08/15/08 15:56:15 (16 years ago)
Daniela Dorner
*** empty log message ***
1 edited


  • trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/scripts/dowebplots

    r9074 r9123  
    20 #   Author(s): Daniela Dorner  08/2005 <mailto:dorner@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
    21 #
    22 #   Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2007
     20#   Author(s): Daniela Dorner  08/2008 <mailto:dorner@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
     22#   Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2008
    3131# files are produced.
     33# The files from which plots are created can be devided into two categories:
     34# general: plots needed only once per telescope
     35# individual: plots done for each sequence / dataset
     37# For 'general' first the rootfiles are created with a macro from the
     38# database, then from this the ps via showplot, from this the pdf and the
     39# png files.
     40# For 'individual' running the macro is only needed for the plotdb for
     41# ganymed. The other steps are done accordingly.
     43# Via command line options the plots can be selected. For more information
     44# execute the script with the -h option.
    3447source `dirname $0`/sourcefile
    3851set -C
    4155date >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    43 while getopts p: opts
     57echo $@  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     59# definition of the plots to be created
     60generals=( plotdb optical condor status )
     61individuals=( calib signal star ganymed gplotdb )
     62# definition of the variables needed and varying for the plots
     63names=(     plotdb     optical    condor   status     calib     signal     star     ganymed           gplotdb )
     64pathnames=( plotdb     optical    condor   status  callisto   callisto     star     ganymed           ganymed )
     65macros=(    plotdb plotoptical plotusage plotstat        no         no       no          no                no )
     66filenames=( plotdb plotoptical plotusage plotstat     calib     signal     star     ganymed            plotdb )
     67columns=(       no          no        no       no fWebCalib fWebSignal fWebStar fWebGanymed fWebPlotDBGanymed )
     68digits=( 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 5 5 )
     70# function to print the usage of the script
     71function usage()
     73   echo "Usage: $0 [options]"
     74   echo "options:"
     75   echo -n "  --general    name  "
     76   echo " where 'name' can be 'all' or one of the following: ${generals[@]} "
     77   echo -n "  --individual name  "
     78   echo " where 'name' can be 'all' or one of the following: ${individuals[@]} "
     79   echo -n "  -h                 "
     80   echo " print this usage "
     81   echo ""
     82   echo "Remark: if no commandline option is given the plots are produced for everything."
     83   echo ""
     84   exit
     87# reading in the command line options
     88general=( )
     89individual=( )
     90while [ "$1" ]
     92   case $1 in
     93        --general) shift
     94                   if [ "$1" = "all" ]
     95                   then
     96                      general=( ${generals[@]} )
     97                   else
     98                      general=( $general $1 )
     99                   fi
     100                   ;;
     101     --individual) shift
     102                   if [ "$1" = "all" ]
     103                   then
     104                      individual=( ${individuals[@]} )
     105                   else
     106                      individual=( $individual $1 )
     107                   fi
     108                   ;;
     109              -h)  usage
     110                   exit
     111                   ;;
     112               *)  echo "unknown option $1 " >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     113                   usage  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     114                   exit
     115                   ;;
     116   esac
     117   shift
     120if [ ${#general[@]} -eq 0 ] || [ ${#individual[@]} -eq 0 ]
     122   all=( ${names[@]} )
     124   all=( ${general[@]} ${individual[@]} )
     127echo "For the following plots will be produced: "${all[@]} >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     131# rsync subsystemdata, sequence and dataset files
     132echo "do rsync for subsystem files" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     133#rsync -avn --delete $subsystempath/ $webpath/subsystemdata >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     135echo "do rsync for sequence files" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     136#rsync -avn --delete $sequencepath/ $webpath/sequences >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     138echo "do rsync for dataset files" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     139#rsync -avn --delete $datasetpath/ $webpath/datasets >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     142# using hour for lock => after 24 no new script is
     143#  started in case the previous is still running
     144hour=`date +%H`
     146checklock  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     149# loop over all scripts in $names
     150while [ 1 -gt 0 ]
    45    case $opts in
    46       p)  type=$OPTARG
    47           echo "got programname: $type"  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    48           ;;
    49       ?)  echo "usage: $(basename $0) -p programname"  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    50           ;;
    51    esac
    52 done
    54 if [ "$type" = "" ]
    55 then
    56    echo "no program name given -> exit"  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    57    echo "usage: $(basename $0) -p programname"   >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    58    date  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    59    printprocesslog "INFO finished $0"
    60    exit
    61 fi
    63 # check if script is already running
    64 lockfile=$lockpath/lock-$program-$type.txt
    65 checklock  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    67 #finding all rootfiles in the data directory, that were modified in the last 3 days
    68 #this are all statusdisplays
    69 rootfiles=`find $datapath/$type/ -maxdepth 10 -name '*.root' -mtime -3 | grep -v '_I_' | grep -v '_Y_' | grep -v 'summary'`
    71 #exit if no rootfiles are found
    72 if [ "$rootfiles" = "" ]
    73 then
    74    echo "nothing to do -> exit"  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    75    finish >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    76 fi
    79 cd $mars
    81 #produce plots for each rootfile
    82 printprocesslog "INFO procduing plots for each $type rootfile"
    83 for rootfile in ${rootfiles[@]}
    84 do
    85    date >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    86    #get names of the psfile and the
    87    #pngfiles (1 per tab in the statusdiplay)
    88    psfile=`echo $rootfile | sed -e 's/.root$/.ps/g'`
    89    tabfile=`echo $rootfile | sed -e 's/.root$/-tab/g'`
    90    echo "rootfile: $rootfile" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    91    echo "psfile:   $psfile"   >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    92    echo "tabfile:  $tabfile"  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     152   check="ok"
     153   # get needed variables from the arrays
     154   name=${names[$count]}
     155   macro=${macros[$count]}
     156   pathname=${pathnames[$count]}
     157   filename=${filenames[$count]}
     158   column=${columns[$count]}
     159   digit=${digits[$count]}
    94    #get date of root- and psfile
    95    daterootfile=`date +%Y%m%d -r $rootfile` >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    96    datepsfile=`date +%Y%m%d -r $psfile` >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    97    if [ "$datepsfile" = "" ]
     161   count=`expr $count + 1`
     162   if [ $count -gt ${#names[@]} ]
    98163   then
    99       echo "date of psfile is empty, i.e. the file $psfile doesn't exist" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    100       echo " -> setting date to 0 and producing psfile..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    101       datepsfile=0
    102    fi
    104    echo "checking date..."  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    105    echo "date of rootfile: $daterootfile" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    106    echo "date of psfile:   $datepsfile"   >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    107    #if the psfile is newer than the rootfile
    108    #no plots have to be done -> continue
    109    if [ "$datepsfile" -gt "$daterootfile" ] >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    110    then
    111       echo "psfile is newer than rootfile -> continue " >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     164      count=0
    112165      continue
    113166   fi
    115    printprocesslog "INFO procduing plots for $rootfile"
    116    echo "producing psfile..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    117    ./showplot -b --save-as-ps=$psfile $rootfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    119    echo "creating temporary dir for pstoimg..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    120    temppath=`dirname $rootfile | sed -e 's/\/magic\/data//'`
    121    tempwebplotspath=/tmp/pstoimgtmp$temppath
    122    makedir $tempwebplotspath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    124    echo "converting plots to png..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    125    pstoimg -antialias -aaliastext -interlaced -flip r270 -density 100 -tmp $tempwebplotspath -type png -multipage -out=$tabfile $psfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     167   # find out if these plots have to be created
     168   #  by looping over the complete array $all and comparing the entries to those of the array $names
     169   for (( a=0 ; a <= ${#all[@]} ; a++ ))
     170   do
     171      # exit the loop if the entries agree
     172      #  i.e. produce plots for this entry
     173      if [ "${all[$a]}" = "$name" ]
     174      then
     175         break
     176      fi
     177      # continue if the end of array is not yet reached
     178      if [ $a -lt ${#all[@]} ]
     179      then
     180         continue
     181      fi
     182      # exit both loops if no entry in the array is left
     183      #  i.e. there is nothing to do anymore
     184      if [ ${#all[@]} -eq 0 ]
     185      then
     186         break 2
     187      fi
     188      # continue with the next entry in the array $names
     189      #  in case the end of the array $all is reached without agreement
     190      continue 2
     191   done
     193   # do things specific to 'general' and 'individual'
     194   if [ "$macro" = "no" ]
     195   then
     196      # 'individual'
     197      # remove name from list in case there is nothing left to do
     198      getstatus >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     199      if [ "$numproc" = "" ]
     200      then
     201         unset all[$a]
     202         all=( ${all[@]} )
     203         continue
     204      fi
     205      # get one sequence or dataset from the database for which plots have to be produced
     206      gettodo "1" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     207      num=${primaries[0]}
     208      echo "executing $name for number "$num  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     209      # lock the process
     210      lockfile=$lockpath/$program-$name-$num.txt
     211      checklock continue  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     212      setstatus "start" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     213      # set needed file and path names
     214      pathpart=$pathname/`printf %08d $num | cut -c 0-${digit}`/`printf %08d $num`
     215      inpath=$datapath/$pathpart
     216      outpath=$webpath/$pathpart
     217      tmppath=/tmp/pstoimg$pathpart
     218      rootfile=$inpath/$filename`printf %08d $num`.root
     219      psfile=$inpath/$filename`printf %08d $num`.ps
     220      csvfile=$inpath/$filename`printf %08d $num`.csv
     221      pdffile=$outpath/$filename`printf %08d $num`.pdf
     222      # rsync
     223      makedir $outpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     224      rsync -aLv --exclude=20[01][0-9]*_[YI]_*[.]root $inpath/ $outpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     226      # for ganymed not only the ganymed*.root is processed but also a plotdb.root for the
     227      #  dataset. therefore the macro plotdb.C has to be run in this case
     228      if [ "$name" = "gplotdb" ]
     229      then
     230         # overwrite needed file and path names
     231         rootfile=$inpath/$filename.root
     232         psfile=$inpath/$filename.csv
     233         pdffile=$outpath/$filename.pdf
     234         datasetfile=$datasetpath/`printf %08d $num | cut -c 0-${digit}`/dataset`printf %08d $num`.txt
     236         echo "check1=root -q -b $macrospath/plotdb.C+\(\"$datasetfile\"\,\"$inpath/\"\) | tee -a $scriptlog | intgrep" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     237         check1=`root -q -b $macrospath/plotdb.C+\("\"$datasetfile\""\,"\"$inpath/\""\) | tee -a $scriptlog | intgrep`
     238         case $check1 in
     239            1)   echo " check1=$check1 -> everything ok" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     240                 printprocesslog "INFO rootfile $rootfile successfully produced"
     241                 ;;
     242            *)   echo " check1=$check1 -> ERROR -> couldn't create plots -> exit" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     243                 printprocesslog "ERROR producing rootfile $rootfile failed"
     244                 com=$Fdowebplots
     245                 check=$check1
     246                 ;;
     247         esac
     248      fi
     249   else
     250      # 'general'
     251      echo "executing $name "  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     252      # remove 'general' from list as they need to be executed only once
     253      unset all[$a]
     254      all=( ${all[@]} )
     255      # lock process
     256      lockfile=$lockpath/$program-$name.txt
     257      checklock continue >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     258      # set needed file and path names
     259      outpath=$webpath/$pathname
     260      tmppath=/tmp/$pathname
     261      rootfile=$outpath/$filename.root
     262      psfile=$outpath/$filename.csv
     263      pdffile=$outpath/$filename.pdf
     264      txtfile=$outpath/$filename.txt
     266      echo "check2=root -q -b $macrospath/$macro.C+\(\"$outpath/\"\) 2>> $txtfile | tee -a $scriptlog | intgrep" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     267      check2=`root -q -b $macrospath/$macro.C+\("\"$outpath/\""\) 2>> $txtfile | tee -a $scriptlog | intgrep`
     268      case $check2 in
     269         1)   echo " check2=$check2 -> everything ok" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     270              printprocesslog "INFO rootfile $rootfile successfully produced"
     271              ;;
     272         *)   echo " check2=$check2 -> ERROR -> couldn't produce root file $rootfile  -> exit" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     273              printprocesslog "ERROR producing rootfile $rootfile failed"
     274              com=$Fdowebplots
     275              check=$check2
     276              ;;
     277      esac
     278   fi
    127    echo "removing temporary dir..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    128    rmdir -pv $tempwebplotspath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     280   # in case no error occured, the plots are produced from the rootfile
     281   if [ "$check" = "ok" ]
     282   then
     283      printprocesslog "INFO procduing plots (psfile and png) for $rootfile"
     284      if ! ls $rootfile >/dev/null 2>&1
     285      then
     286         echo "rootfile $rootfile does not exist" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     287         printprocesslog "ERROR rootfile $rootfile does not exist"
     288         com=$Fdowebplots
     289         check=3
     290      else
     291         echo "producing psfile and csvfile..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     292         if ! ./showplot -b --save-as-ps=$psfile --save-as-csv=$csvfile $rootfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     293         then
     294            com=$Fdowebplots
     295            check=4
     296         else
     297            echo "creating temporary directory for pstoimg..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     298            makedir $tmppath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     300            echo "converting plots to png..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     301            if ! pstoimg -antialias -aaliastext -interlaced -flip r270 -density 100 -tmp $tmppath -out=$outpath/$name -type png -multipage $psfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     302            then
     303               printprocesslog "WARN could not create png files for $psfile "
     304               com=$Fdowebplots
     305               check=5
     306            fi
     308            echo "removing temporary directory..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     309            rmdir -pv $tmppath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     311            echo "converting $psfile to pdf..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     312         fi
     314         if ps2pdf $psfile $pdffile >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     315         then
     316            rm -v $psfile  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     317         else
     318            printprocesslog "WARN could not convert $psfile to $pdffile"
     319            com=$Fdowebplots
     320            check=6
     321         fi
     322      fi
     323   fi
    130    echo "converting $psfile to pdf..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    131    if ps2pdf $psfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    132    then
    133       rm -v $psfile  >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    134    else
    135       printprocesslog "WARN could not convert $psfile to pdf"
    136    fi
     325   setstatus "stop" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     327   rm -v $lockfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     329   sleep 2
     332# rsync for complete directory delete removed sequences
     333echo "do rsync for callisto, star and ganymed files" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
     334rsync -aLvn --delete --exclude=*/*/20[01][0-9]*_[YI]_*[.]root --exclude=*/*.ps $datapath/{callisto,star,ganymed}/ $webpath/callisto >> $scriptlog 2>&1
    139337finish >> $scriptlog 2>&1
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.