21 years |
blanch |
Independent reference time for each telescope.
21 years |
blanch |
Bug fixed in MFadc::Pedestal() and in print out.
21 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
blanch |
We add a function member to set seed of rundom numbers.
21 years |
blanch |
New constructot added to decouple the StarResponse from MARS.
21 years |
blanch |
New constructor needed to decouple StarResponse from MARS.
21 years |
blanch |
Now it writes in the screen its cahracteristiques while the ...
21 years |
blanch |
The compilation option -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions has been removed.
21 years |
blanch |
A define VERSIONSR has been introduced, now it is 1000.0
21 years |
blanch |
A check of the StarResponse version has been introduced.
If the one ...
21 years |
blanch |
Header file for creadparam.cxx version 1.25
21 years |
blanch |
The write_all_data input card command has been removed.
21 years |
blanch |
- The screen output information has been improved to prevent some ...
21 years |
blanch |
A factor 2.35 to transform the fwhm into the sigma of gaussian was ...
21 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
blanch |
The gain ratio between the high and low FADC gain is controlled from ...
21 years |
blanch |
Factor used for the NSB scaling for several qe files is defined.
21 years |
blanch |
Now the camera program will stop if a undefined Geometry is required. ...
21 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
blanch |
Added __STARRESPO__ definition to avoid compile with MARS
21 years |
blanch |
Removed warning about no main type.
21 years |
blanch |
A define variable has been introduced to compile StarResponse ans ...
22 years |
blanch |
Modification to be able to read MGeomCam branch for any Geometry.
22 years |
blanch |
Bug on the number of phe from diffuse NSB fixed.
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
ana_pixels command has been removed.
22 years |
blanch |
Header file for creadparam.cxx 1.22
22 years |
blanch |
We do not read ct_file anymore.
22 years |
blanch |
WE do not read ct_file anymore since all Telescope information is
in ...
22 years |
blanch |
Removal of unused variables
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
Member function to get view_cone.
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
The number of pixels in the trigger region is a new variable member.
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
CAMERA_PIXELS changed to member variable numpix.
Less noise slices to ...
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
Hedaer file for creadparam.cxx 1.21
22 years |
blanch |
Some modifications in the input card has been done for the ...
22 years |
blanch |
Header file for camera 1.58
Number of CT is passed in some ...
22 years |
blanch |
The concept of the camera prgoram has not changed but this version has ...
22 years |
blanch |
Version updated to 0.7
22 years |
blanch |
Header for MTrigger.cxx 1.17
22 years |
blanch |
Fater ElecNoise simulation
22 years |
blanch |
Header file for MFadc.cxx 1.12
22 years |
blanch |
Low gain implemented
Faster noise simulation
Different signal for ...
22 years |
blanch |
Header file for creadparam.cxx 1.20
22 years |
blanch |
Some new parameters to be read have been introduced
- FADC pedestals ...
22 years |
blanch |
Header file for camera 1.57
22 years |
blanch |
Several new features introduced as well as fixed bugs
- 1/100 events ...
22 years |
blanch |
Some new commands have been added (qe_file, fadc_outer, nsb_dir_outer) ...
22 years |
blanch |
Remove .o in other subdirectories while doing mrproper.
22 years |
blanch |
A couple of bugs fixed.
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
It fills the MMcCorsikaRun.
22 years |
blanch |
Variable members with inforamtion about elec, muon and other fraction ...
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
It fixes some bugs while reading skycatalogue.
22 years |
blanch |
MRawRunHeader::fNumEvents has been filled with the number of events in ...
22 years |
blanch |
Labels have adapted to Camera version 0.6
22 years |
blanch |
Option to set a dc value to rise the discriminator threshold has been ...
22 years |
blanch |
Header file for camera.cxx version 1.50.
22 years |
blanch |
Star Field Rotation has been implemented by Raul Orduna. Now there is ...
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
bigongia |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
bigongia |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
bigongia |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
bigongia |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
bigongia |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
bigongia |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
bigongia |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
bigongia |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
bigongia |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
bigongia |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
bigongia |
*** empty log message ***