13 years |
neise |
added class SlowData. This class was formerly known as FactFits in ...
13 years |
neise |
adding deprication warning
13 years |
kraehenb |
Part 2 of the file moving, comments see last commit.
13 years |
kraehenb |
Moved calfits.h to pyfact and the example scripts to examples. P.S. ...
13 years |
neise |
ignore root files
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
kraehenb |
Added passing NROI and NPIX to weave.
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
kraehenb |
Reinserted the unused code parts in CalFitsPerformanceWeave for better ...
13 years |
kraehenb |
New comments [all], cleaned up unused code parts [CalFitsPerformanceWeave].
13 years |
neise |
ready for testing
13 years |
neise |
ready to be tested
13 years |
kraehenb |
Newest performance test script files for the CalFits class, including ...
13 years |
neise |
is writing pulse heights to npz
13 years |
neise |
plots each pixels darkcount pulse height histogram
13 years |
neise |
simple test
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
init of class RawDataFake ... not yet functional
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
further steps
13 years |
kraehenb |
Changed CalFitsTest.py to work with the current version of caltest.h.
13 years |
kraehenb |
Added script CalFitsPerformance.py to test the speed when actually ...
13 years |
kraehenb |
Use arrays with dynamic memory instead of vectors.
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
new class Signal Generator CSV
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
kraehenb |
Pointer version of the CalFits class (faster data access).
13 years |
neise |
exchanged naming of cols, such that it fits to the way TB does it.
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
moved more stuff from tools/ to sandbox/dneise
13 years |
neise |
3rd part of move
13 years |
neise |
2nd part of move
13 years |
neise |
moved some stuff from tools to sandbox/dneise ... was not really a tool
13 years |
weitzel |
python script added to plot the trigger rates of one night
13 years |
neise |
ignores data link
13 years |
neise |
added some comments
13 years |
neise |
nothing special
13 years |
neise |
initial commit
13 years |
neise |
testing version
13 years |
neise |
initial commit
13 years |
neise |
coordinator has now the x,y coordinates as members x and y
13 years |
kraehenb |
Commented the loop over all events in CalFitsTest.py.
13 years |
kraehenb |
Completed the fast implementation to read calibrated data: calfits.h, ...
13 years |
kraehenb |
Test function for the CalFits class.
13 years |
kraehenb |
[In development] Wrapper class for fits.h or pyfits.h
Provides fast ...
13 years |
neise |
quick hack
13 years |
neise |
test von qw
13 years |
neise |
for comparison
13 years |
neise |
using map.txt instead of map_dn.txt ... added a lot of comments
13 years |
neise |
the same as map_dn.txt but contains only those 3 cols I really use
13 years |
neise |
example for root 5.32 on ISDC added
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
DRS amplitude cal optimized. At least I don't see more potential
13 years |
neise |
just a test
13 years |
neise |
optimizing amplitude_calibration: no np.roll() and moved reshaping to ...
13 years |
neise |
new option in RawData.__init__() one can set do_calibration=False. and ...
13 years |
neise |
edited typo
13 years |
neise |
added some examples, and changed the part about the env vars
13 years |
neise |
debugged typo in _test_iter
13 years |
neise |
adjusted _test_iter for dict return value of RawData.next()
13 years |
neise |
initial commit of my sandbox
13 years |
neise |
ZeroXing supports also Xings at different levels, so one can set the ...
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
svn ignore _build folder
13 years |
neise |
deleted _build folder
13 years |
neise |
just some tests for file random walk ... just for me... DN
13 years |
neise |
deleted testfile: pynew.py
13 years |
neise |
new class RawDataFeeder initial commit
13 years |
neise |
supports table columns type 'A'
13 years |
neise |
initial commit of new python wrapper class. usable for reading of slow ...
13 years |
neise |
ignoreing *.d and __pycache__ folder
13 years |
neise |
ignoring _build/html and _build/doctrees
13 years |
neise |
example for the new features of pyfits.h
13 years |
neise |
forgot headline ... debugged
13 years |
neise |
included extractor.py into classes.rst
13 years |
neise |
supports automodule
13 years |
neise |
inserted getters for fits header information
13 years |
neise |
added first unit test of fir_filter module - use py.test to conduct it
13 years |
neise |
debugged filter artifacts in the first few slices, by hand.... ugly ...
13 years |
neise |
added automodule support
13 years |
neise |
added automodule support
13 years |
neise |
added doc strings
13 years |
neise |
added more autoclass statements and one automodule statement
13 years |
neise |
removed doubled classes content and added some examples
13 years |
lusterma |
13 years |
lusterma |
set a data path which would run at the cluster
13 years |
lusterma |
limit iterations for _test_iter
13 years |
lusterma |
better call it fits_h.so
13 years |
lusterma |
for convinience
13 years |
lusterma |
changed fitslib name to pyfits_h.so, which is the default created by ROOT
13 years |
lusterma |
added copies of fits.h == pyfits.h and izstream.h for simplicity
13 years |
lusterma |
worked on doc
13 years |
neise |
example ...