07/31/08 17:41:29 (16 years ago)
*** empty log message ***
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/macros/fillcalib.C

    r8951 r9062  
    6161#include <iostream>
    63 #include <TEnv.h>
    64 #include <TRegexp.h>
    6663#include <TH1.h>
    7471#include "MStatusArray.h"
    7572#include "MHCamera.h"
     73#include "MSequence.h"
    7674#include "MGeomCamMagic.h"
    7775#include "MBadPixelsCam.h"
    145143    if (!h)
    146144    {
    147         cout << "WARNING - Could not find histogram HRelTimeHiGainArea0." << endl;
     145        cout << "ERROR - Could not find histogram HRelTimeHiGainArea0 in Time." << endl;
    148146        return 2;
    149147    }
    156154    if (!h)
    157155    {
    158         cout << "WARNING - Could not find histogram HRelTimeHiGainArea1." << endl;
     156        cout << "ERROR - Could not find histogram HRelTimeHiGainArea1 in Time." << endl;
    159157        return 2;
    160158    }
    167165    if (!c)
    168166    {
    169         cout << "WARNING - Could not find MHCamera TotalConv." << endl;
     167        cout << "ERROR - Could not find MHCamera TotalConv in Conversion." << endl;
    170168        return 2;
    171169    }
    182180    TString meanconvouter=Form("%6.3f", meanconvo);
    184     //Getting sequ# from filename
    185     TString sequence = fname(TRegexp("calib[0-9]+[.]root$"));
    186     if (sequence.IsNull())
    187     {
    188         cout << "WARNING - Could get sequence# from filename: " << fname << endl;
    189         return 2;
    190     }
    192     Int_t seq = atoi(sequence.Data()+5);
     182    //Getting relative charge rms
     183    c = (MHCamera*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("RMSperMean", "MHCamera", "FitCharge");
     184    if (!c)
     185    {
     186        cout << "ERROR - Could not find MHCamera RMSperMean in FitCharge." << endl;
     187        return 2;
     188    }
     190    Stat_t relrmsi = c->GetMedianSectors(TArrayI(6, s0), inner);
     191    Stat_t relrmso = c->GetMedianSectors(TArrayI(6, s0), outer);
     192    TString relrmsinner=Form("%6.3f", relrmsi);
     193    TString relrmsouter=Form("%6.3f", relrmso);
     195    //Getting relative charge rms
     196    c = (MHCamera*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("NumPhes", "MHCamera", "FitCharge");
     197    if (!c)
     198    {
     199        cout << "ERROR - Could not find MHCamera NumPhes in FitCharge." << endl;
     200        return 2;
     201    }
     203    Stat_t numphei = c->GetMedianSectors(TArrayI(6, s0), inner);
     204    Stat_t numpheo = c->GetMedianSectors(TArrayI(6, s0), outer);
     205    TString numpheinner=Form("%5.1f", numphei);
     206    TString numpheouter=Form("%5.1f", numpheo);
     208    MSequence seq;
     209    if (seq.Read("sequence[0-9]{8}[.]txt|MSequence")<=0)
     210    {
     211        cout << "ERROR - Could not find sequence in file: " << fname << endl;
     212        return 2;
     213    }
     214    if (!seq.IsValid())
     215    {
     216        cout << "ERROR - Sequence read from file inavlid: " << fname << endl;
     217        return 2;
     218    }
    194220    //getting the ratio of calibration events used
    196222    if (!h)
    197223    {
    198         cout << "WARNING - Could not find histogram ArrTime;avg." << endl;
    199         return 2;
    200     }
    202     UInt_t nevts = h->GetEntries();
     224        cout << "ERROR - Could not find histogram ArrTime;avg." << endl;
     225        return 2;
     226    }
     228    UInt_t nevts = TMath::Nint(h->GetEntries());
    204230    TString query;
    205231    query = Form("SELECT SUM(fNumEvents) FROM RunData "
    206                  "LEFT JOIN RunType ON RunType.fRunTypeKEY=RunData.fRunTypeKEY "
    207                  "WHERE fSequenceFirst=%d AND RunType.fRunTypeName='Calibration'",
    208                  seq);
     232                 "LEFT JOIN RunType USING (fRunTypeKEY) "
     233                 "WHERE fSequenceFirst=%d AND fTelescopeNumber=%d AND "
     234                 "RunType.fRunTypeName='Calibration'",
     235                 seq.GetSequence(), seq.GetTelescope());
    210237    TSQLResult *res = serv.Query(query);
    228255    delete res;
    230     cout << "Sequence #" << seq << endl;
    231     cout << "  Unsuitable: (i/o) " << Form("%3d %3d", (int)unsin, (int)unsout) << endl; // Unbrauchbar
    232     cout << "  Unreliable: (i/o) " << Form("%3d %3d", (int)unrin, (int)unrout) << endl; // Unzuverlaessig
    233     cout << "  Isolated:   (i/o) " << Form("%3d %3d", (int)isoin, (int)isoout) << endl; // Isolated (unbrauchbar)
    234     cout << "  Max.Cluster:      " << Form("%3d", (int)clumax)                 << endl; // Max Cluster
    235     cout << "  Arr Time inner:    " << meaninner << " +- " << rmsinner  << endl;
    236     cout << "  Arr Time outer:    " << meanouter << " +- " << rmsouter  << endl;
    237     cout << "  Mean Conv inner:   " << meanconvinner << endl;
    238     cout << "  Mean Conv outer:   " << meanconvouter << endl;
    239     cout << "  Ratio Calib Evts:  " << ratiocal << endl;
     257    cout << "Sequence M" << seq.GetTelescope() << ":" << seq.GetSequence() << endl;
     258    cout << "  Unsuitable: (i/o)  " << Form("%3d %3d", (int)unsin, (int)unsout) << endl; // Unbrauchbar
     259    cout << "  Unreliable: (i/o)  " << Form("%3d %3d", (int)unrin, (int)unrout) << endl; // Unzuverlaessig
     260    cout << "  Isolated:   (i/o)  " << Form("%3d %3d", (int)isoin, (int)isoout) << endl; // Isolated (unbrauchbar)
     261    cout << "  Max.Cluster:       " << Form("%3d", (int)clumax)                 << endl; // Max Cluster
     262    cout << "  Arr Time inner:     " << meaninner << " +- " << rmsinner  << endl;
     263    cout << "  Arr Time outer:     " << meanouter << " +- " << rmsouter  << endl;
     264    cout << "  Mean Conv inner:     " << meanconvinner << endl;
     265    cout << "  Mean Conv outer:     " << meanconvouter << endl;
     266    cout << "  Rel.charge rms in:   " << relrmsinner << endl;
     267    cout << "  Rel.charge rms out:  " << relrmsouter << endl;
     268    cout << "  Med. num phe inner: " << numpheinner << endl;
     269    cout << "  Med. num phe outer: " << numpheouter << endl;
     270    cout << "  Ratio Calib Evts:   " << ratiocal << endl;
     272    // FIXME: Fill calibration charge
    241274    //inserting or updating the information in the database
    242275    TString vars =
    243         Form(" fUnsuitableInner=%d, "
     276        Form(" fSequenceFirst=%d, "
     277             " fTelescopeNumber=%d, "
     278             " fUnsuitableInner=%d, "
    244279             " fUnsuitableOuter=%d, "
    245280             " fUnreliableInner=%d, "
    254289             " fConvFactorInner=%s, "
    255290             " fConvFactorOuter=%s, "
    256              " fRatioCalEvents=%s ",
     291             " fRatioCalEvents=%s, "
     292             " fRelChargeRmsInner=%s, "
     293             " fRelChargeRmsOuter=%s, "
     294             " fMedNumPheInner=%s, "
     295             " fMedNumPheOuter=%s ",
     296             seq.GetSequence(), seq.GetTelescope(),
    257297             (int)unsin, (int)unsout, (int)unrin,
    258298             (int)unrout, (int)isoin, (int)isoout, (int)clumax,
    260300             meanouter.Data(), rmsouter.Data(),
    261301             meanconvinner.Data(), meanconvouter.Data(),
    262              ratiocal.Data());
    264     return serv.InsertUpdate("Calibration", "fSequenceFirst",
    265                              Form("%d", seq), vars.Data()) ? 1 : 2;
     302             ratiocal.Data(),
     303             relrmsinner.Data(), relrmsouter.Data(),
     304             numpheinner.Data(), numpheouter.Data()
     305            );
     307    TString where = Form("fSequenceFirst=%d AND fTelescopeNumber=%d",
     308                         seq.GetSequence(), seq.GetTelescope());
     310    return serv.InsertUpdate("Calibration", vars, where) ? 1 : 2;
    268313int fillcalib(TString fname, Bool_t dummy=kTRUE)
    270     TEnv env("sql.rc");
    272     MSQLMagic serv(env);
     315    MSQLMagic serv("sql.rc");
    273316    if (!serv.IsConnected())
    274317    {
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