larger than that for higher thresholds.
    402422 \vspace*{2.0mm} % just in case for shifting the figure slightly down
    409 These results show that the MAGIC telesope will use a disriminator
     429The MAGIC telesope will use a disriminator
    410430threshold of about 4 mV. This value corresponds to a threshold of
    411431about 8 photo electrons.
    413 It has to be mentioned here, that all the results here are based on
    414 the first level trigger. There is a big potiential to optimize the
    415 settings here. I.e. the background rate can be reduced by
     433It has to be stressed, that these results are based on
     434the first level trigger. There is a big potential in optimizing the
     435settings. I.e. the background rate can be reduced by
    416436increasing the discriminator threshold for a few dedicated pixels,
    417437that have a star in their field of view. Studies in this direction are
    422442We presented the actual status of Monte Carlo simulation for the MAGIC
    423 telescope.
     443telescope. The first level trigger rate for the background is for a
     444discriminator threshold of 4~mV well below the maximal trigger rate
     445(1000 Hz) that the MAGIC daq system will be able to handle.
     446For these standard settings the energy threshold is around 45 GeV.
     447There is a potential in optimizing the trigger system and studies in
     448this direction are ongoing. Also the development of the
     449second-level-trigger is in progress. This should allow to lower the
     451The MAGIC collaboration is presently simulating air showers with
     452higher zenith angles.
     453The newest results will be presented on
     454the conference.
    427 The authors thanks all the members of the MAGIC collaboration
    428 for their support in production of the big amount of simulated data.
     458The authors thanks all the "simulators" of the MAGIC collaboration
     459for their support in the production of the big amount of Monte Carlo
     460data. The support of MAGIC by the BMBF (Germany) and the CYCIT (Spain)
     461is acknowledged.
    440 \bibitem[(MAGIC Collaboration 1998)]{mc98}
     475\bibitem[(MAGIC 1998)]{mc98}
    441476MAGIC Collaboration, "The MAGIC Telescope, Design Study for
    442477the Construction of a 17m Cherenkov Telescope for Gamma
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