10 years |
Jens Buss |
merged master to branch
10 years |
dneise |
initial commit of script, which plots some more plots
10 years |
dneise |
used new file name also in plotter
10 years |
dneise |
gave output file, more useful name
10 years |
dneise |
renamed plotting script 1
10 years |
dneise |
adjusted paths to newdaq
10 years |
dneise |
10 years |
dneise |
10 years |
dneise |
10 years |
dneise |
10 years |
dneise |
initial commit
10 years |
dneise |
renamed calculation file
10 years |
dneise |
adding zd, az to output file
10 years |
dneise |
more treatment of special cases
10 years |
dneise |
debugging, special treatment of old aux-files (continue), and progressbar
10 years |
dneise |
renaming config.ini, so it does not conflict with the version of the ...
10 years |
dneise |
some mods, so the stuff can maybe also be executed by somebody else :-|
10 years |
dneise |
an example config file
10 years |
dneise |
intial commit of a script, which tries to find out if a run was ...
10 years |
dneise |
Creating a private branch of /trunk/DataCheck for 27s trigger burst ...
10 years |
Jens Buss |
merged Trunk into Branch
10 years |
ftemme |
Deleting MarsWobble branch after reintegrating into trunk
10 years |
ftemme |
Forgot to commit the mergeinfo
10 years |
ftemme |
Merging trunk into MarsWobble branch
10 years |
chempf |
test branch for robotic operation
10 years |
dneise |
some more steps towards different handler functions
10 years |
dneise |
some more steps towards different handler functions
10 years |
dneise |
wrote something about Hist constructors, and some whitespace changes
10 years |
dneise |
added Handler_Function class
10 years |
dneise |
added notes about CheckUnderflow
10 years |
dneise |
Just a list, who includes what.
10 years |
dneise |
made library
10 years |
dneise |
CheckStates.checkSend has new parameter 'verbose'
10 years |
dbaack |
Fixed bug that creates empty or duplicated events for CSCAT=1 in Corsika
10 years |
dneise |
info about takeRun.js --> library problems
10 years |
dneise |
using new takeRun library
10 years |
dneise |
made library
10 years |
dneise |
not used anymore
10 years |
dneise |
first note about libraries ...
10 years |
dneise |
use new libraries CheckFTU and CheckUnderflow
10 years |
dneise |
turned into library
10 years |
dneise |
turned into library
10 years |
dneise |
turned into library
10 years |
dneise |
adding new library Func.js, was formerly implemented inside ...
10 years |
dneise |
made library and function from script with side-effects. function is ...
10 years |
dneise |
made library and function from script with side-effects. function is ...
10 years |
dneise |
creating a file to track what I've done, in a very verbose manner.
10 years |
dneise |
creating private branch of FACT++/scripts for refactoring
10 years |
dbaack |
Fixed bug with non cleared "PhotonEvent"
10 years |
dbaack |
10 years |
dbaack |
Ceres compatibility for current Corsika
10 years |
ftemme |
Bugfix: wrong spelling of kFALSE, Copy and paste error: forgot to ...
10 years |
ftemme |
Added the MSimSourcePos container to the output files. Removed also ...
10 years |
ftemme |
Restructuring the calculation of the pointing position: The old ...
10 years |
ftemme |
Adding the MSimSourcePos container
10 years |
ftemme |
It is possible that two objects of the same class will be added to ...
10 years |
ftemme |
Creating a new branch to handle wobble modus in the simulation
10 years |
Jens Buss |
added some comments
10 years |
Jens Buss |
added feature GapdTimeJitter to give individual photons/gapds an ...
10 years |
Jens Buss |
added feature GapdTimeJitter to give individual photons/gapds an ...
10 years |
Jens Buss |
added container for GapdTimeJitter
10 years |
Jens Buss |
Creating a private branch for the implementation of a time smearing of ...
10 years |
ghughes |
Added Scaled Width and Length Parameters to output
10 years |
ghughes |
remove MC references so it can be applied to data
10 years |
ghughes |
Added code to reconstruct the energy using MC lookup tables
10 years |
ghughes |
change to include file paths
10 years |
ghughes |
sharedlib MC quickfix
10 years |
ghughes |
start of sharedlib to compare data and Monte Carlo
10 years |
smueller |
MMatrix is listed here again since it is now pre-C++11 compatible
10 years |
smueller |
fields of class MMatrix are now initialized in a method of MMatrix ...
10 years |
smueller |
removing the C++11 features from the trunk introduced in MMatrix. This ...
10 years |
Jens Buss |
Deleting branch MarsResidualTimeSpread after merging it into trunk
10 years |
Jens Buss |
merged Trunk to Branch MarsResidualTimeSpread
10 years |
Jens Buss |
added ResidualTimeSpread
10 years |
Jens Buss |
add parameter fResidualTimeSpread from the parameter list. This ...
10 years |
Jens Buss |
call parameter fResidualTimeSpread from the parameter list. This ...
10 years |
Jens Buss |
added a parameter ResidualTimeSpread to the parameter list. This ...
10 years |
smueller |
Google Test, new executeable run_test. From now on gtest is required ...
10 years |
Jens Buss |
Branch to implement a feature to ceres for smear the photon arrival ...
10 years |
ghughes |
README on how to use these scripts
10 years |
smueller |
Creating an environment to test and bench the mars simulation. This ...
10 years |
dneise |
Remove Mars_MC branch, because it was reintegrated into the trunk long ...
10 years |
smueller |
The fix time offset feature is already merged back into the trunk.
10 years |
smueller |
Trunk was merged into this branch and 'tested' again. Seems to work... ...
10 years |
smueller |
Files produced during the work on ticket #9 which are not longer ...
10 years |
smueller |
Fix tempral offsets are added to the relative arrival time in the ...
10 years |
smueller |
One new text file holding holding the fix temporal pixel offsets taken ...
10 years |
smueller |
Hooking up the new MMatrix Parameter Container in the parameter list. ...
10 years |
smueller |
A new generic floating point matrix container. It can parse data from ...
10 years |
smueller |
A new Csv to double reader. capable of whitespaces and asymetric rows.
10 years |
smueller |
Here the fix time offsets in between our pixels, which have been found ...
10 years |
toscano |
Star macro for MC with new image cleaning
10 years |
toscano |
Callisto macro for MC with the saturation treatement and new calibration
10 years |
toscano |
Ceres configuration file with the new pulse shape from the calibration ...
10 years |
toscano |
ISDC working copy for MC production
10 years |
dneise |
Former vesions violated encapsulation principle, --> using new ...
10 years |
dneise |
new method DrsCalibrateTime::WriteToFits(char*) --> writes the ...
10 years |
dneise |
Merged latest trunk into my drs time fits branch.
10 years |
dneise |
using MSequence to get a path to the time-calib-rawfile.
The reduced ...
10 years |
dneise |
tiny improvement