Opened 10 years ago

#25 new defect

Main.js throws exception during 'emergency' shutdown due to "sunrise detected"

Reported by: dneise Owned by: somebody
Priority: major Milestone: milestone:
Component: component1 Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Link to logbook:

It tries to initiate an emergency shutdown, because it detected the sunrise 200ms after the regualr shutdown task was already successfully finished. While this by itself would not be a problem, the script throws an exception due to a timeout when waiting for the FEEDBACK program to reach the Calibrated state, which is not possible anymore, since the BIASCTRL is already disconnected and therefor FEEDBACK will stay in Connecting, until the BIASCTRL received the RECONNECT and FEEDBACK. recieves either the CALIBRATE or LOAD_CALIBRATION commands. So the Main.js gracefully dies while trying to perform an shutdown due to "sunrise detected". This is maybe the one and only thing that should never ever happen!

Here is the output regarding this issue

 #> 07:04:04.334314 - Starting shutdown.
 #> 07:04:04.334508 - Stoping feedback.
 #> 07:04:04.588081 - Switching voltage to Uov=0V.
 #> 07:04:07.838667 - Closing lid.
 #> 07:04:29.239477 - Lid closed [21.4s]

Waiting for telescope to park. This may take a while.
 #> 07:04:54.669194 - Taking single-pe run.
 #> 07:04:54.669470 - Stoping feedback.
 #> 07:04:54.769531 - Switching voltage to Uov=1.1V.
 #> 07:04:57.910011 - Waiting for voltage to be stable.
  DeltaUov=-0.002 (NaN) [N(>0.033V)=6]
  DeltaUov=-0.002 (0.000) [N(>0.033V)=6]
  DeltaUov=-0.002 (-0.001) [N(>0.033V)=3]
  DeltaUov=-0.002 (0.000) [N(>0.033V)=3]
  DeltaUov=-0.001 (0.001) [N(>0.033V)=4]
  DeltaUov=-0.001 (-0.000) [N(>0.033V)=5]
  DeltaUov=-0.001 (0.000) [N(>0.033V)=1]
 #> 07:05:00.732035 - Voltage stable within limits
 #> 07:05:00.732211 - Taking single p.e. run.
 #> 07:05:00.732471 - Take run 258: N=10000 T=-1s [single-pe]
 #> 07:07:13.194675 - Switching voltage off.
 #> 07:07:35.306508 - Voltage off.
 #> 07:07:35.306700 - Finishing shutdown.

Shutdown procedure seems to be finished...
  Thu, 29 Jan 2015 07:07:35 GMT
  Telescope at Zd=101.0deg Az=0.0deg
  Please check on the web cam that the park position was reached
  and the telescope is not moving anymore.
  Please check visually that the lid is really closed and
  that the biasctrl really switched the voltage off.

    FEEDBACK:      Calibrated
    FTM_CONTROL:   Valid
    BIAS_CONTROL:  Disconnected

 #> 07:07:35.524009 - Shutdown: end [24.905s, 186.067s, 0.217s]

 #> 07:07:35.524262 - Task finished [SHUTDOWN]

 #> 07:07:35.723575 - Sun rise detected.... automatic shutdown initiated!
 #> 07:07:35.724864 - Starting shutdown.

Waiting for telescope to park. This may take a while.
  Voltage off: bias crate disconnected!
 #> 07:07:35.916434 - Finishing shutdown.
 E> 07:07:39.092999 - | scripts/Main.js: l.460: Error: Waiting for state "Calibrated" of server FEEDBACK timed out. [main]
 E> 07:07:39.093366 - |     dim.wait("FEEDBACK",     "Calibrated",   3000);
 E> 07:07:39.093611 - |         ^
 E> 07:07:39.096152 - |
 E> 07:07:39.096339 - | Error: Waiting for state "Calibrated" of server FEEDBACK timed out.
 E> 07:07:39.096534 - |     at internal:1:254
 E> 07:07:39.096732 - |     at internal:1:343
 E> 07:07:39.096874 - |     at Shutdown (scripts/Main.js:460:9)
 E> 07:07:39.097050 - |     at scripts/Main.js:828:9
 E> 07:07:39.097235 - |     at main:1:1
 -> 07:07:39.110471 - State Transition from Running[3] to Idle[0] (0:scripts/Main.js[fact:4282])

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