5 years |
tbretz |
Make a public access to MCorsikaRead::CalcNumEvents possible. This ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Do not write MMc* when writing MC calibration files.
5 years |
tbretz |
Improved naming convention.
5 years |
tbretz |
Only check number of input files if input files are t be expected.
5 years |
tbretz |
Propagate name of camera geometry to the header
5 years |
tbretz |
Better titles and labels. This is logically easier to understand as ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Correct for the difference between teh pulse Xmin and X=0 so that 0 is ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Added Width and Length to adjustable binnings, return an error in case ...
6 years |
tbretz |
MReflector has been replaces by a common base class MOptics.
6 years |
tbretz |
Adapted regexp to remove '-telXXX' from filename.
6 years |
tbretz |
Two minor fixed to displayed text in plots
6 years |
tbretz |
The new algorithm implemented to work with newer root version to open ...
6 years |
tbretz |
Replaced \circ by #circ because the old one looks weird.
7 years |
tbretz |
Improved compiler warnings.
9 years |
tbretz |
The additional acceptance should be excuted no matter of the setup of ...
9 years |
ftemme |
Restructured the whole MJSimulation::Process method and added a lot of ...
10 years |
Jens Buss |
Reintegrated private branch for the simulation of a gapd time jitter ...
10 years |
ftemme |
Reintegrating MarsWobble branch into trunk
10 years |
ftemme |
Added an additional photon acceptance to the simulation.
10 years |
Jens Buss |
Reintegrating branch for feature ResidualTimeSpread into Branch
10 years |
smueller |
New feature: Fix temporal offsets in between the pixels can be ...
11 years |
tbretz |
Added the possibility to combine all output files into a single output ...
11 years |
tbretz |
Removed MmcEvtBasic from the output. This information is contained ...
11 years |
tbretz |
I made a mess reverting the last change... so this should correspond ...
11 years |
tbretz |
Reverting to last revision.
11 years |
tbretz |
We do not write MMcEvtBasic to the Events tree but the whole MMcEvt ...
11 years |
tbretz |
Unified the two SetupCommonFileStructure.
11 years |
ftemme |
Added the creation of a MTruePhotonsPerPixelCont in MSimCamera and the ...
11 years |
aparavac |
Added compatibilty for gcc 4.7 and c11 std
11 years |
Jens Buss |
added condition: writing MMcEvtBasic container to fits only for data ...
12 years |
ftemme |
Merging changes from the MC branch in the trunk
12 years |
lyard |
added fits files header key support
12 years |
ftemme |
now only the WriteCamData file, not the WriteCamMC file gets a .fits suffix
12 years |
tbretz |
Only change extension to fits when writing fits files requested.
12 years |
tbretz |
fits files had the wrong extension.
12 years |
tbretz |
Added the possibility to switch between fits and root files.
12 years |
lyard |
Added fits output for MC data
14 years |
tbretz |
Some small fixes in MJSimulation
14 years |
tbretz |
A few minor fixes to MJSimulation
14 years |
tbretz |
Correctly propagated run-number into filename in MJSimulation
15 years |
tbretz |
copied from trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mjobs/MJSimulation.cc
15 years |
tbretz |
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