Changeset 9221 for trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/datacenter/scripts/runmccallisto
- Timestamp:
- 01/14/09 15:49:18 (16 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r8967 r9221 19 19 # 20 20 # Author(s): Daniela Dorner 08/2004 <> 21 # Author(s): Daniel Hoehne 06/2008<>21 # Author(s): Daniel Hoehne-Moench 01/2009 <> 22 22 # 23 # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-200 823 # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2009 24 24 # 25 25 # … … 55 55 56 56 # get sequence # 57 gettodo >> $scriptlog 2>&158 sequence=$ process57 gettodo "1" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 58 sequence=${primaries[0]} 59 59 60 60 # lock sequ for cal … … 73 73 sequfile="$mcsequpath/$no/sequence$no2.txt" 74 74 75 ## stage the needed files; to be removed as soon as the correct stub file size has been determined76 #echo "staging files:" >> $scriptlog 2>&177 #day=`grep Night $sequfile | cut -c 18-27 | sed -e "s/-/\//g"`78 #runs=`grep Runs $sequfile | cut -d: -f2`79 #i=080 #81 #for run in ${runs[@]}82 #do83 # files[i]=19*_${run}_[PCD]_*_E.root84 # echo ${mcpath}/rawfiles/${day}/${files[i]} >> $scriptlog 2>&185 # let i++86 #done87 #88 #ssh -nx phoenix "cd ${mcpath}/rawfiles/${day}; /opt/SUNWsamfs/bin/stage ${files[@]}"89 90 91 75 # define callisto.rc files 92 76 callistorcnew=$setuppath/$program/callisto.rc 93 callistorcmux=$setuppath/$program/callisto_mux _new.rc77 callistorcmux=$setuppath/$program/callisto_mux.rc 94 78 95 79 epoch=`grep Epoch $sequfile | cut -d: -f2 | grep Mux` … … 110 94 fi 111 95 112 # lock sequ for zipping113 #lockfile=$lockpath/calzip$sequence.txt114 # if lockfile is already existing, 1 is returned115 #if ! checklock return 1 >> $scriptlog 2>&1116 #then117 # reset lockfile name118 # lockfile=$lockpath/lock-$table-$column-$sequence.txt119 # finish >> $scriptlog 2>&1120 #fi121 122 96 primvar=$no2 123 97 setstatus "start" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 … … 127 101 check1=$? 128 102 129 # remove lockfile for zip and reset lockfile name130 #rm -v $lockfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1131 #lockfile=$lockpath/lock-$table-$column-$sequence.txt132 133 103 case $check1 in 134 104 0) echo " check1=$check1 -> everything ok" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 135 105 printprocesslog "INFO $program finished successfully for mc sequence $sequence" 136 106 ;; 137 # running merpp update if calibration worked138 # finding files, which have to be updated139 # echo "finding files to be updated..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1140 # calfiles=`find $outpath -name *_Y_* `141 # if [ "$calfiles" = "" ]142 # then143 # echo " no files found -> continue with next sequence" >> $scriptlog 2>&1144 # printprocesslog "ERROR no calfiles found"145 # fi146 # echo " files to be updated: "$calfiles >> $scriptlog 2>&1147 #148 # merpplogpath=$outpath"/merpplogs"149 # makedir $merpplogpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1150 #151 # printprocesslog "INFO doing merppupdate for sequence $sequence"152 # # updated calibrated data files with the information from the cc and caco files153 # for calfile in ${calfiles[@]}154 # do155 # echo "calfile: "$calfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1156 # # find cc and caco file157 # # if file is missing continue with next sequence158 # date=`date --date \`basename $calfile | cut -d_ -f1\` +%Y/%m/%d`159 # ccpath=$subsystempath/cc/$date160 # cacopath=$subsystempath/caco/$date161 # runno=`echo $calfile | cut -d_ -f2 | sed -e 's/^0//' | sed -e 's/^0//' | sed -e 's/^0//' `162 # ccfile=`find $ccpath -name 20[0-2][0-9][01][0-9][0-3][0-9]_*${runno}_[PDCS]_*_S.rep`163 # source=`echo $ccfile | cut -d_ -f4`164 # cacofile=`find /magic/subsystemdata/caco/$date -name dc_20[0-2][0-9]_[01][0-9]_[0-3][0-9]_*${runno}_${source}.txt`165 # if [ "$ccfile" = "" ]166 # then167 # echo "no ccfile found for run "$runno >> $scriptlog 2>&1168 # printprocesslog "ERROR ccfile $ccfile not found for $calfile"169 # com=$Fnoccfile170 # comadd=$runno171 # check=0172 # break173 # fi174 # if [ "$cacofile" = "" ]175 # then176 # echo "cacofile with no $runno not found" >> $scriptlog 2>&1177 # echo "finding cacofile..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1178 # for (( i = 0; i <= 10; i++ ))179 # do180 # newrun=`echo $runno - $i | bc`181 # cacofile=`find $cacopath -name *$newrun*`182 # if [ "$cacofile" = "" ]183 # then184 # if [ $i -eq 9 ]185 # then186 # echo "no cacofile found for runno $newrun in $cacopath" >> $scriptlog 2>&1187 # printprocesslog "ERROR cacofile $cacofile not found for $calfile"188 # com=$Fnocacofile189 # comadd=$runno190 # check=0191 # break 2192 # fi193 # continue194 # else195 # echo "cacofile: "$cacofile >> $scriptlog 2>&1196 # break197 # fi198 # done199 # fi200 # echo "./merpp -u --log=$merpplogpath/merppccupdate$runno.log --html=$merpplogpath/merppccupdate$runno.html --auto-time-stop --runfile=$runno $ccfile $calfile 2>> $scriptlog> /dev/null" >> $scriptlog 2>&1201 # ./merpp -u --log=$merpplogpath/merppccupdate$runno.log --html=$merpplogpath/merppccupdate$runno.html --auto-time-stop --runfile=$runno $ccfile $calfile 2>> $scriptlog> /dev/null202 # check2=$?203 # case $check2 in204 # 0) echo " check2=$check2 -> everything ok, merppccupdate worked -> continue" >> $scriptlog 2>&1205 # printprocesslog "INFO merppupdated $calfile sucessfully with $ccfile"206 # ;;207 # *) echo " check2=$check2 -> ERROR -> merppccupdate failed" >> $scriptlog 2>&1208 # printprocesslog "ERROR merppccupdate with file $ccfile failed for $calfile"209 # com=$Fmerppcc210 # comadd=$runno211 # check=$check2212 # break ;;213 # esac214 # echo "./merpp -u --log=$merpplogpath/merppcacoupdate$runno.log --html=$merpplogpath/merppcacoupdate$runno.html --auto-time $cacofile $calfile 2>> $scriptlog> /dev/null" >> $scriptlog 2>&1215 # ./merpp -u --log=$merpplogpath/merppcacoupdate$runno.log --html=$merpplogpath/merppcacoupdate$runno.html --auto-time $cacofile $calfile 2>> $scriptlog> /dev/null216 # check3=$?217 # case $check3 in218 # 0) echo " check3=$check3 -> everything ok, merppcacoupdate worked -> continue" >> $scriptlog 2>&1219 # printprocesslog "INFO merppupdated $calfile sucessfully with $cacofile"220 # ;;221 # *) echo " check3=$check3 -> ERROR -> merppcacoupdate failed" >> $scriptlog 2>&1222 # printprocesslog "ERROR merppcacoupdate with file $cacofile failed for $calfile"223 # com=$Fmerppcaco224 # comadd=$runno225 # check=$check3226 # break ;;227 # esac228 # done229 # printprocesslog "INFO finished merppupdate successfully for sequence $sequence"230 # ;;231 107 *) echo " check1=$check1 -> ERROR -> step has to be repeated" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 232 108 printprocesslog "ERROR $program failed for mc sequence $sequence (return code $check1)"
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