23 years |
blanch |
Modifications done to use MGeomCam from MARS.
23 years |
blanch |
There was one pixel with two wrong Neighbours. It has been corrected. ...
23 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
23 years |
bigongia |
*** empty log message ***
23 years |
bigongia |
*** empty log message ***
23 years |
bigongia |
*** empty log message ***
23 years |
blanch |
New input command to switch on the rotation of the StarField
23 years |
blanch |
Modifications done for the camera.cxx version, where a first ...
23 years |
blanch |
A first implementation of the Star field rotation has been done.
23 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
23 years |
blanch |
A time based seed has been introduced. Therefore the simulation of the ...
23 years |
blanch |
A library has been introduced to solve problems in some OS.
23 years |
blanch |
Some unused varibles have been removed.
23 years |
blanch |
Change in the DEBUG definition to avoid some WARNINGS.
23 years |
blanch |
Changes in the DEBUG definition to avoid some Warnings.
23 years |
blanch |
File with the configuration for alpha machine.
23 years |
blanch |
Small change in the Makefile to solve problem in alpha. A command cd ...
23 years |
blanch |
Small modificatin to set the electronic Noise in the MMcTrigHeader class.
23 years |
blanch |
The data member fProductionSite of the MMcRunHeader has been set to 0, ...
23 years |
blanch |
Update Format Version, which is stored in the MMcRunHeader.
23 years |
blanch |
Library time.h has been added.
23 years |
blanch |
Some new member functions have been introduced to fill the new member ...
23 years |
blanch |
Header file for creadparam.cxx v 1.16
23 years |
blanch |
Several modification needed to simulate the actual trigger zone.
23 years |
blanch |
Several modifications to simulate the actual trigger zone.
23 years |
blanch |
Header file for MTrigger.cxx v 1.16.
23 years |
blanch |
It has been changed to take into account the larger trigger zone.
23 years |
blanch |
It has been extended to the whole inner zone.
23 years |
blanch |
Some changes to fill correctly the new format of MMcRunHeader.
23 years |
blanch |
New nowrite_RawEvt and rename write_all_images to write_all_events.
23 years |
blanch |
Small and not important changes.
23 years |
blanch |
Header file for creadparam.cxx 1.15
23 years |
blanch |
An item, which allows to switch off the storage of the RawEvt, has ...
23 years |
blanch |
From now on, if the multiplicity is to small to chek close-compact ...
23 years |
blanch |
Header file for creadparam.cxx 1.14.
23 years |
blanch |
Small changes have been done to introduce thes step variable for the ...
23 years |
blanch |
A small back has been solved. Before, while not using the option ...
23 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
23 years |
blanch |
A default value for the parameter of ElecNoise has been introduced.
23 years |
blanch |
ElecNoise routine has been change, now the noise is added to all the ...
23 years |
blanch |
ElecNoise routine has been change, now the noise is added to all the ...
23 years |
blanch |
The camera version has been changed to 0.5.
23 years |
blanch |
Header file for creadparam.cxx 1.13.
23 years |
blanch |
Three new commands have been added: fadc_noise, trig_noise and ...
23 years |
blanch |
The option of adding noise to all pixels or to not adding the noise ...
23 years |
blanch |
The commands fadc_noise, trig_noise and elec_noise_off have been ...
23 years |
blanch |
Several changes have been done to compile the files in the Format ...
23 years |
blanch |
General configuration file for Makefiles in the Format directories.
It ...
23 years |
blanch |
Configuration file for Makefiles in the Format directories.
It has ...
23 years |
blanch |
Files with rules for Makefile. It is used by Makefiles in Format ...
23 years |
blanch |
Fixing bug which was treating wrongly the extension of star photons.
23 years |
blanch |
Now the fadc signal from NSB is stored after substracting the baseline ...
23 years |
blanch |
Sveral changes have been done:
- bpoint_in_in_pixel has been dodified ...
23 years |
blanch |
New items in the input card.
23 years |
blanch |
Config file with the system termination for the Standard Magic machine.
23 years |
blanch |
More information in the explanation of oner ERRRO message.
23 years |
blanch |
Some values have been changed to have the same default values than in ...
23 years |
blanch |
MMcRunHeader has been added and MPedestals and MWeather have been removed.
23 years |
blanch |
Header file for creadparam.cxx version 1.12
23 years |
blanch |
New input items int the input card parameter list have been included ...
23 years |
blanch |
Header file for MFadc.cxx 1.10
23 years |
blanch |
Several changes to speed up the camera program have been done and some ...
23 years |
blanch |
Some Get function members had to be added to get information that is ...
23 years |
blanch |
It has been modified to compile MMcRunHeader.
23 years |
blanch |
Removing several warnings.
23 years |
blanch |
Change to avoid Lagrange function going out of array range.
23 years |
blanch |
The variable SYSTEM was set to linux and it has been changed to osf1.
23 years |
blanch |
The operation system was set as linux and have been change to osf1.
23 years |
blanch |
I was just checking if the repository works.
24 years |
blanch |
The kibrary stdlib has been included to use 'atof'
24 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
blanch |
While setting the Fwhm, the single phe response is updated. This bug ...
24 years |
blanch |
The definition of the memeber function SetFwhm has changed and has ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Minnor changes
24 years |
blanch |
Different threshold for each pixel can be used.
24 years |
blanch |
Header file for creadparam.cxx vrsion 1.10
24 years |
blanch |
A new command, which allows to set individual trigger threshod for ...
24 years |
bigongia |
Camera outer radius set equal to 100cm instead of 1000cm !!! C.Bigongiari
24 years |
bigongia |
Some debugging printout added. They are activated using option ...
24 years |
bigongia |
Some debugging printout added. They are activated using option ...
24 years |
bigongia |
Modified by D.Bastieri to get full compatibility between Unix and Linux:
24 years |
magicsol |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
domingo |
MaxiSingle project. README added
24 years |
domingo |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
domingo |
changes for MaxiSingle
24 years |
domingo |
Some more functionality added to the class (get_number for getting the ...
24 years |
domingo |
New classes needed for MaxiSingle
24 years |
domingo |
Version 1 of the MaxiSingle sources
24 years |
magicsol |
A new parameter has been ontroduced to call FindLagrange to avoid ...
24 years |
blanch |
It has been adapted to the new reflector format.
24 years |
magicsol |
Small modfication in FindLagrange to avoid acces to no allocated memory.
24 years |
blanch |
New numbering for branches from different trigger conditions has been ...
24 years |
domingo |
Version of GuiSimone for a "single file per run" output of Mmcs.
The ...
24 years |
domingo |
Small change: two "#" put on their place
24 years |
blanch |
Small modifications to be able to compile under Linux.
24 years |
blanch |
Directory name for reflector program has changed from Reflector to ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Camera VAERSION has changed from 0.3 to 0.4.
24 years |
magicsol |
Change from camera VERSION 0.3 to camera VERSION 0.4.
24 years |
harald |
Change neccessary due to the new Reflector code of Ciro and Denis.
24 years |
magicsol |
The routine to get the size of the class has been changed.