14 years |
tbretz |
Do not send single trigger by default in configuration - needs some ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Allow RESET in Configuring3; do not disable trigger line before ftm ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Added a fix when calling option_description::match for older boost ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Fixed 'Connecting' status when thread is not running and sockdef!=0.
14 years |
tbretz |
Removed a stray #
14 years |
tbretz |
The EVENT structure now gives the RoiTM
14 years |
tbretz |
Removed unintentionally comitted debug output.
14 years |
tbretz |
Added --null option to suppress the output more or less completely.
14 years |
tbretz |
Added some descriptions for program options.
14 years |
tbretz |
Moved some part of the initialization from main to Configure::DoParse
14 years |
tbretz |
Moved Dim:Setup to Main::execute
14 years |
tbretz |
Moved common option setup to Main.h; created Main namespace
14 years |
tbretz |
Added the possibility to setup DIM_HOST_NODE with the --host program ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Do not return the full path in UnLibToolize if it is the local path; ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Fixed header output.
14 years |
tbretz |
Automatically initialize the Converter from the defined FITS format.
14 years |
tbretz |
Added a function to allow the COnverter to be fed with FITS format ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Added support for the light pulser settings; changed most option names.
14 years |
tbretz |
Added new members to GUI_STAT
14 years |
tbretz |
Added new maxEvt support.
14 years |
tbretz |
Exchanged wrong fDenable and fDwrite in Configure
14 years |
tbretz |
Replaced BOARDID in fits header by just id (BOARDID is too long); made ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Another fix to fix the min/max temperatures
14 years |
tbretz |
Added the variables for the light pulser settings in StaticData
14 years |
tbretz |
Fixed once more the temperature compilation for the FADs; removed the ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Unified funtions to open an ofstream into a single function; unified ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Changed GetFileSizeOnDisk to be static so it can be accessed from the ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Optimized event creation.
14 years |
tbretz |
Changed fExpectedRuns to keep target configuration; added NumBoards ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Propagate target configuration to EventBuilderWrapper.
14 years |
tbretz |
Flush the output during startup immediately.
14 years |
tbretz |
Added getter for fNullOUtput and fEnableBacklog
14 years |
tbretz |
Replace a v6 loopback address by a v4 loopback address; we do not ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Added operator!= to Header
14 years |
tbretz |
Moved output to Setup function; changed output contents; return ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Added kCmdConfigFTU as a stub.
14 years |
tbretz |
Write now takes a const reference
14 years |
tbretz |
Fixed format of fDimStatistics1.
14 years |
tbretz |
folgende bug-fixes sind drin:
- gotNewRun sollte jetzt immer ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Request static data instead of just the register.
14 years |
tbretz |
Added new command to configure a single FTU and use this in ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Fixed includes for g++ 4.5.2
14 years |
tbretz |
Explicit conversion of function to bool needed for newer g++
14 years |
tbretz |
Removed some arguments to suppress compiler warnings.
14 years |
tbretz |
Updated to latest version of event builder.
14 years |
tbretz |
improvements to pulse simulation - needs optimization.
14 years |
tbretz |
send STOP_RUN instead of STOP to FTM.
14 years |
lyard |
fixed a bug related to bad services formatting
14 years |
tbretz |
Propagate the maximum number of events and the maximum run-type ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Propagate the maximum number of events and the maximum run-type ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Optimized ToFits according to the result of the optimization of the ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a minor compiler issue from last commit.
14 years |
tbretz |
Added some code to stop the ftm and the fads.
14 years |
tbretz |
Receive the trigger id from the ftm; added gauss pulses in case the ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Send the trigger id with the trigger.
14 years |
tbretz |
Added a specialized template of SendCommand, suitable to send a string
14 years |
tbretz |
Added a registry for wildcarded options to detect unaccessed options; ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a problem with stoi when the string was empty.
14 years |
tbretz |
Replaced boost::thread by std::thread and boost::bind by std::bind ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Removed obsolete include.
14 years |
tbretz |
Replaces ato/atof by stoi/stof; replaced boost::lexical_cast by to_string
14 years |
tbretz |
Removed some obsolete include.
14 years |
tbretz |
Make use of Main.h
14 years |
tbretz |
Removed some obsolete includes.
14 years |
tbretz |
Removed some obsolete includes; made it compile again.
14 years |
tbretz |
Removed some obsolete includes.
14 years |
tbretz |
Replaced boost::thread by std::thread.
14 years |
tbretz |
Replaced boost::array by std::array
14 years |
tbretz |
Improved output.
14 years |
tbretz |
Fixed EnableAllPixels
14 years |
tbretz |
Only plot the created commands in debig mode.
14 years |
tbretz |
Replaced value by INT32_MAX; replaced StartPix with StartCell
14 years |
tbretz |
Improved random data.
14 years |
tbretz |
Fixed the expected size in the SetClockFrequency tab.
14 years |
lyard |
added backlog of events and log without dim
14 years |
tbretz |
Removed the debug values for maxevt and maxtime; removed two obsolete ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Updated access to run-number and store it into fExpectedRuns instead ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Updated access to run-number.
14 years |
tbretz |
Latest updates.
14 years |
tbretz |
Write a proper FITS header; removed obsolete fMjdRef data member
14 years |
tbretz |
Added some comment.
14 years |
tbretz |
Added Iso() member function.
14 years |
tbretz |
To be able to properly remobe the .libs also check the current path if ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Don't use just a single buffer for writing, it might become ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Fall back from configured to connected as soon as the corresponding ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Added Prescaler stuff and goNewRun feature.
14 years |
tbretz |
Replaced the include of MessageDim with MessageImp
14 years |
tbretz |
Removed an obsolete comment block.
14 years |
tbretz |
Removed an obsolete bool.
14 years |
tbretz |
Added some const qualifiers.
14 years |
lyard |
Open the log file right away if path given in configuration
14 years |
lyard |
various improvements of the datalogger
14 years |
tbretz |
Added fact++.rc global configuration file.
14 years |
tbretz |
Use Vec instead of Get and make sure 'console' is not accessed if not ...
14 years |
tbretz |
Changed the default qos from kInfo to kMessage
14 years |
tbretz |
Do not output = if avlue is empty
14 years |
tbretz |
Do not output = if value is empty
14 years |
tbretz |
Added microseconds to time output.
14 years |
tbretz |
Added microseconds to time output.
14 years |
tbretz |
Made write public to be accessed from Main.h